My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 863 Three kinds of authority

In the dead starry sky, the lair world built by the Shuttle Lord God has long since disintegrated and turned into nothingness.

Several of the die-hard saints who belonged to the Shuttle Lord God in the interior all fell.

The servants under the holy order were completely grayed out in the aftermath.

The holy body of the Shuttle Lord God is still there.

But the breath has indeed disappeared.

A little golden brilliance, a mass of invisible light, emerged from him.

Tang Yu touched the golden brilliance, and in an instant, a little information poured into his mind.

"It turns out that this is part of the authority of the Temple of Reincarnation."

He was sure that the Shuttle Lord God had fallen, and the authority had flowed out.

That invisible group of light is the space law he masters.

He is the master of the laws of the space system.

But the power of space law that emerged with his fall is incomplete, and the Tang lord does not need it.

"Negotiate it yourself."

"Also, clean the battlefield as soon as possible and transfer it immediately."

Xingling Xingyue immediately stepped out of the Origin Star Realm and set up various anti-tracking formations. In addition to the anti-tracking formations, layers of anti-interference measures were applied, and on top of the measures, another layer was applied. ...

Over and over again, endlessly.

The law of disorder was also smoothed out by Elaine and others.

The aftermath of the battle was again confined to nine worlds.

Quite expensive.

Searching homes, destroying corpses, destroying traces, and back-calculating... After a set of skilled procedures, basically, it is impossible to calculate. This place used to be the lair of the Shuttle Lord God.

Get it all done.

Lord Tang controls the middle worlds and is attached to the Origin Star Realm.

He also controlled the Origin Star Realm, escaped into the high-level void, and hurried at the limit speed. In a short time, he reached the edge of the universe.

By this time,

He only had the time to check the harvest of this trip.

"First of all, there are treasures such as holy artifacts, but with the destruction of the world in the body of the Shuttle Lord God, a lot of these treasures have been lost."

"Secondly, it is the world coordinates held by the Shuttle Lord God."

The universe is infinite.

Perhaps with the realm of the Lord of Laws, it will not take long to traverse a star field.

Destroying a star field can also be done.

But it is not easy to discover the world in the star field.

Only at a certain distance can perception discover.

This is due to the particularity of the living planet.

A seating surface hidden in the outer space of the universe is even harder to find.

Often, it was by chance and coincidence that the passage to a certain seat surface was opened, and the seat surface was discovered.

While absorbing the Shuttle authority, Great Lord Tang also grasped the coordinates of the world where the Shuttle Lord God once visited.

Some of those worlds are subordinate worlds of the Alliance.

Some were devoured and destroyed by the devil clan.

But there are still many worlds that have not been discovered—or, in other words, only discovered by the Temple of Reincarnation—but the destructive power of the Temple of Reincarnation is far less than that of the Devil Race, even if it steals the origin of the world and stirs up trouble in the world, the whole world It's still perfect.

These worlds are a lot of wealth to the Tang lord.

Much more precious than those holy artifacts.

"The most valuable is undoubtedly the shuttle authority."

He closed his eyes and felt carefully.

Finally communicated to the reincarnation hall located somewhere in the universe.

Consciousness appeared in front of a vast and quaint palace.

But the gates were closed.

Only on the top, there are three special and mysterious symbols branded - the Hall of Reincarnation.

The three symbols themselves represent three different kinds of authority.

What he has now is one of them.


"The other two kinds of authority, one is 'reincarnation', and the other is 'exchange'."

Only by gathering the three kinds of authority can it be possible to open the door of the Hall of Samsara and refine this supreme treasure.

Not to be jealous, that's a lie.

The Supreme Treasure of the Hall of Reincarnation, the former Origin Star, also has one.

Name unknown.

But in the end, facing the desperate place besieged by the masters of the laws of the devil race, the last sage of the human race blew up the supreme treasure.

Avoid falling into the hands of the devil.

It also made the devil race lose the two masters of the law in that battle.

"This supreme treasure, as long as you get one, you can immediately become the top master of the law."

"But in the entire universe, there are only a handful of treasures at this level... They were naturally conceived at the beginning of the universe's birth."

The entire high-dimensional joint front has never been owned.

If there was a supreme treasure at that time, even if the four clans of the high-dimensional upper realm lost to the great master, they would not fall completely within a day.

"But the Devil Race is likely to have it!"

This is the reason why he does not dare to easily enter the core area of ​​the Devil Race.

With the power of the world, the power of prayer, and the luck of the human race, he can repel the abyss devil without wasting money.

But if the abyss demon master has used the power of the supreme treasure, it is not easy to say.

Take stability as the top priority.

Lord Tang wandered around the Hall of Reincarnation, but found nothing.

"Unfortunately, the shuttle authority is not very useful to me... In the end, it's just borrowing the power of the Temple of Reincarnation, not refining it completely."


He always felt that this reincarnation hall gave him a strange feeling.

In layman's terms,

It is fate.

"This Reincarnation Hall is destined for me."

"The other two powers have been stolen!"

Tang Yu didn't stay long in the Hall of Reincarnation.

Even if it is just consciousness, it will not leave traces.

But I was afraid that I happened to bump into the other two main gods.

He returned to the shade, the lord's castle.

Elaine, who was wearing a sky blue dress and her hair draped over her shoulders, pushed open the door and walked in.

"We extracted some information on the holy body of the Shuttle Lord God, including the detailed information of two hall masters and three other ordinary holy kings.

"What should these powerhouses do? If you leave it alone, it won't take long for them to find out that the Shuttle Lord God has an accident."

Tang Yu was fortunate that Shuttle did not have a very close relationship with his subordinates.

The most loyal ones have fallen into his old lair.

There is also buffer time.

"In this case, forge an order to shuttle the Lord God and give it to the holy kings to let them go to the world of glazed glass..."

The Great World of Glazed Glass is a high-level plane that is currently traveling through the main god lineage and is being conquered.

There are much more powerhouses in that plane than in the world of mountains and seas. The strongest one, although not of the holy king rank, can use secret techniques and arrangements to briefly burst into battle power comparable to the holy king rank.

It is reasonable and reasonable to tune a holy king to go.


King Monroe is the hall master who belongs to the line of Shuttle Lord God.

Many years ago, he had planned the Origin Star to no avail.

At that time, he still scolded his subordinates for incompetence, but later the Origin Star and the Green Shadow Human Race came out one after another, and he discovered that the Origin Star was basically a dragon pool and a tiger's den, and the degree of danger was no less than that of the core area of ​​the Devil Race.

Glad I didn't get over it.

"If at that time, I personally went out and entered the Origin Star, it is very likely..."

There is no return.

He thought, and suddenly received an order from the Shuttle Lord God.

Ask him to set off and preside over a war on a higher plane.

King Monroe had no doubts.

There is the breath of the Lord God on the order, and it is directly sent to him with the ability to shuttle, so it cannot be fake.

If you suspect that the transfer order is fake, it is better to suspect that the Shuttle Lord God has fallen.

The same Arabian Nights.

He set off immediately.

Drive a flying boat and lead several subordinates of the Holy Order to the Great World of Colored Glass.

Raiders of such a world, for him, is a small effort.

"Your Majesty the Lord God really treats himself well, and such a vain achievement has been handed over to me like this..."

in a few days,

King Monroe came to a specific coordinate.

After some arrangement, with the help of the power of the Reincarnation Hall, he descended into the Great World of Glazed Glass.

As soon as he stepped in, he felt a familiar aura.

"Uh...why is the Nightmare King here?"

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