My doppelganger drama

Chapter 204 Dance of Pain

"Rui...Red..." Azula trembled and turned to look at Red, who had a cold face.

Azula's old arm wriggled its way into her body.

The blood vessels under her skin protruded, and her beautiful face was filled with an unbelievable look of despair.

"Why...what?" Her voice trembled, with a hint of sobs.

Rhett didn't answer.

"Ah!" Azula screamed directly, and a bright red thorn came out from her body and whipped out between her and Red.

The entire hall was instantly split into two halves under this whip, and it was only the support of witchcraft that prevented it from completely collapsing.

Azula's eyes quickly locked on Red's figure and stretched out her hand directly: "Come here!"

Rhett's body trembled.

He still has Azula's blood in his body. As long as Azula wants to, she can easily control his body, just like before.

But this time, Red only paused for a moment, and things did not develop as Azula wanted.

Red, not being controlled.

Even Azula could no longer feel the part of his own blood that should have been ingrained in his body over the years.


Rhett coughed twice and slowly turned his head.

A white substance was flowing out of his eye sockets, and the same substance was flowing out of his skin.

"What are these...?" Azula asked blankly.

"Bad blood, prepared to deal with this situation." Rhett answered concisely and concisely.

It is obviously necessary to counter-kill Azula and avoid the desperate situation in which he was controlled in the first place.

He initially considered relying on his own growth to escape, but Azula's blood had a restraining effect on his blood, preventing his blood quality from surpassing Azula's own.

And even if you can forcefully break free, it will only be directly sensed by Azula.

After realizing this, he started with witchcraft and looked for a better method, but the witchcraft fragments he collected everywhere were difficult to piece together to create the witchcraft he wanted.

It wasn't until he came into contact with some knowledge of modern medicine in modern times that he felt enlightened.

After appropriately combining the expansion ideas, he chose to stack variables.

If you can't do it all at once, then continue to accumulate, and wait until the critical moment to explode all your savings.

He had been researching for a long time, but due to the conditions at hand, some of his ideas could not be implemented, and he could only remain at conjecture. And when he obtained his property from Anton Eames, he began real research and transformation.

Bad blood requires changing the bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells in the vampire's body, adding a new substance to the blood cells, which Red calls "bad blood factor", which can also carry the power of blood.

But after receiving the power of blood, this originally harmless substance will quickly condense and multiply.

It disrupts the blood throughout the vampire's body and quickly takes over the original normal blood power, acting as a replacement.

It will only increase in value crazily, will not spread, and will not be able to receive blood from other lives.

The power is huge, but difficult to control. Even Rhett has been familiar with it for a long time.

In this way, when the virulent blood fully proliferates, Azula's blood will also be replaced in this way.

Before the outbreak, there was no abnormality at all and it was concealed enough. After the outbreak, the effect could meet expectations.

The bad factors will not be metabolized normally in the body, so after accumulating to a certain level, they will actively begin to occupy the power of the blood. Although this part can be actively eliminated, Rhett did not do so. After controlling it to a certain extent, it will still be accumulated by it. .

He had endured the endless pain that spread all over his body when the virulent factors invaded the power of blood for more than ten years.

Just for this moment.

Azula's expression began to twist: "My blood, the blood I put in your could could..."

If you just look at her appearance, she now looks like a pitiful woman who has been betrayed.

But the next moment.

The skin on her body was torn apart, and blood flowed to the ground.

A blood flower bloomed under the feet, and thick thorns extended from the blood, piercing the surroundings and tearing the entire hall into pieces.

"Why, why, why?! What did I do wrong? I love you so much and care about you so much, why did you do this?!"

Rhett dodged a few thorns, then raised his sword to split a clump of thorns directly in front of him.

Using his strength and speed quickly, he jumped directly over thousands of thorn bushes and approached Azula.


The sword plunged into her belly.

Azula reached out and held the sword, regardless of the blood flowing, she looked at Red, her eyes red: "Speak!"

"Do you need to explain the reason?" The virulent blood flowing down Rhett's face was like white tears.

Azula was stunned, then became even angrier: "You haven't forgotten that shit family! You haven't forgotten that hypocritical old guy and your adoptive parents! You haven't forgotten that Merry yet!"

"What on earth are you thinking?! You have lived for hundreds of years! You have been with me for such a long time! Such a long time! You haven't forgotten that ugly place!"

