My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 746 The trial of bamboo rat chestnut (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!)

Q: What if I can't break through?

Then it won't break through.

Lord Tang's mentality is calm, but I hear from time to time that after Yilian broke through the realm of the gods, her combat power has improved by leaps and bounds, and she has made significant progress almost every day.

Slight liver pain.

Sure enough, the Liver Emperor lost to the European Emperor.

Tang Yu could only comprehend the laws while dealing with the territorial debris, hoping that one day he would be able to 'enlighten' enough.

Just when he was distracted while signing the autograph, he was suddenly stunned.

The next document he needed to handle turned out to be a leave application.

Signature: Bamboo rat chestnut.


Tang Yu didn't know what the hell the bamboo rat was doing.

He found Bamboo Squirrel, "You wrote this?"

"Um squeak."

"No, you seem to be on vacation all year round, right?"

After careful calculation, Bamboo Squirrel has no other responsibilities besides serving as a special instructor in the extreme martial arts hall, serving as an elder in the Dao Sect, and serving as the general counselor of illusion in the legion.

She also has no fixed working hours, and from time to time, under the banner of 'exploration' and 'opening up new maps (new worlds)', she slips into unknown places.

Where did you come to work? Still on vacation?


Tang Yu's eyes gradually became dangerous.

Bamboo Squirrel didn't feel anything, just slammed the fingers of both hands, and his expression was a little twisted, "Because the place to go this time is a little far away."

She said, "I also want to break through, but I don't have a clue, so I want to go back to the clan, and it happened that I felt the call of the ancestral land some time ago."

It took a while for Tang Yu to figure out what Bamboo Squirrel was talking about.

Their bamboo rat family has a mysterious ancestral land. According to legend, outstanding bamboo rats can feel the call of the ancestral land. As long as they respond to the call, they can enter the mysterious ancestral land. In terms of combat power, realm, etc., there can be a very significant improvement.

Bamboo Squirrel just wanted to use the trial of the ancestral land to help him break through to the extraordinary third-order.

——She is different from Fanny and the others. Fanny, Winnie and the others are not far from the entry to the law, and they can also see the bottleneck of the extraordinary third-order.

And the bamboo rat chestnut, just barely touched a law, and it is not very suitable for their bamboo rat clan.

Bamboo rat chestnut wants to break through is still far away.

Only then did the idea of ​​the ancestral land trial arise.

Unexpectedly, the bamboo squirrel, who has always been unwilling to cultivate, also has a day when he wants to work hard.

Tang Yu was quite pleased.

They are all their own lords, and they teach well.

"Is there any danger in the ancestral land trial of your bamboo rat family?"

"No squeak."

Bamboo Squirrel said, "I've heard from the elders of our ethnic group before that the ancestral land was established by the elders of the Bamboo Squirrel clan, and if the trial fails, at most nothing will be gained, but there will be no life-threatening squeak."

"It's just that the length of time is uncertain. It may be enough to pass the trial in a few months, or it may not be enough for several years."

What Bamboo Squirrel is worried about is time.

It’s only been a few years since I came to Luyin. If I want to stay in the ancestral land for five, six, seven or eight years, then don’t I have to eat bamboo for seven or eight years?

Terrible woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...

But I don't want to be a waste rat.

"That's fine." Tang Yu waved his hand and approved.

Bamboo rat chestnut: "???"

Aren't you comforting yourself?

Smelly Lord!

"Oh right." Tang Yu suddenly thought of a key point.

Bamboo Squirrel's eyes lit up, as long as he prepares snacks and barbecue ingredients and seasonings that he can eat for several years, I will forgive you.

"You said that you only received the call from the ancestral land some time ago. Did your ancestral land have such high requirements?"

Some time ago, even two or three years ago, the bamboo rat chestnut had reached the second-order transcendent realm.

And Bamboo Squirrel is in his early twenties... Oh, it turns out that Bamboo Squirrel is about to run three.

Whether it is the extraordinary first-order or the extraordinary second-order, in terms of the age of Bamboo Squirrel, they are absolute arrogance, and the same is true for the origin star of the year.

Could it be that the bamboo rat clan is actually a hidden powerhouse in the endless world.

On the surface, there is no reputation, but in fact, it is a terrorist force that can compete with the devil race?

After all, the summoning of the ancestral land is very extraordinary!

Bamboo rat chestnut is sluggish.

Bamboo rat chestnut is angry.

Bamboo Squirrel didn't want to talk, and threw a Plant Spirit at you.

Tang Yu: "???"

After a while, Tang Yu, who tried his best, finally lowered the anger of Bamboo Squirrel.

The price is some food, wine, and limited edition cards from his collection.

