My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 816: An abyss crack appeared in the mountain and sea world (big chapter)

After staying in the Icefield Town for an hour, the three students of Victory learned some information about the 'Atrium World'.

not much.

Due to the limitation of manpower and strength, the icefield town is mainly hidden. The place where it is located is the edge of the world, and there are few traces of intelligent life.

"The atrium world is a world where multiple races coexist, and there are also human races, but there are not many."

Ji Kaipeng looked at the information in his hand, only a few pages.

"The ruler of the atrium world is the Black Horn clan, which belongs to one of the branches of the horn clan..."

In the days of Void City, in addition to cultivating, the students also began to come into contact with some 'common sense of the universe'.

The three Widows know something about the Horned Clan.

This is a race with horns as its beauty, and it is also spread all over the universe.

But the quality is much poorer, and the Horned Clan did not even give birth to a force at the level of cosmic overlord.

"Even so, the Black Horns are the absolute overlords of the atrium world and should not be underestimated."

"Yes, and the atrium world is a high-level world. 99.9% of the possibility exists that there are field-level powerhouses, or even peak powerhouses. We are not opponents at all."

"Wait, we're just investigating the legend of the 'God Crossing Tree', why do we have to conflict with the Black Horn clan?"

"Hey, what you said makes sense, why didn't I think of it."

There are human races in the atrium world, so the three of them don't need to make too much disguise, just put on the common clothes in this world, and then leave the ice field and go to the core area of ​​the atrium world.


The world of mountains and seas,

Since the Great Dao Sect showed its absolute power and destroyed the hostile top forces such as the 'Dark City' in one fell swoop, the entire continent, as well as the endless sea outside the continent, basically respected the Dao Sect and the human race.

At least on the surface.

Now even if they are just ordinary people, their identity as a human race allows them to receive preferential treatment in many alien cities.

A few years have passed since the battle, and most ordinary people and ordinary awakened people have forgotten the power of the Great Dao Sect that shrouded half of the continent that day.

But for the senior leaders of the various forces, they cannot forget it.

Therefore, although the major forces made some small moves in private, they did not dare to go beyond the scale. The world of mountains and seas has also entered a rare peace, and some areas where the terrain of mountains and rivers has been changed due to battles have gradually built cities.

In the southeast of the mainland, it is adjacent to the Tianzhu Mountains.

There is a small country, Nanze Country.

This place is far away from the core of the mainland, and it is much more remote than the Dachang Dynasty where Tang Yu stayed for a while.

The source gas concentration is thin, and there are only a few low-grade source crystal mines in the surrounding area.

The development of the entire Nanze Kingdom is lagging behind, and both the rune technology and the number of strong people are far inferior to the Dachang Dynasty. But also because it was in a corner, there were no intelligent tribes around Nanze, except occasionally from the Tianzhu Mountains in the south, a branch of a branch of a branch of a branch of a branch that was not too strong, there was no threat.

After hundreds of years, Nanze Country has lived and worked in peace and contentment, its population has doubled several times, and the size of the country has also expanded a lot... but it is still an ordinary small country.

Awakening high-level is a master of walking with wind.

Yuanshui Town is a characteristic town located in the south of Nanze Country. Because it is close to the branch of Tianzhu Mountains and has official roads leading to several surrounding cities, Yuanshui Town has always been very prosperous and advocates martial arts.

Warriors in strong suits and swords can be seen everywhere.

From time to time, you can see masters flying over the eaves and walls, and a few vertical leaps disappear.

"Is that the master of the body shaper?"

"Hey, what is the body-shaping state, haven't you heard that a young man in the condensing source state has recently appeared in Yuanshui Town?"

"Ah? What a genius!"

The storyteller in the tavern spit out some knowledge. When he mentioned the young genius, someone exclaimed, but many warriors from the surrounding big cities showed disdain.

is it possible?

A mere teenage boy who has cultivated to a high level of awakening?

Even in the big city, the children of the big family can't do it!

That is already a first-class master on the rivers and lakes, and every master of the Condensation Origin Realm is well-known.

Smelly hairy boy? To be able to achieve the fifth level of awakening and enter the third-rate master level is already a genius among the younger generation.

The knowledgeable warriors were disdainful, but they didn't refute them.

After all, what do ordinary people know?

At this moment, behind the tavern, in a spacious independent courtyard.

The young man sat cross-legged on the straw mat and practiced.

