My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 565 Gullit's Death

"Chase, don't let them run away!"

"Hehe, those aliens didn't expect to have today!"

"Thanks to Lord Gullit, otherwise we would have the advantage in numbers. I'm afraid, it's not really possible to destroy this alien stronghold."

"Master Gullit is too strong. With just one blow, that alien elder can be blasted to ashes. When will I have such strength, no, as long as I have one-fifth of the strength of Master Gullit, I will be satisfied. "

In the vast Pacific Ocean, the waters are surging.

Dao Dao figures shuttled like a streamer.

One side fled in embarrassment, and they were three extraordinary aliens.

On the other hand, there are the superhuman beings who are chasing... In addition to the superhuman who wiped out the rest of the low-level alien race, there are still more than two dozen people who are superhuman chasing, and many people are very happy.

Humans are weak, and many of them are hunted down by aliens.

Being able to break through to the extraordinary, they also have some unique features, but compared with the major forces, after all, they are only extraordinary people of the Fourth Epoch, and many of them have only broken through after recovering from a deep sleep.

In terms of combat power, one-on-one, few of them are extraordinary opponents of different races.

In the battle just now, they were all two or three teamed up against the enemy. Even so, they were only evenly matched with the transcendent aliens, and there was even a powerful alien elder who had the upper hand with one against five.

In the end, it was Lord Gullit who started to kill the alien powerhouse with the momentum of thunder.

That kind of power, thinking about it now, is awe-inspiring.

A group of human races are chasing after each other, chatting and laughing with each other. It has never been so easy. Compared with the previous state where they hid themselves and even the cultivation resources were scarce, joining the Saier Dynasty was indeed not bad.

Especially with the wise leadership of Lord Gullit...

Fully qualified to be the first holy land to lead mankind.

As for shade?

Human beings are not aware of Luyin's strength, but in their opinion, Luyin's outstanding record is largely based on the secret treasures they obtained from the Holy City.

It's not Luyin's true strength - Master Gulit is the first person to break through to Tier 2, and he didn't see Luyin's rebuttal.

Most importantly, the controllers and high-level executives of the green shade are all humans of the fifth era.

their descendants!

The Quaternary Extraordinary, who has lived for hundreds of years, is willing to join Gullit's command, but he is unwilling to be led by a group of "young" descendants.

There is nothing wrong with choosing Searle Dynasty!

Most of the extraordinary human beings have extraordinary friends, and some people are already thinking that from time to time they should persuade a certain friend to join the command of Lord Gullit.

In the future, I will break through to the second level of transcendence and reach the pinnacle of my life. Thinking about it, I will be excited.

The streamer swept across the sea, and shock waves fell from time to time, blasting a hundred-meter-high water column. Countless sea beasts were killed and injured, their bodies floated up, and blood infected the sea.

The chase has lasted more than half an hour.

Under the repeated offensives of the human powerhouses, the three aliens are senior and extraordinary, very uncomfortable, covered in injuries, and their breath has declined a lot.

But after all, it is extraordinary, and he did not suffer fatal injuries, and his escape speed did not slow down much.

Gullit fell behind the team and followed leisurely.

He didn't make a move at first.

Originally it was an extraordinary opportunity to run in with his subordinates.

As in the previous battle, when several human superhumans fell into decline, he shot and killed the enemy, so that the huge gap between the supernatural first-order and the second-order could be reflected.

Play his Gullit prestige!

"It's almost time."

Gullit could see that the three transcendent aliens would die sooner or later, but it might take another hour or two to pursue them, and he didn't want to waste so much time.

With the combat power revealed today, presumably, these twenty or so newly joined Transcendent will not disobey his orders in the future.

With this as a team, it is easy to push the Purcell Dynasty to the throne of the first holy land.


Gu Li has a unique ambition to unify all the extraordinary human beings on the Origin Star and establish a human race alliance. Only in this way can the human side's decline be reversed, and even the alien races will be driven out of the Origin Star!

