My doppelganger drama

Chapter 202 Repertoire: How could it be?

Konai and Kira come into contact and fight.

From the beginning, the two did not conceal their murderous intentions towards each other. After the swords exchanged several times, the sharp sword energy cut the surrounding scene into a mess.

Kangnai's body was shaken, and his continuous attacks were parried by Kira, making it difficult to break through his defense.

After some simple sword skills confrontation, he realized that the opponent's basic skills were very good, and more importantly, his physical fitness was not inferior to him at all.

Unless there are some extremely talented humans, the physical quality of human beings is not as good as that of high-ranking vampires, even with the special training methods of the Dawn Society.

But from a visual perspective, he couldn't tell that Kira had that kind of superior quality.

Like a vampire, counter-intuitive physical strength.

The power of blood!

There is no doubt that it is the effect of the power of blood.

Kangnai looked at Kira's arm.

This is the arm of the ancestor...


The sword blades made a crisp sound as they crossed. After Kira pulled away, dark red petals began to fly from her right arm.

Kangnai's eyes suddenly opened wide, and the white rapier drew several lines of sword energy around him to surround him.

The Kira in front of him slowly disappeared, and the real Kira appeared behind him and attacked, but was blocked by the sword energy.

Kang Nai broke into a cold sweat.


Kira was a little shocked when she saw that the first sight-killing attack was blocked. The other party's alertness and reaction ability were too exaggerated. The second-generation vampire who died under her hand behaved when faced with this arm. It was very embarrassing.

Having said that, Kangnai quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Because he found that except for his long-trained sense of crisis, all of his own senses were unable to fully cope with Kira's illusion.

Suddenly, there were many wounds on his body.

After the wound appeared, he was even more shocked.

The wounds are trying to heal, but Kira's arms continue to draw his blood through these wounds. The body's recovery mechanism continues to squeeze out the power of blood to fill the wounds, but it will be sucked away by the opponent before it recovers!

The situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak is getting deeper and deeper!

This is far from the worst-case scenario Connet has faced.

After the change, the traps hidden in the courtyard against vampires were also activated one after another during the battle.

The machine gun poked out and opened fire.

Kangnai was exhausted.

If this continues, defeat is certain!

No, not yet, he hasn't fully unleashed his strength yet!

Kangnai gritted his teeth, and an abnormal white substance began to seep out of his skin.

The white substance solidified on the surface of the body and quickly formed an armor.

The bullet hit these white substances, but could only leave a few marks.

Kira frowned slightly, not understanding what these things were.

The source of all the unreasonable things vampires can do comes from the special power contained in their blood. And her arms can absorb all the blood power below her level.

It even invalidates the changes in blood power.

Moreover, the surrounding machine gun bullets are also bullets that specifically respond to the power of blood with explosive reactions.

However, neither her arm nor the bullets around her reacted to the white substance in Kangnai's body.

"Evil Arms..." Kangnai's face was also covered in white, forming a faceless mask, and his originally capable and sunny voice became low and strange.

The voice of longing that is embedded in memories.

"Kangnai, the blood of the vampires will change according to the user's thinking. This is a derivative of witchcraft. For some people, it is easy for them to undergo some unusual changes and gain powerful power."

"I know, Mr. Fieldstone."

"But you don't have that talent."


"Maybe your thinking is very simple, maybe I have limited your vision, and you don't have the talent to be a vampire."

"I'm very sorry……"

"However, this kind of thing itself is not completely determined by innateness. I have an attempt that may change this for you."

"I am glad to!"

"...Well, good boy."

Bad blood, a kind of distorted blood power, separated from the blood power of Azula's blood system.

The strength Mr. Fieldstone gave him was also what was expected of him.

The pale rapier was also entangled in the evil blood, becoming ferocious but also sharper.

He swung his sword violently, only to hear a sound like muffled thunder, and several machine guns were destroyed on the spot under a sword energy that was like thunder.

Kira raised his arm and sword to resist the sword, but was defeated continuously.

"Suddenly strengthened so much!" This suppressive force quickly reminded Kira of the suffocation he felt when facing the second-generation vampire not long ago.

