The place where the two extraordinary second-order harpies rushed towards was the competition arena.

It is 20 kilometers away from the Imperial Guard, and 50 kilometers away from the palace.

For the extraordinary, dozens of kilometers can be reached in an instant, but the eagle demon is faster.

The three-in-one powerhouses of Dachang, with their techniques blasting out from a distance of dozens of kilometers, the harpies did not have any plans to reduce the speed of defense, or turn to avoid them. The source of recovery consumption is less than 0.05%.

The phantom of the guardian phantom transformed by the defense of the city has stronger power, almost smashing the body of the harpy, causing the eagle to consume 0.8% of its origin.

But that's about it.

At the speed of the eagle monster, two breaths can swept away the outstanding human beings and escaped from the range of the great defense formation... The powerhouses of the unity of human beings simply cannot catch up with them.

They have succeeded more than once. Earlier, they attacked Dacheng. Since they obtained the treasure that was enough to temporarily break the defense formation, Dachang Wangdu and the others have also entered and exited like no one else.

The harpie looked at the handsome human youth below and couldn't help licking her lips.


The competition of the younger generation is still in progress.

On the ring, standing is a disciple of Xianmen, and his opponent has just been lifted off the ring.

A young man in the early eighth stage jumped onto the ring with a vertical leap, "Your winning streak ends here..."

Before the words were finished, a deadly sense of crisis ran up the sky along the back, making people suffocating.

He was so stiff that he couldn't even lift his head, he just felt that the sky was about to collapse, the weight of a mountain was pressing on him, and it was hard to breathe!

Immortal disciples have relatively strong resistance, and they have anti-coercion training in the spiritual space.

However, it is still difficult to move.

The harpie's eagle claws waved, and the source energy turned into winds, which rolled up more than a dozen young heroes. The first to bear the brunt were those on the stone pillars around the ring.

He was caught high in the sky without even screaming.

A few of the officials around the competition arena, who are strong in the emptiness, were like a piece of paper in front of the eagle monster.

Outside the arena, the few spectators who were not in a coma were horrified.

But they were all strangled and unable to make a sound.

The second harpy flew to the low altitude, stretched out its claws, and more than a dozen young-looking and not weak Awakened were caught high in the sky.

Including the two in the ring.

Like drowning people, bound by seaweed, they couldn't struggle, and their consciousness gradually fell into darkness.



With a light sound, the colorful bubbles burst.

I don't know when, a figure appeared on the ring.

Eleven or twelve years old, with a bit of baby fat on his face, light green hair flying against gravity, holding a small staff high in his hand, the top of which blooms with misty brilliance.

A dreamy beam of light enveloped the sky around the ring.

The harpie swayed, and the dozen or so young heroes who had just been caught fell to the ground, and many of them fell into a coma immediately.

'Fuck, there are masters of stepping on the virtual! ’

'Saved! ’

'who is she? ’

‘So strong! ! ’

The audience who witnessed this scene roared loudly in their hearts.

The harpy's eyes became much sharper, her mouth opened, and a piercing shriek spread wildly.


The few spectators who survived the coercion finally passed out. What's more, the seven orifices bleed, and one whimpered.

The first to bear the brunt of the bamboo rat chestnut, she is only a senior and extraordinary after all, her mind suddenly roared, but under the strong will and spirit, she still came back to her senses.

Mental power builds layers of barriers, and arranges illusions around to take a defensive posture - it's not that she doesn't want to attack, the "Wail of the Banshee" that the harpie is good at is a mental piercing attack, and its own mental power is even stronger than bamboo rats. Li is still strong, her illusion is not very effective at all.

But defense is enough.

The frontal entanglement is enough to support for a period of time. Bamboo Squirrel still has confidence in himself. It's a big deal to ask for help.

next second,

The harpie shifted its target, swiped over the auditorium with a swish, and took away several young awakeners.

Among them was Cao Xinghua, who was already in a coma.

Bamboo rat chestnut: "ヾ( ̄□ ̄;)"

Her short legs caught up, but it was too late.


