My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 830 Going Toward Another World (Big Chapter)

green city,

on the lord's castle,

Tang Yu held a huge bright golden fruit and meditated slightly.

"Nearly 1,000 Divine Transcendence Fruits can create a lot of saints."

Of course it depends on who is in the hands.

If it is obtained by an ordinary invincible powerhouse, it may not be able to break through the holy rank if nearly a thousand Divine Transcendence Fruits are eaten.

If it is in the hands of the overlord-level forces, nearly a thousand, at least, can help two or three third-order limit breakthroughs.

In his own hands, he can create more than a dozen holy orders.

"However, at present, there are not so many people in the territory who have reached the critical value, and the God Transcendence Fruit is not omnipotent.

"Furthermore, just because the territory currently lacks saints, you can't freely reward the God Transcendence Fruit."

Even followers, they have to exchange for meritorious deeds.


Like Luo Zhe, who is conscientious and has made outstanding contributions to the territory, Tang Yu can't wait to give him a bunch of divine fruit.

As long as Roger can break through.

Apart from Elaine, Lao Luo is the most reliable left and right hand.

Others are either cultivating or fishing.

"With Luo Zhe's current comprehension of the law, even if there is a lot of help from the gods, the risk is still very high to break through from the inside out. The best way is to refine the world and use the power of the world to break through."


A month later,

Tang Yu, and Luo Zhe who was ready, came to a green planet of life.

"This is a medium-to-high life planet. It is the most suitable for you. As long as you refine this world, your future development potential will not be much worse than that of the holy rank that relies on your own breakthrough."

In the advanced world of refining and refining, apart from the weakness of the world, its potential is stronger than that of most Saint Ranks that rely on their own breakthroughs.

But in the higher world, Luo Zhe couldn't refine it.

Even if the ordinary invincible powerhouse has the help of the Holy Rank, it is enough to refine a Elementary World.

Luo Zhe didn't say anything about dying, but from his eyes and the fluctuation of his breath, it could be seen that he was not calm.

Tang Yu gave him a cheering look and disappeared into the sky.

Luo Zhe found a hill and sat down and gradually calmed down.


high altitude,

Tang Yu circled this medium-life planet and flew hundreds of times at an unmeasurable speed.

And distribute sub-territories at key positions.

Insert the branches of the world tree.

In this life planet, there are only some alien beasts with extraordinary ranks, but no real civilization has yet been born.

more "pure".

It was also one of the reasons why he was chosen as the refining target.

"It's almost time to start."

Tang Yu's eyes condensed, and he saw the fate of the planet.

refining the world,

To a certain extent, it is similar to swallowing the world. It is all about the world.


Refining is not a complete destruction, and the resistance it receives is not that great.

Either control the earth.

Whether it is the power of the world in the world of mountains and seas, it can be regarded as he refining the world.

The great lord of Tang has rich experience.

With the help of a large net constructed by the sub-territory, the entire planet of life will soon be shrouded.

Constantly weaken the resistance of the planet.

"It's just a middle world..."

Shanhaijie is a high plane, and it is already very close to the top.

There is nothing he can do without the power of native creatures.

but now,

Tang Yu stretched out his hand, and this life planet quickly dyed the color of the green shade collar.

After doing all this,

He flew away, standing outside the planet.

At the same time, the control of the planet was delegated to Luo Zhe through the territory management system.


A burst of Genesis Qi gathered.

become a storm.

become tides.

The waves of source power visible to the naked eye are layered on top of each other.

Luo Zhe's breath continued to rise, and soon surpassed the critical point of the extraordinary third-order, and the climbing speed increased instead of decreasing.

His breath resonated with the planet.




Even the entire planet was shimmering with shimmering light, just like looking up and seeing the halo of the stars.

Extraordinarily conspicuous.

"Sure enough, when breaking through, man-made disasters are the trouble."

On the forty-eighth day of Luo Zhe's refining world, a spaceship appeared within Tang Yu's perception range.

This star is very remote.

But it still attracted the attention of some nearby powerhouses because of the fluctuations during the breakthrough.

on the spaceship,

There were several aliens with strange tentacles, looking at the emerald green planet from a distance, their faces were ecstatic.

"Great, we have discovered a new planet of life!"

"According to the laws of the empire, whoever discovers it will have the first mining right, and we will issue it!"

