My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 842: Cosmic Vibration (Big Chapter)

The shortcomings of the army formation are well known to the saints of the devil race.

Unable to move.

Army formations are often used in defense, or positional warfare.

When the devil tribes attacked the high world of the former four tribes, the most trouble they encountered was the army formation.

A high-level military formation may almost cover the entire world.

But the devil saints are experienced.

Whenever a high-level military formation appears, they withdraw from the world.

The army formation cannot move, has a duration, and although powerful, it can also be targeted.

For the Devil Race army, which is not short of time and is not urgent, the world where the army is deployed is just lingering.

As soon as I saw the appearance of the senior military formation.

There are also several holy kings presided over.

Several devil race saint kings quickly escaped without thinking.

The behemoth of the void is huge and terrifying, enough to spread to a small half of the star field.

But the red cloud owned by Moya was originally a fortress-type holy artifact, and it was of a good rank.

He forcibly took a few roars of the Void Behemoth, and he has already crossed a long distance.

The other two holy kings and other holy orders kept bombarding, blocking the chains around them, cracking them.

on the red cloud,

Mo Ya turned back and looked at the giant beasts of the void and the stalwart figures of the saints.


"Although the human race has united many hegemonic forces, it is a bit unexpected, but...

"Such a big cake is here, we can't miss it."

The tyrannical holy king said:

"Don't worry, I was prepared. When I found them, I sent a special signal back. The clones in the clan will notify them immediately. In a short time, a large number of saints will come from my clan."

He disdainfully said, "Weak races should enjoy their last moments, Alliance? It's ridiculous."

Red clouds whistled.

Further out, there is a monstrous black flame covering all directions.

The attack speed of the Void Behemoth was delayed, and the red cloud was increased.

This is a domain-type holy weapon in the hands of the tyrannical holy king.

Stacked with Hongyun, they only paid a small price to rush out of the range of the advanced military formation.

in the army,

The bluestone king and other holy kings all looked ugly.

They never thought that Luyin had taken out the precious high-level military formation, and actually, they still escaped without slipping.

"Damn, the treasures of the devil race are endless!"

"It's a pity that this high-level military formation cannot be taken back once it is opened."

They are ready to evacuate.


Just to get caught off guard.

When the Devil Race reacted, they were the ones surrounded.

Unexpectedly, not only did the ambush fail, but King Gui was injured as a result.

The alliance was unfavorable in the first battle. Can this alliance continue to be maintained?

The alliance is still like this. If the alliance is torn apart, wouldn't it become more fish on the chopping board.

They continue to send their own power, and the void beast roars again and again.

But still can only watch the red cloud gradually go away.


In the void in the distance, a huge waterspout appeared.

Even on the vast cosmic scale, the waterspout is still conspicuous, as if it can roll up the entire world.

The waterspout stopped directly in front of the red cloud.

Immediately after,

The second, third, fourth, and fifth waterspouts, like pillars of the sky, appeared one by one.

The vast void suddenly turned into an ocean.

On one of the huge waterspouts, Hai Lan held a holy artifact staff and set off a huge wave.

Around, on the other waterspouts, there are figures of the saints of the human race.

Xingling Xingyue, Winnie, Luo Zhe, Zhong Ping, Enze and so on.

With the help of the Transcending God Fruit, in the past ten years, green shade powerhouses have broken through the realm one after another. Although many of them cannot rely on their own strength to break through the realm, the holy rank that the refining world has broken through is also the holy rank!

The power of the world is blessed!

Advanced army support!

Territory blessing!

Wushui turned the army formation, and burst out with dozens of times, hundreds of times stronger power than it was ten years ago.

The water column blocked all directions.

on the red cloud,

The face of the holy rank on the Devil Race side changed suddenly.

"Two high-level military formations! It seems that the human race is determined to..."

Mo Ya's face was gloomy.

But the appearance of the Wushui Rotary Army Array happened to block the position where they could escape.

There is a void beast at the rear.

Even if he wanted to escape from the direction of the behemoth in the void, the speed of the red cloud plummeted due to the entanglement of the Wushui Army formation.

Can't do it at all.

"Only the army formation can fight the army formation."

Mo Ya had to throw out a high-level army array.

As the head coach of the battle situation, he also has the only high-level military formation plate bestowed by the clan.

He didn't want to use it.

