My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 579 Yo, what a coincidence

There was chaos around the greenery.

The roar resounded, the dazzling energy flow intertwined, and the silhouettes staggered in the air, smashing the mountain peaks, turning the plains into lakes, and under the extraordinary melee of more than a thousand, the terrain around the green shade changed.

The transfer station has been destroyed.

Fortunately, all the survivors had been notified to evacuate beforehand, and only some empty shell buildings were destroyed. It was not a big problem. The green shade engineering team who mastered the construction technique was professional in building houses.

The floating island suspended in mid-air, the Green City, is undoubtedly very eye-catching.

A large number of alien races rushed towards the floating island, and the superhuman beings could still support for a period of time in the way of wandering.

So the alien transcendent approached the defense tower.

Looking at the floating island that is close at hand, and the millions of survivors on it, which also include a large part of the elite of Origin Star, he showed a hideous smile.

"Sacrifice mankind to the great master!"

"Hurry up, wait for the messenger to catch the bugs, we will have nothing to do."

It's not that the alien supernatural has not seen the main gun of the Star Destroyer Flying Boat and the arrow of the sun. Obviously, the two major killing moves of the human race can't help the Hundred Winged Demon Snake Emperor. In their minds, it is a combat weapon that is infinitely close to the holy order Can the first- and second-order supernatural be resisted?

Lie win is definitely a lie win, it's just a 0-0-0 victory, and a 1-0-1 victory, that's not the same.

The latter is undoubtedly happier!

Maybe I was fortunate enough to be favored by the messenger, and from then on, I entered a higher level and stepped onto the peak of alien life...


An alien whose whole body is made up of bones, with ten fingers on both hands rubbing and stretching, and flung not far away like a whip, the embarrassed Beiting is extraordinary.

Beiting Chaofan held an ordinary magic weapon, his muscles bulged, and he cut out a dazzling sword light. In a burst of gold and iron, he cut off three long white bone whips, changing the direction of the other four, and the last three long. Whip swish.


He leaned back, the battle suit on his chest was cut open, and on the not-so-deep wound, blue-gray toxins snaked open.

His hands were also covered with scars, and the sword of the magic weapon was also knocked into the air. Fortunately, the magic weapon had been refined and was not taken away by the alien race.


Bei Ting extraordinary looked around.

There are at least two or three hundred alien races. On the other hand, on the human side, most of them have fled, and they have no idea of ​​sticking to the green city. There are only a dozen Beiting extraordinary people headed by Grandmaster Meng, and more than 20 green shade extraordinary people. Ordinary extraordinary or senior extraordinary, there is no strong player who can turn the tide of the battle.

No, even the top of the supernatural can't fight dozens of enemies by himself.

The successive injuries and the accumulation of toxins in the body have damaged this unknown Beiting's extraordinary combat power.

He couldn't help but turn his head and look to the side. There was a senior and extraordinary Luyin who was fighting at Luyin. He remembered that he was not small, and he should be considered a high-ranking person in Luyin.

"Consultant Yan, do you have any countermeasures in Beiting? There are millions of survivors behind."

Yan Dingtian was panting heavily, and under the siege of several senior transcendents, his condition was not second. It's just that the Divine Soldier-level armor kept him from being broken, and the situation was better than the extraordinary next door.

"Retreat while fighting, relying on the floating island to defend, and reinforcements should be coming soon."

Fight all the way, retreat all the way.

It seems that the distance from the floating island is only a few hundred meters, but no matter how much you retreat, you have not retreated to the island.

Human superhumans want to have strategic depth, and alien supernormals are in a tailwind, even if they feel weird, they don't care... How can ten times the number of people lose?

Suddenly two blue figures rushed out from the floating island.

Yan Dingtian, who had been going for a long time, was refreshed, and after spitting out a mouthful of blood, he no longer retreated, punching punch after punch, and a dense phantom of fists appeared in front of him.

"Battle Boxing Hundred Shadows"!

A circle of air swept away, several aliens were blasted backwards rapidly, and a short vacuum was blasted out around Yan Dingtian.

"Come on, grandson!"

He hooked his hand.

The unknown Bei Ting Chaofan was a little stunned next to him, big brother, is it okay just now! I just said that the enemy will advance and I will retreat?

Several senior aliens from different races were furious. Bang Bang Bang Yan Dingtian was almost blasted around like a ball. The armor of the magic weapon saved his life, but his face flushed and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He felt a little flustered.

He clearly saw the reinforcements just now, and he knew a little about the plan, but what about the reinforcements?

He glanced away, oh, over there.

No. 1 and No. 2, who were wearing blue and white full-body armor and even had their masks pulled on, were rushing to kill in an alien group.

They are the real gangsters. They don't even need to defend, so they go up front. Some aliens don't know the defense capabilities of the two puppet guards. , the next moment, they were slammed into the air by the spears used as sticks.

Tiger No. 1 and No. 2 entered the flock and killed more than a dozen Transcendents in a short time. It was not until dozens of terrified alien Transcendents joined forces, and when No. 1 and No. 2 attacked, they joined forces to counterattack, and it was barely halfway through.

In the chaotic fighting, blood dripped from the sky like rain.

Some blood smashed the ground out of potholes, some caused a large area of ​​woods to wither, and a few hidden beasts swallowed the blood droplets containing energy according to the smell, and shouted in the sky. The explosive body that survives, the stronger it can withstand.

The battle of the strong is also a feast for the weak.


The blood droplets in the sky stopped in mid-air, bang bang bang all exploded, obviously only small blood droplets, but after the explosion, a blood sea covering a radius of several kilometers was formed.

From a distance, it looks like a huge, surging flat blood cell, covering a lot of extraordinary.


"Go away!"

The extraordinary power of the alien race erupted, blowing away the rushing blood.

The waves rolled, and all of a sudden, half bodies made of blood emerged from the surface of the blood sea. From the graceful figure and the long hair behind the head, it could be vaguely seen that they were women, but they had no faces.

The bloody palm was printed on the alien extraordinary body.

Puff, many aliens vomited blood and flew out and fell into the sea of ​​blood. The weaker ones were immediately swallowed by the sea of ​​blood, leaving no bones.

Bei Ting's unknown extraordinary is scared and stupid.

After being vigilant for a while, I found out that it was an allied army, but even if it was an allied army, this...

"Too infiltrating... No, it's too powerful!"


another place,

Mo Ke stared at the Guling Emperor and others, his face was cruel, and the cold breath was released.

"Human, is this your method!"

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense! Obviously it is the method of the Tang City Lord, and he does not bear this pot!

Emperor Gu Ling's face was pale, and he was roaring inwardly.

He didn't dare to say it, and he couldn't beat it even more. He still had a B number in his heart, but what could he do? So desperate!

The bowstring of the Luminous Sun bow can no longer be pulled at all, so it can only be held in the hand to deter... Probably.

"You go first, I'll hold him back!"

Right now that terrifying world-class demonized beast has been dragged into that frozen world. Whether it's a seal or something, there's always hope of saving mankind. So, even if the old man sacrificed here, it's worth it... !

Gu Tianzun stared intently at the devil's messenger, holding the sacred sun bow in his hand, which was used as a melee weapon.


Mo Ke's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, and the illusory eyes on his forehead are about to open.

A surprised voice suddenly came from the side.

"Yo, what a coincidence, we meet again."

It was directed at Mo Ke, which interrupted the momentum that he had accumulated to the peak.

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