My doppelganger drama

Chapter 225 The string collapses·Bad words hurt people

After meeting with Wan Yi, Chen Yiai continued his morning jog and left.

After that, Wan Yi gave up the idea of ​​going to Dong Kaimen to say hello and went directly to the large conference room.

Dong Kaimen didn't do much in the small garden. It seemed that the garden was a place he liked to relax. Judging from his usual movements, he would go to the small garden to relax every time he came to school early in the morning.

He arrived just before the meeting was about to start and finally sat next to Wan Yi.

"You're so brave when you step in when the leader is here." Wan Yi couldn't help but said, looking at the beads of sweat that seemed to be shed by him because he rushed over.

"I accidentally forgot the time." Dong Kaikai whispered.

"It's okay, there are a lot of adults who don't care about us little ones." Wan Yi said.

Dong opened the door and hesitated to speak.

"What? How are you doing recently?"

"I, I've always been fine..."

"I went to help you talk to Zhou Lulu."


When Zhou Lulu was mentioned suddenly, Dong Kaikai was obviously startled, and he covered his mouth with his hand to suppress his voice.

After looking at what was being said above, he whispered: "Why are you just talking on your own?!"

"What? Do you still have the idea of ​​​​taking care of a rich woman? Yes, you are indeed not very old." Wan Yi glanced at him.

"is either or……"

Dong Kaimen wanted to say something, and after thinking about it for a moment, he said: "No matter what, this is my own business!"

"I'm not sure whether it's your own business or not." Wan Yi said casually.

Dong opened the door and was startled for a moment, then said uneasily: "Wan Yi, what happened to us that morning must not have been a dream."


"Everyone else seemed to have forgotten. There was no reaction at all after such a horrible thing. And the office was intact afterwards... It's strange. It feels like we were exposed to something we shouldn't have been exposed to." Dong Kaimen said.

"I originally thought I would talk about these things this time, but now I only talk about terrorist attacks..."

"Terrorist attacks are also serious," Wan Yi said.

"But terrorist attacks are still within the scope of our knowledge...that kind of monster is not."

Dong Kaikai still looked very haggard: "I have been dreaming recently. Although it is not a nightmare, I always feel light and airy after the dream, but I don't feel like I am fully rested at all... I even feel like I am not resting at all sometimes. Like myself."

Wan Yi then glanced at him.

Seeing the way Wan Yi looked at him, Dong Kaimen said in a trembling voice: "What, what's wrong?"

"Are you interested in going to the hospital for a psychological check-up?" Wan Yi asked.

"Should I go?" Faced with Wan Yi's direct question, Dong Kaimen was not unhappy, but instead had deeper doubts about himself.

"It seems that the current situation has nothing to do with Zhou Lulu." Wan Yi said, "In various metaphors, people like to be compared to springs and rubber balls to describe people's ability to withstand and withstand pressure, but it is very difficult to compare people to springs and rubber balls. Obviously, whether it is a spring, a ball or a person, they all have their limits."

Dong opened the door and was silent.

"Whether it is long-term wear or short-term heavy pressure, the spring may not be able to return to its original shape, causing the ball to break, leaving the person unable to recover."

After Wan Yi paused, he emphasized: "I'm not insulting you, Teacher Dong."

"But the continuous pressure has opened a hole in your heart. Something is leaking out of your heart. If you don't stop it in time, you will completely dry up."

Dong Kaimen listened to Wan Yi's words, his eyes gradually became hollow, and the cold sweat on his forehead became more and more.

"You should ask for leave. You don't have to go to the hospital. It might be best to travel and play and stay away from this place of right and wrong." Wan Yidao.

Dong Kaikai shook his head: "No, I still feel..."


It seemed that the two people were talking too loudly, attracting a lot of attention from the people around them.

Wan Yi said without changing his expression: "I'm sorry."

Dong opened the door and didn't speak, just lowered his head.

The clock on the wall is running, and the second hand makes a faint sound, which is almost difficult to catch when someone is talking or moving.

But in the minds of individual people, this sound will be specially extracted, amplified and made harsh.

Tick ​​tock...tick tock...

"So, regarding this matter..." The school leader presiding over the meeting was about to continue speaking.

"Shut up!" A loud shout sounded from the window.

Everyone was stunned.

Everyone looked out the window. In the white morning sky, a black spot was rapidly enlarging.



The window was directly smashed, and a tall black figure broke in through the window. Broken glass shards fell to the ground. People who were closer to the window were scratched by the glass shards.

The scene suddenly became a mess.

Screams screamed, fled.

Only the old god Wan Yi was sitting on the ground, while Dong Kaikai, who was next to him, seemed to be frightened and did not run away.

"The most intuitive way to describe the meaning of 'simple' is that if you treat it in a suitable way, it will respond exactly as you want." Wan Yi smiled and reached out to pat Dong Kaimen's shoulder.

Dong Kaikai trembled: "Why...why again..."

"Yeah, what's going on?"

The shut-up monster in front of him was taller and stronger than the previous two times, and even had some extra purple stone armor on his body.

Become stronger.

But he still likes to cover his ears with his hands.

Its eyes, which emitted purple light, were precisely locked onto Wan Yi.

"A perfect attempt." Wan Yi said, pulling Dong open the door next to him, "Then let's leave first."

"Shut up!"

The shut-up monster roared, and its huge body appeared behind Wan Yi as if teleporting.

Just when it stretched out a hand and made a fist to hit Wan Yi.

