My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 777 Dragon Prisoner: It's so hard for me! (big chapter)

The Guling Dynasty, as the only force from the Fourth Epoch, and possessed the incomplete sacred artifact, was severely attacked by the reincarnators.

In other words, because of that holy artifact, it attracted many reincarnators.

second only to Green City.

The ancient imperial capital formation, which had been accumulated for several years, was opened. Nine wandering dragon phantoms hovered in the sky above the ancient city. Each wandering dragon phantom could exert its second-order peak combat power. Absolutely, immortal.

But today,

The nine domineering Youlong phantoms were scattered countless times. Every time the alien powerhouse attacked, the ancient city was constantly shaking. The mysterious formation formed by countless rings was already on the verge of collapse.

On the towering city wall dozens of meters high, the extraordinary people who belonged to the ancient Ling Dynasty can barely deal with the enemy relying on the formation, but everyone knows that if there is no formation, they may not be able to support them even for a few minutes.

"Right now, only by repelling the most aggressive alien can we give us some breathing time. Your Majesty, can you still shoot another arrow?"

The greatest threat to the defense formation is a triangular-headed alien.

With each blow, two or three defending dragons can be completely smashed, and they can seize the opportunity when the defending dragons are damaged and the large formation is weak, and attack them in succession.

He is the greatest threat.

On the other hand, some aliens seem to be arrogant, but they don't understand the formation method at all, and they are not good at breaking the face with points. The threat of the formation method is far less than that.

The Emperor Gu Ling held the incomplete holy weapon 'Luminous Sun Bow', and his breath was a little sluggish.

He is only a second-order peak. Previously, he used a holy weapon to shoot an arrow, which severely damaged a difficult alien, which caused him to lose a lot of his origin.

For a short time, he was unable to exert the power of the Holy Artifact again.

"Using the blood sacrifice method, I can still shoot another arrow, but..."

Compared with dealing with world-class demonized beasts a few years ago, Emperor Guling has improved a lot, and the holy weapon can shoot two arrows.


There are nine alien powerhouses, and the most despairing thing for the Emperor Guling is that even if he uses the power of the holy artifact, it is still only heavy damage, but cannot completely kill the alien race.

Shooting an arrow, he still has 80 to 90% of his combat power left.

However, if the second arrow is shot with the blood sacrifice method, not only the power of the ancient emperor will be greatly damaged, but the members of the royal family will also lose several high-end combat power.

The others naturally understood, shook their heads, and their faces darkened.

"Don't give up, we have already sent a signal for help, and there is a green-shaded teleportation formation in the city. The reinforcements will arrive soon, just hold on for a while!"


There are extraordinary eyes that light up and cheer up.

But more powerhouses are still not optimistic.

They have also heard that it is not only the ancient imperial capital that is being attacked, but other Holy Land forces as well, especially the green shade, I am afraid they will be targeted.

In this case, can the green shade still give them support?

"The teleportation array is on, someone is coming!"

The Guling Emperor, who had been paying attention to the direction of the teleportation array, became nervous.

Here, is it the reinforcements from Green City?

It is also possible that it was Gu Ling's spies who brought back bad news that other forces had been attacked.

Then they will close the transmission permission to that side's forces.

The brilliance shrouded on the stage dissipated, and what appeared was a familiar face of the ancient emperor—the Grand Marshal of the Dynasty.

"Green shade reinforcements, are you here yet?"

The king couldn't help but ask.

The Grand Marshal looked relaxed, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I have invited a strong man, and these foreign scumbags will go to hell!"

"What about the reinforcements?"

"Your Majesty, have you forgotten that the powerhouse above the second-order extraordinary or the extraordinary of five or more can only pass through the teleportation array with permission, and I only have half of the warrant."

The second-order and above cannot be teleported, which is the request made by Gu Ling at the beginning of the construction of the teleportation array.

Other forces are similar.

When the enemy outside the city attacks, you can open the defense formation, but if you come out of the teleportation formation, you will be blinded.

Factions such as Guling and the Heroes Association have similar concerns, worrying that the teleportation array will become a secret door of green shade.

Tang Yu naturally had nothing to do with their demands.

However, in fact, the actual control of the teleportation array is still firmly in his hands, and he can't give it even if he wants to. After all, it is a system building.

The Emperor Gu Ling hurriedly changed the settings, and the teleportation formation shone brightly, and many strong men in battle suits appeared.

Emperor Guling glanced over, and just wanted to ask why the familiar powerhouses did not appear, but the instinctive perception feedback made him fall into shock, shock, shock.

