Yuan Hu looked anxious, and since he received the news, he rushed from Anhu non-stop.

Anhu and Luocheng were not far away, and it would not take much time to take the latest transport helicopter. However, he was still apprehensive.

Stable black seams, countless giant beetles, every piece of information is not optimistic.

Thanks to the low concentration of the source gas in the sky blue star and the convenient communication, Yuan Hu still learned a lot of news about the situation in Xijiao Park on the helicopter.

five minutes ago,

The Awakened at the main entrance of Xijiao Park could no longer support it. Many people, including the local police station, were ready to sacrifice.

The situation has reached the most critical moment!

Yuan Hu wished he couldn't fly—in fact, he couldn't fly faster than a transport helicopter.

When he got off the helicopter, he turned into an afterimage and rushed forward. In less than ten seconds, he passed the surrounding crowd and came to the blockade set up by the Luocheng Police Station.

"How's the situation? How about the casualties? Did the zerg break out of the blockade?"

"Uh..." The police officer who was questioned scratched his head, not knowing how to answer.

Yuan Hu was anxious, "What the hell is going on, tell me!"

"This... that, you'd better see for yourself."

Yuan Hu followed the directions and saw several police cars parked in front of the main entrance of Xijiao Park. Further ahead was a messy battlefield. Many Awakeneds covered in blood were sitting on the ground, and some were wet and the ground was covered in blood. and water stains.

Farther away, the stone bridge had broken a lot, and there were several giant beetle corpses lying on the bridge, with different forms of death. The worst part was that most of the insect bodies were smashed open, and the mucus was scattered all over the floor. Yes.

It did not see any living giant beetles, or human corpses.

and many more!

Yuan Hu knew what was wrong!

Isn't the situation critical, are you all ready to sacrifice?

Don't you mean dozens of giant beetles, and more terrifying zerg such as giant mantis and red beetle?

Why... didn't you see it?

Is it urgent, is it another location?

He jumped to the stone bridge and crouched in front of an injured Awakened.

It was Wang Lie, and a policeman was bandaging him next to him.

Yuan Hu asked, "You repelled the Zerg? What about the other directions? Where is the more critical?"

Wang Lie propped himself up and sat up, "You are late."


Yuan Hu was shocked when he heard Wang Lie continue, "The zerg has been dealt with, ahem...he's a disciple of Xianmen, so strong."


Yuan Hu's mind immediately flashed that night, the huge stone ball hanging in the air like a full moon.

"Is the sect master of Xianmen here?"

Although it was an inquiry, he was actually pretty sure that, apart from the Sect Master of Immortal Sect, who else could solve dozens of zerg so easily.

Wang Lie shook his head.

"Could it be... There are a lot of awakened people coming to Xianmen? Or are the elders of Xianmen taking action?"

Wang Lie shook his head again, "There are not many people in Xianmen. The only ones I saw here were five Xianmen disciples. Other directions should be similar. As for their identities..."

He raised his head slightly, and there seemed to be that figure standing with a sword in front of him, floating out of the dust.

"They said... they are just ordinary Immortal Sect disciples."

Yuan Hu: "..."


Wang Lie and the others were all seriously injured, so naturally they stayed in the safe perimeter and waited. A few seriously injured were taken away by ambulance.

Yuan Hu and other reinforcements were different, they had just arrived, and they were all at their peak.

They were divided into two parts, one part went to the surrounding areas of Xijiao Park to check the situation, and the other few elite awakened people, under the leadership of Yuan Hu, went deep into the park and rushed towards the place where the black seam appeared.

The park is full of mess, collapsed houses, broken stone chairs, uprooted trees... and giant insect corpses all over the ground.

"No wonder, no giant insects are seen outside the park. It turns out that they all died inside, but there are... too many."

Yuan Hu was shocked.

There are dozens of giant beetle corpses in just one area of ​​the park. It is conceivable that there must be a worm nest opposite the black seam. There are countless giant insects. Nor is it enough.

"It's really thanks to Xianmen this time."

They went deep all the way and only encountered one or two living giant beetles. Soon, they came to the stable black seam and met the three directors of the Luocheng Branch.

"Where are the people from Xianmen?"

The director of Luocheng let out a long puff of smoke and pouted, "It's all in the black seam."

"Don't you go in and help? Xianmen is an ally who supports us. We can't let allies fight in the front. Let's watch the show in the back!"

Yuan Hu was a little annoyed.

The director of Luocheng waved his hands indifferently, "Help? No need, just call 666 to lie down and win."

Yuan Hu: "(⊙...⊙)"

Am I having hallucinations?

The director of Luocheng is also a giant-level powerhouse who is no worse than himself. When did he become so salty? !

"Forget it." Director Luo Cheng walked forward calmly, "It's okay to take a look, I'm also a little curious about the situation opposite the black seam."

They crossed the stone-paved road and walked into the greenery.

The green space is obviously not big, but as soon as you step in, you find that the surrounding environment has changed suddenly. How can you see the park buildings? You can see a huge valley. On the rock walls around the valley, there are large and small different caves.

At this time,

Countless zerg poured out of the hole.

Giant beetles, red beetles, black beetles, giant mantises, red mantises... and many more illegible zerg, such as colorful tides.

Yuan Hu took a deep breath.

I am afraid that there are at least tens of thousands of Zerg!

If so many zerg rush out, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for Luocheng, even the entire Anxia Kingdom will suffer a lot of losses!

"Using the black seam range to block the zerg, this is our only chance! Even if we die, we have to hold on until the follow-up support arrives!"

The Awakened who followed Yuan Hu had a tragic look.


The director of Luocheng was still smoking a cigarette, his face was indifferent, "It's safe, there are experts from Xianmen, why sacrifice."

Only then did Yuan Hu remember that there were Xianmen reinforcements, but he was still very pessimistic.

He saw not far ahead, more than a dozen Immortal Sect disciples, forming a battle formation... to observe?


In the high blue sky, two silhouettes guarded against the wind.

One of them was short and looked like a little girl of eleven or twelve, and the other, with gray hair, was an old man.

The second elder of Xianmen Quartet!

Are they all wind powers?

Just as this thought appeared, I found that the sky suddenly dimmed, and huge meteorites burning with dark red flames fell from the sky, like the disaster of the end of the world.

There are also many terrifying existences in the zerg, and they fly up with wings. In an instant, a dense colored mist fills the air, and the swarm is thrown into chaos. The zerg flying in the air tumbled and fell a few times. To be more violent, and to fight with the same kind.

boom! ! !

The dark red meteorite fell, and the terrifying air wave formed a hurricane and hit them.

Yuan Hu instinctively inserted the weapon on the ground and sank deeply. The whole person grabbed the handle of the weapon and fell to the ground.

The hurricane swept through, and the whole person floated in the air like a kite.

"It turns out...Xianmen disciples formed a battle formation to better watch the battle."

a long time,

There were many deep pits in the huge valley, with white smoke and unburned flames.

And the Zerg, the dead, the wounded.

This blow alone killed more than half of the Zerg!

Yuan Hu, who stood up in embarrassment, stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Smoking, lighting, has been boring.

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