My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 74 Can't Kill? nonexistent

Da da da--

Gunshots resounded.

This time, it seemed more messy.

A team mounted heavy machine guns and killed several demonized beasts. Suddenly, a second-story window on the side was shattered, and a demonized beast in the shape of a praying mantis was slaughtered out of it.

The sharp limbs flashed like knives, and everyone in the team was instantly dismembered, and the heavy machine gun was also cut into pieces.

another place.

The tank's main cannon roared, blowing a powerful demonic beast into pieces, and the next moment, a large lizard spit flames, shrouding the entire tank.

The high temperature made the tank's armor turn red, and the large lizard vomited for a while, then turned to leave.

Although the appearance of this tank is still intact, it is obvious that the people inside are no longer alive.

Scenes like this happen in many places.


Tang Yu pulled out the long sword that had pierced into the demonized beast, and looked at the long sword that was covered with viscous blood.

In the blink of an eye, the blade was no longer stained with blood, and it was restored to its original state.

This should be the legendary murder... um, there is no blood in the killing of beasts.

But it seems that something is wrong.

There was a noise from the front.

Another monster?

Tang Yu raised his sword and stared at the street ahead, preparing for another double kill.

I saw more than a dozen Awakened people running around in embarrassment.

One of them, Tang Yu looked familiar, isn't this the captain surnamed Zhou!

It was fate that they met again.

Zhou Jianhong shouted: "Go quickly, there are demonized beasts behind you!"


Tang Yu was a little puzzled.

Zhou Jianhong is not weak. He even sensed that among these Awakened Awakeners who escaped, there were even stronger ones. All of them had to flee in embarrassment. Does it mean that the demonized beasts being pursued are extremely powerful?

But if they are really powerful demonized beasts, these people might not be able to escape.


The chasing demonic beast appeared in sight.

Those are a few gray-black, translucent...unidentified objects?

Tang Yu had never seen such a strange demonized beast. It had no specific shape and walked lightly, or it was originally floating.

However, the auras of these demonized beasts are mostly only awakening at the second and third levels, and they are not strong.

Just when these demonized beasts appeared, on the other side of the street, a few groups of gray-black ghosts also appeared.

Zhou Jianhong and the others changed their expressions.

"Oops, why are there such demonized beasts over there!"

"It's over."

"Quick, get out of that side, there is still hope."

The ghost that appeared on the other side was the closest to Tang Yu and the three of them, and quickly floated over.

Tang Yu raised his sword and prepared to meet him.

Zhou Jianhong looked anxious, "Little brother, run away, these demonized beasts can't be killed!"

An eagle-nosed man next to him snorted coldly, "It's beyond your own power."

A ghost floats up.

Tang Yu flicked his wrist, and the long sword fell from top to bottom, cutting the group of ghosts into two pieces.

No resistance felt...

Tang Yu focused his attention, and there were faint ripples in the place where the ghost in front of him was cut by the long sword.

Like a long sword scratched in the lake water, ripples swayed.

But it can't cause damage to water.

This is an incorporeal demonized beast!

Tang Yu's attack was fruitless, but the ghost didn't stagnate because of it. Its entire torso seemed to be elongated, and the original unknown object actually appeared in the shape of a hand.

Ling Kong grabbed Tang Yu.

Such an attack came suddenly and was difficult to guard against.

Zhou Jianhong shouted, "Be careful!"

Awakened person next to him shook his head and sighed, "It's over, it's over, this kind of ghost attack method is weird, it's impossible to escape from so close."

The eagle-nosed man looked away, "If it was just an ordinary second- or third-level demonized beast, we would have killed it long ago, but unfortunately, facing this kind of insubstantial demonized beast, even if we have a magical weapon, it is useless. ."

What he was holding in his hand was the weapon that countless awakened people envied during this period, the Demon Slaying Sword.

However, Chen Sheng was still helpless in the face of such a demonic beast that was not strong at first.

Cold weapons are useless, firearms are useless, and their teams can only flee in embarrassment.

the other side,

Tang Yu was not unprepared. After seeing a group of awakened people who were not weak in strength and fled in embarrassment, he knew that this kind of demonized beast cannot be judged only on the basis of apparent strength.

The body twisted, avoiding the ghost's attack.

He took a step back, holding the sword in both hands, holding his breath.

The long sword was raised high and slashed suddenly.

Heavy cut!

The blood flowed through the whole body, and finally gathered in the hands, and spread out along the weapon.


This blow was heavy.

The bombardment hit the ghost and fell to the ground again.

Rocks crumble.

Among the awakened ones, even Chen Sheng, the most powerful, was surprised.

Originally, he thought that Tang Yu and the three were just weak awakeners, but he didn't expect such a powerful force to erupt.

"With this kind of power, if you replace it with other awakened triple demonized beasts, I'm afraid you can kill them with one blow, but unfortunately..." He also felt a little pity that a master of Tang Yu's strength died here, and said, "You guys better hurry up. Run away, before those ghosts complete the encirclement, or you will really die here."

Tang Yu also sighed.

Looking at the ghost in front of him, the color has faded a lot.

The heavy slash is effective, a blow that condensed the blood and energy of the whole body, and successfully caused damage to the ghost.

However, as an energy body, the ghost is still immune to most of the damage of the heavy slash. Tang Yu estimated that it would take two or three heavy slashes to kill this ghost.

how can that be!

Afraid not to empty him out!


Tang Yu fluttered back.

The other Awakeneds also felt that Tang Yu had finally retreated. They didn't laugh at it. In fact, they had tried a lot, and some of them were weak and died because of it.

"Elian, I'll leave it to you." Tang Yu.

Zhou Jianhong and the other awakened people were stunned again.

No, it would be great for everyone to escape together, why do you have to fight with these ghosts, even if you have some strength, it is not like this, if you are not careful, you will die.

Chen Sheng snorted coldly, "In the end, it's still too much."

They no longer paid attention, preparing to escape from the besieging breach of the ghosts.

I saw that among the three, the girl in the black robe responded.

Elaine held the staff in her hand, and ice edges condensed one after another in front of her.

With the increase in strength, the number of ice edges she condensed at one time increased a lot, and the energy contained in each ice edge was also different.

Ice ridges shoot out.

Each one is aimed at a ghost.

The awakened people were stunned, they were actually an ability person, or an elemental system.

"Maybe there is hope!" Someone was excited.

"It is still necessary to see the strength of this capable person." This is the rational faction.

"No, if it is fire damage, it may be able to kill these ghosts, but it forms ice ridges, which are essentially physical damage and useless." Chen Sheng is not optimistic.

The ice ridges penetrated the ghostly soul, creating a circle of ripples.

In the disappointed eyes of the awakened ones,

With a bang, the ice edge cracked.

In the field of vision, a bright blue light bloomed.

The computer is broken, this chapter was written on the mobile phone, the handicapped party has been crying blindly (----______)

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