After a long time, he opened his eyes and woke up like a lion, but his intimidating aura was instantly restrained by him. Except for his slightly mature face, he was not much different from other teenagers.

"Cultivation after reaching the Condensing Origin Realm is too slow."

The young Su Bing frowned, "According to the current speed, it will take at least a year for me to break through to the eleventh level of awakening, and it may take five or six years, or even seven or eight years before I can reach the great consummation of the awakening level, can I hit the legendary level? Stepping on the Void Realm is even more unknown... How can it be so slow?"

Both Su Bing's parents are awakened people with strong strength, and they are classified in the second-class level according to the rivers and lakes.

It was only when he was young that his parents died unexpectedly, leaving behind Su Bing, who was still young at the time and had not yet awakened.


In order to survive and to find out the cause of death of his parents, Su Bing became a professional hunter, specializing in hunting exotic animals near the mountains, or ordinary animals with a little exotic animal blood, and selling them to local restaurants.

One time, I was unlucky and was chased by a strange beast and fell into a cliff, but unexpectedly found a rotten corpse on the finger of the corpse...

Su Bing looked down and touched the inconspicuous silver ring on his finger.

‘I didn’t expect that space rings actually exist in the world. ’

This space ring is very small, less than one cube, but there are still a few books, some herbs, and some minerals.

Among them, there is a book, which is the cultivation method, called 'The Great Ritual Cultivation Technique (Part 1)'.

Su Bing knew that he could become a genius in the eyes of outsiders, was because he had cultivated a more sophisticated cultivation method.

"According to the records of cultivation experience, after breaking through to the Condensing Origin Realm, you can perceive the Origin Qi of the world more clearly. The cultivation speed should not be much slower, but..."

Su Bing closed his eyes again, and in his perception, there were only scattered Genesis Qi light particles between the heaven and the earth.

Obviously wrong.

"Sure enough, my own talent is too poor..."

"It is also recorded in my experience that many geniuses have cultivated to the Great Perfection in only a few years, but they are stuck at the bottleneck, and they have not been able to break through until old age and death... If it were me, I'm afraid it would be even more difficult to break through to the void."

"However, Nanze Country is not the center of the world, but a borderland. If I can go to the center of the world, the avenue city that the dead seniors yearn for, there will be hope for breaking through."

"Even if it's just going to a second-class city."

"But how to leave Nanze and where to go..."

Su Bing didn't know at all.

He is now a high-level awakened person, and he knows no less than the martial artist family, but as far as he knows, except for the Tianshen Mountains, which are more and more dangerous in the south, the other directions are endless barren land.

"Does it mean that if you go south, you have to cross the Tianzhu Mountains to find other countries?"

Su Bing felt that all the novels were written like this.

"But with my strength, it's almost impossible to cross the Tianmo Mountains, and it's not the time to go all out."

he thought.


The earth swayed slightly, not much, but he was very keenly aware of it.

"Earthquake? No, wait, it seems a little chaotic outside?"

Su Bing stood up suddenly, with a bad premonition in his heart.

Without hesitation, he picked up the sword in his hand, opened the door a few steps and ran up to the roof.

Looking up, in the distance of the town, the sky is filled with red fog, full of ominous.

The depressing feeling is even worse.

After hesitating for a while, Su Bing leaped between the roofs and arrived at the edge of Yuanshui Town after a while.

Yuanshui Town, with the word "water", is because there is a lake near the town called Yuanshui Lake, which provides a lot of fresh fish to the town.

But at this time, the surface of Yuanshui Lake, which was originally blue, suddenly sags downward, as if there is an extra hole in the center of the lake.

"What the hell happened? The subsidence?"

There are already warriors who are walking very fast and are approaching Yuanshui Lake.

There are even more warriors who were originally on the edge of Yuanshui Lake, carefully dipping the water, as if they were going to the center of the lake.

Su Bing's ears moved slightly, and he heard many experienced warriors talking in low voices.

They believe that some kind of relic may have been born.

It is rumored that the royal family of Nanze Kingdom was only able to build Nanze Kingdom by excavating a certain ruins.

The warriors are even crazier.

Su Bing didn't get close. He looked at the red mist over Yuanshui Lake. At this time, the mist was gradually thickening, and the ominous omens in his heart were getting heavier and heavier.

Yuanshui Lake gradually dried up, leaving only some small puddles and water stains. In the middle of the lake, a huge gap could be seen with the naked eye, like an abyss.

