My doppelganger drama

Chapter 223 Noisy Monster

At the breakfast bar, Wan Yi is eating tofu nao.

Don't ask what flavor, he's not trying to start a war here.

Wan Yi ate happily, but Feng Xinyuan obviously didn't have such good intentions.

"Be happy, how can you look sad while eating breakfast?" Brother Modern said with a smile.

"If you say this to people who are about to go to work and go to school, I'm afraid they will get beaten." Feng Xinyuan replied.

"Haha." Brother Modern smiled.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Feng Xinyuan asked in a low voice.

"Us? Oh, you saw yesterday's news, right?" Brother Modern quickly reacted and understood the possible factors behind Feng Xinyuan's change in attitude.

He said: "Are you uneasy about our existence? Because it is a dangerous factor other than the pressure monster?"

Feng Xinyuan said: "You can think so."

Brother Modern looked at her for a while, then laughed out loud and said: "That's right, that's fine. Cooperation is about everyone getting what they need. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want, as long as you understand what the price is."

Feng Xinyuan said: "I can help you kill the pressure monster."

Modern Brother tilted his head.

"This is what you said before, you want me to help kill the pressure monster." Feng Xinyuan said calmly, "I can promise you this, and I need you to confess to me your origins, and... about the 'hollow' intelligence."


"You should know that figure in a black suit."

"Oh, I see, you call it a 'hollow'?"

Feng Xinyuan nodded slightly.

Brother Modern said: "Then I also want your information on it, is that okay?"

Feng Xinyuan had no objection.

After that, the two quickly exchanged knowledge about each other.

Brother Xiandai did not hide much about outsiders from Feng Xinyuan, and there was no explicit rule not to disclose this matter to the aborigines.

Of course, he only told them that they were from another world and had a mission.

From Feng Xinyuan, he finally learned the information about the figure in a suit he had seen three times in a row.

Magical girls call it "the Hollow."

But in fact, they do not have a detailed understanding of the details of this existence.

All you know is that it's like a natural phenomenon that creates stress monsters.

The place where it is located can easily trigger the phenomenon of pressure monsters, causing all kinds of pressure monsters to appear.

At the same time, it also has the ability to actively create pressure monsters.

However, there is no obvious pattern in this, and most of the pressure monsters created by it are often more powerful and difficult to deal with.

At this mention, Modern Brother immediately realized something was wrong.

It was obvious that Feng Xinyuan was not interested in drinking, and his sudden change of heart was just to get in touch with this "hole" through them.

The "hollow" itself is a very difficult thing to encounter.

In this case...

Why has Wan Yi met him three times so far?

The first time the opponent took action to leave, Wan Yi happened to see him.

The most recent time was on the playground, when he attacked Xiao Lin.

There may be another explanation for these two times.

But that night, Hyundai Brother, the target of the "empty" appearance was obviously him!

Is there some attraction for outsiders to this so-called "void"?

Feng Xinyuan was not too surprised that Modern Brother and the others came from another world. After all, she was a magical girl herself, and she had also seen the powerful magic of various magical girls.

She wouldn't be surprised if parallel worlds and time travel were real.

What she was most concerned about was that Modern Brother confirmed that he had encountered the "Hollow" many times in a short period of time.

Her guess really made sense!

Although it has not yet been confirmed, the increase in convincing cases has given her more confidence.

"If you see it again later, tell me immediately." Feng Xinyuan said anxiously.

Brother Modern nodded: "Okay."

And just like that, the transactional conversation seemed to be over.

Brother Modern also finished drinking the tofu and was discussing with other clones how the tofu tasted.

Feng Xinyuan looked at Brother Modern, a little surprised that he was so easy to talk to.

"Ah, yes, after the conversation, did you say this: Happy cooperation?" Brother Modern suddenly remembered something, and said to Feng Xinyuan with a smile showing his white teeth.

Feng Xinyuan's mood was not very good. His eyes were a little gloomy and he lowered his head without responding.

Wan Yi was at the Fusheng City Seaside Park, where the three teams had gathered that morning.

This place is a little deeper, there is no one, it is very secretive, and the surveillance is sparse. It feels like a very suitable place for doing bad things.

Then Wan Yi came to such a place suitable for doing bad things.

"Okay, we have repeatedly studied the process of Xiaolin becoming a stress monster, and finally came to a surprising conclusion."

In his mind, the clones were having a heated discussion.

"What conclusion?" Although everyone knew it when the conclusion came out, the biggest tacit understanding between Wan Yi was to support each other.

"That 'hole' only amplified Xiaolin's inner pressure, and did nothing else."

"Yes, there are no special operations in this. The only thing that is special is the amplification of emotions that we noticed from the beginning."