If you use this array plate, you can gain something, you can kill multiple human race saints, and you can leave a saint king.

That's worth it.

But if you can't do it, it's just a waste.

There is an army on the alliance side, and Moya certainly doesn't want to waste his cards here.

Exit immediately.

Anyway, he has shaken the reinforcements.

The hegemonic power alliance is such a big thing, and he is no longer a "little" theater coach who can deal with it.

Moya retreated calmly.

without hesitation.

Until he was smeared by the Wushui Rotation Army.

With his life at stake, he had to throw out a high-level military formation.

The sky shakes.

Even in the distant star field, after a period of time, you can see the bright light blooming from the starry sky.

The barren stars shattered in the aftermath.

The middle world that is the bait, the world barrier is constantly shaking, and the colorful colors are on and off.

There is still territory as a backing, under the protection of strength, it is supported.

The battle lasted 120 hours.

The army array thrown by the Devil Race disintegrated due to exhaustion of power.

On the alliance side, Green Shadow has thrown out two new army formations...


After a few days,

When the Devil Race arrived from the nearest reinforcements, they could only see a starry sky that had been turned into a complete void.

The entire space of the starry sky also showed a strange broken shape.

They didn't even dare to approach.

Worry about ambush.

Until a group of devil tribe reinforcements came.

A figure bathed in flames suddenly appeared.

He seems to be the symbol of the flame, the master of the flame, the master of the flame.

As soon as he appeared, only flames remained around him.

The water system, the soil system, etc., and other laws of the universe, wherever this great being passes, all retreat.

He glanced,

It penetrated the entire star field, and saw the medium-sized planet that was hidden again and had moved a certain distance.

His terrifying gaze directly penetrated the barriers of the world and swept across without any obstruction.

From the surface, to the center of the earth, to the inner space of the world.

All in all.

But he found nothing but an empty world with some traces of war.

He snorted.

Reach out.

Across the endless starry sky, gently squeeze.


The whole world is on fire.

The earth is burning, the grass is burning, the rivers, lakes and seas are burning.

Some remaining creatures in the world were also turned into ashes in the flames.

at last,

The whole world's walls are on fire.

In the endless flame, exhausted.



"The devil race was ambushed, two holy kings, and fifteen holy orders fell! Only one holy king escaped!"

"The alliance side only paid the price of the fall of three holy orders!"

"Shock! Big shock!"

It is impossible to hide the battle that affects a large star field.

After the reinforcements of the Devil Race left, various forces used their own strength to investigate.

both sides of the battle,

One of them is the fierce and famous devil clan!

On the other side, is a newly established anti-magic alliance.

Under the leadership of the human race, a beautiful battle was fought.

The news spread quickly across the universe.

The forces and cosmic kingdoms that had a little connection with the outside world were the first to know about it.


This was the only time the Devil Race suffered a setback after breaking through the high-dimensional united front.

"Wait, isn't the human race declining? Where did they get the power to lead the counterattack?"

Asked by an unknown cosmic powerhouse.

"Your news is behind. It is the human race who preside over the Alliance against Demons, but it is not the human race of the high-dimensional upper realm."

"Isn't all the power of the human race concentrated in the high-dimensional upper realm? Why are there other human races?"

"I heard that they are called Luyin, which means Sanctuary. They are the descendants of the once-powerful Origin Star Human Race."


"Green shade? Human race?"

The overlord of a certain star field, a commander of the Burning Soul Legion asked.

The other commander shook his head, "This human race is very mysterious, and I don't know much about it. I only know that Luyin has long been secretly fighting against the devil race, and they are active in many worlds.

"It's just that after the collapse of the high-dimensional joint front, I heard that Luyin had to go to the front of the stage."

"And." The commander paused, "The Alliance against Demons is probably the alliance that Terran invited us to join some time ago."

This commander killed the sky all of a sudden.

Don't they know that they didn't take the alliance to heart before the Burning Soul Legion?

silent for a long time,

A high-ranking branch commander asked, "Have you gone to the position on the invitation letter?"

"Go, there should have been a teleportation array there, but now..."

"We missed the alliance. Who would have thought that the human race in the high-dimensional upper realm has already covered the entire universe, but there are other human races!"

A commander snorted coldly, "I think it's okay not to join the alliance. Instead, our Soul Burning Legion is not like those cosmic kingdoms. Even if the Devil Race really attacks, we can evacuate this star field."

