My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 725 You are an undercover! (big chapter)

The space cracked a gap and stretched to both sides to form a space door.

A figure with the same appearance and the same breath as the Great Dao Sect Sect Master walked out of the space door.

If I had to say something different, it was probably the clothes. The ordinary white clothes had a number of 134 painted on it—not the numbers of the mountain and sea world. If you asked him why he understood it, the numbers were written in rune language.

Well, the old Hongyao Pavilion is even more sad.

The tentacle holding the empty bottle is probably a tentacle - the Yao family is composed of light clusters and has no limbs in the true sense - the tentacle is still shaking.

A full 500ml of corrosive water!

In order to kill the sect master of the Great Dao Sect in one breath, Da Ge deliberately increased the dose.

He didn't think about it, the sect master of the Dao Sect has a clone, but can your clone escape the killing blow of the "No Trace Killer" ghost? You must know that avatars also have strengths and weaknesses!

Just like the ghost, it was only an ordinary clone that was beheaded before, and the loss was not too big. Today, for revenge, the ghost may be the deity or the strongest clone.

The strongest clone that can kill the sect master of the Great Dao Sect can barely achieve the strategic goal.

But what happened to the one hundred and thirty-fifth clone? !

Can you make more than 100 clones from a single human race?

Or the strongest clone is called No. 135!

The elders of the Great Pavilion of the Red Light Clan were almost stunned.

The human girl over there seems to be too sad, burning the source and banging against the gods on their side, and several strong people are injured because of this. The clan's Divine Realm is standing, and it seems that the source has been lost.

The old Hongyao Pavilion did not understand.

What are you sad about when you lose a clone? It's not me who should be sad, is it not me? !

The battle continues.

Those foreign aids, including some of the gods within the Seven Lights Federation, do not know that there is such a trump card as Shenshui, and they do not know why the Red Light Great Pavilion is always sad.

On the scene, at least the Seven Luminaries Federation has the upper hand.

The Hongyao Pavilion was calm, and when another top foreign aid "Eye of Destruction" jumped out and attacked, he opened the second vial.

300ml of 'Corrosive Divine Water' was sprinkled on Elaine.

The black divine water is erratic, and any source power is contaminated, and it will lose its effectiveness in an instant.

Elaine also manipulated the holy weapon to absorb the aftermath of the battle.

A hexagonal ice shield condensed in front of her, protecting herself in a straight line.

The ‘Corrosion Shenshui’ did not turn around, and wherever it went, it was as if the spell had disintegrated on its own. Some of the aftermath of the battle reached the vicinity of Shenshui and disappeared without a sound.

Elaine had long expected that ice crystals appeared from the soles of the crystal shoes, like a path winding all the way to the distance.

She stepped on the ice path, and when the 'Corrosive Divine Water' was about to approach, the whole person appeared on the other end of the path. The black water that passed through her afterimage did not stop at all, and turned a corner and continued towards Elaine. Floating, with its own tracking, and the speed is getting faster and faster, it is difficult for the eyesight of the gods to keep up.

A small ring appeared in Elian's hand, which rose sharply in the wind. Inside the ring was a space, and the surrounding spells, the aftermath of the battle, and the 'Corrosive Divine Water' were all inhaled.

Do not,

The suction is ineffective against the 'Corrosion Shenshui', but the ring is blocked on the flight path of the black Shenshui, and the black water plunges into it.

"Storage-type gods in the realm of the gods."

Although the inner space of this kind of magic weapon cannot be compared with the small world of the holy artifact, it can also accommodate living creatures for a short time, and it also takes into account the power of suppression.

very precious.

Such as the black water with bone gangrene was also included in the ring space, making the old group of Hongyao Pavilion a little ugly.

But the next moment,

The original halo circle of the divine weapon suddenly became dull, and cracks appeared on the ring. Although it has not been completely blown up, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this precious piece of God's Domain is in the realm The magic circle is destroyed.

The remaining power is less than one.

Niu Tu looked heartbroken.

One storage-type magic weapon is equivalent to three attacking-type magic weapons, while the value of one divine weapon in the realm of the gods is comparable to dozens or dozens of combined magic weapons.

Niu Tu looked at the tomahawk that was broken out of the gap and was slowly recovering.

'Hey, if I could draw out a divine weapon in the "Treasure Pavilion" at that time...even if it was a united divine weapon, everything is the fault of the Great Dao Sect! ’

The mask on the old face of the Hongyao Pavilion changed from ugly to a cracked mouth, smiling like a brilliant chrysanthemum.

It is worthy of being the Shenshui that can kill the realm of the gods, and the soldiers of the gods can't stand it.

I don't believe that Dao Sect can still come up with a storage-type divine weapon.

The Shenshui was easier to use than he had imagined, so Da Ge didn't wait for the opportunity, he took out a small bottle containing 300ml of Shenshui and sprinkled it at Elaine.

