My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 660 Facing the Gods (2 in 1)

The dozen or so people labelled heretics, old and young, appear to be from three families. A woman in tattered clothes with rotten eggs thrown on her head, wrapped her arms tightly around her two five- or six-year-olds. The child was roughly pulled away by a group of people in silver armor and tied them to a wooden frame.

The wooden frame was filled with dry weeds, and gasoline was poured directly on the heretics.

The surrounding ground is blackened piece by piece, and there are not a few heretics who have been burned to death by the Divine Religion recently.

The believers raised their hands and shouted with excitement.


The flames burst into flames, spreading more violently because of the gasoline.

The hay crackled, and even louder was the cries of children, and the flames climbed up the wooden frame, scorching hot in the air.

"Sorcery, sand waves!"


Countless fine-grained gravels rushed from afar, like cascading waves, covering each burning haystack with precision.

The bishop's eyes widened, and he saw a group of people approaching quickly across the crowd swept down by the sand waves.

"And heretics, the Knights, kill them on the spot!"

"Fuck your sister's heresy!"

A dozen knights in silver armor, each of which is equivalent to an Awakened, with pistols and shotguns hanging from their waists, and long swords, spears, and broadswords on their backs. the main ruling power.

The believers all fled in panic, the knight drew his pistol, bang bang bang——

The dust that suddenly rolled up blocked their sight, and one after another silver-white figures flew out from the dust, some were still twitching on the ground, and some were no longer alive.

"The main clergy of the Church of the Evil God of Du'er don't need to stay alive, hurry up."

A cold voice spread, and a graceful figure with long golden hair and purple pupils in a tight battle suit walked out of the smoke.

"Here, heresy, how dare you!"

The bishop retreated, and a slow magic technique fell on Violet, and he fled to the other side without hesitation.

call out--

The sword light flashed, and a flying sword with blood flowers swept through the air, and then went straight through a fleeing church knight.

The bishop stumbled and rolled twice, stood up clutching his blood-stained ribs, and ran into a small alley.

Violet Nina took a slow pace that was slightly uncomfortable, and threw two flying swords into the small alley.

Yixun is a small town with many and narrow lanes extending in all directions.

The bishop dragged his injured body and fled quickly.

He caught a glimpse of silver light out of the corner of his eyes, and his body twisted.


Two flying sword holes penetrated the calf and chest and abdomen.


The wooden door on the side of the alley opened, and hope ignited in the bishop's eyes, "Save, save me."

Behind the door were figures with beards, and hatred flashed in their eyes.

He took two steps, squatted down, and in the eyes of the bishop's hope, "Pu Chi" stabbed a dagger in the bishop's heart, pulled it out again, and slashed frantically again and again.

Violet stopped at the entrance of the alley, she turned her head, "I will leave it to you, I have to go deep into the core area and deal with more key members before the Du'er Sect reacts."


The mad believers who believe in the God of Duer almost all hold important positions in the church.

These people regard the God of Evil as the only one, and arrest and torture are almost useless. The mad believers burned their vitality to perform magic, causing a lot of trouble to all countries.

The more you go to the core of Tallinn, the more pious faces you can see.

"Have you found the trace of the God of Du'er?"

Tang Yu in a black coat walked by, the space was distorted indistinctly, and no one around could see the three people walking in front of him.


Elaine shook her head, holding the sacred artifact Bingming, the azure blue one-piece long skirt floated up in the opposite direction under the perception that it almost turned into reality.

"In his God's Domain, perception diffusion is much more difficult than under normal circumstances, and it may be misled. Perhaps the God of Du'e can only be discovered at close range."

Nancy heard that, looking left and right, it seems that everyone may be the God of Du'er in disguise.

In addition to them all the way, there are Hongyue and Sora, Gretel and Tyron.

Tang Yu came with the No. 2 clone, wearing a special ring on his finger - inlaid with the crystals of space law fragments - this clone's combat power is stronger than the main body in a sense.

He was worried that the God of Du'er would hide, or the fish would die and the net would be broken, desperate to destroy.

The three-way search team also means to lead snakes out of their holes.

The dignified gods are not afraid of a few second-order extraordinary, right?

"The sky blue star is so big. If the God of Du'e wants to develop his beliefs, he can't hide... But what if he escapes?"

It is not a good thing for Sky Blue Star to be missed by a god.

"We will occupy the stable black seam in Tallinn first, just in case."

Across the city is the stable black seam of Tallinn.

