My doppelganger drama

Chapter 232 The Birth of the God of Pure Love (Mistaken)

Fang Donghao sorted out the information and also coded the mission report.

This conscientious attitude and extremely high work efficiency are enough to make most Internet writers in the past earn money.

It's almost time, and their mission will soon be over.

This was the first time he had seen a high-depth boundary hidden so deeply. Although he still had no clue about the strength of the pressure monster and the magical girl, he was sure that this hidden ability alone was enough to prove that this boundary was extraordinary.

The complete deception in terms of intelligence gives people a sense of frustration that they cannot use their strength.

After finishing all his work, he relaxed a little.

Picking up the phone, I thought about taking advantage of the last moment to go out and relax.

After he launched the general investigation, those who completed the investigation were like doing something that was not necessary in the middle of the investigation, and then convinced themselves that they had done serious work, and enjoyed the "calm" boundary with peace of mind. It's the last time.

Just then, a message came.

It's actually Wan Modern.

A very weird and mysterious character. What is his specific strength? During this period of time, he has not seen the opponent perform it, and he is not very close to people.

Except for Wan Yi who was inexplicably talking to him on the radio and usually had a good conversation, he seemed to ignore everyone.

But his professional qualities are very strong, his efficiency in action is undisputed, and his sense of sophistication is respectable.

The most puzzling thing is that he has never heard of this kind of character in 014 City, which is really strange.

"It's rare to actually come to ask for information." Fang Donghao couldn't help but said after seeing the news about Brother Modern.

In the message from Hyundai Brother, he said that he hoped to get detailed information about Fusheng City TV station, which involved the internal situation of TV station, well-known artists, hosts, program recording locations, etc.

These are indeed things that various news media will care about, so Hyundai Brother came to Fang Donghao to ask for help.

Fang Donghao thought for a moment, then typed and asked: "What do you want these for?"

"Be an insurance policy."

"What's the meaning?"

"Just in case I need to do some insurance and earn some extra money, captain, you can decide whether to give it or not." Brother Modern was very rude.

Seeing that the other party did not explain in detail, considering the other party's identity, Fang Donghao could still give him this little face, it was just a casual effort.

He opened the newspaper's database and quickly found relevant content.

After a quick glance, it turned out that he couldn't see anything on one side, so he finally packaged it all and sent it to Brother Hyundai.

"Thank you, I'll keep you safe." Brother Modern replied instantly.

After Fang Donghao replied with an "OK" gesture, he came to the three-person group chat with Chen Sixue and Shangguan He Qin.

"I'm done, are you still playing?"

Chen Sixue: "As expected of you, you are so fast."

Shangguan He Qin: "Awesome."

Fang Donghao: "Aren't you thinking that I might be able to catch up with you at the end of your vacation?"

Chen Sixue: "We didn't go anywhere. We were afraid of something happening, so we just wandered around Fusheng City. You can come find us at a time in the next few days.


A few days later, Fang Donghao went out and prepared to meet Chen Sixue and Shangguan He Qin.

When he arrived at the appointed place, Chen Sixue had not arrived yet. He only saw Shangguan He Qin.

"He Qin, good morning."

Shangguan He Qin nodded and said, "Yes, morning."

"Did you eat breakfast?"

"Not yet, ready to go together."

"That's okay, Si Xue hasn't come yet, she won't oversleep."

"It's possible, it's not the first time."

Just as he was talking, Fang Donghao and Shangguan He Qin frowned slightly at the same time.

"Someone is watching us." Fang Donghao lowered his voice.

"Yeah, with bad intentions."

"Who could it be?" Fang Donghao quickly went through the possible situations, but had no clear clue.

"It's him!" Shangguan He Qin turned around and was surprised to see a figure.

A man with an unremarkable appearance, wearing a gray suit, looked a little confused. It was a refreshing morning, but there were beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Who is he?" Fang Donghao asked.

"My husband here." Shangguan He Qin looked ugly.

Fang Donghao was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

After the man was discovered, he had no intention of hiding and walked directly towards the two of them.

"What's your relationship?" the man asked.


Fang Donghao secretly thought that sometimes this kind of helpless misunderstanding would occur in the boundary, but to outsiders it was a misunderstanding, but to the residents in the boundary, seeing is believing.

"Sir, we are just friends."

"Friend?! You told me we were just friends?!" the man suddenly shouted loudly, stepped forward and grabbed Fang Donghao's collar.

Of course, this little bit of power means nothing to Fang Donghao, but the other level of heaviness brought about by this roar is quite troublesome.

Shangguan He Qin's expression darkened, and she grabbed the man's hand with her backhand and squeezed it hard.

The man let go of his hand in pain.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

"If you have something to say, why are you so angry so early in the morning?" Shangguan He Qin asked.

"You still want me to talk properly?" The man's eyes widened, "You haven't gone home to sleep for almost a month! Every time I called you, you were perfunctory, and you didn't even answer the phone in the next few days! I I’m worried about you, so I look for you every time I go to get off work! And now you’re talking and laughing with a man I don’t know! How can you expect me to talk properly!?”

The man's reasons are irrefutable.

Fang Donghao looked at Shangguan He Qin.

It was useless to say anything about his position now. The man only saw the facts he saw.

Originally, Shangguan He Qin chose to separate from her husband who fell within this boundary, but he did not agree with it because it was likely to lead to hidden dangers in interpersonal relationships.

But after all, they are teammates who have been together for a long time. He understands He Qin's resistance and doesn't want to say more.

Now the problem arises.

But fortunately, it is just a small interpersonal problem, which can be ignored if handled properly...

As landlord Hao was thinking this, an unpleasant noise suddenly echoed in his ears.

The world in front of me suddenly had a darker filter added to it.

Then, an elegant figure in a suit and dress slowly walked out.

"Black suit dress..."

This thought suddenly flashed through Fang Donghao's mind. Although he was shocked by this sudden vision, his hands moved quickly.

A golden double-headed spear appeared in his hand, and a golden stream of light shot out from the tip of the spear, pointing directly at the figure.


However, the golden light stream passed directly through that figure.

Fake? phantom? Unable to attack?

Fang Donghao's thoughts were flowing rapidly in his mind.

But the failure of his counterattack caused the other party to wander to the man who was already stunned by the current situation, and reached into the man's chest.

Shangguan He Qin's attack also arrived. He held a long sword in his hand and slashed, drawing a line of scrolls forward.

She did not take into account this false identity of her husband.


But the attack was blocked by a formidable aura, and then, the figure pulled out a hideous demonic knife that was pitch black from the man's chest and had irregular stabbing blades on its blade!

At the knife's edge, a blood-red eye stared at Shangguan He Qin with its canthus split.

The man was still frightened until the figure next to him slowly handed him the magic knife in his hand.

Then, his palm seemed to be absorbed by the handle of the knife, and he held the knife tightly.

"You bitch man and woman, kill them all!" The man's eyebrows cracked open, and a same bloody eyeball grew out of it.

The magic knife was raised.


The huge sword energy engulfed the street, and the affected buildings collapsed.

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