My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 806 reinforcements invited by the ancestors of lava (big chapter)

Ancestor Lava is calm, decisive, and experienced.

In an instant, he decided that he was...not an opponent.

Retreat strategically without hesitation.

The lava ancestor completely turned into a black flame, pulled out a long black line of fire, and escaped thousands of miles away in just a moment.


He was startled suddenly.

The frozen ground beneath his feet stretches infinitely, surrounded by projections of snow-capped mountains, as if endless.

He seemed to have escaped thousands of miles away, but in reality, he was still under the opponent's control.

"Lava magic phase, open!"

A huge phantom that penetrates the sky and the ground.

The towering snow-capped mountains around them can only reach the knees of the virtual shadow.

The phantom of the law stomped on the ground, the ground cracked, and the snow-capped mountains exploded into powder. The dharma giant strode into the distance, rumbling, the world of permafrost projection kept shaking, and there were still snow-capped mountains at the end of his line of sight.

"※◎§#△!" Ancestor Lava couldn't help but scolded a few dialects.

At this moment,

Nancy chased after him, and the holy weapon slashed the gods, and the purple-black dragons circled and twisted, forming a purple-black sword glow that was thousands of meters long.

The majestic sword glow with the power of opening up the world, fell towards the lava giant.

The space collapsed inch by inch, rolling up the wind of endless turbulence and annihilation.

Lava ancestors folded their palms, and the black flames in the palms continued to emerge like a giant shield... But suddenly, one of the source nodes that constituted the giant shield went wrong. Not a lot.

'……how come? How could I have made such a low-level mistake, my ancestor! ’

He felt wicked, but didn't have time to think about it.

The thousand-meter-long purple sword glow was almost slashing to his forehead.


A huge halo emerged behind the lava giant. The halo has twenty-four scales. The golden light is dazzling, but it is covered with black flames. The gold and black are intertwined, and the halo spins rapidly.

This is an offensive holy weapon!


The rotating halo collided with the purple sword glow.

The projection of frozen soil in a radius of hundreds of miles was turned into nothingness.

There is only a golden sun wheel burning with black flames, dazzling.

But at the same time,

At the moment when the lava ancestor threw the halo of halo,

Kong Yijian flew.

The swords are like flowing shadows, layer upon layer.

Dozens of sword beams unify, bursting out infinite power.

call out--

One arm of the lava giant was cut off and shattered by the sword glow.

The complexion of the lava ancestor changed slightly, and he did not care about the origin, and rebuilt the broken arm at the fastest speed.

The level of vigilance in my heart was raised again.


I will lose a lot of origin in the hands of the three human race saints.

Dharma bombarded the world, but still couldn't get rid of the permafrost projection.

next second,

Boom~ boom~!

The ancestors of lava borrowed the power of the inner world.

The small world in his body is still in its infancy, there are not many creatures, and the power of the world is weak.

This is also the reason why he is reluctant to use it.


That is also the power of a world, above the projection.

For a moment, Lava Ancestor felt that he was free from the influence of the permafrost projection. Although he was still stepping on the permafrost, he found a way out.

He wanted to completely release the world in his body, shattering the frozen ground projection, and suddenly his complexion changed again.

‘Actually… unable to project? ’

‘The influence of a lot of permafrost projections is another kind of repressive force. ’


He turned his head and looked at the plain and somewhat brittle fortress.

Affected by the permafrost projection, even if he escaped tens of thousands of miles, he was still not far from the fortress.

Is it the influence of the ruins?

Why can the Human Race Saint Rank unfold the world projection?

Did they already master the ruins?

The lava ancestor kept thinking.

Even if the world inside his body was not projected, his strength still increased sharply. After Fa Xiang resisted Kong and Nancy twice, he fled far away.

Looking back,

The permafrost phantom had been left behind thousands of miles away, wrapping the fort and part of the wall behind it.

Ancestor Lava breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment,

The internal world projection finally unfolded smoothly.

This is a hell world full of magma rivers. The personality is only equivalent to the elementary world, and the area is smaller. It belongs to the early stage of the emergence of the small world.

Although weak, the Lava Ancestor is the creator of the world and can draw on the full power of the small world.

It is in the body again, and the projection is not damaged by the slightest distance.

The hell world was projected, and Nancy and Sora's footsteps were stunned, and they were constantly crowded out by the world.

The world projection spreads into the distance, and there seems to be a hell world in front of the huge Yanzhu.

