My doppelganger drama

Chapter 215 Teacher, I am very strong

Teacher Dong Kaimen couldn't help but take action.

Teacher Dong Kaimen grabbed Teacher Wan Yi's shoulders.

Teacher Dong Kaimen raised his fist!

Teacher Dong Kaimen was captured!

Teacher Dong Kaimen collapsed...

Wan Yi held him down and said, "Brother, are you a little nervous?"

"What the hell! What the hell!" The other party struggled violently for a few times and found that it was of no avail. Unexpectedly, Wan Yi, a teacher who looked thin and didn't do any exercise at first sight, turned out to be someone who had practiced. He was completely defeated.

After a few curse words at the end, he actually burst into tears.

Wan Yi was stunned.

But he immediately showed an understanding expression, helped him up, took him to the seat next to him, and patted the dust on the other person's collar: "Come on, don't be anxious, speak slowly, I understand, don't keep it in your mind, speak out boldly .”

The other party calmed down a little.

"Do you smoke?" Wan Yi dug into his pocket.

"Thank you, no smoking."

"That's right, neither did I." Wan Yi put his hand back.

Dong Kaimen, who was originally emotionally broken, twitched his temples a few times, and finally sighed.

After a long silence, Dong opened the door and said, "You are new here. You don't know who Zhou Lulu is."

"Not a student?"

"She is a student, but not an ordinary student." Dong Kaimen looked melancholy, "She is a child who lacks love."

"Oh, so you really have that kind of relationship?"

"No!" Dong opened the door and suddenly became excited.

"Yes, it's too boring to do the same routine twice." Wan Yi casually ignored the things Dong Kaimen didn't understand.

Dong opened the door and sighed again. Just as he was about to speak, he saw Wan Yi taking out two lollipops: "Here, eat this. It's better than cigarettes and much more energetic."

Dong Kaimen had a complicated look on his face and reached for one of the green apple-flavored ones, but Wan Yi took the green apple-flavored one away and handed him the strawberry-flavored one next to him: "Sorry, I want to eat the green apple-flavored one. Eat strawberries, I hope your mood is as sweet as strawberries."

Listening to Wan Yi's incoherent words, Dong Kaimen gave up treatment completely. He tore open the lollipop's coat roughly, put it into his mouth, and bit down hard.

It turned out to be too hard. I didn't bite it into pieces, but just bit off a piece of crumbs. My teeth were still hurting.

"So what does the child's lack of love have to do with you now?" Wan Yi asked.

"She loves to fall in love."

"You are a college student, singing the praises of youth~"

"I talked with more than a dozen people in my first semester of college."

"She's pretty good-looking, so she's normal." Wan Yi has also heard of something even more chaotic. If you recall...oh, what a coincidence, it was the school bully who he beat up back then.

"There are two teachers."

"I've never seen this before." The lollipop in Wan Yi's mouth suddenly stopped.

"Because she didn't think there was anything to hide about her original relationship, so she didn't cover it up twice and exposed it all." Dong Kaimen said haggardly.

"Ah this."

"However, her family was very powerful, so the impact of the incident did not expand in the end. However, both teachers could not be retained, and they finally resigned and went elsewhere." Dong Kaikai said.

"So you're the next victim?"

"I didn't agree to her, she just extended an invitation to me to try to get along. Who would dare to agree with such a criminal record? I thought it would be fine... Who knew that my brief time alone with her was recorded by someone with a heart? .”

"That's it."

Dong Kaimen sighed: "Although the school has experience and quickly curbed the momentum, the rumors can't be stopped. Some students spread rumors about me, and some teachers couldn't figure out the situation. I was interviewed several times by the school leaders. The first few times it was to reassure me, but the latest time I was asked if I would like to work in another school, and the school could help me arrange it..."

He held a lollipop in his hand and clenched his fists: "If I really left, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting it!? Why on earth should I suffer this! I just bought a house near here not long ago, how could I say Just leave!”

As if he had found an outlet, Dong Kaikai became more and more open-minded as he spoke, and gradually got the impression that Wan Yi could speak enthusiastically even without guidance.

It's to put it.

Wan Yi felt quite sad listening to it.

Fortunately, he didn't have time to think about his future after graduating from college. He was transported back in time as soon as he opened and closed his eyes, and he didn't have time to fall into such a stressful environment.

No, I was arrested and sent to a research institute after time travel. It doesn’t seem to be much better than others.

Tsk, my mood suddenly became bad.

"It's really not easy for you, but can you survive this situation?" Wan Yi asked with concern.

"It's okay. I'm a little relaxed today after a few hard times." Dong Kaikai rubbed his face.

Wan Yi nodded.

After the two of them were silent for a while, Wan Yi suddenly remembered something and asked, "Why are you in school early in the morning?"

"I also drank last night, probably not too much. Although I was in a bad mood, I didn't want to get drunk. But I was supposed to be in a hotel more than ten kilometers away from the university, and I don't know how I got here." Dong Kaimen He was no longer vague, but instead gave an even more outrageous answer.

"Did you take a taxi?"

"I don't have much money, so I probably didn't take a taxi."

"Have you become a magician?"

"I've had a girlfriend! And I'm only twenty-nine!"

"Wow, you are very young." Wan Yi was a little surprised. The other person looked quite mature. Wan Yi subconsciously thought that the other person was in his thirties.

