My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 639 No one can be more arrogant than Xianmen

It has been some time since Zuixianglou, Shanggongling and others arrived.

They handled the Wumeng's identity certificate, Dachang's customs and historical background, and after Tang Yu and Fanny learned about it a few days ago, they compiled a textbook for this group of Xianmen disciples to learn.

Dressing is also the style of the Dachang Dynasty.

He claimed to be a person from the 'Xianmen' of the Hidden World Sect.

Dachang also has countless large and small sects, but they are all under the management of Wumeng, and there are officials who deliberately or unintentionally crack down on differentiation. official government.

Such as the Heijia Army, the Qingxuan Army, and the Imperial Guard.

But who can guarantee that Dachang is so big, there is no so-called hidden world sect?

At least he understands that every year, there are many newly registered sects in the Wumeng, some of them claim to be hidden sects, but they are often of average strength and are not capable of grabbing high-quality tasks in the Wumeng.

Over time, small sects that cannot survive will have to be disbanded. Disciples with good talent may be able to join other sects, but most of them are mediocre and can only go home to farm.

This knowledge belongs to the assessment content of the "Dachang Kingdom Advance Corps".

Bamboo Squirrel and Enze selected some Xianmen disciples who were loyal enough and whose strength was above the standard. After training for a period of time, those who finally passed the assessment were qualified to become members of the 'Advance Team'.

All the selected elite disciples passed the assessment.

Therefore, although they were very excited to come to another world, everyone could control their emotions, except for eating more and buying more souvenirs, there was nothing surprising.

"Sect Master, when are we going inside?"

In the morning's free movement, Cao Xinghua also went to the competition arena, and the sound of swords making his blood boil.

Since he walked out of the bottom of his life, he has devoted all his heart and soul to cultivation. Among the disciples of Immortal Sect, there are also many people with A and A+ qualifications, and the cultivation speed of most people is far lower than that of him.

In addition to Shang Gongling, in the second echelon, Cao Xinghua is firmly in the top three.

Senior Sister Shang Gongling couldn't fight, she was completely abused, and there was no point in fighting. Others were either not his opponents, or they were all too familiar with every move.

"Let's go in the afternoon, and you can discuss the order of appearance."


The "younger generation competition" lasted for more than ten days, and the popularity did not diminish at all.

King Dachang did not talk about the population of several million, and the people who ate melons lost a lot, leaving one group after another.

So are the people who are on stage.

There were also some losers who participated in the war again after their injuries were healed—the government did not limit the number of participants in the tournament, and there were almost no rules.

This morning, Tang Yu saw a strong man with a sword and shield who was seriously injured by a young swordsman a week ago.

However, the case of the strong man is rarely replicated. Most of the eliminated people are seriously injured. Like the strong man, it would have taken a month or two to recover, but now it heals in a week. That's it.

The stone pillars around the ring, and the guards sitting cross-legged on them, also changed one after another.

After observing for a few days, Tang Yu found that these guys were not just pretending, but waiting.

Some warriors from ordinary backgrounds can take advantage of the opportunity of 'the younger generation to compete' to join big families and sects, and they can also find middle and high-level positions in the Heijia Army and Qingxuan Army, without having to start as a soldier.

Dachang has a mature plan for the cultivation of talents, which is not as unbearable as he had imagined before.


Tang Yu and his party came to the outside of the competition arena, and the source was slightly released. The crowd like sardines in front were immediately divided into a path, and a dozen people walked straight in.

After the noon break, the afternoon session has just begun.

At this moment, there is a bearded young man standing on the ring. Although he looks like forty, but since he is standing on the stage, it means that he is only facing the old man.

After the man went up, he sat there to rest, and for ten minutes, no one played.

Tang Yu knew the reason very well.

The bearded youth is unreservedly released. In the early stage of the eighth stage, although he is not the top among the younger generation of Dachang, he is considered to be the top.

Cultivation pays attention to aptitude and resources. There are not many people who can reach the eighth level of awakening before the age of 30. In the battle of defense, it is already possible to win.

These days, such as young swordsmen and strong men with swords and shields, they are only in the early and middle stages of the Eighth Layer.

When such a master came on the field, he shocked most of them all at once.

Awakening the fifth or sixth level of the dragon set really wants to say that you are not playing cards according to common sense, shouldn't it be us who have low cultivation bases, first play the game, and then the master will make a final decision?

Those with high cultivation bases, eighth and ninth layers, are also unwilling to show up so early.

The opponent is still in the peak state, winning a game, but may lose the last.

The Xianmen disciples didn't care, a dozen people looked at each other, and finally, a man like an iron tower stepped onto the high platform.

The bearded youth is already very strong, with bronze-colored muscles and knots, but standing in front of this man is still short.

But the vast majority of the audience is not watching with their eyes, but with aura perception. After all, the strong man in the tower is a little worse, and the aura is only at the peak of the sixth level.

Now let's see if the tower man can hurt his beard.

A few experts outside the field narrowed their eyes.

The bearded youth stood up and clasped his fists, "Iron Palm, Duan Kuan!"