How can it be?

He is a subordinate of the fangs, and if he accepts the blood of the fangs, he will only be a third-generation vampire!

Kangnai's body trembled slightly, and the virulent blood replaced his low use of blood power, but the price was that during the process of converting the blood power into virulent blood, he could feel a bone-eroding pain all over his body.

Kira's right hand directly brushed against the blade, and the dark red blood adhered to the blade, making the blade seem to burn.

Then he waved his hand, and several black petals exploded.

Kangnai activated it instantly and turned into a white phantom that shuttled through the courtyard, and the petals sent out shocking explosions around him.

He left them all behind and was about to slash, when the explosion point of the petals behind him actually formed a black hole with strong attraction!

His body was pulled towards the black hole in the air.

Kira did not retreat but instead advanced. The black flame sword and the white rapier collided together, and they rolled towards the black hole.

The bad blood changed again, stretching out two spikes and piercing the ground to pull on his body.

The black flames carved bone-deep wounds on his body, and his sword also left several penetrating wounds on Kira's body from front to back.

Kira took a few steps back, pulled a black hole directly with one hand and smashed it towards Kangnai in front.

When Kangnai was about to dodge, Kira stretched out his hand again, and the black hole behind Kangnai rushed forward.

The two black holes sandwiched Kang Nai, and he directly pressed his hands against the black holes on both sides.

These are two spheres containing a powerful attraction. The attraction rotates and lingers, tearing at Kang Nai's body.

Kira then pulled in several black holes around him, and all of them hit Kangnai.

There are tiny cracks in Kangnai’s evil weapon.


Finally, these black holes squeezed and rubbed against each other, gradually becoming unstable.


A fierce explosion sounded, and Kangnai was blown to pieces. The patchwork courtyard was blown to the ground, and the walls collapsed, revealing the changing structure outside.

Kangnai still supported his body with his sword and did not fall down.

Kira was about to give him the final blow when suddenly the blood lines on her arm began to pulse, and her body softened and she half-knelt on the ground.

"The backlash came back so it because I was too close to Azula..." Kira gasped.

Even with a completely freed arm, it was a bit beyond Kira's expectation to have adverse reactions so quickly.

Fortunately, the teacher took precautions...

Suddenly, a white sword light flashed in front of him.

Kira quickly raised his hand, and the two swords collided quickly. This time, neither of them had any additional power. Even because of the consumption of both sides, they returned to their original nature, showing off their respective sword skills. He wanted to use the most basic sword skills. Take down the opponent.


Kira's waist and abdomen were the first to be scratched with blood, and her intestines leaked out.

But this only aroused Kira's ferocity. He stepped forward regardless of his injury and pierced Kangnai's chest with a sword.

Each other's blood spilled all over the place.

In the end, Kira pulled away slightly, and even though he was covered in blood, he grabbed his intestines and pulled him back. He took out a tube of potion given by the teacher and drank it.

Then, the restlessness of her arms quickly subsided, and she directly raised her hand to release a stream of tiny petals.

The petals hit Kang Nai's chest.


Kangnai flew backwards, but the wall behind him suddenly changed and reorganized, wrapping Kangnai inside.

Kira was stunned for a moment: "No! Why is it still like this!"

The venue of my own home has taken away the other side!

Although Kokus said in advance that the changes in some areas are random, they have no real control over this witchcraft.

But this is too unfortunate!

There was nothing she could do, so Kira stuffed the intestines back into her stomach, then skillfully took out tools and nailed the relatively large wounds on her body.

Her ability to regenerate large wounds is not that strong. Although it is not life-threatening, if it is not treated, it will be very troublesome, such as internal organs leaking out.

Kira sat down on the ground: "Forget it, the injury just now is serious enough for a vampire, and he won't be able to recover for a while."

As she was speaking, she suddenly fell silent.

After competing with each other's sword skills several times, she saw some familiar shadows on this fang's subordinate officer.

Quite, quite familiar, familiar from seeing it since childhood...

how could be?

It smells so familiar. The last thing Kira drank... was Mr.'s blood...

Why does she have Mr.’s blood...

Sir... what exactly is what you see in your eyes?

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