Strange to say,

Obviously there is no perception and no spiritual orientation, but throwing Shenshui is like imprinting a target on it.

Before the 'Corrosive Divine Water' is exhausted, it will never die.

After the human woman dodged a few times, Shenshui's speed became faster and faster. She threw a long sword of the God's Realm. After the blade touched the Shenshui, it dimmed a little, but the Shenshui washed over the sword and only consumed a tiny bit. Then he flew away unabated.

The old eyes of the Hongyao Pavilion were staring, and the translucent body like dough flashed with halo.

Another Elder Pavilion from the Red Glory Clan was also staring, and the undulating halo seemed to show his complicated and nervous mood.

Human women are unavoidable!

"Nancy!" Tang Yu shouted.

Nancy forced back a few of the gods with one sword, pouting, and after a moment of hesitation, she still reluctantly grabbed the young man beside her wearing clothes with the words '134' painted on it.

Arm strength exploded, his hand flicked, and the young man was like a cannonball... No, it shot out like a light. In a short instant of 0.0001s, it flew past Elaine and collided with the 'Corrosive Divine Water'.

Short-distance speed is faster than space travel.

"Ah, I'm dead again."

The unremarkable clone disappeared and disappeared, along with the 'Corrosive Divine Water'.

Oh, and that scream made the old man of the Hongyao Pavilion feel inexplicably sad.

After a while, another identical avatar appeared, with slightly different clothes, and the drawing was 233... Are all your avatars ranked No. 233!


The Great Dao Sect Sect Master is really scary!

So far, I haven't figured out his truth!

There are still 1900ml of "Corrosive Divine Water" left, which is reasonable enough to wipe out five or six gods' realm, but the old man of Hongyao Pavilion is really clueless.

He no longer spilled the "Corrosive Divine Water", but approached quickly with a terrifying energy flow.

He also deliberately avoided the location of the Great Dao Sect Sect Master.

'I sprinkle "Corrosive Divine Water" on my body, you can't have time to use your body as a shield! ’

So the old Hongyao Grand Pavilion saw one after another of the Great Dao Sect Sect Master walking out of the space door and scattered to various positions.

The breath is not strong, generally only in the early and middle stages of the Oneness Realm.

But the old man thinks that there must be something hidden in it - can you live in the core of the battlefield of God's Domain? Can't even hit the aftermath?

Lord Tang's clone felt aggrieved.

If we are avatars in the realm of the gods, can we be thrown out by the deity as cannon fodder?

This deity is so hard to die!

Well, it seems that there is no avatar in the realm of the gods... disguised as the deity of a mediocre Daoist sect elder, while perfunctory resistance, while perceiving the spread, concentrate on controlling the avatar to avoid spell attacks.

The avatar's realm, source power, speed, and strength are much worse than the deity, and are much worse than the precious space-based avatars.

This is the hardware gap.

But in terms of software, the perception of the rules of each department is the same.

The deity can teleport, the clone can also teleport, the deity can be blurred, and the clone can do the same, the only difference is that the reaction power and endurance are much worse - so his deity is present, and the laws of space are particularly good, so that the red obsidian Da Ge couldn't figure out the details, and he kept holding the vial and didn't dare to throw it out.

Tang Yu let out a sigh of relief.

Despite the calmness on his face, he also analyzed that three to five hundred milliliters of "Corrosive Divine Water" is not enough to pose a fatal threat to people with strong origins such as Elaine and Nancy.

But it's just speculation after all.

The feeling of the annihilation of the clone is the same as that of the deity, like the source power and soul are polluted, all the power is pulled away, and after repeating the experience twice, he can't stand it anymore.

It is best to dissolve the "Corrosive Divine Water".

It might have been troublesome to put it away a month ago, but now, it is not difficult to have several sacred artifacts and a broken sacred artifact.

The difficulty is that there are too many gods on the opposite side.

Each Yao clan in the Seven Luminaries Federation dispatched one or two gods, including the elders of the Great Pavilion of the Red Light, and there were three powerhouses of the old level of the Great Pavilion.

This is the eleven gods realm.

The other three top forces have dispatched a total of nine gods.

Plus Niu Tu and other lone strongmen, and other foreign aid.

The total number of God's Domain Realm has exceeded thirty.

There are currently only twenty-two gods who are besieging them. In addition to the three Seven Lights Federation gods that sit in the legion at the end of the sky, there should be seven or eight gods hidden inside and outside the avenue city.

The territory was originally covered to the second phase of the project, and there were three very eye-catching red dots that looked like little suns.

He silently krypton crystal, kryptonian energy value, and expanded the territory to the entire avenue city.

The striking red dots have increased to four.

Tang Yu frowned slightly.

They are all far away from the battlefield, and once the aftermath breaks out, it is easy to break through Elaine's eternal frozen ground phantom - after all, phantom has no blocking ability.

But intuition told him not to stop.

Gritting his teeth, with the Dao Sect and Dao Sect as the core, the territory continues to spread out, and every extra kilometer is paved with countless source crystals.

