My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 709 Stewed Mengxin in Iron Pot (Big Chapter)

On the top of Jiulong Mountain, Fuyun Pavilion.

This is the place where the Great Sect Master of Tang settled in the Dao Sect.

As a suzerain who cares and cares for his younger disciples, Tang Yu is currently observing the many new reactions in the library.

By the way, act as a grandfather to distribute golden fingers to individual geniuses.

The green shade has only been established for a few years, but its foundation is deeper than many top forces in the mountain and sea world.

Especially in terms of knowledge and technology.

There are many, many, many cheats in the library!

Part of it comes from the Holy City, the legacy of the Origin Star predecessors.

The second part is the accumulation of books Tang Yu bought from the market over several years.

The third part is that he 'modified' and 'integrated' more than two or three cheat books through the research institute. The cheat books obtained are almost all high-level cheat books, but the number is small.

Another part,

It is his own, or the cultivation method created by Yilian, Kong and others, or the combat technique and magic technique.

It is relatively simple to create his own combat techniques and techniques. Tang Genius Yu created it when he was only at the awakening stage... Well, after thinking about it, he didn't have the slightest impression.

It must be because he has too many methods to use those self-created combat skills, so he gradually forgets it.

"It seems that Elaine improved and created a brand-new ice spell when she awakened to the fifth level? It is indeed a little bit more genius than me."

It is more difficult to create your own training rules.

Many stepping into the virtual realm and the unity realm can't do it, and they can't improve it.

A genius like him, creating a mediocre practice method is naturally not a problem.

Grandmaster Tang started writing books two years ago, and he has created no less than twenty books including fire, thunder, ice, gold, space, basic, and hybrid cultivation methods.

Each book can be practiced to the level of unity.

Among them, there are many methods that can cultivate to the realm of the gods, even if they have not broken through to the realm of the gods.

The only problem, probably, maybe... well, no one has practiced these methods.

"The Secret of Ten Thousand Fires" is a cultivation method created by Tang Yu. At first, he wanted to integrate several fire laws that he had touched, such as glazed flame, burning, and meteoric flame, and used it as a stepping stone to understand the origin of fire. .

It's his pinnacle.

Inner disciple Xiao Dong, when testing his cultivation, age, and talent, the test stone tablet has already found out the opponent's physique - he is not a 'child of the world' with 'S-level aptitude', but his special physique that can devour flames When he grew up, he was not inferior to Zhang Weilong, who possessed the 'Five Elements', and Thor, the leader of the Hero Club.

If Xiao Dong had 'S-level aptitude', he would not have the problem of slow progress in his initial cultivation, and "Ten Thousand Fire Technique" happened to be able to gradually make up for this.

"Goldfinger has been issued..." Tang Sect Master pondered for a while, "Then put some pressure on him by the way, for example, you can do some work on the sect mission... Well, this is not only to test the "Wan Huo" The cultivation effect of "The Secret Art" can even speed up the growth of the younger generation, I am really a sect master who is heartbroken for the sect."

At this time,

Elaine pushed open the door and walked in, "Lord Lord, the 3,800 disciples who have entered the sect this time have all chosen the cultivation method and battle method they want. Among them, 233 people have chosen the new school cultivation method, but three of them have chosen the cultivation method. The law is an unfinished product..."

The so-called new school cultivation method is the cultivation method created by these people, which integrates the core ideas of the new era.

After the cultivation method is completed, it is generally tested and perfected by the "research institute", even if no one has ever cultivated before, it will not go wrong.

But the unfinished products are only 40% and 50% completed at most, and the 'Research Institute' cannot make up for it to 100% - the incomplete ones are fine!

‘Who put the unfinished cultivation method into the library? Isn't this the flower that will destroy the future of the sect? ! ’

Tang Yu frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

"Which three?"

"One copy of "The Secret of Ten Thousand Fires", one copy of "Nine Sky Thunder Records", and one copy of "I Am Space"."

Tang Yu: "..."

Emmmmmm these three books, it seems, seems, may, probably... are all methods created by myself.

Immediately, he waved his hand, "Don't worry about them, just observe them secretly for a while."

Anyway... it's understandable that there are some small problems in the 'clinical experiment'!

Those three are all juniors who are very suitable for the three cultivation methods. It is uncertain, can they improve these three cultivation methods based on their cultivation experience? !

The Great Sect Master of Tang has to do it!

Three birds with one stone, I am really a good suzerain who has broken my heart for the sect.