This idea has been recognized by many saints.

They don't want to suffer from bird's-eye in the alliance.

The Burning Soul Legion is a free legion.


"If we don't join the Anti-Magic Alliance and don't have reinforcements, we will probably be the first target of the Devil Race...

"In the past, the Devil Race didn't attack the overlords like us, because they were worried that all the forces in the entire universe would unite, but now even if they unite, they may not be able to compete with the Devil Race.

"On the contrary, there are only so many well-known forces in the universe. If one is destroyed, the power to fight against the devil race will be one point less."

"No, joining the alliance will become a thorn in the side of the devil clan. The alliance against the devil has only achieved a small victory. Whether it can stop the devil clan's offensive is still unknown."

The Burning Soul Legion is divided into two factions, each with their own opinions.

The most prestigious legion commander has not spoken yet.

For the next several months, the Legion of Burning Souls will pay close attention to changes in the universe.

as predicted,

The main forces of the Anti-Devil Alliance, such as the Holy Stone Continent and the Prison Clan, were attacked by the Devil Clan army.

But what surprised all the forces in the universe is that,

They stopped firmly.

When the army of the devil tribe came to the Holy Stone Continent, they fought against the holy ranks of the various forces in the devil alliance, and with an absolute numerical advantage, they repelled the invasion of the devil tribe.

The same is true for the Prison Clan, the Chino Empire and other forces.

On the contrary, some forces that did not join the alliance, under the front of the devil clan, were losing ground.

"Strange? Where does the Anti-Magic Alliance come from so many holy ranks?"

"No, it's not that there are many holy ranks in the Anti-Magic Alliance, but their transfer speed is extremely fast. Yesterday, they were still in the Holy Stone Continent, and they appeared in the territory of the Prison Race the next day! How did they do it!"

"And the Anti-Magic Alliance also has a large number of high-level military formations, and even top-level military formations. Otherwise, it is impossible to block the Supreme who controls the source law with only a limited number of Saint King ranks in the Anti-Magic Alliance."

"It seems that the alliance against the demons is stable. Although the demons still have a lot of power that has yet to be displayed, in the alliance against the demons, the green shade of the human race shows a little strength... Whether it is the holy king rank or the mysterious great Lord, they didn't make a move."

"Join, you must join the Anti-Magic Alliance!"

Inside the Burning Soul Legion, the wind direction changed suddenly.

The Legion Commander made a final decision.

"If you can't contact the Green Shadow Human Race, you can contact other forces in the alliance, the Holy Stone Continent, the Prison Race, etc. No matter what you do, our Soul Burning Legion must join the alliance."

Other cosmic forces are similar.

With the threat of the Devil Race ahead, they couldn't care too much, and they all sought ways to join the alliance, and their attitudes were lowered a lot.

The Alliance against Demons is growing.

a corner of the universe,

On a desolate life planet, there is a magnificent but somewhat dilapidated palace.

Around the palace, many dwellings were built, forming a small town in which many surviving high-dimensional human races lived.

this one,

It is the human race that escaped after the atrium domain was broken.

Their losses were the heaviest. They saw with their own eyes the fall of each holy rank, and the last holy king wiped away all traces of this human race remnant soldier at the expense of himself, so that they could survive.

Hiding in a remote corner, their reception of inter-universe news is very delayed.

But there was a lot of rumors about the Alliance of Demons, and there was a human race extraordinary who went out to inquire, and still found a blind spot.

"Human race? Human race!"

"Ancestor, it is rumored that a new alliance against demons has been established outside, and the host of the alliance is actually our human race?!"


Another ruined place,

A group of Spirit Race survivors had gray faces, and under the pressure of the Devil Race pursuers, they could only keep shifting their positions.

Escape to increasingly remote star regions.


Accidentally, he heard different news when a Holy Rank Spiritual Mind swept over.

It is no longer the devil race that has destroyed so-and-so forces and so-and-so kingdoms.


The two saint kings of the devil tribe fell, the soldiers were restrained, and the universe was shocked.

"It's actually a human race!"

He thought for a second, "In the upper realm of the high dimension, our spiritual race and the human race are the two closest relatives. Now that there is no way out, it is better to go to the human race. It can't be worse."

After thinking for a while, he took a group of surviving spirits and flew to the Holy Stone Continent.

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