On the west side of the main island of the floating island, Xuefu City.

More than a dozen kilometers away from the shaded suburbs, along the wide and straight concrete road, you can see a huge lush ancient tree in the distance.

It is 100 meters high, and a beautiful tree house is built on the sturdy trunk. It is the symbol of the World Tree Academy - although it is not comparable to the real World Tree, it is spectacular enough.

Tang Yu raised his head, squinted slightly, and immediately saw a phantom covering the sky above his head.

Branches that are wider than bridges, leaves several times larger than a fan... There is also the direction of the castle, and beyond, the trunk of the World Tree like the Pillar of Heaven.

The World Tree takes civilization as the soil, takes root in the void, and hides in another dimension.

The support of the shade city, the blessing of the territory... The newly born world tree has returned to its former size, and the branches and leaves that cover the sky are larger than the main island of the floating island and the three sub-islands combined.

In addition to World Tree Academy, Xuefu City also has two comprehensive universities and two middle schools... Junior high schools and high schools have now been merged. In addition to basic liberal arts, the knowledge taught also includes subjects such as apocalyptic history and analysis of demonized beasts, as well as corresponding Basic primary schools already have a mature education system.

As the Spring Festival is approaching, both World Tree Academy and other schools are already on holiday, but there are still many live-in students in the academy city.

They are all orphans with nowhere to go, but this year they can finally have a happy holiday.

"Here, Mr. Principal."

Tang Yu's arrival shocked the high-level officials of Xuefu City. The first one was the vice-principal of World Tree Academy, an old man with sparse hair, very thin, dark skin, and two front teeth exposed in his mouth.

The old man is only a low-level awakened person, and he was forced to pile up by medicine. He was able to get the position of vice principal not because he had a background, but because he really had the ability. Before the end of the world, the old man was a little-known school principal, and he funded many times. Poor students live in poverty.

"Long time no see, Principal Zhang."

Tang Yucai remembered that he was the nominal principal of World Tree Academy. Since the establishment of the academy, he has come here only a handful of times, and he feels a little ashamed to think about it.

Zhang Gengsheng didn't think much of it.

He is not an old Luyin person, but he came to Luyin after several twists and turns, after going through several medium and large shelters. If it wasn't for the awakening of the students he sponsored and supported him all the way, he would be lucky, otherwise he wouldn't be able to reach the green shade.

Zhang Gengsheng is talented and learned, but his management skills are not bad. He once served as a grassroots cadre in a large shelter.

But he was not used to the system of those large shelters. In addition to exploitation or exploitation, countless survivors starved to death every day, especially the elderly and children.

Zhang Gengsheng is aware of the helplessness involved. The elderly and children are 'burdens' in the last days, but without a new generation, how can mankind talk about the future? There are many shelters that are not lacking in food, not even an orphanage, and it is even less possible for a school to exist... He asked for shelter leaders, wealthy businessmen, and high-level awakened people, all of whom sneered at his proposal to build a school.

It's the end of the world, what school do you want?

Only Luyin still attaches great importance to education, and even invested a huge amount of money to build a school city... As vice-principal Zhang Gengsheng, he knows how huge the cost is, even if it is a holy land-level force, even if they also invest resources to build schools, their investment will also be Not as good as one percent or one thousandth of the shade!

It is a blessing for World Tree Academy to have such a principal.

Mr. Tang is also the city lord of Shady City and the lord of the defense circle. Compared with the fact that he only needs to manage the school and take care of the students, Mr. Tang has a heavier task on his shoulders. Naturally, it is impossible to inspect the school often.

"Come on, call the principal."

Principal Zhang waved at some shy students in the back.

They are not very old, between the ages of twelve and sixteen, they are the leaders of the new generation of awakened people. When I saw Tang Yu, he was still a little dumb. He was too young, and Tang Yu didn't appear in public from time to time. He was probably the most famous, but his level of familiarity was not as good as that of Elaine, Luo Zhe, etc. Sora and others... Elaine and the others occasionally give open classes at World Tree Academy.

But... Principal?

Isn't the principal of World Tree Academy the very young City Lord Tang?

They gradually matched Tang Yu's appearance with the memorial statues in the academy.

