My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 854 The green lord is so terrifying!

in the starry sky,

The abyss demon master controls the dark red city and follows behind the huge Origin Star Realm unhurriedly.

He shot from time to time, causing cracks in the starry sky that were difficult to heal.

The power of the abyss collided with the power emanating from the origin astral world.

Conflict and annihilate.

"This power, never seen before, is a brand new power."

Abyss Demon Lord secretly pays.

From his perspective, the power that he has never seen before is really rare.

Moreover, he could not analyze the root cause.

But the Abyss Demon Lord judged that the human race in the world must have some kind of restriction.

For example, power has limits.

For example, the time that can be supported by a certain array is limited.

He is testing and consuming.

The constant escape of the Origin Star Realm made him even more sure of this.

"Furthermore, the means of moving the entire Origin Star Realm cannot be used indefinitely!"

For the Abyss Demon Lord, it is not difficult to destroy a primary world, not to mention an advanced world.

The world he destroyed is innumerable.

But move the whole world...

He believes that he can move the elementary and intermediate worlds, but the premise is that he does not care about the damage to the world.

Based on the movement speed of the origin star world, if he moved a primary world across the star field, the entire primary world would almost fall apart.

"However, the movement of the origin star world must be a safe movement, not to mention a top world, I can't do it."

Even the originating star lineage has made special arrangements and has methods that he cannot understand.

The Demon Lord of the Abyss also believed that moving the world would cost a great deal.

As long as it is continuously consumed, the origin of the star realm and the human race will be self-defeating.

But at this time,

The Origin Star World stopped.

The Demon Lord of the Abyss said "Hey".

This top world, it seems, has undergone some changes.


"It turns out that this is the upgrading of the world."


"Universe, the only super world in the endless world!"

The great lord Tang was enlightened in an instant.

At the moment when the world was upgraded, the original astral world, which was originally merged, but still had a little flaw, was completely perfected and became a real and supreme world.

At the same time, it is also a seed!

Seeds that breed endless worlds!

Become the origin astral world of the super-order world, and govern hundreds of worlds of different levels.

The Tang lord inadvertently met certain supreme rule conditions.

The entire Origin Star Realm is like a small universe.

After the upgrade, it is still expanding.

The barriers of the world continue to expand, and new worlds are born at the edge of the world.

Of course, it is still a barren world, in the process of being formed, and far from being able to give birth to a world of living beings.

But it's different.

Lord Tang only felt a little, and then refocused his attention on the side of the chasing Devil Race.


It's not over yet.

He raised his hand, and the pulling force soared a lot.

"Also, it's still very smooth, smooth?"

He waved his palm lightly.


The Lord of Fire Law flew out backwards.

Tang Yu didn't need to stop at this time, and waved several palms in a row.

Two palms collided with the other two law masters, and the remaining three palms fell on those holy kings.

Bang bang bang!

The holy bodies of the three holy kings exploded like balloons and were wiped out in an instant.

Not even the golden holy blood was spilled, it was completely wiped out in the starry sky.


The Lord of the Law of Flame was stunned for a moment, and was shot out again.

The Demon Lord of the Abyss was furious.

Unprepared, he failed to keep the Saint King Rank.

Even in the Devil Race, the Saint King rank is absolutely rare.

Everyone is important!

He shot out in anger.

The Law of Destruction is condensed to the extreme.

Wherever you go, everything perishes!


The invisible huge palm print blasted away the abyss brought by the Law of Destruction. After consuming some power, it continued to blast towards him.


The dark red city was hit by a huge palm print, cracked open, and flew out countless distances from afar.

at the same time,

The power in the origin star world swayed, and countless holy steps in the starry sky exploded.

"Back! Back!"

The Lord of the Law of Fire was shot flying again, spewing out a mouthful of golden blood and shouting again and again.

The voice was like a law, and it took the demon race saints who were still stunned back and dragged them out of the star field where they were.

There are only three masters of the law of the devil race left, and they are going all out.


boom! !

boom! ! !

The sky shakes.

When the Astral Plane of Origin is no longer fleeing, the impact of battle is greater.

The terrifying aftermath spread out in a mighty manner like the disaster of cosmic destruction.

At this moment,

From the rear, along the battle path, King Qingshi and others who followed carefully all the way, finally, gradually approached the fighting star field.

The bluestone king was worried.

The escape from the origin astral world was counted by the devil race.

Right now, I am afraid it is in crisis.

But he also has no ability to save.

You can only approach at risk and collect the first-hand information.


The Bluestone King is approaching.

Perception probed cautiously.

I saw the star field that was messed up, and...

The masters of the three laws of the devil race who flew out.

Bluestone King: "???"

Did you see something wrong?

He looked again.

The Lord of the Law of Fire is the worst, rolling, rolling, rolling all the time.

Bluestone King: "I must have fallen into an illusion."



He looked again.

The blood of the Lord of the Law of Fire spilled into the sky.

And above the Origin Star Realm, there is a blur, but it seems that he is the figure of the universe.

Stand proud.

With one palm, the Abyss Demon Lord was easily driven back.

Knocked away the Lord of Dark Laws.

He smashed the dog's head of the Lord of the Law of Fire.

The Bluestone King was silent.

The Purgatory King was silent.

The Nine Swords King was silent.

"Are we worrying for nothing?"

they perceive,

The Demon Lord of the Abyss still moved his true form, but he still couldn't do anything about the Origin Star Realm, and he couldn't do anything about the Great Lord of Green Shade.

It can't protect the Lord of the Law of Fire.

A beaten his breath has begun to decline, even if he can only see a blurred phantom, the first impression of the existence of the saints is... embarrassed.

At this moment,

The origin astral world moved.

Not running away, but dashing in the opposite direction.

It A went up.

It A was directed towards the group of demon saint kings and saints who retreated to the distant starry sky.

It A went down.

Ten holy rank GG!

The rest of the holy order began to flee.

The Saint King Rank burns the source and escapes in an instant.

A saint-level existence with prestige resounding in the star field has fallen one after another.

By the time the Abyss Demon Lord came, thirty-five saints had already fallen!

Except for the Lord of the Law of Flame, these fallen saints did not even have the qualifications to sprinkle holy blood on the starry sky, and were completely erased.

The traces are gone!

The aura of the Demon Lord of the Abyss exploded, but he turned around and controlled the dark red city to swept away a group of holy steps. Together with the Lord of the Law of Fire and the Lord of the Law of Darkness, the figure disappeared on the other side of the starry sky.

The Qingshi King stared blankly.

One second, two seconds...

One minute, two minutes...

Until, there is the holy order of the stone man family, coming from a distant star field.

brought news.

The devil clan retreated.

The devil tribe army that attacked several hegemonic forces and retreated.

The Devil Race army that attacked Void City hurriedly retreated.

The Devil Race army that attacked the Alliance Headquarters Void Island, several Saint Kings and countless Saints, left unwillingly and in a hurry.

Disappeared in an instant.

Only a messy battlefield, a broken starry sky, and a chaotic star field are left.

And, the Origin Star Realm that stands on the chaotic starry sky and is still intact.

a long time,

The bluestone king sighed.

"Lord of the shade, so terrifying!"

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