The residential area for the disciples of the sect has already been built, and every disciple of the sect, no matter the inner or outer sect, has his own independent courtyard.

Jiulong Mountain is the main peak, and the source gas concentration is much richer than the outside world, but the source gas concentration of the mountains in the Zongmen area is not bad.

The sects are top-notch in terms of building the Origin Gathering Array and absorbing Origin Qi from the void.

The newcomers, led by a group of senior brothers and sisters—a group of elite disciples selected from Xianmen—went to their dormitories. They couldn’t wait to practice the methods given by the sect.

"Yang Yue, Yu Wenhong, Jing stay here."

Xie Yi left behind a dozen of them, all of them inner disciples.

Yang Yue looked at the others, if there was any guess.

If she remembered correctly, the dozen or so people present were like her, ordinary people without the slightest cultivation.

"You come with me."

Going down the mountain from the library, it is not the same way when you come.

Not long after, they stopped in front of a wide construction area.

- Cultivation area!

Looking around, there are rows of neat blue and white buildings, but the most eye-catching is the round tower in the center of the building complex.

The tower is straight up, submerged in the clouds, and the specific height cannot be seen.

Xie Yi stretched out his hand to light a cigarette, and suddenly thought that in front of the new disciples, he should maintain the demeanor of an elder, and put down his hand embarrassingly.

"You should have guessed why I brought you here."

"To be honest, your aptitude is very poor. Even if there are some awakening medicines on the market, it is difficult for you to awaken. If you can't awaken, you can't cultivate even the best exercises."

Listening to this, there was a young man in luxurious clothes, who lowered his head sadly.

From what he was wearing, it was obvious that his family was in a good condition. He had tried many methods that required medicine and aided awakening.

No use at all.

Even if his parents invited an ancestor of the Oneness Realm, it could not improve his low cultivation aptitude.

It's like being sentenced to death.

You can't practice for the rest of your life.

Even though his parents were in high positions, the young man did not worry about food or clothing, but he was ridiculed. Until his parents sent him to try his luck this time, the young man did not have any expectations, never thought...

"But you don't have to belittle yourselves. Since you can pass the sect's assessment, it proves that you have merit." Xie Yi paused, "As for the lack of aptitude to cultivate? For our Dao sect, what does it count.

I brought you here today to cleanse your essence and improve your qualifications... Of course, it's not free. Zongmen are the most taboo of getting something for nothing. To improve your qualifications, you need to overdraw 1,000 Zongmen points. Directly deduct half until the 1000 points are paid off.

This is not forced, you can choose to accept it or not, but if you miss it, the sect will not give you the opportunity to 'loan'. "

Yang Yue and the others did not hesitate, it was obvious that the sect took care of them.

"That's fine, the man will come with me, and the woman will come with you, Senior Sister Shanggong."

Yang Yue turned her head to look, only to find that the 21-year-old senior sister was standing not far from them at some point, looking at them with a bit of curiosity.

Among the dozen people, 8 were male and 7 were female.

They are all young and young girls, the youngest is twelve years old, and the oldest is only seventeen years old—it’s not that it’s not easy to cultivate because of age. It is said that breakthroughs are made at the age of three hundred. ?

It's just that the young people are better at fooling... Cough, it's better to instill some sect ideology. Many old fritters in the assessment were eliminated by the Tang Sect Master because they failed to sing and dance, and the total score was not enough.

Yang Yue and the others followed Shang Gongling into the training area, and finally came to a large large room.

The room was airtight, with no windows, and the floor was engraved with circles of mysterious lines.

In the center of the room, there is a huge pot with a diameter of five or six meters. The lid of the pot is not closed. It can be seen with the naked eye that there is an emerald green liquid in the pot. The fragrance of the medicine alone makes Yang Yue wait. Fresh and refreshed.

Shang Gongling stepped forward, took out all kinds of medicinal materials, prepared medicinal liquids, and pills from the storage ring, and put them into the pot one by one in a specific order.


An orange-red flame ignited at the bottom of the pot, crackling, the color of the soup base gradually changed from emerald green to dark green, and the fragrance of various medicinal herbs became more and more attractive.

Yang Yue couldn't help licking her lips.


She looked at the hand of the elder sister wearing the ring, and wondered if a huge beast would pop out of the storage ring in the next moment?

Using some kind of special beast as the main ingredient, refining the potions that can improve their aptitude, Yang Yue guessed so - after all, the pots are so big, there should be some way to concentrate the potions in the end.