"It's really Mr. City Lord!"

"A living principal!"

"Welcome to the principal, brother."

"I heard that Chaofan can live for thousands of years. Will the principal look young, but he can actually be Grandpa Zhang's grandfather?"

"Stupid, how many years is the end of the world? The principal is an authentic fifth-century person, so don't be ashamed if you don't study well in the history of the era... According to my speculation, the principal should be about the same age as Grandpa Zhang, but with a high level of cultivation, so he is rejuvenated. Back to being a child."

Can these little bastards speak... Tang Yu's smile twitched slightly.

Zhang Gengsheng coughed awkwardly and politely.

"You were just now?"

"We are discussing the candidates for the first Freshman Cup."

Freshman Cup?

Why haven't I heard of it at all... Tang Yu couldn't help but wonder if he paid too little attention to the territory?

"The Freshmen Cup is an international event, which was actually proposed by the Guling royal family not long ago. The time for its holding has not yet been determined. At that time, I have already missed the 'rapid improvement period' that can refine soul power, so I can only rely on cultivation, and pay more attention to inheritance and cultivation."

Zhang Gengsheng said: "In addition to our greenery, Guling and Beiting are the holy places that attach the most importance to the cultivation of the new generation, but Guling places more emphasis on the cultivation of the awakened, while we and Beiting are more comprehensive."

Tang Yu nodded slightly, but didn't care too much. Whether he lost or won, Luyin had passed the stage where he needed to rely on competition to increase his influence.

As for the 12- or 13-year-old children who are going to fight and see blood, no one cares about that. Zhang Gengsheng hopes that the new generation can be better cultivated, but it is not pedantic. In the first two years of the apocalypse, it is not uncommon for children only a few years old to take up weapons and face demonized beasts.

Tang Yu thought about it for a while, but still said, "If you can achieve good results in the Freshman Cup, we can reward each of you with an A-level item, and if you can get the first place, each of you will be rewarded with an S-level item, and Build an alien beast garden in the World Tree Academy... Yes, it is the kind that can be visited, and if you agree with the alien beast, you can take it away."

Hear the eyes of those little boys and girls light up.

Principal Zhang too, Alien Beast Garden, could it be... He remembered the rumors he had heard, the scientific research department is developing runes that can contract alien beasts, it may not seem to be rumors now.

He looked at Tang Yu, and Tang Yu nodded slightly incomprehensibly.


The first place is a bit difficult... It's not that the teaching method of World Tree Academy is not good, nor that the resources are not enough, it is just a high-level item, a potion that can improve one's cultivation. Gu Ling and other dynasties, there must be key training objects within the royal family...

Zhang Gengsheng understands this aspect very well, but his view is the same as Tang Yu's. The Freshmen Cup is for better training students, not for ranking.

Under the leadership of President Zhang, Tang Yu inspected World Tree Academy and was warmly welcomed by the left-behind students. He successfully showed his face and brushed his sense of existence.

Of course, under the various 'complaints' of Lao Zhang, Tang Yu invested a lot of resources in the academy.


In the ancient city, the hiding place of the bald middle-aged people has been changed from a star-rated hotel to a homestay.

Four bedrooms and two halls.

The Chou young man in charge of liaison brought information again, "Boss, there is news from above, let us complete the operation within a week, otherwise, the organization will treat us as traitors."

The bald middle-aged man frowned, didn't speak, and paced back and forth in the room, "Have you found out where the adult is being held?"

"No." The Chou youth said, "The prison guard we bought is not enough, we only know that the adult is detained in the depths of the prison, and it is impossible to buy it. Even if it is only a prisoner detained in the shallow layer, three supervisions are required. The person agrees to be taken out.”

The bald middle-aged brow furrowed deeper.

He thought about using the prison guard to pull the strings and buy people at higher levels, but there was obviously not enough time.

At present he has little control over his actions.

"But..." the ugly young man said again, "If it's just a prison visit, the prison guard can take us in, um... I'm referring to the prison guard Wang Er, who is only detained at the shallow level."

The bald middle-aged man was silent for a while, then waved the ugly young man to leave. He took out the part of the prison's institutional map he had drawn and watched it for a long time.

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