Another hand suddenly split off from Wan Yi's shoulder. A purple-black substance was attached to that hand, forming an equally thick arm. It hit the Shut-up Monster's chest unprepared.


After a muffled sound, the Shut-Up Monster slid back a few meters.

Behind Wan Yi, a strange figure emerged from behind him. The monster, which was indistinguishable from front to back, left and right, turned over a few times on the ground at will, and faced the Shut-up Monster with a strange sense of coordination.

There are countless mouths on its irregular body.

"Shut up?"

"don't want."

"It's finally possible to send a message."

"Why don't you just say this nicely?"

"As long as our brains are thinking, our mouths will keep talking."

"Actually, we ourselves sometimes feel annoyed."

"So do you want to try and shut up for us?"

The mouth of the monster in front of him opened and closed, and this one person turned the entire room into a vegetable market.

In an elementary school, it would definitely be a level that would make the head teacher's blood pressure rise.

"Shut up!" Shut up monster covered his ears and yelled.


"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

"Shut up!"

The best way to defeat repeaters is to use more repeaters to refresh the screen.

The Shut-Up Monster seemed to be going crazy. It roared and rushed forward.

"Be careful of falling."

The noisy monster spoke.


A black shadow passed directly by it. It turned out that Shut Up Monster really slipped when he was sprinting at high speed. He rushed out at a very fast speed and fell into the corner of the room.

"Is this the fucking spirit? It's so cool!"

"Although I feel that the degree of influence is not very large, it is different from those who can kill people just by talking."

"I can't do large-scale PS, but can I make some small modifications?"

"This is a good metaphor, hee hee."

"But it seems there is a more powerful way to play, let's try it again!"

"This is my body, shut up!" The mouth on the noisy monster's face couldn't help but say.

"Just say it! Just say it!" But it was obvious that his mouth was not very good.

At this time, Wan Yi had already taken Dong Kaikai and ran out. Behind him, there was the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong in the conference room, and the battle seemed to be quite fierce.

"Wan Yi...could that thing be...?" Dong Kaimen seemed to have realized something after being in a daze, and asked with a trembling tone.

"Well, yes, I'm sorry for asking you to call it out again." Wan Yi said without apology.

What Wan Yi did was actually a temporary move.

The legitimate reason could be to test the relationship between Dong's open-door and shut-up monsters, or it could be to further test the ability of the noisy monsters you produced.

Of course, it wouldn't be an evil reason like "I'm full of resentment towards the meeting, so I want to blow up the meeting place."

"How, how could... that monster... be me?" Dong Kaimen held his head after hearing this, falling into self-doubt.

"The main body, it's almost done, don't irritate him."

"No, no, no, the next step is to try to save people's hearts through words!" Wan Yi was full of confidence in himself.

"Forget it, you only know how to 'talk therapy', talking is not your job." But my family knew about my family affairs, and the clones had no expectations at all.

At this time, two footsteps arrived quickly.

"Oh, teacher...I'm going to consider locking you up."

"It turned out that I still didn't believe Sister Yi'ai when she said, Teacher, that you were a stress monster refresher. Now the evidence is conclusive!"

It was Chen Yiai and Zhou Lulu who were present.

Chen Yiai, who has the highest attendance rate so far, and Zhou Lulu, who deserves to be.

As soon as Zhou Lulu saw Dong opening the door, her eyes suddenly lit up: "Teacher, teacher! Why have you changed classes with other teachers in the past few days! You haven't been seen for several days!"

Dong Kaikai looked at Zhou Lulu, a little collapsed, but he was no longer afraid, but said: "Zhou Lulu... I am a monster! I am a monster!"

Zhou Lulu was puzzled, Chen Yiai frowned and looked at Wan Yi: "What did you say to him?"

"We're just facing the essence of the matter. Otherwise, are we going to keep putting time bombs in the school?" Wan Yi said.

Just as he was talking, Wan Yi suddenly said: "It would be better for you two to take two steps back."

"Ah?" Zhou Lulu made a questioning voice in a cute voice.

And Chen Yiai directly grabbed the back of her clothes and pulled back.


The wall of the conference room was smashed, and the figure of the Shut-Up Monster flew out, passed between the magical girl and Wan Yi, and fell into the corridor.

"Is this the shut-up monster? What's going on?" Chen Yi'ai's pupils dilated. After taking a look at the panting shut-up monster, his eyes quickly turned to the gap in the wall.

"Sister Yiai!" Zhou Lulu's originally cute expression suddenly changed to serious.

Chen Yiai was the same, frowning and holding the chainsaw tightly.

"Wow! What kind of pressure value is this! It's a 'collapse' level pressure monster!" Papa, the little octopus elf next to him, shivered.

"Yi Ai! Lulu! Be careful!" Xiaoduo looked very reliable and quickly reminded her.


He crushed a smaller brick with his foot, and the pressure monster with mouths all over his body came out.

"Oh? The number of viewers suddenly increased?"

"No, it's not like an audience, it's more like an actor who wants to perform on stage!"

"That's really great. The backup dancer just now was a bit unprofessional. It's not enough to rely on him alone."

"So, which lady comes first? Of course, I can bear it if we come together."

"Hey, this is sexual harassment."

"Sexy accents are prohibited! We must be elegant!"


The chatter of voices was irritating and unpleasant, and the voices seemed to echo in the minds of everyone present, making it difficult to concentrate.

"shut up!"

Chen Yi'ai shouted angrily, pulled up the chainsaw and chopped down.

All the mouths on the Noisy Monster greeted him with smiles.



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