The lava ancestor had no plans to be entangled. He stepped on the projection of his own world, and black flames rose up all over his body. The next moment, the black flames burned out, leaving nothing on the spot.

at the same time,

In an endless distance, at the boundary of the projection of the hell world, a cluster of black flames emerged, expanding in an instant, and the huge body of the lava ancestor walked out of the black flames.

He retracted the world projection and cast it again.

And move around the world with the power of the Creator.

In the blink of an eye, he walked away from the huge Yanzhu.

The ancestors of the lava immediately put away the world projection and no longer used the power of the world.

In just a short while, due to the power he extracted, in the immature small world, those not-so-strong lifeforms have been killed and injured countless times.

Fortunately, the world itself is not damaged, and life forms will continue to multiply and be born after a while.

Old Ancestor is not too painful.

A giant sailboat came quickly, and the lava ancestor took back the dharma form, dodged back to the giant sailboat, and controlled to quickly escape into the distance.

As a fortress-type holy artifact, under the control of a holy-rank existence, the speed far exceeds the escape of a holy-rank.

Unless it is an existence with extraordinary spatial attainments, or a sacred artifact of the suppression type, it is possible to intercept it.

The giant sailboat in front of me will quickly disappear from sight,

Nancy burned the source without hesitation—it would be able to make up for it after a while—the sword light pierced through the void, spanned an endless distance, and slammed into the giant sailboat.

Bang! ! !

The giant sailboat shook violently, the hull rattled, and the sails swayed continuously, unloading the power of the purple sword glow to both sides.

at this time,

Whether it is the ancestor of lava, or the peak powerhouse and invincible powerhouse of the Holy Fire Corps, they all entered the cabin.

The fortress-type holy artifact withstood the full power of the purple sword glow. Except for the constant vibration of the hull, there was no trace of aftermath infiltrating.

When going out, the fortress-type holy artifact can bring people a sense of security like a nest!

More than a dozen powerhouses who witnessed the battle of the Holy Order and escaped with the Lava Ancestor... ahem, heaved a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, invisible power infiltrated, and the souls of a group of domain-level powerhouses seemed to be torn apart. In an instant, several weaker peak powerhouses fainted.

The lava ancestor who was manipulating the giant sailboat changed his face slightly.

Run the source force to resist, keep the mind, and the brain still feels like being hit by a giant hammer.

'It turned out to be a soul attack! ’

Not only is the holy body immortal, but the soul is also immortal. The soul attack on the Slaying Sword only made the lava ancestors dazed for a moment, and the giant sailboat accelerated and sailed away.

But at this moment, Sora seized the opportunity.

The holy artifact Broken Cloud Sword is the main one, supplemented by two other equally extraordinary long swords...

build up,

Vacuum cut!

Yinliang's skill was drawn from the blade in an instant.

One after another, as if endless.

Converged into a long silver river.

In just a split second, Sora slashed out seven hundred and nineteen swords!

The sword slashed through the void, and the vacuum slashed down with the spirit gathered.

boom! ! !

The giant sailboat shook,

shake again,

Shake Shake Shake Shake -

The ancestors of the lava burned the source and fully motivated the fortress-type sacristy sailboat.

The giant sailboat hummed, and the sails swayed constantly, resisting the next silver sword lights.

The long silver river descends like a waterfall of nine days.

The sails swayed faster and faster.

click -

A crack suddenly appeared on the mast, and the silver sword light that impacted the deck poured in along the crack that appeared in the holy artifact.

In an instant,

The sword energy in the cabin is vertical and horizontal.

Even if this is just a trace of the power of the long silver river infiltrating into the holy artifact, it also contains the sword intent of the air burning spirit and the law of destroying everything.

The lava ancestor didn't care, and his mind was completely focused on controlling the giant sailboat.

But the domain-level powerhouses in the cabin were first hit by Nancy's slaying blow, and the sword intent of the holy-level law infiltrated.

in a blink,

Several peak powerhouses who were in a coma fell in the vertical and horizontal sword energy.

The slightly stronger three peak powerhouses supported for more than a second and then fell.

There are also three invincible powerhouses who are not very good at defense and whose origin is not so sufficient, also went together.

In the end, only six invincible powerhouses remained.

But their breath was weak, their expressions were sluggish, and their faces were frightened.

Nancy and Sora, who each slashed one, and one... and several hundred swords, saw the giant sailboat sprint out, and instantly disappeared.

