My doppelganger drama

Chapter 200 Repertoire: Pillars

"Teacher, I can take revenge right away." Kira said to the figure in front of him.

"Compared to revenge, Azula should attract your attention more." The teacher tilted his head slightly and said.

"I understand that I hunt vampires not just for revenge. If vampires can be eradicated, it will definitely be a good thing for the world. But revenge is what I have always insisted on..."

"Just do what you want." The teacher said.

"Teacher, are you here to help us? This may be the best opportunity in the past few hundred years." Kira said to his teacher with a little caution.

If you are the kind of righteous person who is full of resistance and hears that this is the best opportunity, you will probably join in without hesitation.

"I won't help you." But the figure in front of him still refused.

Kira was a little disappointed, but quickly recovered. Except when the teacher first taught her how to deal with vampires, the teacher had never helped her when fighting.

Although she firmly believes that the teacher has unfathomable power, she does not want to be protected by the teacher all the time.

If she could take revenge personally, or even contribute to killing Azula, then in her own heart, she would be able to surpass the teacher to some extent.

Kira said: "That's right. Only I can go through this hurdle."

"I'm glad to see you weren't scared to death by Azula," the teacher said.

"She is indeed scary. This old arm has brought me incredible power. I can imagine how terrifying its source is." Kira caressed her arm again.

The incantations on this arm were all outlined by the teacher.

Azula's arm is naturally not something that can be easily used after being attached to it. Although Azula has forgotten this arm, the resentment contained in it when it was cut off can always be solidified on it, often impacting Kira. mind.

At the same time, when the arm was attached, she also received Azula's blood.

If the blood recipient does not have the recognition of the blood owner, he will normally become an ugly and twisted bloodthirsty monster due to rejection.

None of this could be endured by a little girl who had just received this arm.

Initially, Kira's father, Anton Eames, used various methods to forcibly suppress the arm's reaction.

And after that, it was the teacher's job to help her gradually use the power of the arm for her own use while resisting the influence of the arm.

She is also quite restrained in the use of her arms. Only some time ago, she faced a big vampire from a big family, a powerful being called a second-generation vampire by the Dawn Society, an ancient vampire who directly received Azula's blood back then.

Under the pressure of the opponent, she had to completely free her arms to defeat her opponent, but it was precisely because of this that she was targeted by Azula.

"This time, you don't have to worry anymore. Just boldly release your full potential. I'm waiting for you."

The teacher took out a few tubes of dark red potion and threw it casually to Kira, who quickly caught it.

"During this process, if you feel that your body cannot bear it, just drink this."

"this is……"

"The medicine that can relieve symptoms without affecting the use of your arms should be tailor-made. Do not give it to others, as it may kill someone." The teacher said.

"Thank you, teacher!" Kira's tone became obviously lighter.

But the teacher didn't make any sign, turned around and prepared to leave.

"Teacher, I will win."

"Well, I believe you too."

After the teacher left these words, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Kira opened his eyes and watched for a while, then sighed: "The teacher is not a wizard, is he? I still can't see his movement trajectory. Is it not normal movement but witchcraft?"

The more I think about it, the more possible it seems. After all, the teacher used to study some complicated and incomprehensible things, involving various materials, including metals, plants, herbs, minerals and even some animals.

It feels very mysterious.

If Azula is defeated, can the teacher show her face?

Kira fantasized so much that she fell on the bed feeling sleepy.

Modern nights are far less peaceful than in memories.

Rhett was walking on the road, having changed back into his usual clothes, looking at the pedestrians around him.

Just as he was about to contact Kang Nai, he suddenly paused, and then a pleasant voice sounded very close to his ear: "Good evening~, little Red."

Rhett's pupils dilated and shrank, his expression unchanged, he turned his face slightly and saw the beautiful face with a smile on it, very close to it.

"Azula..." Red said with a slight movement of his lips.

"Didn't you say yes? Do you want to call me sister?" Azula gently reached out and poked Red's cheek.

"Sister." Rhett called without any emotion, "Didn't you say you would arrive five or six times at night?"

"That was my original plan, but suddenly I felt too bored, so I just wanted to come to you." Azula took a few small steps back, but still kept a very close distance to Red, but she didn't approach him directly like just now. On Red.

"It's still so casual. If you act casually, it will be difficult for the people below." Rhett said.

"Will it cause trouble for you? I'm sorry." Azula didn't care about other people's incompetence. She just felt that the people below were in trouble, and Red, who usually did things for her, would be in trouble.

"It doesn't matter, you are the ancestor, whatever you do is right." Rhett also said.

Hearing this, Azula smiled brightly, adding even more intoxicating charm to her already gorgeous face.

Azula's appearance is very obvious, and she seems to be in a different world from other people on the street who have a strong sense of business.

Today she is wearing a gothic-style black and white dress. Her preferences change frequently, and this is the one she likes most recently.

Although Azula was very conspicuous, the passers-by around her didn't even look this way.

Of course Azula used a little bit of power.

She liked the feeling of walking through the bugs, but she didn't like being noticed by the bugs. It was a strange enjoyment that Rhett couldn't understand, but he always stayed with her.

"Want to take a stroll? This city has changed a lot." Rhett asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Azula smiled sweetly.

If anyone else had said this, they wouldn’t know what it would be like to die now.

But when Red said this, to Azula, he was taking the initiative to invite her sister to play.

Although, Red just wanted to keep her from seeing Kang Nai for the time being.

He is the person who knows Azula best in the world today, so Azula's uncertainty also exists in his plan.

It's just that Azula arrived a little quickly, and she came not long after Red's front foot arrived.

Azula took the initiative to hold Red's hand and walked across the road.

Red took Azula around the city's nightly bustling places.

Occasionally spending a little money to buy her some trinkets, just like that, Azula can be happy for many days.

The things Rhett gave her, regardless of whether they could be stored for a long time, were basically collected by her, and they were her most cherished things.

"This city has become really nice now, much better than when I was here." As she was walking, Azula suddenly said while looking at the people around her.

"People and ghosts have different paths, and some things are different after all." Rhett said vaguely.

"If I keep them in captivity, can I let them continue to show this to me?" Azula opened her hands, as if she wanted to embrace the city.

"If it's you, it should be okay." Rhett said.


"If all you want is what they show you."

"Forget it, you'll get tired of looking at the same scenery all the time."

"Yeah." Rhett nodded.

"As long as we keep living, we can keep seeing new things, which is good." Azula said with a simple smile.

"Then, will you get tired of living one day?" Rhett suddenly asked.

Azula was stunned for a moment and looked at Red: "As long as I have you by my side, I won't get tired of it. But, little Red, what's wrong with you? Is there anything unhappy about you?"

"There are vampires who choose to commit suicide because they have lived too long. Cagardron, Yalin, Deli, Victor, Nayi..." Rhett named a few names one by one.

Azula said: "That's probably because they have nothing to support themselves in survival."

"Yes, people without pillars are like walking zombies. It's not strange to die anytime." Reid said.

"Even if we become relatives, there are still people who can't change their minds. There's nothing we can do about this kind of thing. Just stay with me, little Red, I will be your support." Azula looked at Red, a little serious said.

She squeezed Red's hand.

And Rhett also held her hand tightly: "Yeah."

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