My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 690 Grand Duke Lanshui: Why is he a pirate again!

Two months passed smoothly.

Both the White Feather Clan and the Fox Clan are powerful ethnic groups with tens of thousands of years of history. It is not a big problem to come up with high-level resources worth tens of billions of source crystals.

Or they/they said it personally, that is, there is a little heartache equivalent to the distance between the index finger and the thumb.

There is no opinion.

Just in my mind, I raised the evaluation of "Xianmen" by a few grades.

——Not only are there strong men at the top, but their background is not bad, "Xianmen" is not just a new force!

The hundreds of magic weapons sold in the past month alone can be seen in general.

I'm afraid they have taken out all the inventory of these years, right? !

The core block of Baicheng, as well as the damaged urban area, were all repaired within a few days, but the shops were changed.

After such a catastrophe, Baicheng's business naturally slumped a little.

The magic weapon is a one-stop business - the kind without after-sales maintenance, the magic weapon has the ability to repair - Baicheng has the ability to buy magic weapons, and most of them have already bought them. few.

But still a cash cow.

When the Baiyu tribe felt that the "Jubao Pavilion" was highly productive, they did not know that Tang Yu built "Jubao Pavilion" in two other neutral cities.

Two years ago,

In fact, he is optimistic about many cities, such as the "Yaxin City" of the "Yaxin Empire" and the "Crystal City" of the "Jingshi City-State", which are all giant cities in the mountains and seas with developed commerce and trade.

However, the "Yaxin Empire" was besieged, and "Yaxin City" also entered a state of wartime alert, and the inspections for entering and leaving the city were very strict... The business was not easy to do.

The "Crystal City" is also, many scattered cultivators have left the area where the crystal city-state is located in order to avoid being affected by the war.

Although Takuu who left only occupies a very small part, it is precisely this part that is the target customer of "Treasure Pavilion".

What business do the rich people do when they run away?

There are also several neutral cities in the situation, some have collapsed half of the city, and some have a sluggish atmosphere.

In desperation, the boss of Tang Da only built two "Jubaoge" chain stores.

But he is also...

God knows if the top forces that the two neutral cities belong to will suddenly break out into a war?

The demons with hearts are doing things in secret, and it seems that there is no peace anywhere.

Unless he builds his own city.

But faced with many problems.

Building a city, even a giant city, is very easy for today's greenery, but the difficulty is that there are no customers.

Neutral cities such as Baicheng have accumulated fame for tens of thousands of years, and there are countless contacts and interactions.

If he builds a city, how many tramps can pass by in a short period of time?

"It doesn't matter, in short, it can be sold for a few days."

The most turnover of "Treasure Pavilion" is still in the first few days of opening. Even if it fails to do business later because of the war, it seems... it's not a big loss?

If you think about it this way, even if the commercial prosperity of the city is one or two worse than that of Baicheng, can you open a smaller "Treasure Pavilion"?

It feels feasible.

"Nancy, you hand over this first draft of mine to the business department and let them find the right city and develop a plan accordingly."

"Uh... oh!"


Blue Water Principality,

The Grand Duke has been very troubled recently.

First, there was the conflict with the Principality of Nucang, which escalated several times for some unknown reason, and finally broke out into a national war.

The national strength of Lanshui and Nucang is half a catty. In the end of the war, the vitality of the two countries must be severely damaged.

Grand Duke Bluewater has been looking for a solution.

For example, hiring top powerhouses to assassinate Grand Duke Nucang—there are many main battle factions in the Duchy of Nucang.

For example, hiring strong people to help in the battle - he hired a few Heyi Realm, but he looked like an uncle.

Another example,

Grand Duke Lanshui happened to hear Count Violet, there are pirates selling puppets, high-end, and large.

He was moved.

Facts have proved that his vision is outstanding. In that battle, with the help of many puppets who are not afraid of death and have fierce firepower, Lanshui defeated Wu Cang.

After that, Grand Duke Lanshui purchased a larger batch of puppets from the Black Skull Pirates.

He is confident that with the puppet army, he will take down the Principality of Nucang in one fell swoop and hit the capital of Nucang.



When Grand Duke Lanshui saw the black puppet army of the opposite camp, he was completely stunned.

Even the model of the puppet army on the opposite side is exactly the same as his own!

What about reputation?

He was also a fool to believe in the credibility of pirates.

The puppet legions of the two principalities have been damaged by most of the wars.

Xu is heartache, and the two countries have entered a brief period of peace.


"What? Pirates again! Did those pirates take our Blue Water Principality seriously? Where's the Navy? Where's the Seventh Fleet? Where's General Griffin!"

Grand Duke Lanshui roared, his saliva splashed on the person opposite him.

The man was trembling, opened his mouth, and finally said in a vibrato, "The Seventh Fleet was wiped out, and General Griffin also... sacrificed."

Grand Duke Lanshui froze for a moment, staring in disbelief.

General Griffin is the top five top powerhouse in the Blue Water Principality, and the Seventh Fleet under his command is invincible, sinking countless pirates and warships of hostile countries.

In the Seventh Fleet, General Griffin had a very high prestige, and even the Grand Duke Lanshui was a little afraid.

