West of the floating island.

The elemental red moon has transformed into a vast sea of ​​blood, shrouding hundreds of transcendent aliens.

The blood surged, turning into blood arrows, blood knives, blood awns, and blood clones of the red moon, attacking the transcendent aliens from all tricky angles.

From time to time, there is an accident in the extraordinary, and a small opening is cut, but the blood is poured like a river that has been opened, and some parts of the body will dry up quickly without taking half a breath.

on the contrary,

The alien superhuman strikes with all his strength, and the little seawater that evaporates is insignificant compared to the entire sea of ​​blood.

In terms of survivability, the elemental red moon is stronger than Nancy.

Hongyue held back most of the alien supernatural beings in the war zone, and the remaining ten or twenty human supernatural beings, and with the assistance of the defensive buildings, were also barely able to withstand the turbulent offensive of nearly a hundred other alien supernatural beings.


There was a loud bang, and the huge crack extended to the end of the line of sight.

The figure standing in the sky looked over leisurely.

Nearly 100 transcendent aliens from the bloody overseas, 50 or 60 extremities ran away in an instant.

There is no hesitation in selling teammates of these many different races.

Relatively honest... Loyal to the great master, he was stunned during the fight, and suddenly realized that his teammates were gone. Instead, he did not know when, and fell into the extraordinary circle of human beings.

MMP acridine!

The tumbling sea of ​​blood suddenly expanded its range, covering all the other alien superhumans who missed the chance to escape.


An area dozens of kilometers away from the Green City.

Surrounded by mountains, the lake is like a mirror.

This is another major battlefield, where the extraordinary main force of mankind gathers here.

Nine of the twelve disciples of the Vatican are separated in nine different directions and form a battle formation.

Their figures are intertwined, and they can change from their hearts. With the blessing of the battle formation, the nine people almost exerted their extraordinary combat power comparable to twenty or thirty seniors.

The rumble was endless.

Every now and then, a human meteor falls from the sky.

Even the strongest among the senior supernatural beings cannot control their fate in hundreds of supernatural-scale wars.

After fighting for several hours, the two sides have already killed red eyes, and the number of extraordinary people who have fallen is more than two hundred.

In this chaotic battlefield, there are only a few figures, which seem to be more comfortable.


The figure of the gray blade flickered and appeared, like a wandering soul, suddenly appeared behind an alien extraordinary being bounced by the force of the shock, and the dagger flashed gray light, like piercing tofu, piercing the alien extraordinary without any hindrance. heart, completely shattered.

Shadow Death was the title given to him by alien enemies in this war.

Come and go without a trace, as long as there is a single alien supernatural being targeted, they will surely die.

Ash Blade disappeared, and sighed in disappointment.

Looking around, all the aliens are extraordinary, at least three people are in a team, and they all have some minds while fighting, and they are vigilant around them. If he wants to start, he can't find a suitable opportunity.

I can't help but think of those unsuspecting alien supernatural beings who were cut by him like cutting vegetables one at a time. That was war.

Gray Blade raised his head and looked higher.

The power of the second-order makes the surrounding human race and alien race both keep away.

His eyes narrowed, the dagger held back, and flew away silently.




Kong holds two swords, and the sword energy is vertical and horizontal, blocking the activity space of the second-order three aliens, so that they cannot go to the theater below for support.

Not far away, Gu Tianzun, whose breath was sluggish, had already withdrawn the sacred sunbow, and turned to hold a second-order magic weapon longbow. Waiting for a sneak attack.

Killed for several hours, except for the ancient emperor who was hollowed out because of the holy artifact.

Kong, and the other three newly promoted second-order aliens are still in very good condition. Even if they continue to fight for ten days and ten nights, it is difficult to distinguish the winner. At most, they are only a little tired.



The vast white "Sword Domain" unfolded, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, and countless long swords condensed from the sword energy formed a white dragon under the control of Kong, sweeping towards the three extraordinary aliens.

As soon as the domain opened, Sora suddenly achieved the achievement of suppressing three extraordinary beings of the same rank with the power of one person.

But the three alien transcendents were not panicking.

In the previous battle, this human genius started the domain, but unless the domain can be maintained, the disadvantage of dozens of minutes will at most make them slightly injured.

Oh, it might be a little more troublesome to add that wretched and wandering archer.

But, that's all.

Let us lose a little of our origin, and you win!

The leading spiky hedgehog thought so.


He felt a chill in his heart, and a deadly threat loomed over him.

The source power is running, and the entire body will be thrown forward.

The gray cloud of smoke turned into a rope, tying his hands and feet. It was obvious that the extraordinary flight depended on the force field, but the moment he was bound, the sharp-haired hedgehog extraordinary found himself unable to move.

Bang bang, the gray ropes were broken one after another under his all-out struggle.

The sharp-haired hedgehog extraordinary holds the magic weapon spear, releases the source power, and stabs back with the backhand.

The gray blade that showed its shape, did not dodge or evade, let the spear pierce the battle suit, and the source force penetrated the battle suit, shattering the ribs.

And the grey blade,

A dagger plunged into the extraordinary heart of the sharp-haired hedgehog, and the surging power blew up most of his body, leaving the rest of his head, neck, and the small half of his body with a flick of the gray blade and thrown it into the distance.

go you!

The sharp-haired hedgehog that was thrown away is extraordinary. In mid-air, the granulation grows rapidly, but due to the heavy damage, it cannot stop the tendency to fly upside down.

The other two Alien Transcendents were suddenly shocked.

In an instant,

The condensed and unseen Emperor Guling aimed at one of the second-order aliens, and the arrow shot out of his hand.


A terrifying wave exploded.

The second-order alien, who barely parried, was dripping with blood, and was shaken by the air waves and flew far away.

Kong's eyes were like swords, staring at the last alien extraordinary, on the sword of the divine soldier, a small wind whirled and danced.

He flew out with a sword, and the sword light was vertical and horizontal.

In an instant, he appeared in front of the alien extraordinary.


The second-tier alien also held a magic sword, and he chose to parry in the face of Kong's fierce sword.

dang dang dang dang-

One sword, two swords, three swords...

The sword is like a phantom, and every sword in the sky will be chopped at the same place.

After the five swords,

The divine soldier-level long sword in the hands of the aliens, the blade was broken, and the tip of the sword was thrown flying.

Kong has accumulated endless sword power, a sword pierced his chest, and the sword energy exploded, he did not stop, like a violent storm, every sword contained sword intent, and the lethality was extraordinary.


After a while,

Alien Transcendence finally struggled to escape from the empty combo, looking terrified.

In less than two seconds, with a set of combos, he actually lost 15.9% of his origin.

Isn't it just remodeling a body? !

how is this possible!


Sunrise and sunset.

Until dawn the next day, the war zones in various places finally came to an end.

It ends with the extraordinary victory of mankind.

Tang Yu stood on the city wall of Shady City, watching the shattered extraordinary corpses being transported back.

Some, there are no bones left.

Some people rejoice at the victory of the war, while others mourn the separation of relatives and friends.

More were doing post-war cleanup.

Tang Yu was clear, however, that the war had not really come to an end.

He looked into the distance and saw a space node pinned on the territory.

That is Elaine's permafrost.

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