My Doomsday Territory (My Apocalypse Domain)

Chapter 874 The Devil Race's Counterattack

On the battlefield of the realm, with the shrinking power of the devil clan, the scope of the territory has gradually shrunk, and calm has been restored here.

Originally, it was placed on the battlefield of the boundary, and the fortress camps comparable to the size of the planet jumped out of the space, spewing huge blue tail flames, and moved to the predetermined location.

The forts moved to the outer ring of the Devil Race's territory.

There are solidified sub-territories, territorial boundary markers, and teleportation arrays.

Not only can it provide logistical supplements for alliance warriors, it can also bind the city return scroll to the camp for the extraordinary and holy tiers fighting nearby.

——The level of the returning scroll is proportional to the range that can be returned to the city.

Ordinary people's scrolls are not rare editions. Even if they can cross the world, they can only be transmitted within the star field.

And the camp...there are one or two in each star field.

at this time,

In the outer ring of the Devil Race's territory, some tough bones have been removed by the vanguard.

Ambush, anti-ambush, anti-anti-ambush, anti-anti-anti-ambush, anti-anti-anti-anti-ambush, etc., broke out in many star fields.

However, there are still many fortresses, planets, large formation nodes, etc. on the side of the devil tribe in the outer ring of the territory.

Need to clear.

This is the task of many ordinary legions and scattered teams in the alliance.

As the fortress camp completely stopped, the position was fixed, and a circle of defensive formations were arranged and unfolded.

The teleportation array inside the camp also started to operate.




The blue halo rose and fell, and an extraordinary rank with a tyrannical breath came out of it.


A figure in armor stepped down from the teleportation formation.

His breath was like a deep aura, even if only the slightest strands escaped, it also caused the surrounding extraordinary powerhouses to involuntarily separate a path.

No one whispered until the figure stepped out a few steps and disappeared.

"It's the armor of the earth!"

"I know him, Peng Bo, Saint Peng!"

"Hey, let me tell you, when the green shade was still a sanctuary, I even had a drink with Peng Shengzhe in the night bar."


A saint-level existence exists across the starry sky.

An extraordinary rank, set up a legion, and set off under the leadership of the saint.

The Dragon Slayer, Chen Sheng, also led his Dragon Slaying Adventure Group towards the Devil Race territory.

He looked at the familiar faces in the group, and he felt a lot.


They were just a mercenary team from Lindong, with only a dozen or so people.

Later, after the green city was built, he took the team and registered an adventure group in the green city.

Hunt demonized beasts, fight against alien races, conquer new continents, and move towards another world...


Just over a hundred years have passed.

The Dragon Slaying Adventure Group, which only recruits elite members, also has a scale of thousands of people.

In addition to him, there are two deputy heads who are also saints.

There are more than 200 invincible powerhouses and peak powerhouses, and the other members are also third-order, domain-level powerhouses.

"Go, target outer ring, Dusky Star Continent."

"I hope that after the war, we will be able to see everyone again, and we will drink together at that time."

"Now, let's fight for merit! For the human race! For the universe! Let's go!"


Outside the fortress of another camp,

different stars.

A similar team, a team of adventure groups, set off into the depths of the starry sky.

He Yuanhang, Zhou Jianhong, Fang Qiang...

These once ordinary awakened people, now, have also become big bosses.

Those adventure groups whose fame was limited to Shady City in the past have also become the legion that resounded in the stars.

There is also Master Meng of Beiting City.

Thor and other existences that came out of North America are also the most tyrannical existences in the Holy Order.

In the past few decades, there have been many brilliant records.

The horn of the battlefield has sounded in every corner of the universe.

Lu Xiaopeng, Peng Bo, Iron Hammer Brothers, Zhao Ming, Lan Qingya, Yang Hai and others also led a legion of green-shaded lineages, starting from the outer ring of the Devil's territory and heading towards the inner ring.

Void Island,

Wang Zhou is responsible for liaising with various forces, including the Void Alliance, which has begun to join the battlefield.

And Chen Haiping, who has also been sanctified, sits in the City Hall of Green Shady City, coordinating and arranging various logistical matters.

in addition,

Located near the main island of Shady City, another island.

There is the Union Headquarters.

The legions that have not yet set off are on standby here.

Luo Zhe, who achieved the rank of saint king, did not lead the legion on the expedition at Tang Yu's request, but sat in the headquarters.

Remote control, command.


Tang Yu's figure appeared and looked at Luo Zhe.

"How is the situation?"

"We are gradually encroaching on the territory of the Devil Race."

Luo Zhe pointed to the vast star map in the distance.

In the star map, the territory of the Devil Race is pale red.

The alliance range is in green.

The war zone between the two sides is yellow.

Tang Yu saw that in the yellow zone of the battle zone, there were small dots that expanded and contracted.

Needless to ask, he also knew that it was a battle site.

In the stars, communication is difficult.

The secret methods of the major forces use limitations.


The most common method of communication in the universe is to rely on clone connections.

As long as the two avatars are not too far apart, they can be transmitted simply and quickly, and when one avatar is spread out, information can be transmitted from the front line to the center.

But this method is very demanding on the strong.

As the existence of the Holy Order as a tool man, the combat power loss is huge after the separation of the clone.

And these clones themselves are fragile and vulnerable to beheaded by the enemy.

Not many messages can be delivered each time.

The distance can't be very far - at least not across a small half of the universe.

There are various flaws.

And the alliance, every outer ring theater, every once in a while, use the city return scroll to send back news.

The news has special personnel in each camp to send it to the general headquarters of Shady City.

Back and forth is also a teleportation effort, very fast.

Tang Yu looked at the inner ring of the pale red territory again.

There are only five legions that have penetrated into that area.


The Dao Army with Dao Zong as the main body.

An extreme army with martial arts as the main body.

The vanguard army with the vanguard army as the main body.

The expeditionary force with the expeditionary army as the main body.

And a mixed army with elites from Flamingo Corps, Air Corps, Rhino Corps and so on.

Each legion is led by twenty or thirty saints.

Carrying more than ten high-level military arrays - top-level military arrays, only the holy order cannot be activated.

But Rao is so.

In the inner ring of the Devil Race territory, most of the star fields are still gray.

an unknown.

In the core area of ​​the territory, it is full of dangerous black.

"According to the current drive, at the latest five months or six months, the outer ring of the Devil Race's territory can be leveled. As for the inner ring, it depends on the specific situation..."

Roger said.

Tang Yu knew that it was too soon.

This is a cosmic war.

If it weren't for the fact that the great master had determined to break through, the wave that affected the entire universe spread out, attracting many old monsters to appear.

The alliance side cannot gain an advantage so quickly.


at this time,

The inner ring of the Devil's territory.

A Void Dragon Turtle that is already at the level of the Lord of Laws, the figure is so huge that it is almost comparable to a high-level world.

He looked at the Lord of the Dark Law in the distance, his voice rumbling.

"The universe does not allow a ruler to appear."

The Lord of the Law of Darkness stretched out his hand, and a silent black light enveloped the star field.

The rules are staggered.

He snorted.

"This era is the era of our family, you, it's too late!"

He is holding a top-level holy weapon.

Three space doors were suddenly opened around, and three other stalwart figures walked out.

The power of the law between the stars was instantly squeezed.

The power of the law in the hands of the Void Dragon Turtle is in the blink of an eye.

He changed color suddenly.

slammed into the void.

But suddenly,

The entire starry sky shattered like a mirror.

Look again, where is the starry sky just now.

And on the supercontinent that spreads endlessly.

A dark red planet hangs in the air.

The sky and the earth were dyed red.

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