My doppelganger drama

Chapter 250 Departure and Arrival

After the meeting, the three named people prepared to set off on a different day.

"You decide the time and call me then." Huang Pu said.

Because other Gui Yiren had to deal with some matters within their jurisdiction, it was impossible to act immediately. However, Huang Pu had nothing to do, so he was on standby.

"Yes." Merck nodded and left.

Yang Chongguang looked at Huang Pu, narrowed his sharp eyes and said, "You probably haven't been to the Huanhua Islands before. You can do some homework during this time."

"I know, I feel like you've become a lot more annoyed recently." Huang Pu said to him.

"You have become a lot more lax recently. You have become one person and I am the one recommended by the Lord. I am responsible for you."

Huang Pu didn't reply after hearing this.

Yang Chongguang is indeed not someone who can be ignored casually by Huang Pu.

Huang Pu's memory of how he was picked up by Gui Yi was no longer so clear. He only heard from others that he was picked up by the Taoist Master.

Yang Chongguang was responsible for teaching her various matters in today's world and allowing her to reintegrate into this world.

To put it simply, this serious man is Huang Pu's teacher in this life.

"The failure of one operation is nothing. We are just a group of defenders, not superheroes in the eyes of ordinary people. Cheer up, you still have a lot to do."

After Yang Chongguang finished speaking, he strode away without waiting for Huang Pu's response.

Huang Pu was stunned for a while.

"It seems that he thinks you have become decadent because of the defeat at Sky Island 014." In his mind, a voice with a mature voice but a frivolous tone laughed.

"He has a very old-fashioned temperament, but he is indeed a good teacher." Huang Pu replied.

"I really envy you. After the separation, you can still experience a different life. I have never been free at all. I will always kill the workers." Spectrum said lightly.

"It's been a while since I returned to the Hehe Taoist Temple. Do you still have no impression?" Huang Pu did not continue on this topic and asked instead.

"I really have no impression. I have never heard of the name Gui Yiyi, but it seems that the history here has been going on for a long time. Have we really slept for so long?" Spectrum said.

"The Taoist master brought back the unconscious Huang Pu. It seems that if we want to find a breakthrough, we can only consider him." He Qi's soft voice interjected.

"It's a pity that what happened over at the Sinking Sky Island Group is that I volunteered but was not selected," Huang Pu said.

Spectrum said: "Isn't there Wan Yi over there?"

Huang Pu said: "I feel like he is very unreliable."

Qi Qi said: "Let's have some expectations, the worst I can do is to sell myself to him again."

"Hahahaha! What can you sell about your figure like this? It's me and Huang Pu." Inexplicably, Huang Pu became arrogant in this aspect.

"Tsk." Chromatogram clicked his tongue.

"But it's not bad to look for the Book of Disaster. Unexpectedly, the Book of Disaster has been mastered by Gui Yiyi for a long time. We have scattered impressions of this thing. What might we be able to recall after seeing it?" Spectrum turned and said. .

"Well, in short, let's act according to the order." Huang Pu said.

Just as the three consciousnesses in the body were chatting, a scream suddenly sounded in the mind, stimulating the three consciousnesses to shake.

"Ahhhh! Be whole again! Be whole! Come back! Come back to me! Ahhh!"

That frenzied consciousness mixed up all the information in his brain.

In the outside world, Huang Pu's eyes suddenly felt empty, and in that hole, something seemed to be coming out of it.

It lasted for about ten seconds, and the frantic thoughts in his mind fell silent again.

Trivial exceptions are also restored.

"Hua Pu is going crazy again." Gu Pu breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't remember clearly. Was she like this originally? Or did she become like this after the split?" Huang Pu asked.

"I don't know, ah, it's so annoying, this feeling of remembering only half of something. I know who she is, I know that I know her, and I should know her, but I can't remember her at all." Maybe Spectrum was affected by it just now. The confusion was affected, and the tone was also somewhat bad.

All consciousness fell into silence.

After a long while, Xixi said softly: "Continue, so that we can become whole again."

"It's complete..." Huang Pu came out of the corner of his mind and stepped towards the road ahead that was unclear in front of him.

The aircraft flew into Fuso City.

Originally, the pictures and texts were a bit nervous as to whether we would be hit by ground-to-air attacks again in such a place, but the journey was quite safe. People on the ground seemed to be used to the sudden visit of the aircraft.

The coordinate point is in a relatively remote place, and half of the building is hidden in the mountain.

After the docking signal was confirmed, a small opening opened in the mountain, revealing a dark docking port.

The aircraft finally landed in it.

The Green Goblin shouted several times into the communication channel: "Hello, we have landed."

"I thought I wouldn't be able to receive the order from a few months ago, but you guys are lucky." An older man's voice came from the other end of the communication.

"There was a little delay on the way. I'm glad you are still willing to fulfill the order made so long ago." The Green Devil replied with a smile.

"It's not a strict contract anyway, there is no time limit, and no one will have trouble with money." The other party replied.

After the words fell, the lights of this hidden anchorage belatedly came on.

Naturally, there isn't much high-end here, and when the lights come on, it's plain and simple.

But the area is not small, and there are no less than five aircraft staying here.

Everyone got off the aircraft, and then saw an old man who was not tall but had sharp muscles walking out.

"Now I know why you were able to arrive alive after a few months delay." The old man looked a little surprised after seeing this batch of Wan Yi with his own eyes, and then said.

At first glance, these people are not easy to mess with.

From the outside world, no one would want to provoke them. Unfortunately, this is a group of sinking islands, and lunatics abound regardless of the cost.

The old man glanced around quickly, specifically stopping at the pictures and text and Brother Dom.

Finally, he said to Brother Duomu: "Are you a Cang worshiper? I've seen some people dressed like you in the city recently."

Brother Duomu nodded and said, "It's just a ride."

"Although I have no objection to Baicang, some local forces in Fuso City don't like Baicang very much. I suggest you change your clothes or leave my place early so as not to cause trouble to me."

This old man has some good intentions, but not much, but he speaks brightly, which is also an advantage.

"I'll leave right away." Brother Duomu replied.

The old man nodded.

The Green Goblin always had a perfect business expression on his face and said: "We are new here, so we rely more on getting familiar with the environment. What do you call me sir?"

"Just call me old Ethan." The old man replied simply, and then turned to Tuwenwen: "You must be Miss Tuwenwen. During the time you lost contact, the people over there were very anxious. Now that you have arrived, please reply quickly. Just take a moment."

"Well, okay." Tu Wenwen stood up and said.

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