Lord Tang's heart is bleeding.

Aware of the hated gaze of the sect master of the Great Dao Sect, the old man of Hongyao Grand Pavilion was determined.

Hate is right, hate means you can't do anything.

The territory continued to extend outwards, covering rivers and mountain peaks.

A particularly eye-catching light spot appeared on the inaccessible hilltop, and there were more than a dozen general eye-catching ones next to it. It was the realm of unity.

"Sure enough, there is still an ambush!"

Tang Yu guessed that it might be an ambush that was going to intercept them.

But also, if the Seven Luminaries Federation has the disadvantage, then they will become the supportive soldiers.


Within the gradually spreading territory, there were three other ambush locations, all of which consisted of one outside of the God's Domain plus ten or more of them.

Tang Yu swung the magic sword and pondered for a while.

Among the followers, those with strong combat power and strong origins are already on the main battlefield in the city.

The only ones left were Protoss Xingyue, Bamboo Squirrel, Zapor, and Enze, who were considered the third echelon.

They smashed a god's realm head-on, and they couldn't do it in a short time, but they could still be entangled.

The only thing Tang Yu was worried about was that the ambush soldiers also had "corrosion Shenshui" on them.


With a flick of his wrist, a special treasure intertwined with silver and black chains appeared in his hand.

"It's a holy weapon, be careful!"

The powerhouses of the Seven Luminaries Federation reacted quickly, and immediately retreated, guarding against this sacred artifact whose power was unknown.

A grey line spreads out.

The speed was extremely fast, and the retreating Seven Luminaries Federation powerhouses couldn't dodge in time, and one by one broke out the source force resistance, but found that the gray line did not cause damage to themselves.

"No, the space has changed!"

The first to react was the ghost that touched the laws of space.

Where the gray line passed, the sky and buildings turned gray and white, time seemed to stand still, the panicked shouts on the street disappeared completely, and there was no other life breath except for them within the perception range.

Do not,

In addition to them in the main battlefield, there are also four powerful figures in the realm of the gods hidden in the avenue city, as well as fifteen figures in one realm and sixty-eight figures in the virtual realm, all appearing in the gray-white space and on the empty streets.

It's like entering the other side of the world.


A stream of gray airflow drifted by, and the sixty-eight statues fell instantly, and the fifteen statues in one state were frozen in horror, and their bodies were constantly born and destroyed by the black airflow.


The old tentacles of the Hongyao Pavilion smashed the gray air current, and in the blink of an eye, more and more gray fog appeared, and the entire gray-white space was covered in gray, and the line of sight could not see more than ten meters.

The old man of the pavilion kept pouring out the power of the earth, but he was unable to eradicate the gray fog that existed in the first place.

Just like he can't completely destroy the source power that exists between heaven and earth.

You can only wrap the body tightly with the strong source power.

However, it was still like being pressed on by a ten-thousand-zhang mountain, the source power was sluggish, and the various elements that came and lingered at the call became ignorant of him.

"I, I can't hold it, I can only burn the source, it won't last long!"

A weaker god's realm, the source of body protection was broken, and he could only burn the source to wrap himself tightly.

"This is the enchantment of the sacred artifact for suppressing seals. Let's take action together and blast away the enchantment of the sacred artifact!"

The old Hongyao Pavilion shouted, and he looked at the ghost again, "Can your Excellency judge that the space in that area is relatively weak."

"Give it to me, even if it is a holy weapon, it depends on whether it can exert its power, and in terms of space..."

The ghost has always been a self-proclaimed powerhouse of the No. 1 space department in the world of mountains and seas.

After a while,

He flicked his fingers and shot out a source of power, and the strong man on the federal side who was able to free his hand burst out, and a terrifying shock wave of source power was shot out, banging on the barrier of the "Heaven and Earth Lock" enchantment.

The mountains shook and the ground shook, but the space was unscathed.

"The holy artifact is not so easy to break, everyone burns the source together!" said the ghost.

More terrifying light beams of various colors converged into a beam of light that penetrated the heavens and the earth, broke through the gray fog and clouds, and slammed into the barrier barrier at an altitude of about tens of thousands of meters.

There was another wave of world shaking, and the gray-white Daocheng City had collapsed for the most part, but no cracks appeared in the space.

And the powerhouses in the realm of the gods who burned the source were repeatedly chased and beaten by the high-level Daoist sect, and their aura had been wilted a lot.

"It must be that the source is not burning enough..." The ghost is still struggling.

The old Hongyao Grand Pavilion has raised the source of burning to 5%, and suddenly stunned, "No, no, it doesn't look like the Great Dao Sect has been found to be trying to stop it!"

He has lived for nearly 10,000 years, Yao is old and mature, and the lame acting skills of Nancy and others are wrong when he carefully observes them.

There is not a space dead hole at all!

Also burn the origin of a fart!

Ghost, you are the undercover agent that Dao Zong planted in us!

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