To the west of the Dachang Dynasty, more than a dozen airships shuttled among the white clouds, leaving a long white mark wherever they passed.

As far as the eye can see, there are endless mountains. The mountains here are relatively bare and only covered with sparse greenery. From time to time, you can see huge birds and beasts flying over from afar.

According to King Dachang, it would take more than half a day to fly away from the Eagle's nest.

At this time, it was ten days after the banquet in the palace, and the battle of the younger generation had ended. Xianmen had Shang Gongling, Cao Xinghua, Violet Lan, Adailan, and Shi Tie to enter the final of the younger generation.

The total number of participants in the final was just 64, and Tang Yu doubted that the Dachang government was selected based on the number of participants.

The champions who compete round by round until they stand out can win the title of the 236th "Rookie King" of the Dachang Dynasty.

...of course it has nothing to do with him.

Because of the 'hunting war', the finals of the competition were ruthlessly delayed, and the government did not specify when the finals would start.

In the final analysis, it is only the genius of the younger generation. It is unknown how many people can break through to the Void Stepping Realm in the end. Maybe there is no one. The Dachang King and the powerhouses in the Unity Realm don't care much.

In contrast, the opportunity of a 'hunting war' is a rare opportunity. It would be even more wonderful if Xianmen could be tied to the chariot of the Dachang Dynasty.

On the airship, King Dachang retracted his gaze and thought so.

He was shocked by the power displayed by Xianmen, as well as a powerhouse who stepped on the pinnacle of the virtual world.

Not sure, it is really possible to wipe out the harpies!


The power displayed by Immortal Sect made the distribution of spoils much simpler, and the few who had opinions on the Void also closed their mouths under the gaze of King Dachang.

"The harpies have seven or eight supernatural beings of the second rank. In fact, if the green shade top powerhouses are dispatched, we are enough to exterminate the hawks."

However, as many trophies as you take, you can do as many things as you want. There are only 50% of the trophies. Tang Yu pulled Hongyue and Kong to help out, and it was almost the same.

Although they themselves have the strength to destroy the eagle demon, they have to be able to find it.

However, the decisiveness of King Dachang made him a little surprised.

The seven statues are in one state, the power of stepping on the void breaks through a hundred, and there are tens of thousands of awakened legions, which are almost three-quarters of the power of the Dachang Dynasty.

It was obvious that he had made up his mind.

Tang Yu stayed on the airship deck, his perception spread out, and the structure of the airships was invisible in his mind.

Comparing the airship with the green-shaded floating airship, he can see that the performance is more than a bit worse - the airship can only be used for loading and operation, and the speed is comparable to the ordinary extraordinary, and the floating airship, even if it is small, The speed is also faster than the airship, and it can better compete with the extraordinary - although because the airship is expensive, he rarely does it now.

The only one under my feet...

He frowned. In his perception, the entire airship seemed to be a whole, with no so-called connection points, as if it was carved from a huge piece of material.

There are quite a few rune patterns that appear and disappear from time to time, but he has never seen it before!

Although he is only a high-level rune master, with the background of the book collection in the shade of green, he knows more than hundreds of types of runes. In this airship, there are dozens of them that he has never seen.

He resisted the urge to ask questions, closed his eyes, and visualized the imprint of the glass flame in his mind.

The time to comprehend the law always passed quickly, and when I opened my eyes again, more than a dozen airships had landed only tens of meters from the ground.

"That is the Red Rock Mountain where the harpy's lair is located. Except for the eagles who go out to hunt, most of them should stay in the lair...breeding."

Hongshi Mountain is a mountain range with brownish red soil. There are generally several hundred meters, one or two thousand meters high peaks around, and the main peak, Red Rock Peak, is even more towering. Wings hover around redstone peaks.

Tang Yu's eyes flashed with light, "There doesn't seem to be any formation on Red Stone Peak?"

"That's right, although the harpy is strong, in terms of civilization, it's still only the uncivilized stage of drinking blood. It's just that the eagle flies very fast, and the flight speed of the senior eagle is not inferior to our unity. If the encirclement can't be completed, those eagle monsters will be in bad shape... It will be difficult for us to catch up."

"Have you ever hunted harpies in the past?"

"It does, but..." Dachang Kingdom said with a dry smile, "Our strength is not much different from that of the eagle monster. It is very likely that we will not be able to distinguish the winner in a few days and nights. If you are immortal, even if you fight for a year, you probably won't be able to tell the difference between the winner and the loser."

"And around the dynasty, it's not just the eagle monsters that are threatening. We can't spend all our time on the eagle monsters. We have to evacuate. After that, there are strong people in the unity realm sitting on the western front."

Tang Yu heard it, and it may not be possible to win in the end. Hongshi Mountain is the home of the Eagle Demon. Once the stalemate is reached, the biggest possibility is that the balance of the virtual world will be broken, and human beings will begin to suffer casualties. The demon treads the virtual together with the eagle and the monster, and encircles the strong human beings. The harpie is faster than the human being. Once the source is consumed too much, it is not impossible for the strong in the unity to fall. thing.

No wonder the Dachang Dynasty never took action against the Eagle Demon.

It's no wonder that Dachang is almost out of the nest this time. This is the only chance, a race war with no way out.

There is no battle strategy, soldier to soldier, general to general, king to king.

The King of Dachang, holding a sword, ascended in the air, followed by the one-level powerhouses wearing various armors, followed by the black-pressed power-stepping powerhouses.

Everyone walked in unison, and as they stepped out of the void, a mysterious wave spread.


Their swords slashed down in unison, and in an instant, a sword light that almost opened up the world fell.


The main peak of the red stone, which went straight into the cloud, trembled violently. The entire mountain was slashed by a huge gap that was several thousand meters long. The boulder collapsed with a rumble.


With a scream that pierced the soul, the nine Harpies of Oneness swooped down from the clouds, and behind them there were no less than 150 eagles stepping on the Void, more than the Dachang Dynasty expected. Not a lot.

The monarch's expression changed slightly, without hesitation, "Kill!"

Take the lead in rushing to the eagle monster with the strongest breath.


Gorgeous fireworks exploded in the sky, bang bang, the collision of swords and claws, and the ear-piercing shrieks.

As soon as the two sides touch, it is the most tragic fight.

In just a short while, there were three Dachang's Stepping Void Realm. Because they were not familiar with the 'howling' of the eagle demon, one fell into a trance and was seriously injured.


Farther away, in the nests on the red stone peaks, countless harpies fluttered their wings and flew out, like a reddish-brown cloud, approaching.

Tang Yu rationalized the armor, looked straight at him, and stepped up, "It's our turn."

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