While on the road, the Elaine radar continued to scan.

He is also sensing whether there are spatial oddities around him.

A few streets in the city can see a statue of the God of Du'e, and believers who worship the statue can be seen everywhere, but Tang Yu noticed that the big city of Tallinn is far from the bustling it used to be, the supermarket shelves are empty, and many companies , factories are in a state of shutdown.

The streets were either kowtows or pilgrims wandering aimlessly, their bodies showing an unhealthy sallow color.


From the Church of the God of Eternity to the state religion and control of the entire country, Tallinn has undergone a round of changes, and the losses are incalculable.

And because of the blockade, it is almost a fatal blow to companies in modern society, not to mention, everyone worships gods, everyone believes in the highest, how many people are still engaged in production?

If there are managers with sufficient ability and skill, it may not be impossible to transform into a country with "theocracy first and high cohesion", but who are the management of Tallinn today? In terms of belief, fanatics are at the top, pan-believers are at the bottom, and the whole country has long been in chaos.


Under the ground, the God of Du'er is still in retreat to restore his origin.

But this time He was awakened.

The threads of faith are broken in batches.

"what happened?!"

He was shocked and angry, and immediately received the prayer message of the believers.

"Four kingdoms! Immortal gate! Damn, don't force me! I'm crazy and scared of myself!"

"No, no, this must be another Xianmen conspiracy, keep it steady!"

"No, at the speed of Xianmen, within a few days, my followers will have to be reduced by 80 to 90%. At that time, it is very likely that the godhead will fall, let alone go further, and will even be backlashed, leaving more serious injuries than the loss of the source. !"



Elaine raised her head, "God's Domain...seems to be boiling."

"Look over there!" Nancy pointed away.

They were in the former Tallinn military base - used to block the black seam - now also taken over by the Church of the God of Eternity.

Members of the Knights wearing silver and white armors can be seen everywhere in the base. There are not a few bishops, central bishops, and an archbishop.

at this time,

Whether it was the archbishop, the knights of the knights, or some ordinary believers, they all knelt down and kowtowed, chanting the name "God of Du'er".

"...Praise the Lord, judge all heretics, burn lives, drain souls, and do whatever..."

This scene happened all over the country of Tallinn.

The colorful rays of light crossed the sky, like a river of heaven.

Not good! Danger!

Tang Yu's eyelids jumped.

"Stop him!"

In the void, there are invisible forces falling from higher planes.

Not only in this place, but within the realm of the gods, the God of Du'er carried out many "precise strikes".

A faint flame rose from Tang Yu's body, turning into a force that collided with an invisible force in the void.

The air waves spread out, revealing the three figures of Tang Yu. The bishops and knights in the base had no time to pay attention to the sudden appearance of strangers. They had been blown away by the terrifying air waves, and the whole base was in a mess.


Elaine lifted off into the sky, her dress fluttering, and her feet were blocked by a mysterious ice-blue light.

In an instant, the surrounding turned into the color of ice and snow, and there was a bone-chilling cold.

Her frost field radiates hundreds of kilometers away, and nearly half of the big cities adjacent to the base are shrouded in the field.

Snowflakes fluttering, wrapped in silver.

The domain and the domain of the gods collided and interfered with each other.

A cold current rolled up in the ice and snow, and there was a bang-bang explosion in the void.

In the far west, the sword is soaring to the sky.

To the north, thunderclouds rolled.

Sora and Gretel shot one after another to minimize the "Precision Strike" damage of the God of Eternity.

"I found him, no, he came."


In the core area of ​​Tallinn, that is, the towns shrouded in the realm of the gods, several commandos from major countries have entered the core area.

Awakeners from the eleventh district of the Eagle Country, wearing sophisticated modern equipment, suddenly solved a team of knights.


Invisible power hangs down.

A whole group of Awakened figures froze, like sand paintings on a drawing board, and were suddenly completely erased.

another place,

The Awakened of Xi Lun's Transcendent Bureau is fighting in a certain church.

The invisible power fell, and suddenly it exploded in the void.


The roof of the church was overturned and blown up. Whether it was the Awakened of Shiron's Transcendent Bureau or the clergy of the church, they were all blown away by the terrifying energy flow.

Shang Gongling walked alone in the core area. She was holding a long sword. Blood beads fell from the sword. After a while, the long sword was spotless.

This was the first time she had actually killed someone. Along the way, she had seen too much chaos, and the mentality that had been a little escaping, gradually calmed down.

