My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 851 Worrying about the various forces

in the universe,

Except for the terrifying existence in the dark red city.

There is also a law master who is in charge of the law of the origin of flames, standing proudly in the starry sky.

in front of him.

Red clouds, spaceships, pagodas, stars... different styles of fortress-type sacred artifact, carrying the army of countless devil tribes, aggressively slaying the very vast and boundless world in front of them.

A temptation with the Holy King Rank as the main force.

But unlike in the past, every saint king has activated a high-level army formation.

One after another tyrannical phantoms, far exceeding the holy rank, appeared in the starry sky.

Almost occupying the entire star field and brutally destroying the nearby stars, even the living planets protected by world barriers, under the high-level army formation mainly controlled by the Holy King Rank, and combined with countless Saint Rank and army power, also Fragile like tofu dregs.

Under the random movement of that ferocious beast, the whole world completely collapsed.

The fragility of the primary world is evident.

What reassured the great lord of Tang was that the earth and the origin of the star realm were not affected.

a decade ago,

When several saints attacked the barriers of the world, they could already feel the vibration when they stood on the earth, and they could feel that there was a terrifying power of phantoms.

But now,

The high-level military formation controlled by the Holy King Rank, only the aftermath, is more terrifying than the storm of the digital saints.

The barriers of the world remain motionless.

In the world, down to the primary world, up to the earth, everything is safe, and it is not even at the domain level, and it is impossible to even perceive that the starry sky outside the world has been surrounded by the devil clan army.

Followers such as Yilian and Kong stood at the front of the world and started the top army formation from the Lancang lineage.

Jiushui Longquan Military Array.

Within the range of the military formation, all the laws of the water system are happy.

In the starry sky, the master of the law who is in charge of the origin of fire has formed a rivalry.

Nine dragons of water formed by the laws of the water system surround the origin astral world, roaring, and colliding with several high-level army formations on the side of the devil tribe.

Terrifying waves erupted in the starry sky.


The star field where the earth is located is very remote.

The resources are poor. In the entire star field, there are only a few elementary life planets, and the civilization of most planets has not yet developed beyond the world.

In the surrounding star field, there are only a few cosmic forces that can barely call their names.

There is no hegemonic power.

But even so,

The power of the top military formation, the strength of the Lord of Laws, and the collision of the laws of the water system and the laws of the fire system still light up the entire star field.

The existence of the Holy Order, which is a little closer, wakes up in one after another.

Raise your head and look in that direction.

"In the end what happened?"


Holy Stone Continent.

In front of the Holy Stone Palace.

"The devil clan side is aggressive, but we are not without experience in fighting the devil clan army."

King Qingshi looked at the dozen or so saints in front of him, "In addition to the void city of the human race, the alliance void island, and the battlefield of the realm, there are several overlord forces that have been attacked... What did the human race say, how to arrange reinforcements?"

He asked the Red Rock Saint.

The Red Rock Saint activated a shadow crystal.

"Several camps that have been attacked on the battlefield of the realm are currently supported by the Alliance Saint Rank, and it is not a big problem.

"It's on the Void Island. It is suspected to be the main target of the Devil Race's attack. I still can't make up my mind."

They tried teleportation.

At present, it can operate normally, whether it is from the Holy Stone Continent to Void Island or leaving from Void Island, there is no problem.

But the holy rank on Void Island is using the power of the army formation to barely resist the demon king who is attacking from the outside.

It is possible to evacuate part of the holy order, but the holy order that evacuates later must be too late to set foot on the teleportation array, and will be crushed by the devil race holy king.

So the option to retreat was cut off.

only support.

But the league couldn't make up its mind.

Worrying is the trap of the devil race.

Especially according to the super rank who asked for help, outside the Void Island, dark red cracks were all over the place, and the entire Void was blocked by the Devil Race.


The devil race came prepared.

The teleportation array can still operate, maybe it is a trap set by the devil clan on purpose.


After the alliance party supports two or three holy kings, the teleportation to the Void Island will be completely locked, and the hidden devil clan ambush will also appear.

No help, no.

Help, but worried about an ambush.

It's also a question of who goes to the rescue.

The hegemonic forces of all parties are unwilling to put their holy kings in danger.

At this time, what they thought was that the Terran side would send reinforcements.

After all, the alliance was brought about by the human race, and the most powerful force was also the human race.

The Bluestone King is also waiting for the decision of the great lord of the human race.

But suddenly,

Feeling in my heart, I looked up to the sky.

"Yes... the Lord of the Law has taken action!"

At present, the powers that possess the Lord of Law are only the Devil Race, the Human Race Green Shade, the Hall of Reincarnation, and the Void Alliance.

But the Temple of Reincarnation and the Void Alliance are very low-key, and it is impossible to do it at this time.

Also made such a big move.

"It must be the devil clan, and now happens to be the time when the devil clan army is attacking.

"But which force is the Lord of the Law attacking? Did it cause such a big commotion?"

King Qingshi frowned. After all, in the information he received, none of the forces were attacked by the Lord of Laws.

Moreover, there is no single force that can block the attack of the Lord of Law alone.

Apart from……

Human race! ! !

"Could it be..."

The real rear base of the human race is hidden in the vast universe, and the Bluestone King is clear.

But the location, not to mention him, is that many human race saints do not know.

"Could it be that the Devil Race found the origin star of the Human Race?!!"

He was suddenly anxious. .

The existence of the alliance depends entirely on the human race to maintain it.

Maybe some forces are strong and criticized by the human race, but King Qingshi can see it clearly.

Without the Human Race, the Alliance has no power to confront the Devil Race head-on.

It's already broken.

"The Devil Race has been silent for several years. This time, I'm afraid it's really moving."


at the same time,

The hegemonic forces such as the Prison Clan, Sword Domain, and Crystal Palace also received the news.

The world in which the human shade is located is exposed.

The Saint King Rank of the hegemonic forces of several parties hesitated for a moment, and came to a closer star field through the teleportation array, watching the situation there from a distance.



in perception,

The entire star field seemed to be shattered.

Let the bluestone king's complexion change slightly.

"The two masters of the law."

He has already seen the master of the law of fire.

But the other, just a little breath that leaked out, made him tremble.

He is still outside the star field!

"The green shade, can you stop it?"

The Bluestone King also wanted to support him.

But he has no channel to teleport into the Origin Star.

And fly over?

He dared not.

As long as he dares to step into that star field, the Lord of Laws will let him understand what real terror is.


at this time,

Outside the Origin Star Realm, Elaine and the others teamed up with dozens of human race saints and millions of extraordinary ranks, relying on the top army formation to fight against the devil race.

But it also gradually fell into the disadvantage.

The one in the dark red city has not yet shot.

Abyss Demon Lord is observing.

"Does the rumored Origin Star remnant only have this power?"

If one or two Law Lords appeared, he would not be surprised.

But now,

There are only two newly promoted saint kings, too weak, so weak that he can't believe it.

"Such a weak force has caused so much trouble to our clan."

He snapped his fingers.

The Lord of the Laws in the Starry Sky, the Law of Fire under his control, immediately overwhelmed the Law of the Water System of the Nine Water Dragon Spring Army Formation.


The invisible power fell, and the breath of dozens of human race saints skyrocketed.

at the same time,

Inside the Origin Star Realm, there is also a tyrannical aura that is gradually rising and recovering.

The Demon Lord of the Abyss raised his head, "Finally, it becomes a bit interesting."

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