Two, three... Thirty-six extraordinary second-order? !

The leader was a girl whose aura was as good as his.

Shang Gongling tightened her cheeks and tried to make herself serious. She has also learned a lot of battle commands and formations over the years.

Greeting the soldiers of the expeditionary legion behind him, with a whistle, before the Gu Linghuang advocated his mouth and had no time to say "relying on the defense of the city's defense", he flew out of the range of the ancient spirit emperor's capital formation.

The old man's heart skipped a beat.

The change from surprise to fright made him a little unbearable.

But only for a moment,

His face changed from fright to horror, and then to shock again.

The mouth is wide open as if it could fit into a fist.

The precious Sunbow was stuck to the ground without realizing it.

I just stared blankly at the battle outside the city. After a long time, I sighed, "Green City, we... will never be able to catch up."


Outside the Origin Star Realm, on a barren planet.

The consciousness of the Dragon Prisoner entered an indescribable space. In front of him, there appeared a person dressed in luxurious clothes with a face like a black hole.

"How is the Origin Star's plan? I got the news that I must complete the Origin Star Raiders within half a year."

The Dragon Prisoner bowed slightly:

"Master King Monroe, please rest assured, the strategy of Origin Star is very smooth. At present, a team has controlled the second largest force on Origin Star, and has obtained detailed information on Origin Star's indigenous powerhouses. Soon, they can be completely eliminated. Threatening natives on the origin star, start a plunder plan."

"Well, I don't worry about you doing business."

King Monroe said indifferently and paused, "When the Origin Star strategy is completed, I will give you a magical power."

"Thank you sir."

The consciousness of the Dragon Prisoner returned, and he still couldn't hold back his excitement.

He has holy artifact, but no supernatural powers.

It stands to reason that the sacred artifact requires precious materials to be forged, but the magical powers can be passed on, so the sacred artifact should be more precious.

However, it is extremely difficult to learn supernatural powers unless one can learn from a teacher.

Divine powers are not like magic and combat skills, they can be recorded in rune language.

Magical powers are indescribable, and even if a saint accidentally gets a magic power scroll that records magic powers, it is difficult to learn. Moreover, the holy artifact may be scattered to other worlds with the fall of the saint, but the magical power may be cut off with the fall of the saint.

Although the sacred artifact is strong, it is a foreign object.

Magical powers belong to one's own great power, and there is no way to say which of the two is better or worse, but the powerhouses in the real holy order often need all of them.

"With the magical power that suits me, my understanding of the law will be even better. In tens of thousands of years, I might be able to touch that realm."

The Dragon Prisoner is in a good mood.

At the right time, the reincarnation square shook slightly.

'In the past few days, the reincarnation team will start to attack the indigenous powerhouses of the Origin Star, and now, there should be good news. ’

The Dragon Prisoner thought, and opened the block.

The reincarnation square like a Rubik's Cube was suspended in front of him, and the mission records of the reincarnators of the Origin Star appeared.

[Bone Shattering Team, lost contact. ]

[Octopus team, lost contact. ]

[Alpaca team, lost contact. ]

[Ju Wukun team, lost contact. ]

[XXXXXX team, lost contact. ]


[Orangutan Squad: It's a big deal! ]

Dragon Prisoner: "???"

The black question mark face and the confused face appeared on the face of the dragon prisoner.

Look at the details again.

Ouch, something happened!

More than a dozen reincarnation squads, all annihilated!

And the Origin Star natives probably only lost some extraordinary, first-order ones.

A peak team can win the second-ranked power hero meeting without injury. Now, many peak teams and invincible teams have all been lost? ? !

The Dragon Prisoner could not believe it.

Just now, I promised that there was no problem in front of Lord Monroe, and in a flash, piapiapia slapped his face so much that it was swollen.

Play! I! Woolen cloth!

The Dragon Prisoner took a deep breath, "It seems that the strength of Green Shadow City is beyond imagination. In order to be safe, we must find a way to let the Holy Rank descend. No, I have to go in person."


North America,

Luo Lin, Lan Qingya, Hai Honghui and other high-level intelligence department leaders have appeared at the Hero Club headquarters and Hero City without disturbing anyone.

This giant city, which was built after the end of the world, is inhabited by more than 20 million survivors. Rune vehicles or alien beasts can be seen everywhere on the streets, and tourists are like weaving, and it is impossible to see that it is secretly controlled by aliens.

"Each of you is responsible for an area, and report immediately if there is any news."

Lan Qingya, Hai Honghui and other high-level intelligence department leaders each led two or three subordinates to act separately.

