The pirates continued to test with words, and it was time for Lorraine to do it.



The pirate who spoke the worst was slapped in the face, his entire head was twisted 180 degrees by the huge momentum, and half of his face was visibly swollen.

"You actually... hit me?"

He stared angrily at... a fellow pirate beside him.

Take all precautions, I didn't expect to think of my own way!


The pirate's eyes showed disbelief, he wanted to explain, to explain that his body suddenly did not obey.

'I...not me, my body is controlled. ’

He roared wildly in his heart, and when he came to his mouth, it became, "I'm fanning you!"

The source of power circulated in the palm of his hand, and a palm was printed on the mouth of the broken mouth pirate's chest. Although the mouth broken pirate resisted hastily, the whole person still vomited blood and flew out, dragging a long trace on the beach.

The Unity Realm powerhouse in the pirate group shot, a hand knife slashed at the controlled mouth-shattering pirate, and with a snap, he stepped on the Void Realm pirate and fainted.

There are eight people in this group of pirates who landed on the island, three of whom are in the One Realm and five are in the Void Realm. Comparing the number of powerhouses in One One, this group of pirates is much weaker than the Giant Shark Pirates. The leader of the pirates The bounty is only five hundred? Or three hundred?

The giant shark pirate group is actually not weak. Don't look at the bounty worth 8 million per head in the eyes of Lorraine and others. In fact, the value of the source crystal in the world of mountains and seas is higher than that of the earth - the earth is the source Qi recovery, with the background of the top life planet - the total resources of the earth may not be comparable to the world of mountains and seas, but it is far less than the area. The resources owned by a medium-sized province in Daxia can be comparable to a maritime principality.

Taking the Blue Water Principality as an example, the dozen or so large islands combined are as big as the two Great Xia Kingdoms before the end of the world.

If the true level of the giant shark is placed on the earth, it should be worth 20 million? thirty million?

Speaking of which, the Adventurers Guild has never issued any wanted, nor a bounty value that can be referenced... Lorraine thought that before she was summoned to Earth, she was also a part-time bounty hunter, and her main job was of course a bartender. , at that time, she occasionally hunted some criminals, but she would be weak, and the criminals who were offered a bounty were not too strong. One vote was only a few hundred Yuan Jing. Now that I think about it, it is really a loss.

The boss of the Wolf Tooth Pirates looked at Lorraine and his party with a solemn expression. He still doesn't know who did it.

I didn't expect that my subordinates were so strong in trash talk. Obviously they weren't the first to speak, but the firepower was concentrated on them.

It's not a fight now, and I can't go back.

The beach suddenly quieted down, and only the bamboo squirrel kept mumbling "I told you not to give me a bounty", "I told you to call me short", "This rat is not a bully" and others. Incomprehensible words.

Milohir, the highest bounty "Code Whisper", also looked at him with interest.

Such a rookie is rare, but it has to be said that in the pirate circle, the more rigid it is, the more deterrent it will be—provided that there is corresponding strength.

The illusion of bamboo rat chestnut made many malicious pirates around them even more confused about the strength of the group.


A small boat approached, and before it reached the edge of the beach, several figures on the boat jumped up and fell on the beach. With a loud bang, several deep pits were smashed into the beach.

There were a total of six figures, five of which were wearing black robes and could not see their appearance clearly. The other figure was a thin middle-aged man. On his exposed arms, sharp white bones protruded like sharp knives.

Several figures appeared on the beach, and a cold aura spread out in an instant, and the weaker Void Stepping Realm pirates couldn't help shrinking their necks.

Naturally, these figures have a sense of fear.

Lorraine is still recalling in her mind, comparing the identity of the man with sharp bones on his arms, the sharp-eyed pirate has already whispered:

"It's "Bone Blade" Avale! With a bounty of 36 million, the number two person in the 'Abyss' pirate group! "


The sharp-eyed pirates looked at the other figures in black robes. Four of them were tall, with a height of more than two meters and three meters. The last figure was thin and short, only about 1.6 or 1.7 meters tall. In the middle of Dao Gao's figure is like a dwarf.