After a while, the medicinal liquid in the pot began to bubble up one by one from time to time, bursting with a bang, making a gurgling sound, and the frequency became higher and higher.

Shang Gongling felt that it was almost done, so she said, "Okay, this is the liquid medicine that can let you wash your essence and cut the marrow. Just take off your clothes and sit in. Well, remember to soak the neck down in the liquid medicine."

Numerous girls Mengxin: "???"


Shang Gong Ling knew what they were thinking, "Don't panic, it looks terrible. In fact, this medicinal liquid has a low boiling point and the temperature is just right, just like soaking in a hot spring."

She glanced at her mouth and felt aggrieved, "My introductory teacher didn't prepare any medicine for me at that time. You disciples are really happy."

In the end, it was the seven girls who were selected as inner disciples. Yang Yue and the others looked at the bubbling dark green liquid. Although they were afraid, they overcame their fear and approached the cauldron.

'It seems that the temperature is not too high. ’

Yang Yue put her hand in carefully and felt a little warm mist.

She calmed down, and the tips of her fingers dipped into the dark green medicinal liquid, feeling that she was touching the somewhat viscous liquid.

Warm and slippery.

Yang Yue understood why men and women were separated. At first, she just thought that men and women had different physiques and needed to prepare different medicines.

The room was foggy.

The girls no longer hesitated, but shyly took off their clothes one by one.

Stack them one by one and put them on the wardrobes by the wall.

Afterwards, they passed the stairs beside the cauldron, walked to the edge of the cauldron, stretched out their white and tender feet, and plunged into the medicinal liquid.

Gollum~ Gollum~ Gollum~

The pot is a pot of ten people size. It is not too crowded for seven people to sit in. Everyone's body is soaked in the dark green medicinal liquid, only showing the white and slender neck and the hair behind the head.

Below the neck, the interlocking bones are not visible.

Shanggong Lingbai leaned against the pot in boredom, looking at the cute new girls who seemed to be buried in the ground with only seven heads exposed.

She actually wanted bubbles too.

However, the teacher specially instructed her not to soak in it—with her physique, she could absorb most of the medicinal power in the medicinal liquid in a short time.

The orange flame at the bottom of the pot was still roaring, facilitating the absorption of the medicinal liquid by Yang Yue and others.

The scent of medicine filled the enclosed room, and the scent has changed compared to the beginning. it more meaty?

After about two or three hours,

Most of the medicinal power in the medicinal liquid has been absorbed, from dark green to light green, and the figure under the liquid surface can be vaguely seen.

Shang Gong Ling reached out and dipped a little pot of Chinese medicinal liquid on her hand and licked it on the tip of her tongue.

Suddenly, Yang Yue looked curiously, her face turned red, "I am here to test the concentration of the medicinal liquid for you, and analyze the absorption effect of your medicinal power."

The pure and fresh Yang Yue is convinced.

Shang Gongling breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, her image of the elder sister did not collapse.

After a while, "Okay, the medicinal liquid has become clear water, come out."


Yang Yue stood up from the pot, and some viscous transparent liquid slipped from the graceful body.

When soaking in the pot, I only feel comfortable, and when I stand up at this time, I realize the change in myself.

Yang Yue couldn't help clenching his fists, and there was plenty of power in his palms.

She jumped lightly and jumped directly from the pot to the ground, but she didn't have a good balance, and she fell to the ground with a "Oh".

"I-I got stronger?"

She didn't even care about the wetness and stickiness on her body, she just stared at her palm in a daze.

"That's right, the medicinal liquid has improved your aptitude, and it has also improved your physical quality. You will be able to awaken within three or five days, and then you will be able to practice.

Although your qualifications have improved, compared to other disciples, your qualifications are still relatively mediocre, and you still need to put in more effort. When you accumulate enough points in the future, you can apply for a higher level of improvement medicine. "

Also, can you cook it again?

Yang Yue was already obsessed with the feeling of stewing herself.

"Okay, you all go to the bathroom to clean up, I'll wait for you outside."

Shang Gong Ling waved his hand, pushed the door openly and walked out.

As soon as Yang Yue lowered her head, she realized that although there were no greasy impurities as she imagined, the sticky medicinal liquid was uncomfortable on her body.

As soon as she supported her whole body on the ground, she jumped up, and with a little force on the soles of her feet, her whole body fluttered out, and she came to the bathroom door in three or two steps.


His toes stumbled on the threshold, and his chin slammed and his entire body slipped out a few meters.

Eyes are rolling in circles.

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