They didn't hide their tracks in particular, they just walked on the street so fast, but the people around them turned a blind eye and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

Lorraine took the rest and headed straight to the pantheon—that is the center of Hero City, where Thor and other powerhouses usually practice.

The pantheon covers a vast area and consists of magnificent palaces, surrounded by beautiful plants and flowing streams.

Here, Lorraine sensed and found a lot of extraordinary aura.

Circles of black smoke wrapped around Lorraine and the others, and wherever they passed, the superheroes of the Hero Club had no idea.

They are still like no one.

All the way to the middle of the pantheon, Lorraine paused and looked at a certain underground direction.

"Have a lot of half-dead transcendents closed? You go to the dungeon."

Several intelligence assassins left.

Lorraine went straight to Thor Palace.

In front of the palace gate, there are several extraordinary guards, who are extraordinary of the human race. What they say in their words is their yearning for power and the reincarnation hall.


Lorraine's face turned cold, her long legs took a step forward, her boots stepped on the floor, and lifted up again, turning into a whip shadow.

Bang bang!

The phantom disappeared in a flash, and several extraordinary steps guarding the palace gate fell down with a groan.

She strode into Thor Palace.

The palace was a little messy, a big hole was broken in the dome, and the edge of the hole was a little charred.

Lorraine could imagine that the Thor should have broken the roof and escaped knowing that he was defeated.

She shook her head and glanced around the palace, unexpectedly quiet.

Perception From the beginning, no alien life breath was found.

Knowing that there are many props and treasures that can deceive perception, Lorraine did not rely too much on perception, she still came to Thor Palace, and even turned over the entire pantheon.

But only some traces can be found, proving that aliens once appeared here.

"According to the extraordinary words of the surviving explorer, among the aliens who attacked the Holy Land forces, there are no aliens who appeared at the beginning."

"Is it just not in the temples, or... escaped?"

"I haven't been able to find any items related to the alien race. I'm looking for a job for my mother all day long!"

Lorraine was annoyed and stepped down.

Kacha Kacha The spider-web-like cracks on the floor spread, and a load-bearing column that was damaged in the battle earlier shattered.

The next moment, the entire Thor Palace shook and collapsed.

Lorraine, who rushed out of the ruins unscathed: "..."

This pot lady can't bear it!


"It's actually the Hall of Reincarnation again?"

Tang Yu pondered.

He thought it was the Devil Race that was about to start, but he didn't expect that in the wasteland world, he had just killed dozens of reincarnators, returned to Earth, and made a relationship with the Reincarnation Highness.

But on second thought, it was unexpected.

Since the reincarnation team accidentally teleported to the earth, the coordinates of the earth may have been exposed to the eyes of the reincarnation hall.

Tang Yu shrugged his shoulders, and it was considered too much debt.

After all, whether it is the Devil Race or the Temple of Reincarnation, it is his RBQ.

"It's not the devil clan. The devil clan has given up attacking the Origin Star by means of descending. When they do it again, it is very likely that they will directly destroy the world wall, the Temple of Reincarnation... It is unlikely that so many saints will be assembled."

The Reincarnation Hall is far inferior in size to the Devil Race, but after all, it was selected from the Endless World, and after many screenings, there were also many saints.

But the reincarnation hall is not so united. Each has its own interests. Below the holy rank, you can come and go as soon as you call it, but when you reach the holy rank, even if there is a difference in strength, it is an existence with a very high status, and you want to gather. The holy order enough to break through the barriers of the world is difficult.

"I can't pin my hopes on luck. I think about it, I must find the hidden reincarnation first. In addition, try to delay the time. Fortunately, I have foresight..."

In order to train troops, Shade City only showed a small part of its strength.

Is it possible to copy the strategy of the wasteland world and lure the Temple of Samsara step by step? After all, every time a reincarnator comes, it takes time to recover, and this is the most direct means of delaying time.

But Tang Yu didn't know,

Because the wasteland world reincarnation team lost a lot, and because of the lack of time and putting down their rhetoric in front of King Monroe, the Dragon Prisoner has given up the conventional strategy.

Compared with the magical powers that King Monroe promised, he paid a little more, and it was nothing.

at this time,

On the star road where the origin star broke, several alien powerhouses from the orangutan team shuttled between the mountains and forests.

Kabuki said, "According to the information of the Hero Association, there are several star roads on the Origin Star. During the glory days of the Origin Star, each star road connected thousands, tens of thousands of worlds, even if the star road is broken now, but the star road There are still some post stations, and there are broken teleportation arrays in the post stations, as long as we can find some of these clues..."

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