My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 819 Sign the contract first (big chapter)

As the curtain that could block the breath and exploration was lifted, the monsters in the iron cage immediately appeared in the eyes of many high-level forces.

Evil, weird.

Even if he was restrained, there was still rage and slaughter in his pupils.

"These... demonized beasts, don't seem to have wisdom?" Some high-level observations are keen.


This time, it is the old saying who is in charge of the explanation - you can't let the Great Sect Master Tang answer everything.

Lao Yan walked up to show his sense of existence, then opened the iron cage, and Yuan Li condensed into his palm and took out a demonized beast.

The demonized beast was frozen in the air, unable to move, but its eyes were scarlet, and its mouth seemed to be roaring.

"These monsters called demonized beasts do not have wisdom. They are just combat weapons made by the demons outside the sky, and at the same time, they are also the medium that devours the world."

"Devouring the world?"

"That's right." Lao Yan paused, "The purpose of the foreign demons invading the mountain and sea world is to devour the origin of the world, and once the origin of the world is swallowed up, the entire mountain and sea world will become a place where resources are exhausted and Origin Qi collapses. The dead world, presumably..."

Presumably no one wants to see that scene.

However, this is just the words of the Daoist family.

There are many gods who feel that it is the threat of the Dao Sect, and they must have a conspiracy!


Devour the world? Can the world be swallowed up too?

Many God Realms sneered, but did not show it.

On the contrary... I am more concerned about the behavior of the visitors and the Dao Sect.

'The Great Dao Sect... It is very likely that it has the ability to communicate with the outside world, no, it even controls the entrance and exit of the mountain and sea world. ’

The gods of the mountain and sea world never thought that the world they were in was the only one.


Even if the pseudo-sage exists, when flying to the sky, it will encounter more and more resistance, until... it is impossible to advance an inch.

They believe that if there is an entrance and exit in the world, the most likely place... is the ancient cave.

There are endless treasures, as well as many unknowns and mysteries.

Many top-level forces were able to develop their forces step by step into top-level forces standing on the top of the mountain and sea world just because their ancestors obtained some kind of inheritance and some treasures when they explored the ancient caves.

The Dao Sect must have found the most precious treasure in the ancient cave!

After returning, we must increase the development and exploration of the ancient caves!

Tang Yu didn't know how to read minds, but he could see that many gods didn't take it seriously.

Or think that Dao Zong is exaggerating.

He gestured to the old saying.

Yan Dingtian said immediately, "Just based on the words of our Dao Sect, you may find it hard to believe, so why not... Let's first analyze a demonized beast up close."

Lao Yan selected several gods, some close to the Dao Sect, and some relatively neutral.

The eyes of a god's realm flickered, and the spiritual power suddenly protruded, submerging into the body of the demonized beast.

This is a god's realm who is good at spiritual attacks, and can better find out the specific situation of demonized beasts.

Others in the realm of the gods also use their own methods, some dissect the demonized beast every inch, and some extract the blood of the demonized beast and transplant it into a prepared experimental alien beast rabbit.

For a moment,

The Alien Beast Rabbit became violent, his eyes gradually became scarlet, and his breath rose a lot, but in a flash, he was bleeding all over his body and lost his life.

Obviously, the transplant failed.

Just a simple, unprepared transplant, naturally impossible.

However, the changes in the breath of the alien beasts and rabbits were seen in the eyes of many gods.

Yan Dingtian said at the right time, "The blood and residues of demonized beasts have the characteristics of pollution, but the real horror is the red mist. Under the red mist, even intelligent races will be 'demonized' and lose their reason. "

"And being demonized is an irreversible process. After a beast full of treasures is demonized, it will become a demonized beast that only knows how to kill and has only a few materials on its body."

this point,

The old saying is that the dangers are exaggerated.

Except that most of the demonized beasts are inedible, the material value is not much worse than that of exotic beasts.

And demonization also has conditions. Ordinary animals and exotic beasts are easy to be demonized, but the higher the intelligence, the less affected by the red mist.

Intelligent races are basically impossible to be demonized.

Uh... Tang Yu suddenly thought of kobolds, pig-headed people, and goblins. Probably...the possibility of them being demonized is not so small.

At this moment,

The god's realm, who was good at mental attack, suddenly opened his eyes, and he actually took a step back, looking like he had lingering fears.

"What do you see?"