Red wanted to pull out the sword, but Azula held on tighter, completely ignoring that her fingers were about to be cut off by the blade.

"I have spent hundreds of years becoming your support! I want to be the most important person in your heart! I use my patience to heal your pain, and in the end you give me this result!"

Real tears rolled down Azula's face.

Red pulled out the sword with force, cutting off Azula's fingers holding the sword, and then continued to draw the sword.

Azula wanted to resist, but the abnormality in her body made it impossible for her to exert any strength.

There's something in that arm that returns on its own!

Realizing this, Azula distanced herself from Red, and after blocking him with thorns, she directly stabbed her chest with her hand and pulled it open with force.


She dug a hole in her chest, and her pupils trembled.

The white virulent blood began to proliferate in her body!

There is bad blood in my old arm!

The blood power carried in these evil blood belongs to Rhett, and it is all transformed from Rhett's blood!

It turns out that he had already...

Kira, who saw this scene from a distance, was even more stunned.

The doubts that started after the battle with Kang Nai, the familiar feeling after the fight with Red...


He is indeed a teacher!

But... why is it a teacher...

The teacher and the red-haired vampire are the same person.

Rhett Fieldstone...her father-killer...her...teacher...?

Not sure whether it was because of the side effects of the broken arm or because the news was such a huge blow to her, Kira felt dizzy and dizzy.

And Red was still chasing and beating Azula.

The virulent blood that does not belong to her is rapidly eroding her body, weakening her strength, making her strength unstable and her body weaker.

Rhett raised his hand and made a fist.

The ceiling of the hall suddenly opened.

"He can control the witchcraft castle!?" The people in the Dawn Society were surprised.

"How could it be possible? The witchcraft in the castle labyrinth belongs to an expert from a long time ago..." A master was saying, but he quickly froze.

A long time ago, a mysterious master was begged by the contemporary leader of the Dawn Society, and was given a large-scale witchcraft that can disrupt space and confuse the senses.

The Dawn Society has never had the slightest understanding of the mysterious master, and can only thank him for his continued help to mankind.

However, now, with the vampire in front of him who has rebelled against the ancestor, Red Fieldstone can easily control the castle!

An incredible possibility arose in their minds.

At this time, the ceiling of the hall was opened, and what appeared were countless vampire corpses hanging in the air.

They all wear uniforms.

They are the most effective troops of the Vampire Clan, Nightcrawlers!

Since the beginning of the war, the Dawn Society has not confirmed any trace of this dangerous team within the Vampire Clan, thinking that they did not participate in the battle or failed to arrive in time.

But now, the answer is revealed. It's not that they failed to arrive, but that they had arrived long ago.

In the form of a corpse.

Rhett slowly lowered his raised hand, and in the sky, the corpses of all the Night Walkers changed, turning into long swords with blood-red blades and pale handles.

Then, the long sword stabbed downwards like rain.

Azula used the thorns to try her best to deflect the sword, but in her current state, she was still a little exhausted in the face of such a situation.

The blade pierced every part of her body, pinning her in place.

But with a roar, all the swords were shattered, and Azula's dress was shattered, but her blood power carried the evil blood and condensed it into a close-fitting "costume" on her body, which could only form a vague and distorted outline. , cannot be called real clothing.

Red swung his sword, and Azula smashed his sword to pieces with one claw, but Red pulled out the sword stuck on the ground beside him with his other hand and stabbed Azula in the abdomen again.

Azula drew her sword and crushed it, then turned around and kicked Red in the jaw.

Before her jaw could regenerate, Red held his sword in both hands and severed Azula's limbs.

The severed limbs were connected back by bloody thorns, and bright red petals flew, exploding continuously around Red, forming black holes.

The attraction was far greater than what Kira had created, but it shrank and dissipated in a short time.

Rhett's sword moves were steady and not loose, just like his grandfather taught him.

And Azula was in front of him now, all her struggles and counterattacks were like a girl venting her anger randomly.

Her regeneration ability is weakening, and all kinds of blood power techniques are gradually unable to be used. Only the most basic fists and kicks are left, but they are also becoming more and more fragile.

Rhett patiently accompanied her, as if performing a slow, painful dance.

He did not dodge some of the moves and used his body to withstand the opponent's hateful attacks.

Then he swung his sword even more coldly.

One sword, another sword, and another sword, cutting off Azula's flesh and blood.

Cruel and ruthless, but staying with her until the last moment.

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