'In the past, there was a chance to build a human alliance and ascend to the throne of the leader, but they didn't cherish it. Now, there is no chance for the green shade. It's the era of my Searle Dynasty! ’

Gullit narrowed his eyes.

In the distance, three fleeing figures fell into his eyes.

Panic, embarrassed.

The corner of his mouth smiled slowly.

On his forehead, an illusory eye suddenly opened.


The three aliens who fled in embarrassment were extremely extraordinary, their bodies froze at this moment, and the surrounding space became extremely sticky, which firmly imprisoned them.

Gullit suddenly stepped forward, and in an instant, he came to the side of the three transcendent aliens, and shot it with a palm.


An alien extraordinary body exploded, and countless pieces of flesh flew across.

Gullit turned around, turned his palm into a grasp, and slammed into the void.


The second alien was extraordinary, like being squeezed by an invisible big hand, the blood splattered, and soon there was no breath.

The humans who caught up were extraordinary and amazed.

There were about twenty of them, but after chasing them for more than half an hour, they couldn't take them down. Now, Lord Gullit killed two alien superhumans with one palm and one grab.

As expected of a second-order existence...

No, I heard that Mr. Gullit broke through the five cores, I am afraid that in the second rank, he is also a strong one!

It's really arrogant!

The last alien is extraordinary, struggling, but unable to shake the space, only deep horror can be seen from his scarlet eyes.


Gullit slowly stretched out his fist.


He fled back.

In the next instant, a red light shot from where he was standing, and with a click, the space frozen by his talent spell shattered.

The alien extraordinary quickly turned into a streamer and flew away, without fleeing, but standing in the distance, with a dozen figures.

There are more than a dozen figures, all of them are aliens of different shapes, and their aura is even more tyrannical, all of them are senior and extraordinary.

At the head, it is an alien superhuman with gray-brown skin and a long needle-shaped tail.

Gullit's pupils shrank suddenly, and he recognized the figure.

Be the leader of the alien race!

Devil clan!

a few months ago,

There is such a devil race extraordinary, powerful and unstoppable.

In the end, he died under the calculations of the shade city owner.

Gu Lit's face was solemn, but he was not afraid.

If he can kill a Demon Race Extraordinary, then he will have more confidence in the establishment of the Human Race Alliance.

Four eyes facing each other,

Murder spreads.


The third eye on Gullit's forehead opened again.


The mighty force of space imprisoned everything, but it was broken open in less than one ten thousandth of a second.

Gullit was horrified, and saw the extraordinary appearance of the Devil Race in front of him, with a sharp tail stabbing at him.



The flames exploded, and the human race extraordinary and the alien extraordinary have already fought.

At this moment, Gullit and Moke banged at each other more than a dozen times.

Gullit is completely at a disadvantage.


Countless source particles converged, revealing Gullit's pale face. He stared at his surroundings in horror. The huge illusory eye on his forehead did not dare to close it, for fear that he would not have a chance to open it again.

Mo Ke, the messenger of the devil race, his figure was as fast as electric light, and Gullit was cut off with his hands, feet, and chest with a little carelessness.

He could not imprison a strong enemy, let alone lock Mo Ke's position.


Gullit flew out and relied on "elementalization" to save his life again. He didn't care about other human beings being extraordinary, and rushed straight towards the sea, trying to use the power of the sea to escape from the hands of the terrifying devil messenger.


The sea rolled, and the waterspouts rolled up, locking him like a cage.

Mo Ke's ghostly figure shattered his body again and again, and relied on "elementalization" to condense again and again.

When Gullit's elements condensed again, Mo Ke's sharp tail struck again. This time, instead of passing like a sharp weapon, the needle-shaped tail bulged suddenly, like a huge barrel, covering and swallowing Gullit.

From a distance, Mo Ke's originally slender and long tail has been bulged into a ball at the end, locking Gullit firmly, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't escape.

Gullit's tyrannical extraordinary second-order aura also quickly slipped over time.

The swaying tail gradually subsided.

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