My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 574 The Tang lord who finally broke through to the second rank

The time has come to noon, the sun is shining.

The major forces count the green shade, and at this time, there are more than 200 extraordinary figures on the floating island. If you add the Aino capital in the world fruit, the number of extraordinary human beings will exceed 400.


Tang Yu didn't call the supernatural and other world affairs of Ainuo continent, he didn't want to expose it so early... No matter how many ordinary supernatural things are, it is not a decisive force after all.

All transcendents are on standby, some are solemn and some are nervous.

The pre-war work has been prepared, but no one knows when the aliens will launch the offensive, and whether the next target will be the green shade?

The people of the Holy Land forces are worried about their hometown, so they specially let their elites go out for refuge.

On this day of greenery, some survivors took the source train or airship to leave.

but not many,

From the end of the world to the present, from a small shelter to the current floating island city, Luyin has experienced many disasters. Every time, the enemy was kept outside the city wall, even if the enemy seemed to be desperate, again and again, under the leadership of City Lord Tang, he turned the tide.

Kill the fifth-level magic tide,

Thunder destroys disaster-level demonized beasts,

besieged the aliens who came,

With a wave of his hand, countless extraordinary deaths were made.

People living in Green Shadow City, from the leaders of large-scale adventure groups to ordinary survivors, are very confident in Green Shadow, even if this time, I heard that it was an alien race that destroyed a Holy Land, and they are not afraid.

City Lord Tang is so awesome, are we still afraid of a chicken? !

Some adventure group leaders even said that they will not be tasked today, and they will live and die together with Shady City!

After Tang Yu learned about this, he was a little moved.

But he didn't have full confidence, these people, on the contrary, were full of confidence, which made him laugh and cry.

He ignored it and just instructed Chen Haiping and the members of the garrison to maintain order.

As for himself, he came to the "Pure Origin Pool".

Nancy is deepening her grasp of the field, and Elaine is also familiar with the holy artifact she just got... The rest, either adjust their status or do the final upgrade.

Tang Yu is no exception.

In the eyes of countless power leaders, he is the strongest person in the shade, an absolute second-order existence, but he himself knows that the strongest person in farts can't even rank in the top five.

The top ten is barely there.

He is just a little cute newcomer who has just condensed the ninth Origin Power Core!

That's right,

The reason why Fanny and a few others came from behind and took the lead in breaking through to become the second-order, the reason is more complicated.

On the one hand, when he was condensing the ninth source core, he failed once and had to delay the breakthrough time. On the other hand, he wanted to take the "third way" of the extraordinary second-order.

Walk the body, you can be reborn from a drop of blood.

Take the energy together, it can be elementalized.

And the last way, the spirit is immortal.

There are three paths, rebirth from a drop of blood is the most common. Tang Yu's occupation is "Magic Swordsman". If he breaks through normally, there is a 90% probability that he will take the physical one, and there is a very small probability that he will take the energy one - after all" "Magic Swordsman" can be regarded as a melee master.

However, it is almost impossible to walk with the spirit.

Among the many followers, only the bamboo rat chestnut can obtain the "immortal spirit" feature after breaking through.


There is no pros and cons, just different emphasis.

Those who are reborn from a drop of blood have the thickest life, and at the end they will form a golden body, which is extremely powerful.

And elementalization, life-saving and combat strength blessings are all taken into account.

The indestructible spirit is the weakest of the three paths. After all, there is no blood rebirth and elementalization, and the fatal weakness of the human body still exists. If you are killed, you will die.

Tang Yu was very clear about his position.

He is a lord, and he does fight occasionally, but does he have to fight the enemy for life and death?

Or even the life-saving ability of "rebirth from a drop of blood" is forced out, isn't his big green shade a pill?

Whether it is "rebirth from a drop of blood" or "elementalization", it means little to him.

And if he has the "spiritual immortality" feature, as long as he divides a part of his spiritual power and makes it into a prop similar to a phylactery, he can place it in the territory, and when he goes outside, he can wave at will, no matter how he wants to wave, even if he dies. Reborn in the territory.


This is in line with his position as a great lord.

Tang Yu began to activate the Origin Qi in the "Pure Origin Power Pool", the source energy in his body rolled over, and the energy rose steadily. When he reached the critical value, he teleported and appeared in the "Breakthrough Field".


The wind and clouds are surging.

A mysterious and strange power descends.

Tang Yu was a little nervous. It wasn't because he was worried that the breakthrough would fail. After watching several breakthroughs, his foundation was very solid, and the breakthrough was probably no problem.

He was nervous because he didn't know whether he would be able to obtain the "immortal spirit" feature after the breakthrough.

These days,

Whether it is looking for spiritual attack spells from various ways (this kind of spells are very rare), or nibbling on heaven and earth treasures to improve mental power, we have done what we need to do, and we have also learned from many holy city literature, about Breakthrough experience and conjecture.

One of the conjectures of "the influence of self-will on the road to breakthrough" is very much in line with Tang Yu's taste.

The "catastrophe" of breakthrough is about to come, and Tang Yu has been talking about the immortality of spirit in his heart.



It was dark.

The next moment, as if in a bizarre world, vicissitudes of life, changing scenery, birth, old age, sickness and death, fleeting years...

I don't know how long it took, it could be a second, it could be a hundred years, a thousand years.

Tang Yu finally opened his eyes, and in his pupils, the color of vicissitudes flashed.

"Almost... fell into an illusory world."

Looking down, the clothes are still intact.

In the body, every cell is metamorphosing, and the source ocean is expanding tenfold and one hundredfold.

The core of the source power has been integrated, dissipated and disappeared, and turned into an invisible "source".

The breath climbed even more rapidly, and the substantive momentum rose into the sky, and under the barrier of the "Breakthrough Field", he was bound to a small area in the back mountain.

for a while,

Tang Yu clenched his fists, feeling that compared to himself before, now he can hit ten... no, he can hit twenty!


Usually it is either gouging or hanging up, and the increase in combat power seems to be useless.

He has nothing to be dissatisfied with, the secret method of cutting the spirit has been obtained in the holy city before.

Anyone can cut spiritual power, but only with the "spirit immortality" feature will they not become a fool after cutting.

Close your eyes and turn your spirit into a knife...

Cut it out!


Inexplicably Tang Yu felt a chill.

Looking at it again, the spirit has been divided into two parts, one of which was sealed in a small box by his secret method and placed in the safest place in the castle.

He also wanted to continue cutting, and wanted to entrust his spirit in other bodies to form an incarnation, just like the strong heart demons he met in the old capital.


When he was about to swing the knife, he instinctively felt that another knife might cause indelible trauma to his spirit.

as a last resort,

Can only hold back angrily.

It has just broken through to the second rank, and the "spiritual immortality" feature is still too weak.


Tang Yu frowned.

Luo Zhe just sent him the latest news. On a large island across the strait, a certain shelter was destroyed without warning just now.

Only a piece of scorched earth remains.

Alien, here we come!

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