My doppelganger drama

Chapter 248 Fuso City

This nameless gang is the product of a bunch of people gathering aimlessly.

Management is also poor. They have no intention of unified management of organizational resources. Wan Yi and others plundered a piece of it, but there weren't many things of real value. Of course, they don't have a warehouse in the strict sense, but the bosses have some private collections.

But that's all it takes.

At first glance, I heard that it is the largest and most powerful gang on this sky island, but for a lower-level sky island, or even a lower-level sky island in the sinking sky island group, there is really nothing to hope for.

For Wan Yi, it was probably a team building exercise.

In the end, even the Bomberman unit wasn't included.

At most, I just tested some functions of my own aircraft.

The remaining resistance did not cause much trouble and was quickly dealt with by Wan Yi.

Wan Yi didn't make things too difficult for some of the minions who surrendered, and basically let them go.

He does not need additional tool people, because no matter how many tools people use, they are not as useful as himself.

Most of these people were used as waste, leaving a nightmare curse on them.

It is contagious, but not very stable, and it is a primary type.

People infected by this curse will be directly transported into the script in the interpretation hall when they fall asleep at night, which is equivalent to an interview.

It will be tested by thousands of people. If they see it right or are indeed valuable, they can continue to join the troupe's carnival, get rid of the endless nightmare caused by the abyss boundary zone, and enjoy a series of benefits of the troupe's carnival.

The curse on these released prisoners could barely last for a week, which should be more than enough to spread on this lower-level island.

After Wan Yi and others made arrangements, they began to take over the gang's stronghold.

The gang's stronghold is very crude, but Wan Yi doesn't mind, he likes this kind of real construction gameplay.

Because eradicating gangs was incidental, the modified aircraft was ready to take off the next day.

There were not many people on board this aircraft.

Except for the incidental mascot of the picture and text, the two most important ones are the Green Devil and Domu.

Because the little princess has such a pretty face, she stayed here to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Of course, although Brother Duomu has to stay for this reason, Brother Duomu is now a member of a major cult and is not afraid of this.

The aircraft climbed quickly and headed towards the nearest main island of this lower-level sky island.

When the height of the aircraft exceeded the edge of the main island, the vision suddenly opened up.

The main islands are without exception large-scale sky islands, not to mention that the terrain of this sky island is very good, mainly composed of plains and hills. As the aircraft rises, the distant horizon gradually appears in everyone's field of vision. middle.

At the same time, large and small buildings are distributed on the empty island, symbolizing the human settlements on this main island.

According to the navigation system originally loaded by Su Qianming on the aircraft, the aircraft approached the largest settlement.

You can find some destination information on the aircraft.

It is a building complex that has been maintained on the main island for more than a hundred years. Although there have been various changes in power in the meantime, it does not prevent this building complex from being maintained until now amid many chaos.

Because of the excellent terrain and human habits, this settlement has been established for a long time in the entire Sunken Sky Island Group.

And it was given a very literary name a long time ago, called "Fuso".

Fuso City is located in one of the few mountains on this empty island, backed by complex mountains.

Because of the long-term chaotic atmosphere of the Sinking Sky Island Group, the residents here hope to add a layer of security to their own safety, so they always carry out renovations in various areas where they are located.

Use the mountain to create an intricate environment.

With countless people's thoughts and designs, coupled with a long period of time, the part of the city that is invisible to the outside world has become its main body. The internal environment is extremely complex, and even locals may not be able to truly understand its true face.

Only a small part of the city is exposed.

If you really want to say it, including the mountains around it, this area together is the entire Fuso City.

The aircraft flew over the mountains and sent Su Qianming's signal in advance.

"This kind of city really has the feeling of a small garden game." Green Goblin said as he looked at the approaching city.

The exposed part of Fuso City is not large, and it is no different from other settlements in the Sunken Sky Island Group. It is said to be a city, but in fact it may be just a small town.

"Fuso City is the largest settlement on this empty island, and there are also long-term activities of the Worshiping Cang Sect here." Brother Duomu said.

Naturally, he also did some homework with the Hundred Eyes Sect before coming here.

Picture and text looked at Brother Duomu.

She didn't know what Brother Duomu's outfit meant, but from their conversation along the way, she was shocked to realize that this man was actually a member of the Worship Sect.

Is there any cooperation between the troupe and Baicang?

She suspected this at first, but soon realized something was wrong.

It's not like the cooperation between two forces, but more like the two or five young men inserted into the sect by the troupe.

But the other party's dark temperament and those eyes with multiple overlapping pupils make people panic, and they don't dare to touch it with pictures and texts. I feel quite different from other troupe members.

It was the first time I saw a member of the troupe who was not so happy.

As if he read her thoughts from the face in the picture, Wan Yi, who was standing next to him, said: "He is just acting out the character he designed for himself. You don't have to be so afraid."

Tu Wenwen asked doubtfully: "Character?"

"Some people are just keen on this, but it's also fun to be able to vent their inner frustrations through this kind of acting." Wan Yi explained next to him.

"It's a kind of personality mask." At this point, Brother Duomu took the initiative to say something.

Tu Wenwen was startled by the sudden cold voice.

But when she looked over, Brother Duomu was still sitting quietly in his seat looking at the front of the aircraft.

It was as if he wasn't the one who just spoke.

"Do you know what Bai Cang gathered here to do?" Brother Green Demon asked Brother Doumu again after being quiet for a while.

"I only know that it is a support for the sinking sky island group. Many middle and lower-level sects are enthusiastic about responding, but not many cutting-edge sects come. They do not intend to get too involved in other families' affairs." Brother Duomu replied slowly. road.

The Green Goblin nodded gently.

Baicang is also complicated internally, and it's really a shame that the mysterious leader can convince the believers of all sects and even unify them.

I don't know what he wants.

He's not just a person who just wants to see the world in chaos.

The world is chaotic enough.

Getting closer and closer to Fuso City, but the signal still didn't respond.

Just when Wan Yi and others were about to think that this road was probably dead, the signal was suddenly received.

Immediately afterwards, coordinates and docking signals came from somewhere in Fuso City.

"There's actually something going on, not bad!" The Green Devil saw it and smiled as he controlled the aircraft to fly towards the target.

After realizing this, Picture and Wenwen raised his heart again.

Can I contact my sister after arriving at my original destination?

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