My doppelganger drama

Chapter 210 Meeting the Magical Girl for the First Time

Among the escape conditions given by Boundary, there was a mention of magical girls.

But in addition to the magical girl, there is also the pressure monster who sounds like a villain at first glance.

It's this "stress monster" that sounds more like something from "Q Baby", also known as Pretty Cure.

Wan Yi took the name tag and put it away, touched his pockets and took out a smartphone.

Be proficient in opening the address book.

He saw a lot of names of people he didn't recognize, but after seeing the names of several of his teammates, he also confirmed that just like when he was cursed, people who entered at a similar time would most likely be counted as the same batch by time and space.

Taking the initiative to contact someone on the phone... Wan Yi would certainly not take the initiative to do it.

I only confirmed in my mind the side of Hyundai Brother.

"Brother Modern, what is your identity?"

"Me? It should be the security guard, yes, the security guard of Fusheng University." Brother Modern was looking at the surveillance camera in front of him, with a cup of cold coffee on the table next to him. The monitoring room was dark except for the bright light from the monitoring screen.

Brother Hyundai confirmed his work ID.

"It suits you quite well, but I originally thought you would be a gangster." Wan Yi said.

"The security guard is pretty good too. Aren't I just doing the job of the security chief most of the time?" Brother Modern took a sip of the cold coffee and frowned slightly.

It wasn't soaked very well to begin with, and it tasted even worse after it cooled down.

"What can you see on your surveillance camera?" Wan Yi had already walked out of the empty office at this time. He originally thought he could see some people, but it turned out that it was quiet outside.

Brother Hyundai stretched out his hand and fiddled with it, becoming familiar with the operation of the monitoring here.

"It's just a very ordinary university place. This school is very big and has a lot of surveillance." Brother Modern said while mobilizing the surveillance footage.

"The monitoring time is 7:31 pm?" Wan Yi confirmed through the perspective of modern brother.

But he checked the time on his phone again, and it showed eleven eleven.

"We should be entering a time and space," Wan Yi said.

"You give me a call." Brother Modern said after thinking for a moment.

Wan Yi turned on his cell phone and dialed Hyundai's number.

Then Hyundai's cell phone did ring and he picked it up.

"So it is indeed a time and space." Wan Yi's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"The calls are all connected, and no one is pretending to call, so it should be right." Brother Modern also said on the other end of the phone.

"Then why the time doesn't match up." Wan Yi looked at the corridors on both sides and could see the bright light of day coming from both sides.

"Obviously there was something wrong with either one of us or both of us together."

"I think there is a high probability that there is a problem on my side." Wan Yidao.

After all, it would be too fake to see no one in the university in broad daylight.

"Look for any surveillance cameras over there." Brother Modern said.

Wan Yi knew what he meant, and this was also a two-way confirmation method.

Soon he found a surveillance camera at the corner of the corridor.

"Do you have an approximate direction?" Brother Modern asked again.

After hearing this, Wan Yi glanced out the window and saw rows of buildings. Fortunately, he found the number of the building: "Building No. 4, Administrative Building, the floor should be the fourth floor."

Brother Modern quickly found him.

The figure of Wan Yi, who was looking out the window, appeared on the surveillance screen.

Brother Xiandai was stunned: "Huh?"

Wan Yi was also stunned: "Huh?"

The time is different. Can this be found from the surveillance?

"Is there something wrong with my perception of time? But I can't see all the light wrong." Wan Yi was confused.

Brother Modern stood up, opened the door and took a look outside: "It's dark today."

He returned to the monitoring screen and suddenly frowned.

Wan Yi looked out of the window at the corner of the corridor, and at the corner, a shaky black thing crawled towards Wan Yi.

That thing looked like the outline of a person on the outside, but it was crawling on the ground. It moved very slowly, but when the surveillance screen saw it, it started to blur and flicker, and garbled characters appeared.

Wan Yi quickly turned his head and saw such a strange thing approaching him.

"This doesn't look like a monster that Magical Girl and Q Baby should fight." Wan Yi complained.

But he didn't run, he just stood there and watched this thing crawl towards him.


After getting closer, Wan Yi vaguely seemed to hear the voice coming from the other party.


And the next moment, just when that thing's skinny hand was about to grab Wan Yi.


A vigorous shadow flashed past his eyes, and Wan Yi caught a glimpse of a strand of dark red hair, wearing a Gothic-style dress.


And accompanied by the sound of a chainsaw.


The strange thing was taken away by the figure and pinned to the corner. Then large amounts of blood spattered out, covering the corners, corridors, and ceiling.

And Wan Yi's body.

Along with a scream, the sky suddenly darkened.

It seems that this is back to reality.

Wan Yi looked at the tall figure in the corner. The long dark red hair matched the blood around him so well.

The other party turned his head, and there was no surprise. She was a girl with outstanding appearance. She had an impressive pair of big pink eyes. She had a good figure, but her face was a bit round and cute, which was a bit of a contrast.

But the biggest contrast was the chainsaw in her hand and the blood on her face.

"Teacher?" the other party said, his voice was clear and pleasant, "Why are you still here in the middle of the night? Are you locked in? Or are you working overtime?"

The other person seems to know him.

But as we all know, the main focus of boundary time and space arrangement identity is to show off.

She was only given her identity and nothing else, so Wan Yi didn't know her at all.

But I am a university teacher, so it is normal for university teachers to be unable to remember their students.

"Who are you?" Wan Yi asked.

"Are you scared to death?" Although the hardware was very good, the girl's words were very merciless, and Wan Yi could hear her merciless sarcasm.

After the other party finished speaking, he didn't mean to explain more. He turned around and left with the electric saw.

Wan Yi glanced at the miserable corpse in the corner and followed him shamelessly.

"Teacher, please go back to bed quickly. It's already two o'clock in the morning. It's easy to see ghosts at this time." The girl walked in the dark corridor intently.

"It's not like I haven't seen it before." Wan Yi said.

"It turns out it's not the first time. I thought you were scared out of your wits just now." The girl chuckled softly.

"Are you a magical girl?" Wan Yi asked straight to the point.

"Ah? Does the teacher care about such boring urban legends?" The girl's tone became contemptuous again.

"Teachers are not primitive and can also use their mobile phones." Wan Yi explained to the teachers.

The girl was noncommittal and said casually: "It's just the pressure of poor students in school. It's very common. There are probably two or three of them every week."

Wan Yi asked: "Pressure?"

"Students who don't have money have to work-study, but because of some connections, they can't even apply for work-study. It's not easy to get work-study if the family conditions are worse. They also have to bear the burden of their studies. It's normal to be stressed." The girl said lightly.

"But their pressure seems to be quite weak." Wan Yi said another point of concern.

"Is it weak?" the girl asked back, "It's impossible to kill this kind of thing, and it's easy to accumulate it. It appears every week, so we often have to walk around the school in the middle of the night. To me, it's already It’s very strong, definitely at the T1 level.”

"That's right." Wan Yi agreed.

"Ontology." Brother Modern said suddenly.


"She just seemed to say that the real time is two o'clock in the morning?"

When Hyundai Brother said this, Wan realized what he had just ignored.

"Isn't it after seven o'clock in the evening over there?"

"Yes, it seems that the reason why my surveillance can see you is here. The answer is that we have problems on both sides."

Brother Modern said, and there was a rustling sound behind him.

"Money... no money... so tired... expenses... expenses..."

"Don't come to me if you don't have money. I don't have any money either." Brother Modern's hand turned into a black barrel and pointed towards his back.


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