The attainment of the law of life and the law of death has increased dozens of times in just one thought.

as the master of the law.

The great lord Tang knew a little about basic laws.

The laws of life and death are also slightly involved.

But don't know much.

Like time and space, life and death are also high-level laws.

The law of life is not simply the life and death of human flesh and bones. In the depths, it has already involved profound rules such as resurrection and soul remodeling.

The law of death is the same.

"The attainment of the law has improved too quickly. How do you think that I can master the two high-level laws of life and death?"

"Become the Lord of the Laws in charge of the Three Laws?"

This is a rare opportunity.

While comprehending, the great lord Tang separated some thoughts and planned the underworld.


The opening of the underworld lasted for a long time.

Tang Yu called some followers and most loyal warriors and placed them in various important positions in the underworld.

And let people recruit the dead with bodies like Sunset in the underworld.


The order of the underworld takes shape.

Some invincible powerhouses who still have bodies after their fall can even practice in the underworld. As long as they break through before the soul's lifespan is completely exhausted, they can go to a different holy road.


The great lord Tang opened up the underworld, and at the same time he was constantly enlightened.

The war has completely swept the entire universe.

The signs of the great master's breakthrough, the crazy attack of the devil clan, and after a period of panic in the alliance, it is more and more unity and cooperation.

This is a cosmic catastrophe.

There are no overlord-level forces that can stay out of the way, and countless saint-level existences lead an extraordinary army, from all directions, to the core territory of the devil race.

Only attack can fight attack.

Not just against the Demon Alliance.

The holy steps of the Reincarnation Hall also joined in, standing on the same front.

And the Void Alliance.

A great existence hidden in the depths of the high-ranking void finally had to stand up in the face of the spread of the war and fight against the devil race together.

——After all, if the Alliance against Demons won, and the Human Race won, they could continue to hide in the depths of the void.

But the Devil Race won, and it is very likely that the entire universe has been refined by the great master.

Although the Lord of the Law is strong and weak, but it is already the ceiling, no matter which ancient existence is unwilling to see the emergence of the real Lord of the Realm.

Wars broke out in the star field, the world, the prosperous and remote areas of the universe.

Small races and small forces can only choose one of the camps to join, so they will not be obliterated.

Some of them also chose to attach themselves to the Devil Race, but more of them joined the looser alliance against the Devil.

Even being treated as cannon fodder is better than being treated as a slave.

The joining of countless forces has made the Alliance against Demons at the level of Saint Rank and Saint King Rank, not inferior to the Devil Race, and even surpassed.

A group of Transcendent-Order Legions kept approaching.

Occasionally, with bad luck, they bumped into the enemy's powerful being destroyed, but more often, they destroyed the outer ring of the Devil Race's territory, one by one dark red planets.

It was an arsenal transformed after being devoured by the Devil Race.

Even if the planets are so insignificant to the Devil Race, a substantial victory will make the alliance coalition army burst into strong morale.

The battle of the universe starry sky.

Every world fights.

The confrontation of the Lord of Laws.

Every moment, countless living beings are destroyed.

Every moment, there is the fall of the Holy Order.

Of course, the existence of the Holy Order is also afraid of death.

But the alliance side had no way out.

What's more, the green lord promised that as long as he can keep a little true spirit, there will be a possibility of resurrection in the future.

The Devil Race is even more convinced that as long as the great master takes the last step and refines the universe, time and space can be reversed.



In a high world half-infested with dark red, countless demonized beasts gushed out from the cracks in the abyss.

Fight with allied forces.

A statue of an extraordinary step stepped up, blasting countless spells, and the mountains were smashed to pieces.

A human race extraordinary rank held a branch of the world and rushed to the abyss crack that was hundreds of meters long.

"cover me!"

The other extraordinary ranks stepped forward one after another, withstood the attacks of the huge demonized beasts and the various minions and aliens under the devil clan.

At this time,

A huge shadow appeared from the end of the sky.

"It's a world-class demonic beast!"

A peak powerhouse gritted his teeth and slashed down with a third-order magic weapon.


He cut a gap in the world-class demonized beast like an octopus, and he couldn't tell whether it was blood or something else.

But the gap healed quickly, and the tentacles of the octopus demonized beast swept over thousands of meters.

The octopus demonized beast continued to approach.

Horrible tentacles waved.

Some transcendent steps are rolled up by tentacles, and they are sucked to dry in an instant.

At this time,

"It's done!"

The invincible strong man holding the branch of the world breathed a sigh of relief.

The hundreds of meters of cracks under his feet have been completely healed, and the pressure of the alliance has plummeted without the continuous flow of demonized beasts.

He turned his attention to the world-class demonized beast that was getting closer and closer.

"Above the peak level powerhouse, kill me!"


This high world is an important world that the coalition forces and the Devil Race are fighting for each other.

The holy steps cannot be entered.

But outside the world, one after another stalwart figures stand proudly.


There are three pairs of tyrannical holy steps with jet-black wings behind them, and their faces are hideous and murderous.

He turned into a black light.

Whoosh whoosh!

A holy rank from the Qingyun lineage, Fa Xiang had one arm cut off, his face was horrified, "Too strong!"

the starry sky outside the world,

There are nine saints on the alliance side, and eight saints on the Devil Race side.

But instead it is below.

There is no one who can check and balance the six-winged holy order of the devil race.

At this moment,

There were ripples in the space.

A figure with a single ponytail walked out of it.

"He gave it to me."

Yang Yue held a chessboard-shaped holy artifact, which was a seal-suppressing holy artifact similar to the Heaven and Earth Lock.

With a flick of her hand, the space was divided into countless squares.

Like a chessboard.

As one of the most outstanding disciples of the Shanhaijie Dao Sect, her spatial attainments are inherited from the sect master.

Fifty-two years ago, he broke through the Holy Order.

"Jiuxing Zhenfeng, fall!"

The extremely fast six-winged holy order was trapped in the space cage by her.

She kept burning the source, bursting out with terrifying power.

Within the world, one could clearly perceive the terrifying phantoms outside the world.

I don't know how long it took, and the sky rained blood.

This is,

A holy order has fallen.


Devil Race Territory, Central.

The extraordinary legion led by ten saints roams in the territory of the devil race.

They did not follow a fixed trajectory, but walked in a direction that even they themselves did not know.

Just to avoid being intercepted by the devil race powerhouse,

This legion is in the annihilation territory, all the minions attached to the devil tribe.

"The front is the planet of the White Bone Race."

"The White Bone Clan is the top-ranked clan among the Devil Clan's minions, and there is a White Bone Ancestor in charge."

"Be careful, don't let the Bone Saint Step run away."

They approached quietly, arranged the formation, and blocked the surrounding space.


A terrifying coercion descended on the starry sky.

"Finally caught you!" A devil race holy king stepped out of the stars.

in all directions.

Surrounded by more than twenty saints.

In addition to the blockade formation of the coalition forces, a larger formation was put on.

They looked grim.

The allied army's holy order fell to the bottom.

But at this time,

Another voice sounded.

"No, you were caught!"

A petite figure holding a long-handled sword emerged from the hidden deep space.

She stepped closer.

At the same time, in the outer circle of the starry sky, more tyrannical atmosphere appeared, and another layer of banning formation was put on.

Her Qi machine locked on the holy king's step, and the long-handled sword pointed at a distance.

"Duan Qin, a student of World Tree '013, will kill you."

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