No regretful expression.

after all,

The real Saint Rank is not only tyrannical, but also has lived for countless years, and the number of trump cards is endless. Lava ancestors may not have hidden killer moves.

No matter what Nancy and Sora say, they are only breaking through the new Saint Rank that lasted less than a month.

Killing the holy rank, uh... like the Changhe Saint, weak in strength, not living long enough, the only holy rank whose trump card is still restrained, but can kill... two or three.

There can be no more.


Inside the huge Yanzhu, Tang Yu's figure stood still.

The breakthrough did not happen again by accident, but it was not easy either.

After calcining in the purple flame column for a whole month, and absorbing a large amount of space factors, he successfully cast the holy body and raised the soul to the saint level.

"It's too difficult, a whole month!"

If it wasn't for the great lord Tang, it would not have been easy, for example...for example...

He thought for a while,

For example, in the spiritual space, he has died many times in battle, and he is used to the taste of death. Facing Zi Yan's burning body and soul, it may be... it will be more difficult to support.

Rao is so, a month of calcination also burned his hair.

Fortunately, the hair growth was done without any means, and the black and shiny hair grew again.

Tang Yu closed his eyes to perceive.

The surrounding laws are extremely clear, and when you reach out and grab it, you can hold the laws in your hands.

"The speed of comprehending the law is...a ten-fold increase."

The dharma has not yet been constructed, and the main reason is... he has not thought about it himself.

The appearance of the dharma is the main fighting method for the existence of the holy rank, and the dharma form is also closely related to the direction that the holy rank is good at.

For example, in the dharma of the sky, the head, trunk, hands and feet are not important, the sword in the hand is the body.

Another example is Nancy's Dharma... Uh, Nancy doesn't seem to have Dharma?

It seems there is?

Nancy herself didn't understand, but when she burst out with all her strength, a large purple sky appeared behind her, which was probably her dharma... right?

"My own dharma is either similar to the lava ancestor, covered in flames... but it's too ugly."

"Or, as elusive and erratic as space."

"It doesn't have to be a humanoid."

Tang Yu thought.

Most of the intelligent races in the universe have heads, torsos, hands and feet, and are upright humanoids—of course, the orcs are called beasts, and the spirits are called spirits.

As a result, most of the holy-order images are also humanoids, and they are basically enlarged versions of their bodies.

But the essence of the law is to fight.


Countless years ago, there was no dharma in the existence of the Holy Order.

At that time, there were many huge void creatures in the high void, void dragon turtles, void nightmares and other special life forms had not yet become rare life.

At that time, the powerful races such as the human race, the spirit race, the devil race and so on were still in their infancy...

There are not enough holy artifacts and magical powers.

The cultivation method is also slightly rough, not like it has been improved from generation to generation.

Many of the holy orders are one-on-one against unsanctified void creatures.

As a fighting method that can significantly increase the combat power, the holy order was developed and improved from generation to generation, and it continues to this day.

Moreover, there is no need for profound inheritance in the construction of the dharma.

It has become the standard of the Holy Order.

Even a sage rank like Changhe Sage has the same dharma.


"So, as long as it can help improve combat effectiveness, it doesn't matter whether you are a humanoid or not... It's not really not being a human being."


at the same time,

The lava ancestor controlled the giant sailboat and finally sailed out of the Ziyan airspace.

Back to the starry sky continent outside the airspace.

Being caught and hunted down by several human race saints also caused him to lose some of his origin. The old ancestor couldn't swallow this tone.

The lava ancestor has been in the Ziyan airspace for thousands of years. Today, it is the biggest loss he has ever suffered.

This breath does not spit back, and the thoughts are not accessible.


It's just a fact.

There are three human race saints, but in fact, there were only two who really shot at that time, and they had already pressed him and beat him.

The lava ancestor was very decisive and decided to shake people.

As a veteran saint who has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, he has made countless friends.

There are also three or two close friends.


The risk of fighting with the Holy Order is not small, and it may deplete the source, and friendship alone is not enough.

He threw the ruins in the Ziyan airspace as a bait.

A relic that can suppress the projection of the world and assist in breaking through the holy order.

Anyone who is a saint will be interested.

Ancestor Lava was willing to throw out the news and made a great determination.

Anyway, I can't get it myself.

It's better to use this as a bait, and you can get at least a part of it.

Lava ancestors contacted two friends.


Like him, he is a saint of ordinary ethnic groups, and he does not rely on hegemonic forces.

one-eyed saint,

And... the Dragon Prisoner.

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