My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 672 Voyage to the Endless Sea

In the world of mountains and seas, ethnic civilizations are mostly concentrated on the boundless Xuanyun Plateau, and there are also some scattered islands in the endless sea... It is said that they are scattered, compared with the vast endless sea, these islands are not many. Some large areas can be compared to the Earth's Eurasia.

There are also civilizations on the islands. On the islands adjacent to the coastline, some countries migrated from the vast mainland. In the depths of the sea, most of the indigenous civilizations developed naturally on the islands.

Unlike Xuanyun Plateau, which has a unified script and language, many island civilizations lack communication, and the differences are huge.

"Because of the particularity of the sea water of the Endless Sea, the extraordinary level cannot fly, and ships sailing in the sea are easily attacked by sea monsters...?"

Lorraine is studying with a piece of information.

The place they set off from was a private port on the southern coastline. Over the years, the Expedition Corps has organized several trips to sea, but they have not gone far. The longest one was a 15-day voyage at sea.

Then he was attacked by a sea monster, and the entire army was annihilated. If there were no scrolls to return to the city, and the ships were destroyed in the endless sea, no one could escape the fate of death.

At this time, the fleet had left the port for several hours, and there was no land in sight, but the waves were not rough, just like the ordinary sea.

When the perception spreads, everything is normal above the sea surface, but when it spreads under the sea surface, the perception ability seems to have entered the mud, and it is difficult to enter.

Lorraine tried to get up in the air, but when she stepped on the void, she felt a heavy pressure enveloped.

Almost shrugged.

"Captain, the first and second mates are looking for you for a meeting."

The one who found Lorraine was a sailor, aboriginal, except for the senior management, the current green shade adopts the mode of employing people according to the locality.

This voyage, there is no bloated fleet, only this well-built "initial" battleship.

The battleship was armed to the teeth, with ferocious gun barrels on the side, and on the deck stood magic towers that flickered with arcs. From time to time, you could see the void outside the deck, with runes flashing away.

But this "Initial" does not have the ability to roam the endless sea, and Lorraine knows it well.

conference room,

First mate Tang Xiaoli, second mate Xie Yi, third mate Xingling + Xingyue sisters, Sailor Changkong...

The first mate of Bamboo Squirrel is here to come, but Lorraine's captain is more worthy of her name. Before she was called, she had the experience of being a captain, although she was a pirate captain with two or three big cats and kittens.

In addition, there are also the main persons in charge of various positions such as gunners, warehouse managers, and ship doctors.

The problem currently surrounding is the acquisition of Youhai Crystal.

"The crystals of the secluded sea only exist in the depths of the endless sea, and we have life-saving items such as the City Return Scroll, which naturally have advantages in exploration. I think that rushing is enough."

Bamboo rat chestnut said with a bang, and finally, added a "squeak".

She looked around, Lorraine, Shay, and Xingling Xingyue all voted against it, sitting there in the air to express their neutrality, and all the awakened crew members hid in the corner, shivering.

"Finding a needle in a haystack is not advisable, and since some of the crystals of the sea have spread, then, in the depths of the endless sea, there should be some forces that know how to obtain the crystals of the sea."

Lorraine did a rare homework, "But the island is small compared to the ocean in the past, and we don't have a chart..."

She looked at Xingling Xingyue.

Protoss shook his head, indicating that there is no specific goal, and divination cannot be done.

"That..." A crew member raised his hand weakly, "Can we try the radio, maybe we can receive some information from maritime civilization."

The technology tree of Shanhai Great World mainly focuses on personal combat power, and the research on foreign objects is relatively lagging behind, but tools such as radios, such as Baicheng, are still possessed by more advanced forces.

The radio is a high-end mysterious side item. It can not only receive the source band from distant regions, but also occasionally receive some strange information.

A sailor brought a rune radio that looked like a conch shell and turned it on.


"The great master of death, please sow the glory of the blood moon."

"Oh ho, oh ho, let me out!"

"Meow, meow, meow meow meow~"

"Huh...huhu~bang! Pong! Ping!"

There seems to be no serious information?

As a last resort, Xingling Xingyue could only use the Divination Staff method, let the staff stand up, let go, and drop it at random. The place where the staff points is the direction the ship is heading.

The ship broke through the wind and waves, and in the blink of an eye, it has been sailing at sea for more than a month.


The initial swayed, and the siren whined, followed by the announcement from the ship:

"Two second-level sea monsters at seven o'clock, and one third-level sea monster at ten o'clock, all units pay attention, all units pay attention..."

The sea monster is almost undetectable before it emerges from the water, and the method of judging the strength of the breath is not applicable when it is placed on the sea monster... But after sailing for more than a month, the crew of the initial ship already has a set of observation methods.

- Judging strength by body shape.

A sea monster the size of a car, a first-class sea monster with no threat.

A sea monster the size of a two-story building, classified as a second-class sea monster, is slightly threatening.

The size of the third-level sea monster is much larger. The initial size is 266 meters long and the ship is 39.8 meters wide. The length of the third-level sea monster when it opens is already equal to the width of the ship.

After a collision, the initial number was wrapped in a translucent shield, but it still shook for a while.


The gun barrels on both sides of the battleship rang in unison, and water columns tens of meters high shot up into the sky. After a while, there was a blood-red spread in the sea area on the left side of the initial ship.

The two second-level sea monsters were killed instantly, but the third-level sea monster let out a roar like the sky, and the thick tentacles slapped on the shield.

Most of its body has been scorched black, and most of its tentacles are broken. It looks like it is dying, but the wound is healing at a very fast speed.

——These sea monsters do not have the ability to be reborn from a drop of blood, but their self-healing ability is at least SS level.

"I come."

Sora jumped out of the deck, and people in mid-air slashed out with a sword.

His sword glow is not dazzling, it can even be said to be unpretentious, but when the sword fell, the third-level sea monster was suddenly divided into two, but there was no sign of the surrounding sea being divided into two - not weak, but His control of the moves has reached perfection, and he has not cut out a trace of excess energy.

Sora's figure slowly descended, his toes lightly tapped on the corpse sea monster, and jumped onto the initial deck again.

"It's a giant sea bream. There are few sea monsters that can be used as ingredients. We have a good time today."

The fishing team worked quickly, fixed the huge sea monster around the initial number, and took out the useful materials and edible parts of the sea monster one by one.

At this time,

Several small spots appeared on the sea level, and several ships over 100 meters long approached quickly.

on the flagship,

A figure was holding a disc, and the ripples spread like a radar. He stared at a small point for a few seconds, and finally said with a little joy, "The sea turtle has stopped!"

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