"We wouldn't have been able to detect it if it weren't for the fact that the planet was flickering a little weirdly."

"Yeah, hurry up, I can't wait to land."

"Be careful……"

One of the tentacled aliens was calmer.

Other alien races didn't care, "What are you afraid of, we are all third-rank extraordinary, and the captain is even a peak powerhouse, and we are afraid of the natives of a mere planet?"

"No, I mean, the abnormality of that life planet seems to have been heard, it seems, it seems to be... the abnormality of breaking through the holy order!"

Inside the boat,

Several tentacles of the aliens suddenly froze.

The captain of the interstellar exploration team immediately ordered the flying boat to turn around.

"The breakthrough of the holy rank, no matter whether the breakthrough is a loner or not, whether there is a protector or not, we can't provoke it."

The captain said quickly, "However, we can report the news to the empire. The top of the empire will definitely be very interested in the invincible powerhouse who is breaking through. How to deal with it at that time is none of our business."

The flying boat turned around, spewing tail flames with maximum power output.

But suddenly,

A finger seemed to appear in the starry sky, and with a single click, the entire flying boat was completely wiped away.

"Better not to have trouble."

Tang Yu was not afraid.

Even if the luck is extremely bad, it is discovered by the cosmic overlord forces or the devil race.

The first to investigate will only be the Holy Order.

On the scale of the universe, it was enough for Luo Zhe to break through.


His flag did not take effect.

Until Luo Zhe succeeded in refining the world and achieved the holy rank, no small bugs appeared.

"I succeeded."

Luo Zhe, who was in heavy armor, exuded holy might, and he felt indescribable in his heart.

in the past,

He is just an ordinary Awakening rank, an ordinary general of the city defense army.

After a serious injury, he was even abandoned by the nobles in the city.

At that time, he felt that his life was over. In any case, I could never have imagined that I could have achieved today's achievements.

Luo Zhe opened his mouth, but didn't say anything in the end.

It will only turn the gratitude in my heart into practical actions to protect the green territory.

With the success of Luo Zhe's breakthrough, the world was refined.

In front of him, the abnormality that appeared on this life planet gradually disappeared.


In his perception, the entire planet gradually disappeared until it disappeared completely.

After refining the world,

Although the world cannot be integrated into the body, the whole world will not be as fragile as it used to be.

The elementary world refined by the Holy Rank is the tyrannical existence among the saints, and it is difficult to destroy.

Saint King Rank is not so easy to find.


Destroy a random rear, the world will be destroyed, and the holy rank that relies on the world's breakthrough will also fall into position.

But Tang Yu still felt that it was not stable enough.

Let Luo Zhe use the administrator's authority and his ability to control the world after refining it to drag the whole world away.


Time is rushing, and the fruit of crossing the gods is gradually decreasing.

For the time being, these are limited resources.

Even if it can create a dozen saints, there are not many.

Many followers, even the arrogance of the void city, will be able to rely on themselves to break through the holy order in the future, but there are still a few.

The fruit of crossing the gods is indispensable.

Tang Yu lowered his head and stared at the Divine Crossing Fruit Core in his hand.

The only one!

A god-transcending tree, whether it bears hundreds of fruits or thousands of fruits, will only leave a single seed.

Once destroyed, the Transcendent Tree can no longer be planted.


One day after many epochs, the news of crossing the god tree reappears.

Planting a god-transcending tree needs to devour the world, and it will hurt the world - but it doesn't matter.

Lord Tang is not a pedantic person either.

The problem is that……

"It takes hundreds of years for a tree to be planted to bear fruit.

"Hundreds of years are not long for the Holy Rank, but it is very long for me!"

Lord Tang could not endure such a long time.

Hundreds of years, the novel has been finished I don't know how long!

It is necessary to give up the divine tree for quick results.

Tang Yu had an immature idea in his heart.

He rummaged through the world data he currently had in his mind.

"Planet A twenty-two? No."

"Planet B thirty-fifth? It's worse."

"No. 21 Ding? Let's see if there are any alternatives."

Tang Yu chose a middle world with little civilization as fertile soil.

He stood in the air.

Overlooking the vast plains below.

With a wave, a sub-territory was built on the border of the plain.

The territory spread rapidly.

After a while, the entire plain area was covered.

Tang Yu flipped his wrist and pressed it down slightly.