Bamboo Squirrel snorted and said, "The ancestral land is not known how far away from the earth, maybe it is located in other planes, is it not normal for the summoning signal to have a delay? Humph, stupid lord!"

Bamboo Squirrel made a good point, but Tang Yu was speechless.

After looting Green City, Avenue City, and many large restaurants in Skyblue Star, and filling ten storage rings with a space the size of a football field, Bamboo Squirrel reluctantly reluctantly returned, turning back in three steps, nostalgic. Looking at the food that could not fit into the space ring, he gritted his teeth and accepted the call of the ancestral land.


An unknown mysterious place.

There is no difference between day and night here, the sky is the ancient galaxy hanging upside down, emitting wisps of shimmering light.

Bamboo rat chestnut was wrapped by a mysterious force, and after dangling for an unknown amount of time, he finally stepped on the ground and appeared at the foot of a mountain in the ancestral land.

"The transmission is a little dizzy, and the technology is bad!"

Bamboo Squirrel slowed down, then looked around.

The Milky Way exudes wisps of light, and a path leads directly to the top of the mountain. On both sides, there are many crisp and delicious green bamboos.

Bamboo rat chestnut recognized it, which is a precious ingredient - green bamboo. In the past, she could only eat a few bites of green bamboo only during festivals and other rare occasions, but now, at the foot of the ancestral land, the green bamboo is fragrant and fragrant.

In the depths of the Bizhu bamboo forest, the bamboo rat chestnut can also smell the fragrance of higher bamboo.

Her nose shrugged, but it felt dull.

Having tasted the delicacy of the earth, bamboo rat chestnut has no interest in dry eating bamboo.

At least braised firecrackers, spicy fried bamboo, fish head bamboo shoot soup and the like.

At this moment,

Bamboo Squirrel noticed that not far from her, there was still... Bamboo Rat Essence.

They are all of the same stature as her, with two ears sticking out from the ends of their hair, the bamboo rat chestnut burst into tears, finally seeing the fellow, and finally not being the shortest.


Gradually, the comatose bamboo rat spirit woke up, got up from the cold but not shaking ground in a daze, and looked around.

After a while, the foot of the mountain was full of "creeping" sounds.

"Hey, who are you, Xiao Xiaoli?"

Bamboo Squirrel was stunned for a while before realizing that he was calling himself—who would call him that in the green shade!

The voice also sounded so familiar.

She turned her head, and the face in front of her gradually overlapped with the face in her mind, "You are... cousin Xiaoqin."

The bamboo rat family does not have a surname, elders are called by a single character + honorific title, and the younger generation adds a "small" character before the name. If it is an underage bamboo rat, add "little".

Bamboo Squirrel's little face straightened, "I'm an adult! And my name is Zhu...cough, my name is Tang Xiaoli!"

Bamboo rat piano: "Squeak?"

Bamboo rat qin and bamboo rat chestnut originally lived in the same bamboo rat group.

The population is also over 10,000, but the young bamboo rat chestnut never walked out of the bamboo forest until it was abducted to the distant earth.

Once disappeared, it was several years.

"Where have you been, did you find something fun?"

There was no worry in Bamboo Squirrel's tone, only curiosity.

She also talked about the changes in the ethnic group over the years... but there is no change - the bamboo rat family is pure in nature, has no natural enemies, and lives in a place like a paradise. It is common for bamboo rats to get lost, and they will come back in a few years.

Seeing Zhushushu again every few years, Zhushuqin believed in the teachings of the elders and chatted for a long time.

The other bamboo squirrels around are similar.

Most of them don't know each other, but they are curious about the lives of other ethnic groups. After all, the ancestral land is the ancestral land of the bamboo rat clan in the endless world.

For a time, there was no bamboo rat spirit walking up the mountain, as if he didn't care about the trial.

"Yes, this is the ancestral land of trials!"

"It turns out that the ancestral land grows like this, and it is no different from my hometown."

"Where is the trial? Are there any experienced seniors?"

As we all know, among a bunch of newbies, there is often a senior.

A bamboo rat spirit that looked slightly mature came out.

This is a Void Stepping Realm Bamboo Rat, and she has been summoned by the ancestral land for the second time.

"The ancestral land is divided into many kinds of trials. Some are source power trials, and some are illusion trials. The trials are not dangerous, but once they fail, they will be teleported out of the ancestral land and returned to your original place."

"If the trial is successfully passed, the ancestral land will give corresponding rewards, such as the source power trial. After passing the test, the reward may be increased. If any of you are in the stage of awakening and the accumulation of source power, the ancestral land will be rewarded. The reward can help you shorten the time."

"After passing the trial, you can enter the next level."

"So, everyone should have a little confidence in themselves. As long as they are not eliminated in the first level, they can be somewhat rewarded."

All the bamboo rat spirits: "..."