You can't wait to ask in the realm of the gods.

This demonized beast is only a high-level awakening.

How can the dignified God's Realm seem to suffer in front of the demonized beasts who only have awakening?

"I, I saw the crimson planet, and hundreds of millions of demonized beasts roared in the sky."

"Those demonized beasts..." He took a breath. "They are not a single individual, but rather, they are united, like a whole war weapon. If I hadn't escaped fast, I'm afraid..."

Tang Yu didn't expect him to be so tough.

The demonized beast is not strong, and it can be obliterated with a little mental power.

But... the demonized beast is a weapon of war developed by the devil race, and its fundamental purpose is to devour the origin of the world for the great master.

In theory,

Deep in the soul of every demonized beast, there is a trace of the great master's imprint.

This is the same reason that every reincarnation person contains the imprint of the Reincarnation Hall.

Just obliterating the spirit and soul of the demonized beast will not trigger the silk mark.

There is no power on the imprint, it is roughly equivalent to a trademark or LOGO, but if the soul of the demonized beast is cut open layer by layer, it is equivalent to continuing to penetrate the other's nest along the network cable.

The Tang lord didn't dare to die like this.

Of course, what this God's Domain realm has detected should only be this magical beast, a "net" connected with all the magical beasts in the mountain and sea realm, not the planet that actually created the magical beast.

There are several spiritual realm gods one after another, carrying a demonized beast to explore, they are a lot more careful.

After a while,

Each one had a solemn expression.

For Dao Zong's rhetoric, I believed a little more.

Of course, and still dubious.

Many gods only believe what they see with their own eyes and what they hear with their own ears.

At this moment,

Another garrison soldier came in pushing an iron cage.

The curtain was lifted, and it was an alien race covered with scales, an extraordinary rank—raised from the Shady City Prison.

His mental power has been shattered and turned into an idiot, but his breath is still the same, and his eyes are scarlet.

"This is the intelligent race after being demonized. Of course, the demonized race also has strong people who can keep their senses..." Tang Yu didn't intend to hide this, after all, it would be broken with a single poke.

"But being demonized, from the soul, to the body and mind, has been imprinted, you no longer belong to yourself, and even..."

Tang Yu said something that scared them all:

"When in a world and a race, the powerhouses who gather most of the racial luck are demonized and branded, then the entire race will also be branded, and in the future, all the new born babies will be in the soul. The mark, for generations, can never be turned over."

The subordinate races of the Demon Race and other Demon Races became vassals as early as many epochs ago.

Once it belongs to the great master, there is no second way to go.

The entire race became slaves.

This is also the reason why many top forces in the universe are desperately resisting.

In the conference hall, the powerhouses of the Divine Realm were silent.

Not only the ancestral inheritance, but also the hope of future generations will be taken away.

If everything is as Dao Zong said, then you have to fight to the death.

"After I go back on this matter, I hope you can immediately inform the leaders of each family, Shanhaijie... there is not much time left."

The realm of the gods nodded solemnly.


I saw Sect Master Tang took out a stack of animal skin papers and said:

"Although this suzerain believes that you will not abandon the world of mountains and seas, in order to avoid accidents, I still hope that you will sign this contract."


what contract?

The complexion of many gods has changed slightly, has the tail of the Great Dao Sect finally been exposed? !

What they are most worried about is to become a pawn of the Great Dao Sect.

Being used by the Dao Sect to deal with those heavenly demons who don't seem to be easy to mess with... It's obviously your Dao Sect's own trouble!

Sign up? impossible!

Even if we die, we cannot betray the interests of our race!

In a hurry, we can also bite off a piece of meat from your human race!


There is the spiritual power of the realm of the gods to sweep the contract.

Surprisingly simple.

There is only one requirement, and that is not to take refuge in the outer demons.

Moreover, if the demons outside the heavens do harm to the world, they must stand on the side of the Dao Sect and fight against the demons outside the heavens together.

It seems, it seems... there is nothing wrong with this contract?

It is to join forces to fight against the demons outside the sky, but it is also based on the premise that the other party really wants to devour the world.

The mountain and sea world is their root. If the demons outside the sky want to destroy the mountain and sea world, they will definitely fight to the end without the proposal of the Dao Sect.

As for how to prove that the alien demons have damaged the world.

Not difficult either.

The existence of the top forces has brought together a lot of luck in this world. Once the world is damaged, they will definitely feel it.