The entire plain was compacted and became extremely flat.

With another wave of the hand, the land rolled over, instantly reclaiming pieces of fertile soil.

This is the most basic territorial building - farmland.

Tang Yu made some changes to the farmland, and tens of thousands of farmland "buildings" were laid on this plain.

linked together.

"Choose, upgrade farmland."

A faint brilliance emerged.


Upgrade again!

Upgrade again!

In addition to fertile soil, advanced farmland has its own array that can spawn crops.

There was also some effect that he couldn't understand at the moment, reducing the time it took for the crops to grow.


As a very high-level strange thing, Tang Yu has no idea whether farmland can work or not.

The farmland can only be expanded.

Anyway, not bad money, in case it succeeds.

Farmland has risen to the highest level.

Tang Yu came to the very center, stretched out his hand, separated the soil, and buried the golden core.

"Probably, that's enough, right?"

It doesn't require too many fancy operations, and whether it can speed up the growth, you can only... look at the face.

Tang Yu opened his 'eye of insight' to observe the changes of the entire planet.

"The core, it's starting to change."


"The power contained in the soil is being rapidly absorbed, which means it is effective!"

Tang Yu observed for a while.

About seven or eight hours later, the farmland on the entire plain was downgraded by one level.


And this kind of operation?

But he was not surprised.

Farmland is downgraded, and some kind of non-renewable material is absorbed.

However, the core has changed significantly, much faster than normal growth!

Tang Yu didn't hesitate. With a flick of his finger, the mountains around the plain smashed into pieces, the basin was filled with soil, the river was blocked, the water source was introduced into the farmland, and then the soil crushed from the mountain peak was sprinkled to fill it up.

In just a few seconds,

Earth-shaking changes have taken place around the entire plain, and the area of ​​the plain has expanded more than a hundred times.

At the same time, more and more farmland has been reclaimed, which is full of fertile soil.


A golden bud burst out of the ground.

Slow growth.

With the farmland being spread evenly after the expansion of a hundred times, the speed at which the Divine Tree absorbs "nutrients" will not be too exaggerated.

"Also, because of the auxiliary role of farmland, the absorption of the source of the world by the God-crossing Tree has slowed down a lot."

Tang Yu touched his chin.

It feels like it might be sustainable.

He did not continue to stay on this planet, but only ordered a few trusted people to guard and report as soon as there was news.

Lord Tang only needs to deal with those important issues.

for example,

Build another void city.

"It just so happens that a few years have passed, and the exploration of the new continents on Earth is coming to an end. It's time to transfer this batch of labor to various worlds."

Go directly to the teleportation array of Green City, and you can also cross the border.

But it always felt like something was missing.

Simply, build a void city for transit.

Also safer.


Wang Fan is a registered adventurer in the Adventurers Guild.

People, like their names, are very ordinary.

A few years ago, he also plunged into the wave of exploring the new continent, and made a lot of money from this shareholder wind. Just a few months ago, he successfully broke through to the extraordinary level.

"Brother Fan? You are so extraordinary, why are you sighing?"

An adventurer from Outer Base City, very incomprehensible.

Wang Fan didn't really sigh, but felt a little vague, "You are not a Luyin person, and you may not know that a few years ago, you were a little master in Luyin Chaofan, but now, senior extraordinary people are everywhere."

He added, "Especially, most areas in the New World have been explored, and the number of tasks issued by the guild every day has plummeted.

"Although I can still receive tasks, the real high-value tasks are all covered by those large-scale adventure groups, and there is no such thing as us scattered people."

Where Wang Fan is, a magnificent city has already been built.

You can also see some aliens coming and going.

Wood spirits, centaurs, bears, etc.

They are all indigenous tribes who originally lived in the depths of the New World, but now they all belong to the human race.

The stability of the situation in the New World was beneficial to many businessmen.

The discovery of many new materials and the transportation and sale of special products have created a wealth of billionaires with a net worth of over one million yuan.

But to deal with such pure adventurers as Wang Fan, who can only earn source crystals by receiving quests, they are caught blind.

I didn't know what to do for a while.


The Adventurer's Guild not far away burst into a commotion.

Wang Fan turned to look.

On the guild building, the light and shadow changed, revealing a brand new task sequence.

【X-level main mission】

【Go to another world】!

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