But this figure whose face could not be seen clearly was the most feared.

"The owner of the Bone Abyss, the Pale Abyss, no one knows his origin and name, but he... His bounty is as high as 59 million..."

The talking pirate gulped his saliva. No amount of bounty was worth seeing. The pressure made him understand that he might not be able to make a move in front of the existence of the 'Bone Abyss'!

Even if the Unity Realm can be reborn from a drop of blood, the loss of the source will not be small every time. If you meet it at sea, you may not be able to leave!

This is top pirate!

"I heard that Lord Pale Abyss once slaughtered the capital of a principality. In terms of strength, I'm afraid he is not inferior to the Twelve Generals!"

"'Pale Abyss' already had the combat power of 'alternate general' a thousand years ago. Now that a thousand years have passed, even if it is not as far as the Twelve Generals, there is not much difference, and I heard that three of the Twelve Generals have fallen. 'Pale' Abyss' is expected to win a general title this time."

The popular science is a big pirate. Although it is only one state, the bounty is as high as 19 million, which can reflect his strength from the side.

He didn't bring honorifics, but he was very sure of the strength of the Pale Abyss.

However, the focus of other pirates is no longer on the Pale Abyss.

"Wait, three of the twelve generals have fallen? How is that possible! If such a big thing happens, I'm afraid the entire pirate circle will be boiling!"

The Science Pirate sighed, "It happened within this year, and with the speed at which news spreads at sea, if it weren't for my special way, I would be as confused as you are.

The ghost-faced general was ambushed and killed by the Yuehua Empire. I heard that the remnants of the ghost-faced general are fighting with the Yuehua Empire.

The other two generals, for some unknown reason, suddenly clashed, and the last two general-level powerhouses both fell..."

The popular science pirates don't know much, but the pirates around feel terrified.

The last time a general-level powerhouse fell, was it hundreds of years ago, but now, three fell within a year?

There is an inexplicable sense of weirdness.

"The idiot of the ghost face is indeed dead, it's a pity..."

The gloomy voice sounded, but there was no pity in his tone. He looked at Lorraine and the others, "Deep Sea Giant Shark is in your hands? Take it out, I won't ask for it for nothing, here is a thousand Wanyuan Crystal."

The eyes of the surrounding pirates instantly fell on the Black Skull Pirates and the Abyss Pirates.


Different from their idea of ​​trying to capture the Deep Sea Giant Shark, the Pale Abyss speaks directly and cannot be rejected. This is the top pirate, and the fist decides everything!

If it were not on the assembly island, I believe that the pale abyss would not even take out ten million source crystals.

A warship with the characteristics of being alive is a good thing, but it has to be able to hold it, otherwise, you have to be like the giant shark, just a little bit, only send a deputy to the meeting, and never come in person.

And the Black Skull Pirates? Obviously all the important people are here, and some pirates even saw the floating Deep Sea Giant Shark from a distance, no doubt hiding somewhere in this sea area.

Looking for it with the ability of 'Pale Abyss', there is a high probability of finding it.

Black Skull is really a newcomer, and he is not cautious enough in all aspects.

Faced with the 'Pale Abyss' now, the black skeleton can only agree, otherwise, the three lesser-known pirates who died would not care - as long as it didn't happen in front of the three emperors, as long as the 'Pale Abyss' was willing to pay the price and offer Some treasures, slaughter a few pirates, no one dares to say anything.

Fist is the truth!

"I bother!!!"

A mouthful of white phlegm spat out from Lorraine's mouth, flew like a sniper bullet, and shot straight into the pale abyss.

The pirates around were shocked.

Dare to be so stubborn in the face of alternate general-level powerhouses? Ignorance and fearlessness!

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