These three followers are all good.

Among them, Shay and Winnie are both at the peak of the fifth level of awakening, stuck on the bottleneck of the foundational stage, while Sora is the master of the seventh level of awakening and body shaping.

Among the three, Xie Yi and Kong Tang Yu planned to arrange them in the patrol team. After they became familiar with the business in the future, they could lead a team to expand the land reclamation business in the territory.

As for Winnie, as a precious healing priesthood, of course, she would carry it wherever she needed it.

On the other hand, Winnie can form a medical team... In simple understanding, Winnie's medical skills are extraordinary in addition to her ability to heal spells.

Healing spells cannot be learned without sufficient qualifications. Although medical skills are not easy to learn, there is still hope.

After the welcome.

On the first day, Tang Yu did not assign positions to the three new followers, let them get acquainted first.

Winnie took Elaine's hand and left together.

Shay is also curious about the environment in the new world.

When Sora learned that there was a training facility at the training camp, he went straight there.

I feel that in the future, I still need to make a table for my followers to subdivide their occupations and strengths, so that they can better arrange their work.

It's just that he's not good at this.

Tang Yu touched his chin and fell into thought.

After finishing these things, I finally had time to learn about the changes in these days and territories with Luo Zhe.

"The number of survivors exceeded 300 yesterday. In addition to food, a lot of supplies have been collected, including daily necessities, medicines, etc., which are enough to supply the current number of survivors in the territory."

"In addition, the construction of the villa area has been basically completed. With the increase in the number of survivors, the construction center of the territory has been moved to the outside of the city. However, most of the survivors would rather crowd inside the city wall than live outside the city wall. ."

"As for the specific details of the construction, the lord can ask Chen Haiping, he has detailed statistics there."

These days, after Tang Yu left the territory, things were basically handed over to Luo Zhe and Chen Haiping.

From the current point of view, the two have handled the size of the territory very well, and it feels the same whether he is in the territory or not.

Suddenly there was a slight sadness.

"Hey, wait, the population of the territory has exceeded 300. I remember when I left, the population just exceeded 100?"

And how long has he been away, why does the entire territory seem to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

When he stayed in the territory before, had there been so many changes in three days?

"It's mainly because of the addition of survivors from a shelter that the number of survivors in the territory is now much larger."

"Oh? Even the entire shelter's survivors moved in?"

There are still some large and small shelters in the surrounding area. Of course, they can't reach the level of the original shade shelter or streamwood shelter. Most of the small shelters have hundreds of survivors.

The shelter is also just a place to hide, far from meeting the real requirements of the shelter.

The number of these survivors is not much, but it is not much.

The head of its shelter can be said to stand at the top of the power, holding the power of life and death in the shelter. Although in Tang Yu's opinion, the life of such a shelter may not be comparable to that of ordinary survivors on his side, but for some people, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

Letting them abandon the power in their hands and merge into someone else's sanctuary is not something that anyone can do.

"Because their shelter was about to be destroyed by demonized beasts, they had no choice."

Luo Zhe told the matter slowly, "This shelter is in the county town more than ten kilometers away. I led the team to search several times before, but I didn't find the shelter. This time, it was the survivors of the shelter. The man came out to look for food, but was discovered by the demonized beast, and all of a sudden the entire shelter was in crisis."

"...Finally, after the matter is settled, the survivors will be moved to our shelter."

Roger put it simply.

Just some words revealed between the lines, let Tang Yu know that this process was not so smooth.

Perhaps, when the small shelter was about to be breached by demonized beasts, Luo Zhe took the patrol team members to rescue those people, and the survivors of the shelter were grateful.

However, when Luo Zhe wanted to bring these survivors to the territory, he was bound to be obstructed by the person in charge of the original shelter... Even if the shelter was no longer safe because of this demonized beast attack.

There are also people who are reluctant to give up the power in their hands.

Apocalypse is a world where there is competition for limited resources, not just food and medicine, but survivors are also a resource.

Men are forced to go out to collect food, and sometimes they are used as bait to attract demonic beasts. Women can use it without saying much.

These are all resources. If Luo Zhe wants to take it away, he will inevitably be blocked.

Conflict is also inevitable.

Of course, Tang Yu estimated that the director of the shelter, and the high-rises who blocked it, at this time, the grass on the tomb may have been three feet high... This is not surprising, the grass grows rapidly in the post-apocalyptic era, and maybe this will be more than three times. ruler.

"Well, yes, it's simple and rude."

In the end times, why should you be reasonable when you can talk about fists?

Efficiency is the most important thing.

Luo Zhe went on to say, "Lord Lord, there are many survivors who want to join the patrol recently, because you haven't come back yet, so this matter is put on hold. What should I do now?"

"How many people want to join the patrol."

"There must be twenty or thirty people. Few of them wanted to join in the past, but now that they see the benefits, they come together one by one!"

He snorted coldly.

Tang Yu pondered.

There are not many people in the patrol team now, and it does need to absorb some fresh blood. However, the patrol team is not a public toilet, and it is not something you can enter if you want.

In any case, the patrol team is also the guarding force on the surface of the shelter, and it must be strong enough.


"Let's get an assessment, divided into a written test and a martial arts test. Only after passing the assessment can you join the patrol."

Luo Zhe nodded and immediately went to prepare for this matter.


Shady shelters, although the number of survivors living in them, is only a few hundred.

But as the patrols continued to open up the surrounding area, the reputation of the shade shelter gradually spread.

Many shelters around, including some wild wandering awakeners, have heard of the green shade shelter, which has strength, materials, and equipment.

Many Awakeneds also came here admiringly.

"I think it's blown to the sky!"

Two survivors, this day came to the shade shelter.

One was tall and thin, the other was short and fat, and it was the tall and thin man who spoke.

"Big brother, big brother, you can't say the same, this green shade should be well equipped, otherwise we will come in vain." The short and fat man persuaded.

"It's not you! Why do you provoke that alien beast, otherwise the weapon will not be thrown there!"

The chunky man was suddenly aggrieved like a little boy weighing 200 pounds.

The two walked into the shade shelter and could see many survivors who were busy working.

The tall and thin man had already inquired about the way to obtain equipment in the shade shelter.

Either buy it with source crystals, or complete the tasks issued by the shelter in exchange for equipment.

He stopped a passing Awakened.

"How can I get to the employment center?"

The Awakened was a little impatient, but suddenly felt the breath of a tall and thin man, his face turned pale, his legs tightened, and he could not help pointing to the distance, "In the east area of ​​the villa area, the third villa in the direction of the number is, or else I'll take you there."

The tall and thin man refused and left with the short, fat man.

The Awakened who was asked for directions, and his companion, looked at each other in the direction far away, shocked.

"The two people just now were the Hammer brothers, right?"

The companion nodded, "Yes, Brother Hammer, this is the strongest Loose Awakener in the surrounding area. It is named because the weapons are two big hammers. It is said that the strength is stronger than that of many shelters."

"Not only that." The Awakened who was asked for directions continued, "These two people heard that they had also been to Lindong Sanctuary, but in order to become stronger and sharpen themselves, they chose to leave and live in the wild every day. The real powerhouse."

"Such a strong man came to the shelter, I'm afraid it is to buy weapons, these days, a lot of people like this have come, but I didn't expect that even the Hammer brothers came, what is our shelter? How fast is it going."

He said with a bitter look on his face, "I knew earlier that I chose to join the patrol team. Maybe this time, you and I also have good strength."

Thanks for the 1,000 coin reward for "Farewell to Disappointment"...^_^

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