"The Seventh Fleet is gone? Griffin is in the One Realm, and he couldn't escape?"

Grand Duke Blue Water realized the seriousness of the matter.

In fact, recently, many pirates have been spotted in the waters around Blue Water.

There were even pirates with millions of bounties who appeared in the city of the Principality of Blue Water, and regarded them as bounty hunters who moved crystal tickets, and practitioners with a sense of justice, all died.

The Blue Water Principality was at war with Nucang, and the Grand Duke was initially reluctant to provoke these pirates.


What merchant ships were looted, pirates sacked ports, fought unscrupulously in urban areas, and suffered countless casualties and so on.

The Grand Duke Lanshui finally made up his mind and sent the Seventh Fleet to guard the sea area where pirates were most rampant.


There was no news of good news, only news of death.

That's not an ordinary pirate, it's a big pirate!


more than one!

The Blue Water Principality has entered a state of high combat readiness. With the news from various places, within two days, some well-known pirate information was presented to the Grand Duke's table.

There are five big pirates with a bounty of more than 10 million!

This is just not much hidden, exposed.

There was even a "Bone Blade" Avarie with a bounty of up to 36 million, the second-in-command of the Abyss Pirates. In the eyes of Grand Duke Lanshui, he was almost a legendary pirate.

"The sea area where the abyss pirate group is active is at least a few kingdom sea areas away from my blue water, how could it suddenly appear here?!"

"There are other big pirates, what happened!"

The rank of Grand Duke Lanshui is not even clear to You Hai, let alone that You Hai will appear in the nearby waters after three months.

In fact, the secluded sea is very large, comparable to the whirlpool sea area, much larger than the Blue Water Principality and the Nucang Principality combined.

The coordinates given by the three emperors are the coordinates of a large sea area, only one corner of which is adjacent to the Blue Water Principality. If not, there will be more pirate groups appearing near the Blue Water Principality.

The big pirates are not all vicious characters.

Some just docked to supply supplies, while those with a "professional" looted merchant ships, but there were also some pirate groups that caused disasters in the Seawater Principality.

Nucang next door is similar, only slightly better.

There are only three or four figures in the Unity Realm directly under the Grand Duke Lanshui. There are a few noble nobles with profound backgrounds in the dukedom, and there are also hidden Unity Realm powerhouses.

but not enough,

A tyrannical pirate like "Bone Blade" can be dealt with by one person.

"Can I only ask for help from the suzerain?"

The archduke frowned.

Empires, kingdoms, and principalities are clearly differentiated.

Kingdoms and principalities almost have their own overlords.

Tributes are paid to the suzerain country every year in exchange for the protection of the suzerain country.

But it's not really useful.

The Grand Duke knows.

The suzerain kingdoms of Lanshui and Nucang are both "Dark Moon" kingdoms, but after fighting to death for so long, I haven't seen any reaction from "Dark Moon" - as long as there are not many tributes every year.

"Forget it, let's get in touch with Darkmoon Kingdom first."

Grand Duke Lanshui ordered his confidants.

After three days,

Contacting Dark Moon's confidant through a special rune formation, he finally brought back the news.

He lowered his head and said in a dejected tone: "Darkmoon Kingdom accepted our gift, but they only said that we should start a large formation to defend the capital. After a while, those pirates will leave."

Grand Duke Lanshui clenched his fist tightly and let it go.


He sat slumped in the chair.

In fact, um, Darkmoon Kingdom is right, as long as the secluded sea opens in another month, the big pirates will naturally leave.

Grand Duke Lanshui naturally did not know.

During the three days of contact, many more pirates fought on the island of blue water.

The unbridled battle of the powerhouses in the unity realm can turn a big city into ruins in just a few minutes.

"Pirates! Damn pirates! Hmm...?"

Speaking of pirates,

Grand Duke Lanshui thought of Lorraine and the group of Black Skull Pirates who had cheated on them.

The Black Skull Pirates only want money, while other pirates roam the Duchy.

Against the background of their peers, the Black Skull immediately became a powerful pirate group with organization, dreams and self-motivation in the eyes of the Grand Duke.

Feeling a lot less for a while.

The favorability is almost turning positive.

But that doesn't solve the current problem.

Grand Duke Lanshui racked his brains, and suddenly, his expression changed, "Since the Black Skull Pirates are trustworthy and only need money, can the Black Skull deal with those pirates?"

What happened at the pirate meeting, the Grand Duke of Blue Water was not aware of it.

But the strength that Lorraine and the others showed at the beginning, in the view of the Grand Duke, was almost no less than that of the big pirates.

"Perhaps, it's really feasible. But how to impress the black skeleton? I'm afraid it's not enough to just rely on the source crystal..."

Due to the war, the Blue Water Principality now has few source crystals in stock, and it is impossible for these 'ordinary possessions' to make Black Skull die.


He remembered a treasure that his ancestors had obtained.

A treasure that is extremely precious, the ancestors dared not reveal the slightest, and even now in the family, only he knows about it!

"I don't have the ability to use that treasure, and I don't even dare to take it out. Since that's the case, why don't I just..."

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