"How on earth is the pressure monster generated?"

"Actually, the answer has been in front of us for a long time, but we just subconsciously thought that this kind of thing shouldn't be so natural."

"Yes, the birth of pressure monsters may have become a natural law to some extent, just like the flow of water, life and death."

"Reasonable and unreasonable."

"Then, the question is, to what extent can a stress monster be born?"

"Despair? Collapse? Overwhelmed by pressure?"

Countless voices in his head were discussing with each other. Wan Yi gradually opened his eyes, his body split, and another Wan Yi appeared in front of him.

"People's self-regulation prevents the collapse of their emotions and mentality, and this may be the safety catch that prevents the birth of stress monsters."

"Then what should we do if we want to create a stress monster from ourselves?"

"The pressure on us should be really high."

"But we never cared about it, maybe we are used to it."

"Are we really going to collapse again?"

“A person can cry silently, but can we really do it?”

"Think, think quickly."

Countless voices echoed continuously.

"Refuse to be optimistic, refuse to be positive, recall the darkest times, recall our pain."

The clone frowned, delving into the distracting thoughts that were thrown away in daily life, trying to recall the days when it was used as experimental material at will.

Looking back over this part of the memory again and again, it seems that the torturous pain at the time can still be clearly felt.

But... looking back now, it feels like nothing?

What kind of pressure is there?

The balloon has been punctured and riddled with holes. Do you still want to squeeze it out again?

"No, this road won't work."

"Let's think about what could be more unpleasant to us."

"Pressure, what else is Wan Yi's pressure? What is our most profound pressure!

Under urging. "

Finally, the clone Wan Yi's expression gradually turned ferocious.

"It's so noisy! Can you please be quiet and let me think about it!" he shouted in a frenzy.

"Oh ho."

"It's really happening."

"It's not quite as expected,'s okay."

Following the clone's roar, purple-black substance suddenly emerged from everywhere on his body and began to cover his whole body.

"here you go!"

"What?" The clone's ferocious expression suddenly changed as if it was constipated, and he noticed something strange on his body.

"you've changed!"

"I have changed!?"

"It's like the constipation is finally gone."

"That's about right. Although we are under a lot of pressure, we have almost torn it apart. It is too difficult to force it back by thinking alone."

"You know it's difficult, but you still let me do it." The clone that was gradually covered said with narrowed eyes.

"Hey, stop joking, be serious, the pressure substance covering your body is slowing down!"

"The stool has not been completely pulled out, don't relax your sphincter!"

"You're not done yet!" The weird metaphor can't stop, right?

"That's it, keep going!"

"Fuck you...!"

The clone that was transforming into a stress monster suddenly remembered something: "Wait a minute! I haven't had time to dress up yet!"

Xiaolin turned into a clown because he wore a clown mask, so he should do something about it!

But for such a sudden move, he had nothing to prepare!

"A red nose?" Wan Yi took out the clown nose that no one wanted before from his pocket.

"What good can a red nose do!"

"Forget it, just watch and change. It doesn't matter. You are a villain and monster anyway. We won't laugh at you if you are ugly."

"They say pressure is difficult, but you are actually very good at creating pressure for yourself." The clone of the stress monster said with narrowed eyes.

"We are all the same person, so don't be polite." Wan Yi clapped his hands and said with a smile.

Finally, the clone in front of him was completely engulfed in purple and black.

In the end, a humanoid figure with tight muscles was formed. There were no other facial features or obvious features, but... the whole body was covered with mouths!

The white teeth are in sharp contrast with the purple-black skin, and they grow irregularly all over the body.

On the empty face, there is also only one mouth.

"It feels so curious."


"How strange."

"It's so astringent."

"Who said that?"

The monster's mouth suddenly opened and closed, and everyone began to make noises as they spoke their own words.

"What? Can you talk?" At this time, he opened his mouth and said with some surprise.

"You can really talk!"

"I'll go, really! I can speak directly to the mouth of this body!"

He opened his mouth as if he suddenly realized something.

Wan Yi was also in a daze.

These ferocious mouths on the pressure monster transformed from a clone are not just decorations. Each mouth can be connected to Wan Yi's group chat and then become Wan Yi's mouth!

What's the use?

I don’t know, but for now, it can probably irritate others to death and show outsiders the tip of the iceberg of Wan Yi’s group chats that are usually unsightly.

"Who's using the mouth on your ass? Change your position and play with me."

"Don't grab it! What's the point of grabbing this position! You guys are so weird!"

"It's not easy to grab it, so don't take it! Let me talk with the mouth on my butt!"

Wan Yi's eyes twitched slightly.

Before disturbing others, Wan Yi himself was really disgusted.

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