Such an analysis, Dao Zong is sincere!

It is he who has crossed the belly of a saint with the heart of a villain.

After signing the contract, a strong man in the realm of the gods left.

In a hurry, the VVIP transmission array passenger flow reached the peak in history.

After three days,

Fifty-six top powers, including false saints and invincibles, the old guys who truly stand on the top of the world, gathered in Daocheng City.

A formal strategic alliance treaty was signed.


It's still the same premise - if the demons outside the sky damage the mountains and seas.

This paper contract really takes effect.

Tang Yu touched his chin.

The first step of the plan is almost achieved.

Next, it is to divide the area that the respective forces are responsible for sweeping, and try to limit the possibility of the presence of the enemy's holy order.

The news about the outer demons is still limited to the top forces and the high-level gods.

This is also part of the contract.

The contract is a high-level contract, and some of his understanding of the law has been added, and the binding effect is very strong.

But after all, it is not the level of the follower contract, and it is still possible to find loopholes or bypass the contract at a great cost.

The probability is about 0.001%.

Lord Tang was a little worried, but there was no better way.

"Fortunately, the contract is signed by top-level forces. Violating the contract will damage the interests of the entire force and the entire race. The gods within them will also supervise each other, and..."

These are all God's Domain realms with foundations, not lone rangers.

With racial fetters and reluctance to give up the family business, you will not be tempted by a little bit of power to turn to the devil clan.

It is the second guarantee.

The third...

If there is a God's Domain Realm that can bypass the contract and abandon the family and business, the Great Sect Master Tang will have to deploy physical protection.

The ends of the earth, the mission must be achieved.


After a few days, many top forces on the mainland were still calm.

It's just that in secret, many powerful people in the realm of the gods are active frequently.

southern continent,

Adjacent to the Tianzhu Mountains,

A border town about hundreds of thousands of miles away from the Dachang Kingdom.

Backed by the mountain city.

This city was built by the Daocheng construction team, and there are many tribes around, including some ethnic tribes and some alien tribes.

In the back mountain city, there is a teleportation array that is large enough to accommodate 200 people, which is the best choice for extraordinary-level travel in the surrounding area.

This teleportation array was built a few years ago and is the first phase of the strategic goal of "building teleportation arrays to every corner of the world".

on the stage,

The foggy teleportation halo dissipated, and a powerful man with a majestic face appeared. He took one step to the sky, and disappeared at the end of the sky in an instant.

leaning against the wall of the mountain city,

Some human defenders hired from nearby tribes raised their heads again and watched the streamer disappear.

"What happened recently, there are strong people appearing one after another in our place?"

"Is that the powerhouse of the One Realm?"

"I think it's the realm of the gods. You said, if we go to the teleportation array area more, will there be strong people who take a fancy to us and bring us into the door?"

"You're thinking about peaches!"

"Isn't Wang Tiechui of the tribe next door accepted as an apprentice by a strong man! Hua Fangfang, the strongest minister in our tribe, is said to have proposed a kiss to that Wang Tiechui! When will this kind of luck be my turn!"


Backing the Mountain City Teleportation Array was the closest teleportation point to Nanze Country, but it was still hundreds of thousands of miles away.

For the Transcendent Rank, it is far too far.

But for the powerhouses in the realm of the gods, this distance is just normal.

The South Ze country is currently the only area that has been identified as having an abyss crack.

Moreover, the scale of the crack was large, and Tang Yu couldn't figure out how many alien powerhouses had descended behind him.

The realm of the gods that the top forces came to are also very cautious, just using various means to probe remotely.


Tang Yuren was in Luyin City, and as soon as he left the teleportation formation, he received a rather unexpected piece of news.

"Is there a god's realm going straight to Nanze country?"

"Well, forget it, don't stop it, just keep an eye on it."

Tang Yu thought about it, not necessarily, it was a bad thing.


On the wasteland tens of thousands of miles away from Nanze Country, there are at least two-digit Divine Realm realms hidden. They used their own means to observe the situation in Nanze Country from a distance.

Indeed, there is an overwhelming tide of magic.

There are no living people in the whole Nanze country.

However, according to the Dao Sect Sect Master, they did not discover the powerhouse behind it.

There are gods who are gradually approaching Nanze, and there are gods who are still hesitating...


A stream of light went straight to Nanze Country.

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