The figures of the two Harpy Harpies in One Realm flew into the hole in the air one after the other.

Qin Guangyue, the king of Dachang, and the other two powerhouses in the One Realm were close to each other.

"No, even if it affects those young heroes, the harpy cannot be taken away."

The offspring of high-level awakened people are often much more talented than the offspring bred by ordinary people, and some are awakened from birth.

Harpies are particularly prominent in this regard.

A talented young man can provide hundreds of heirs to the harpies if they are drained, and in the end, they may become one or two Void Stepping experts.

This ratio is extremely high.

Hundreds of years, thousands of years later, the strength of the harpie is likely to completely surpass Dachang, and at that time, it will be a disaster.

"Kill! Stop worrying!"

Qin Guangyue, who was flying at high speed, pointed his saber at the eagle demon, and in an instant, circles and circles of mysterious lines appeared from the point of the sabre.


The dazzling brilliance bloomed like a small sun in an instant.

The terrifying power swept away, and the pedestrians on the street staggered.

The epee mang hole penetrated more than ten miles, and slammed into the harpy who was unwilling to avoid wasting time.

It directly penetrated the cyclone defense that the banshee arranged on the periphery, and the sword light of "Chongxiao" under the "Wail of the Banshee" trembled, and the brilliance was much dimmed. Finally, this shot landed on the body of the harpy, tearing it apart. The reddish-brown feathers were cracked, blood splattered everywhere, and the body burst like broken porcelain.

But at that moment, it came together again.

This desperate way of escaping made the harpies still firmly trap the dozen or so young heroes, preferring to carry them by themselves rather than letting the aftermath affect them.

"Hahaha, the 1.1% loss of the source is really worthy of being the king of Dachang. In a head-to-head confrontation, the slave family may not be an opponent."

However, they only lost 2~3% of their origin at most. The supply of resources in the clan would recover in a few years, and the two harpies didn't care at all.

At this time,

A feeling of palpitations came.

I don't know when Fanny had come to the air less than a kilometer away from them, her right hand clenched a fist, and the gray airflow formed a huge fist shadow and blasted straight out.


Like fireworks blooming, flesh and blood exploded all over the sky.

Two moments later, the body of the harpy was reunited. Her face was pale, and she only had time to wrap the three youths with the strongest breath, and the rest fell from the air.

'6.5%, one move cost me 6.5% of my source, what kind of attack is that! ’

Fanny, who blasted out a concentrated blow, watched the harpy continue to climb in height unwillingly. As a wolf-like creature, how could she catch up with the winged harpy in the air.

Tang Yu also had a headache.

With his current limited space ability, it is also somewhat difficult to catch up.

After estimating his own domain, it is difficult to cover the second-order banshee twenty or thirty kilometers away.

"Why is this girl Fanny so upright, can't she throw her fist at the harpy who caught Cao Xinghua!"

He sighed.

Suddenly rushing high into the sky, several "Shunpo · Kai" who used the space ability, spanned several kilometers in an instant, and suddenly shortened the distance.

Feeling the tearing of the muscles by the space, Tang Yu stood firm, standing high in the sky, facing the harpy, pointing a finger from a distance.

A cluster of glazed flames ignited at the fingertips, and the beating flames reflected the fleeing figure of the harpie.

He flicked his finger,

Glass-colored flames flew out, piercing through layers of space.

The harpie felt great terror, she let out a scream, and hurried to one side to avoid flying the shortest distance.


The glass-colored flame still fell precisely on the harpy, burning violently, completely wrapping the harpy, looking like a fireman from a distance, but what was burning was a glass-colored flame.

Extraordinarily brilliant.

The flames did not go out, the body of the banshee was constantly repaired, and she let out a painful wailing.

But three seconds,


The glazed flames went out, and there was only a scorched black banshee figure left in the air, slowly falling down, blown by the wind, and the ashes dissipated in the air.

It also includes the terrifying aura like the abyss.

The capital of Dachang is completely silent!

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