One person and one sword, slaying the wicked, and calming the chaos.

His eyes became firmer.


She looked up and saw the terrifying energy erupting from the void.

The long sword stands in front of him, and the source of air circling forms a black and white circle.

The terrifying energy poured down, and the surrounding houses, trees, and some anxious believers on the street were all affected and exploded in an instant.

She was also thrown out, fell two somersaults, and spit out a mouthful of blood with a flushed face.


In the void, divine sounds burst forth, endless streamers converged, turning into a figure three or four meters high, with red skin and two horns on the head.

This is the true face of the God of Eternity!

The Scarlet Flames, a rare and almost extinct special race, can possess extraordinary power in adulthood.

He turned his palms to blow away the clouds, pressed down, and the frost field shattered inch by inch.

The power of God's Domain is gathered in one body, and it is pressed down.

Elaine's face flushed and she retreated.

Tang Yu stepped forward, put his hand on her back, looked at the God of Du'er, and there were bursts of tingling pain in his eyes.

In terms of breath, the God of Du'e is slightly worse than the world-class demonized beast, but in terms of means, combat skills, and wisdom, the God of Du'e who has lived for an unknown number of years is stronger than the stupid world-class demonized beast. too much.

Tricky countless times!

This is his real, the first time to fight head-on with a domain-level powerhouse!

"Watch out!" Nancy yelled.

The God of Du'e suddenly appeared in front of him, and he punched out as if he took the whole world with him, making him feel extremely small.

Can't resist!

The power of ghosts and gods in Nancy's body has been enriched countless times, and a vague ghost and god's shadow hundreds of meters high appears behind her.


A sword slashed upwards from diagonally below, and the ground was cracked inch by inch, with endless purple sword lights fighting with the crimson fist lights of the God of Du'e.

boom! ! !

A roar of heaven and earth!

As the brilliance swept away, trees, mountains, and buildings disappeared.

A round sun of purple and red intertwined, rising slowly.

For a moment,

The full sun dissipated.

The ground in a radius of tens of kilometers, including a small half of the city, was razed to the ground.

There is no trace of what ever existed.


Nancy's body burst into a cloud of blood, and under the black tight-fitting armor, her delicate body was shattered, and her body was covered in blood. The loss of the source was more than 5% in one blow!


Tang Yu raised his hand and ejected a glazed flame.

The magnificent flame jumped in space and landed directly on the God of Du'e, and the flame soared in an instant.

His complexion changed slightly, and divine power poured out frantically, resisting the strange flames.

one second,

two seconds,

Three seconds.

The glazed flame jumped even more violently, the God of Du'er cut open the divine body that was stained with glazed flame, but the glazed flame itself ignited in the next instant.

He has recovered to 80% of his original source and dropped to 70% in just three seconds. The complexion changed and changed.

In an instant,

The glazed flame on the God of Du'e went out.

Tang Yu's face was pale, and his source power was completely hollowed out. He burned another 8% of his source, prolonging the time of Liuliyan by 4 seconds, and it was only... just hurt the God of Duer.

Next time, when he is ready, even if he recovers, he may not be able to hit the opponent.

The God of Du'er has been far away, and the power that controls the realm of the gods is indescribable pressure from all directions.

Elaine's frost field was only 20 kilometers away, a rune lit up on her forehead, her skin was a transparent ice blue, and she instantly entered a state of energy.

The holy artifact Bing Ming burst into light, and the beam of light rising into the sky stirred the clouds.


Suddenly, a frozen world was projected, and the world was shrinking, and the God of Du'er was about to be enveloped in it.

Elaine stared at her.

Tang Yu clenched his fingers.

Nancy stood vigilantly in front of the two.


The permafrost world turned into the origin and disappeared.

The God of Duer appeared several kilometers away.

"Holy weapon! Holy weapon!"

His eyes were greedy and swept across Tang Yu and the others.

"He is in charge of the holy artifact in the unity of the realm, and he must be the successor of the power master..."

He looked around vigilantly and already had the intention of retreating.

The existence of the power of the Holy Artifact is no longer just the word 'top'.

He has already remembered the coordinates of the sky blue star, and in the future, there will never be a chance to come to this world again.

He turned into a streamer, fled to the entrance of the stable black seam, and was about to step in.


Like a zipper closed, the stable black seam entrance that has existed for more than two years is closed.

The God of Duer: "what???"

One is the evolution of the waste material beast, and the second is the salted fish beast...

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