The bamboos at the foot of the mountain are very delicious, but because of the ancestral land, all the bamboo rat spirits think that these bamboos are dedicated to their ancestors, and no one dares to pull them out.

They went up the winding path until they reached the mountainside, where a huge stone tablet blocked the mountain road.

On the stone tablet, there is an ancient bamboo rat inscription slowly emerging.

"Young Bamboo Squirrel descendant, do you choose the source power trial on the left, or the physical trial on the right?"

Right above, the words 'Basic Trial' appeared.

The slightly mature Bamboo Rat Spirit stepped forward first, pressing her small palm on the source trial on the left, and a beam of light descended from the sky, covering her.

After about a few minutes, the beam of light dissipated, and a white circle of light appeared at the feet of the slightly mature bamboo rat, indicating that she passed an assessment.

"The source power assessment is a kind of tempering. You need to mobilize the source power of your whole body to resist the pressure in the trial..."


A bamboo rat nodded.

More and more come forward and choose the project you want to try.

Most chose the source test, and a few chose the physical test.

There are also many bamboo rat spirits who are not impatient or impatient, and regard the call of the ancestral land as a tour, standing on the tip of the mountain and looking around.

It is worth mentioning that the mountain is also full of verdant bamboo forests.

One after another, bamboo rat spirits passed the assessment, and the same white circles appeared under their feet.

At this time,

A certain beam of light suddenly vibrated from a distance, and then shattered with a bang, revealing a frustrated little face inside.

"If I knew it earlier, I would choose a physical test to test it—"

An invisible force descended, shrouded in the bamboo rat spirit who failed the trial, and the next moment, her figure disappeared without a trace.

Only a group of excited bamboo rat spirits remained.

"Someone failed squeak!"

"It turns out that the failure of the trial is because the beam of light vibrates!"

Bamboo Squirrel suddenly felt that his own clan was very unreliable, and he was already a Bamboo Rat who was out of bad taste.

Bamboo rat qin, who was from the same ethnic group as her, also stepped forward, and many bamboo rat spirits who had passed the first test passed the huge stone monument blocking the road and continued to go up.

Bamboo rat chestnut is still thinking.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around, she stopped dawdling, stepped forward, and stretched out... the left and right hands were pressed on the left and right sides of the stone tablet.

beep beep-

The stone tablet didn't respond, and the bamboo rat chestnut kicked, "Is it broken? Expired?"

Huge stone tablet: "..."

She reluctantly withdrew a hand, and finally a beam of light shrouded her.

A strange pressure acts on him, and the source power in his body seems to be sluggish.

Bamboo Squirrel pouted, "Isn't it just to suppress and refine the domain, just suppress the source power."

She was about to turn her source power against this pressure when suddenly, the beam of light retracted and disappeared, only a white light circle appeared under her feet, proving that she had successfully passed the test.

Bamboo rat chestnut: "⊙(◇)?"

what happened squeak!

Don't go so fast!

Bamboo Squirrel couldn't catch the retracted beam of light, and stretched out his hand to press the 'Physical' test on the right, but there was no response.

She expressed her disappointment, "What about Yuanli? What about Yuanli Growth? Liar!"

The bamboo rat chestnut, which increased the upper limit of source power by about 0.1%, passed the stone tablet of the first level and continued to walk to the top of the mountain.

The second test is about the use of mental power, and there is only one choice.

When the bamboo rat chestnut arrived, many bamboo rat essences were in the trial state.

She pressed it up, the beam of light shrouded it, and what appeared in front of Bamboo Squirrel was a mental puzzle-solving diagram, which required meticulous use of mental power to unravel the pattern.

This level takes more time, and I feel like I can finally experience the trial level.


Her mental power stretched up.

The puzzle figure dissipates.

Drop, the trial passed.

Bamboo rat chestnut: "???"

Another gift power fell, increasing her mental power by about 1%.

She pouted and continued to walk up.

At the third level, there were fewer bamboo rat spirits in front of the huge stone tablet, and the bamboo rat piano, which started out first, just happened to arrive before the third level.

She was obviously surprised when she saw Bamboo Squirrel, "Didn't you just wake up to the seventh or eighth level a few years ago? Could it be that now..."

The bamboo rat qin is much older than the bamboo rat chestnut, and it is already an extraordinary level.

The most outstanding tribe in this batch of trial bamboo rat spirits.

Her speed was second only to the senior bamboo rat spirit who had obtained the qualification for the second trial.

Bamboo Squirrel let out a smug "hmm". She looked at the engraving on the huge stone tablet. The theme of this trial was illusion, including illusion application, illusion resistance, illusion environment construction, etc., and it was a multiple-choice question.

Bamboo Squirrel stretched out his hand and pressed down all the trial options from left to right at a very fast speed.

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