"Since graduation, the pressure has been getting bigger and bigger. It's really unbearable... I'm at least relatively good now. Sometimes I can only comfort myself by thinking about it this way, haha." Dong Kaimen revealed something a little bit. A forced smile.

"Have you never thought about why you suddenly came to school last night?" Wan Yi asked again.

"Because...that kind of monster?" Dong Kaimen said hesitantly.

"Yes, it seems that this is the only way to think about such supernatural things." Wan Yi agreed.

Dong Kaikai shook his head quickly: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Wan Yi glanced at him and ate the lollipop without saying anything more.

If Dong Kaimen was brought to school from more than ten kilometers away last night because of that kind of monster, and this morning a stress monster suddenly appeared from the office.

So based on the existing news, although it is not true, it is definitely a lie to say that Teacher Dong Kaimen has no relationship at all.

Obviously, Dong Kaikai was a little panicked. He had confided too much and smoothly told the outrageous things last night, but it would definitely be detrimental for this news to be known to others.

Others would definitely think that the morning monster had something to do with him.

If he was taken in for investigation by the police, wouldn't the rumors spread further? !

Teacher Dong Kaimen has something to do with monsters...

Think of this rumor.

Cold sweat broke out on his head again, and he put the lollipop back into his mouth tremblingly.

"I'm leaving first. Don't say these words to others casually." Dong Kaimen said, stood up, and left the small garden as if he was running away.

Wan Yi looked at his decadent back. A cloud blocked the sun, the light deflected, and the shadow of the garden covered Wan Yi's body.

Wan Yi stood up and left after sitting quietly for a while.

But in the shadow, there was another figure of Wan Yi watching Dong Kaimen's back.

In the afternoon, after an ordinary lunch break, he took his computer to the classroom where he was attending class.

The large classroom was full of people. He put down his things and looked around. He caught a glimpse of the gothic chainsaw girl sitting at the back who was playing with her mobile phone. Of course, she was now dressed in casual everyday attire.

After seeing Wan Yi, the other party raised his head and glanced at Wan Yi, then lowered his head and continued to browse his phone as if nothing had happened.

Vigilance remains high.

Wan Yi has already opened the PPT and is not at all panicked. He has already seen the PPT. With the help of his clone, it is guaranteed that no one else will be able to tell if he reads it.

This is the confidence that the clone gave him.

As for the manipulation of sex in the psychology class, he will not do it, because unless he blows up the classroom, most people will probably be more willing to touch their mobile phones.


"Okay, then, students, let's start..."


The classroom door was suddenly blasted open along with the wall.

Debris and smoke littered the classroom.

"Shut up... shut up!" The gorilla covering his ears appeared again!

It seems that there is no need for Wan Yi to take action, there is someone else responsible for blowing up the classroom.

Now everyone is definitely not in the mood to touch their mobile phones.

However, the monster was guarding the door, and everyone was confused and didn't know where to run. Even if they wanted to jump out of the window, the floor here was not low.

The monster ran directly towards Wan Yi.

"Did I really shut up this time?" Wan Yi spread his hands.

The huge iron fist hit directly. Wan Yi quickly picked up the computer and retreated. The podium was instantly smashed. Wan Yi temporarily avoided the same fate as the computer and the podium table.

Wan Yi continued to dodge the monster's attacks, but the monster continued to chase him.

At this moment, Yiai in the back seat shouted directly: "Everyone, run away now!"

The others immediately realized that the monster was chasing the teacher, and the large doorway was already free!

Suddenly, all the smoke ran out from the breach.

Wan Yi climbed over the desk to avoid the monster's pursuit, and saw Yi Ai behind him taking out a bloody red heart wrapped with thorns.

There was a small drawstring on the red heart. She grabbed the drawstring and pulled hard.


The roar of the chainsaw resounded instantly, the red heart split open, and the ferocious chainsaw poked out. The shell of the red heart wrapped around her body, replacing her daily clothes, and she became a goth girl. The little red heart in her hand also completely transformed into her. That familiar chainsaw.

"Teacher, you're not really a stress monster refresh machine, are you?"

"When you say that, I'm starting to doubt myself a bit, classmate Chen Yi'ai." Wan Yi was still relaxed and comfortable in the face of the monster's iron fist.

"Get out of the way, I won't be responsible if you get hit." With that said, Chen Yi'ai picked up the chainsaw and rushed towards the monster.

The chainsaw cut through Wan Yi's hair and struck the monster's fist.

Blood splashed out instantly, covering Wan Yi's face.

The monster shouted, and its arm quickly recovered. This time, it didn't flinch at all. It reached out its ferocious hand and grabbed Chen Yi'ai directly.

Chen Yiai was a little surprised: "Has he become stronger?"

This grab directly grabbed her face, and then he lifted her up and slammed her down hard, smashing the desk and falling to the ground.

Just when it was about to add another punch, its eyes were filled with white light, and its body suffered a huge impact and was thrown back, smashing the blackboard and embedding it in the wall.

Chen Yiai rubbed his face and stood up. He looked at Wan Yi with surprise on his always indifferent face: "Teacher, you..."

"That's right, your teacher and I are actually a magical girl who has been hiding for many years, bah, young man." Wan Yi said with a warm smile, holding the soul-eating wand.

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