A warrior has approached the gap.


A gray shadow threw out from the huge gap, one after another, towards the nearest warrior.

Su Bing saw that there was a martial artist who immediately took a knife and cut him off, but saw a gray shadow flash, and the martial artist flew away, blood dripping on his chest, and his breath was weak.

"Is it an alien beast?"

Many warriors couldn't see the gray shadow, but Su Bing could see it clearly.

It is a gray giant wolf with rotten fur, about two or three meters tall, with scarlet pupils, extremely hideous.

The warriors near Yuanshui Lake were frightened and turned around and fled, but these giant rot wolves were faster and stronger, and they killed many warriors in the blink of an eye.

Even the so-called third-rate warriors on the rivers and lakes have almost no resistance in the face of the giant rotten wolf.

"Each wolf is at least at the sixth level of awakening. Even if I face more than five, there is a certain danger."

Su Bing didn't hesitate, turned around and withdrew.

When the attack left, the corner of his eye caught a glimpse of more and more monsters pouring out from the gap in the abyss.

A red creature with six legs, a big gray bird with four wings on its back...

Without exception, they all look hideous, their pupils are scarlet, and they are... powerful.

What kind of monster is that? !

Yuanshui Town was already in turmoil at this time. Su Bing had no relatives or friends in the town. He just informed the tavern owner and fled to the north.

This escape is one day and one night.

Su Bing was in a hurry. After killing a flying monster with a knife, he rushed to the top of the tree and looked at a giant city with a tall city wall.

Nanze capital city.

The capital was under martial law at this time, and solemn-looking soldiers could be seen everywhere on the city walls.

There are also many refugees who have fled and are blocked outside the capital.

Su Bing was a martial artist, and he released a trace of not weak aura, and was soon released into the city.

He inquired about some news, and his face became more and more solemn.

"The southern part of Nanze Country has been completely occupied."

"Those monsters are bloodthirsty and violent, and they kill people when they see them. It is said that it is difficult to see living people in the south. In the southernmost cities, there are almost no survivors!"

Su Bing does not think the news is exaggerated.

He came from the far south and ran all the way. Rao had encountered a flying monster once. Other Awakeners whose strength was not as strong as him had a very small chance of escaping.


As a warrior, Su Bing was recruited and joined the city defending army.

In less than half a day, the overwhelming tide of monsters came directly to the capital.

Flying in the sky, running on the ground, countless.

Nan Zeguo does have some background.

At the critical moment of the country's survival, there were two gray-haired old men in the capital city who stepped forward.

The defense formation is also in operation.

Hundreds of thousands of defenders of the city guarded against the wall.

But after just a few hours, the city was broken.

Su Bing saw a monster over 100 meters tall, smashing the city wall.

I even saw the two protectors fall from the sky.

He fled further north with the raging crowd.

At the beginning, the capital was not surrounded by monster waves, and many warrior figures jumped to the north and fled.

But gradually, fewer and fewer people can keep up with his speed.

Some are lacking in strength and gradually fall behind.

Some were slaughtered by the chasing monsters.

Su Bing fled to the northernmost tip of Nanze Country, and continued to flee to the wilderness. Even if there was a majestic fortress to the north, many refugees did not think that it could stop the terrifying tide of monsters.


On the barren land, Su Bing panted heavily.

Nervous, on the verge of collapse.

Physical strength is almost the limit, relying only on willpower, running away like a machine.

The source power has been exhausted three times. If it wasn't for the source power potion left by the senior in the storage ring, he would have been buried in the mouth of the beast.

Now that he has escaped, Su Bing is alone.

He didn't know how far he had escaped, where he could escape after a few days.

Only his survival instinct drove him to keep fleeing.

Those monsters seemed to be able to track his breath, and they chased after him every once in a while.

Several flying monsters appeared in the sky, and Su Bing showed despair.

He no longer has the strength to swing a knife.

After escaping for so long, he still doesn't see the world outside Nanze, and finally the trace of thoughts that supported him is gradually disappearing.

Several flying monsters pounced.

Su Bing tremblingly raised the machete that had broken several gaps, ready to make a final fight.


A voice came from the sky.

"Hey, there are actually people in this broken place? Wait... Isn't that a demonized beast?!"

The voice in the sky seemed to burst into some kind of foul language.

next moment,

Accompanied by the screeching sound, the few flying monsters that were not weak at all were dismembered in the air and rustled.

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