The strong man in the tower was stunned for a moment, and he also greeted with fists with both hands, and said in a loud voice, "Xianmen, Shi Tie."

After reporting their names to each other, Duan Kuan waved his hands and attacked.

His palms are harder than iron, and the sound of wind blows when waving, and his palms are like shadows.


Shi Tie's arm stood in front of him, and his skin was coated with a metallic luster. After a sound of explosion, he took two steps back, and Duan Kuan of the Iron Palm faction also shook his body, unable to connect the next palm.

"I know Duan Kuan, the eldest brother of the Iron Palm sect. I heard that the Iron Palm sect has been declining over the years. This time, with the appearance of Duan Kuan, a young hero, the Iron Palm sect is about to become famous again."

"The one named Shi Tie is not bad. He only has the sixth-level peak cultivation base, and he can persist in Duan Kuan's hands for so long. Speaking of which school Xianmen is, why haven't you heard of it?"

"It should be a small sect, but a small sect can occasionally produce masters."

In the competition arena, the sound of bang bang bang kept on.

Tie Zhangmen Duan Kuan has a high cultivation base and a faster speed. He can leave a palm print on Shi Tie every few rounds.

But the more they fought, the more solemn his face became.

With a few palms in his body, Shi Tie's aura actually only faded a little, and the whole person looked nothing different.

On the other hand, he himself has blasted out his combat skills with all his strength several times, and the consumption is not small.

After tossing and turning, the movement gradually slowed down.

In an instant,

Shi Tie let out a low roar, the Awakened from the outside of the arena didn't feel anything, but Duan Kuan seemed to have been hit by a boulder in his head, with a bang, blood oozing from his ears and nose.

He struggled hard, and when the blur in his eyes gradually became clear, his fist, the size of a sandbag, enlarged in his pupils.


Duan Kuan flew hundreds of meters upside down, blood spurted out, and rolled out of the ring.

The audience outside the venue sucked in a mouthful of cool skin, and several masters who were ready to move could not help but shrink their necks.

We don't take advantage of people's dangers, but let's hold back first.


Shi Tie won violently, which directly caused the competition arena to be cold for more than ten minutes.

But not everyone could hold back, and finally someone came on.

Some are six, some are seven.

They may be holding Shi Tie's already injured mind, trying to get a bargain.

One by one, they were knocked off the stage, but more warriors came on the stage.

"Come on, come on, he has played so many games, and he was injured again at the beginning, maybe he won't be able to stand up in the next moment."

"Even if you can't stand in the end, as long as you can beat him, it's a big bonus. Maybe some big family will take a fancy to me because of this!"

After all, Shi Tie is only at the peak of the sixth level, and he has no advanced equipment. He has lost dozens of people in a row. Even if most of them are defeated by one punch, there is not much of the source power left.

fifty-eighth inning,

A sharp-mouthed young man came to power. With his sensitive movements, he kept walking 100 meters away from the stone and iron, attacking with hidden weapons.

Shi Tie's skin was still plated with metallic luster, and his clothes were already tattered, but there were still only a few white marks on his body, and there was no real injury.

But suddenly,


The deflected hidden weapon burst into a cloud of purple smoke, Shi Tie couldn't dodge and immediately held his breath, but the sharp-mouthed youth threw more and more hidden weapons, which exploded like firecrackers.

From a distance, the purple smoke cloud is wrapped in a ball, and only the tall figure of Shi Tie can be seen vaguely.

Shi Tie rushed out, and the sharp-mouthed young man rushed back instantly, throwing out the hidden weapon as if he didn't want money.

And Shi Tie has no ability to use the sonic warfare technique again.


A few minutes later, the skin and face were covered with a bit of blue-violet stone and iron, and fell heavily to the ground.

"I won haha, that's all, I thought it was so strong!"

The sharp-mouthed youth laughed, his eyes full of contempt.

Officials stepped forward and lifted the stone iron down, and fed two more pills, one for detoxification and the other for healing.

No matter how significant the effect is, it can only save his life, and Shi Tie still has some blue and purple colors on his body.

Tang Yu immediately filled a bottle of high-level life potion, the dense life energy circled in Shi Tie's body, the blue and purple color on his face disappeared, and he also opened his eyes.

The breath is still a little weak, but the person is already safe.


The dull Shi Tie opened his mouth, somewhat complaining to himself.

Cao Xinghua and others were angry.

Shi Tie can be defeated, but not so suffocating.

The face of the sharp-mouthed youth is too arrogant.

No one can be more arrogant than Xianmen!

"Brother, I will avenge you."

A figure flickered, and Cao Xinghua entered the ring.

The sharp-mouthed young man glanced at him and raised his chin, "Sign up for the name, I'm undefeated by the unknown."

Cao Xinghua narrowed his eyes, exuding a dangerous aura.

He stared at the sharp-mouthed young man and said word by word:

"Xianmen, Cao-Xing-Hua!"

The sharp-mouthed youth was stunned.

At the same time, the breath of Cao Xinghua's ninth-level peak was released without reservation.

The strong wind swept the entire competition arena.

The face of the sharp-mouthed youth suddenly turned blue.

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