"These people have been handed over to you for trial, and there will be a junior sister who is good at illusion to assist you."

Cao Xinghua said to the team leader of the 13th inning.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, it is still necessary to follow some rules and procedures.

He looked at the people who taught Du'e. Thousands of ordinary believers were already afraid. They believed in the god of Du'e, but they couldn't stand the muzzle of the surrounding black holes.

Most are ordinary believers, true believers.

They are also ordinary people, mostly deceived and blindly believing.

It is estimated that after being detained for a period of time, after oral education, he will be released.

What really frightened these ordinary believers was the appearance of several bishops and archbishops.

The red robe trimmed with gold was in pieces, and the archbishop was like a bloody man, but he was hanged by the healing spell and could not die.

Some of the other bishops fell to the ground and groaned, and some passed out, all of them were severely injured. Judging from the appearance, they were much more miserable than the previous martial arts students.

Several people were imprisoned in a prison dedicated to guarding the awakened, and their hands, feet, and necks were covered with heavy transcendental metals, and there were "Forbidden Magic" runes inscribed by the rune masters of Xianmen on them, which were also useful for divine arts.

During the extraordinary period, Anxia officials also understood that they immediately used all kinds of torture methods.

Torture and psychological offensive were useless to these bishops.

Seeing those mad believers who were dripping with blood but laughing wildly, the interrogators felt chills in their hearts.

You know, these people were ordinary people a month ago! It has only been less than a month since I believed in the God of Emancipation!

In Tallinn, how many fanatics are there like them?

A female disciple of Xianmen, who had learned illusion, hypnotized Ortov, the weakest, but seemed to see a blurry phantom, and groaned, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

"I come!"

"Teacher!" the female disciple exclaimed in surprise.

Bamboo rat chestnut jumped to the front of Du'e Sect Bishop, with a solemn look on his small face.

Her eyes were indistinctly glowing with brilliance, and she looked directly into the bishop's eyes until the pupils ooze out.


The layers of vortices were penetrated, and a blurry phantom with a curved head was pressed down with a mountain-like momentum. Bamboo rat chestnut ignored it directly, the phantom shattered, and only a dark golden original seed was left.

"None of them have seen the God of Transition, but the God of Transition has come down with consciousness and communicated with them."

She frowned, "In addition, in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of these people, there is a dark golden primordial seed, which should be the source of their power."

"It is the seed of divine power, which belongs to the power given to believers by the gods. Only believers who possess the seeds of divine power can use divine arts. The seeds of divine power can also subtly improve their physique. Of course, it is just an evil way, and it will be abolished in the future."

Ripples like water waves appeared in the space, and the ripples became more and more violent, like boiling water about to boil.

Tang Yu stepped out of the void, and after a while, the violently fluctuating space gradually calmed down.

He opened the "eye of insight" and pointed.

The dark red conical weapon condensed by the soul secret technique "Destroyer God" rushed straight into the sea of ​​consciousness of Ortov. In an instant, the dark golden divine power seed in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness shattered, and the escaping divine power was also destroyed by the god-annihilation cone. Eliminate everything.

"Let him out."

"Oh, oh, good."

The prison guards didn't know why, but they didn't dare to disobey, and immediately took out the key and undid the handcuffs and shackles.

"Give him a healing technique, not much, just let him wake up."

At the moment when the divine power seed was smashed, Ortov had passed out. Even if he hadn't eliminated the escaping divine power, Ortov's sea of ​​consciousness would have been thrown into chaos, and his wisdom would have been reduced to an imbecile.

The immortal disciple who followed had a white awn in the palm of his hand, aiming at Otov a few seconds later, and then retracted his palm.

Otov gradually woke up from his confusion. When he saw the person in front of him, he shouted, "You blasphemers, die!"

"Divine art, curse!"

Tears of blood flowed from his eyes, and he stared blankly at his palm without responding.



Immediately fell to the ground and became crazy.


Tallinn, somewhere deep underground.

The God of Duer just came out of the retreat.

"The source has recovered to 60%, which is too fast. It won't be long before I can go further."

Only then did He have time to check the information of the believers.

The gods who have condensed the godhead can accept the prayers of believers from far away. Ordinary believers will not care if they pray to him. Only the mad believers and above, he will pay attention occasionally.

The God of Du'er sifted the prayers of the believers, focusing on the Anxia Kingdom.

"A day and a night have passed, the divine religion should take root in Anxia, ​​right?"

The red-clothed archbishop has been endowed with a lot of divine power by him, and it is not difficult to deal with the Awakening Stage Great Perfection by mastering several advanced divine arts.

If you are lucky, a few people will be able to win the fairy gate.

Even if there are stronger people in Xianmen, those who know each other must cooperate obediently.

There are not a few infidels who have been burned to death in Tallinn.

The God of Du'er was in a good mood, and went a step further from escaping from nine deaths and getting a big chance.

He was suddenly startled, why is something wrong with the prayer of the red-clothed archbishop?

Seems to be asking for help?

He looked at the other people, and it was more than ten hours ago that he asked for help. His face turned black, the underground space shook violently, and dark red thunder arcs appeared, crackling, and countless earth and stones around them turned into dark red thunder arcs. dust.

He was furious.

But the archbishop is already the top combat power that his followers can achieve. No matter how high it is, it can't reach extraordinary - there are seeds of divine power in a short period of time, and there is no way to raise a real master.

It was the critical moment to restore the origin. The God of Du'er, who was a trivial matter, was reluctant to take action in person. His divine power spread throughout his body, and the next moment, he appeared in another place in the realm of God, in a great hall.

The hall was empty, with only the piled up materials and dozens of comatose young men and women.

With a move of his hand, dozens of young men and women had wounds on their bodies, and blood beads appeared one after another.

These people are all awakened people, and they have good talents. The God of Du'er picked out the three most talented people, and with a light grip of the palm, the other people's bodies exploded, turning into a blood fog that filled the sky, and the blood fog merged into a river. into the groove to form a blood pool.

The materials accumulated in the surrounding mountains are also suspended in the air, merging and changing.

The God of Du'er took out many treasures from the space ring and merged them into his own blood. Finally, the remaining three most talented Awakeners were lifted into the air by his divine power...

After a few operations, a crystal of divine power more precious than the seed of divine power was constructed. After a while, the three angels with gray-white wings behind them and wisps of golden light on their bodies appeared. before him.

The angel knelt down and prostrated before the God of Duer.

He glanced over, nodded in satisfaction, waved his big hand, and three ghost-faced angels broke through the roof and rose into the sky.

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