My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 621 The sad and shadowy old man

Since the Xijiao Park incident, the entire park, including a few kilometers nearby, has become a military restricted area.

Residents were relocated, and machine guns and artillery were erected around them.

As for the valley opposite the black seam, An Xia Kingdom also entered several times, but did not go far.

And this day,


A torrent of steel came from a distance, and the troops stationed in the Western Suburb Park withdrew a wide road, allowing armored vehicles and personnel carriers to drive into the black seam.

The valley is deserted.

The grass and trees were turned into ashes as early as ten days ago due to the natural disaster. Even the remains of the Zerg's body were vaporized under the bombardment of the meteorite. Only a small part of the Zerg escaped the first wave of covering blows, and the Zerg that was later cleaned up by Bamboo Squirrel and other Immortal Sect disciples were incomplete. Incomplete corpses remain.

Rao is so,

There are also many.

The steel torrent drove not far from the black seam and stopped.

Awakened, dressed in black leather jackets and with grim faces, jumped out of the personnel carrier. Wearing cold weapons and hot weapons, they quickly dispersed to scout the surrounding environment.


The man in black made a gesture.

Not long after, a black car drove into the valley.

The door opened, and the old man in a coat stepped out of the car. His cheeks were a little sharp and his hair was sparse, giving him the appearance of always being calm, but in fact... his appearance was natural.

The old man with a gloomy face, this meeting is actually very pleasant, and I can't help but want to laugh.

"Although I haven't been able to attack Xianmen for the time being, it is worth it to take the retreat as an advance, and take the lead in the development of a black seam!"

The shadowy old man ranks among the most powerful among the high-level Anxia Kingdom.

He has a powerful assassination special forces in his hands. Before the appearance of the black seam, this special force often performed foreign intelligence collection, assassination and other tasks, and all the members of the force were very skilled.

After the black seam and Genesis Qi appeared, the shadowy old man even cultivated an assassination force composed entirely of awakened ones, and this force only obeyed him.

Regardless of financial resources or strength, the shadowy old man is very strong, which makes him have a high voice in the central meeting.

The concession to the Xianmen plan allowed him to successfully win the dominance of the black seam in the western suburbs.

The first group of troops stationed in the valley, more than 80% of them, are his people.

The minerals and plants in the new world are far from the sky blue star. The shadowy old man is confident that as long as he has enough extraordinary materials, even if he fails to obtain the cultivation method of Xianmen, he will be able to develop genes for the awakened to continue to strengthen. Pharmacy.

He is confident that in just a few months, the strength of the Awakened below can be doubled several times!

At that time, with his right to speak, who will dare to stop Xianmen?

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie...

The shadowy old man was very ambitious and waved his hand, "Go, clean up all the alien beasts around the valley!"

The armored car started again and drove on the rough road.

In the steel torrent, there are more than a dozen new tanks and several missile vehicles. Not to mention that the Zerg in the valley have almost been cleaned up, even if there is none, the Zerg can only be turned into ashes under the fire.



A tank in the forward line suddenly stopped, and the armored vehicle in the rear could not avoid it and hit it. Due to the slow speed, the armored vehicle was not damaged, but the shady old man's complexion was even more ugly.

"What's going on? What's going on!"

"Minister, Minister, the tank seems to be broken!" The driver who got off the tank bowed, his face full of apprehension.

"Broken? Are people in the maintenance department eating shit!"

The old man's voice just fell.



White smoke came out of the front of the two armored vehicles for no reason, and the two vehicles swayed left and right, and hit a boulder next to them as if they had lost control.

Shadowy old man: "..."

Before he had time to vent his anger, the tanks, armored vehicles, personnel carriers and other vehicles that drove into the valley were out of control and damaged one after another.

The old man suddenly felt a little hot in his pocket. He took it out and saw that his latest mobile phone was too hot. The old man couldn't help but toss the phone out within two seconds of holding it in his hand.



The mobile phone that flew in the air suddenly exploded, and the parts flew out.

The gloomy old man's face was as heavy as the bottom of a pot, "Who is it? Which trickster wants to frame this old man!"

Under his aura, his subordinates did not dare to make a sound.

a long time,

Only one person said after deliberation, "Ms. Minister and Minister, it may be because of the relationship between the Origin Qi and the magnetic field of the New World, and most of the electronic equipment... are all damaged."

Does the shadowy old man not know?

He really didn't know before today!

Opposite the other two black seams, although the electronic equipment is working sometimes, it has never been directly damaged. The old man has never thought about this aspect at all.

The simple exploration of the valley before was just a brief stroll by the Awakened at the door.

So the shadowy old man was trapped.

Before he could deal with it, he didn't expect that the other high-level executives in Anxia would naturally be the same, and the shadowy old man had a toothache because he won the development dominance this time, or at the cost of the boss himself.

"Without tanks and missile vehicles, there is no way to explore without fear."

"However," the shadowy old man glanced at the Awakened person in black leather next to him, and his confidence surged up again, "I have hundreds of Awakened Awakened in my hands, and I can also use heavy weapons such as rocket launchers. My pioneering footsteps."

One after another wolf howls came from a distance, and the sound was getting closer.

On the cliffs on both sides of the valley, huge gray wolves appeared.

The small ones are comparable to tigers, and the big ones... the shadowy old man saw a gray giant wolf two stories high, like a hill, which was extremely oppressive.


The gray giant wolf jumped off the cliff, stepped on the rugged mountain wall, and quickly rushed towards the shadowy old man and others.

Da da da--

Without the old man's orders, the machine guns mounted on the armored vehicles and tanks fired one after another, with long flames spraying at the gray giant wolves rushing towards them.

The bullet shot into the gray wolf fur, with some blood on it, and the gray giant wolf in front rolled and fell from the mountain wall.

The shadowy old man had a smile on his face, but suddenly froze.

The giant wolf that rolled down the cliff did not die, but kept approaching vigilantly.

And more giant wolves are still rushing over at an extremely fast speed. Some of the giant wolves with strong physique and thick fur, the machine gun bullets hit them, can only embed a little, making the gray giant wolves even more fierce.

The wind blows.

As the wolves approached, the breath condensed and shot like a wave.

The awakened ones are fine, at most they only suffer from chest tightness and shortness of breath, but the ordinary people in the team are almost unaffected, especially the shadowy old man.

"Cough...withdraw, retreat...cough, old man...cough, will...cough... come back, this valley will eventually...cough...cough..."

Seeing the wolves approaching, he couldn't wait for the shadowy old man to finish his coughing. The loyal men beside him carried the old man and rushed towards the entrance of the black seam.

Shaking, the shadowy old man's old bones couldn't bear it, he rolled his eyes... fainted.

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