My doppelganger drama

Chapter 253 Protect yourself when your eyes are outside

On Baicang's side, they randomly found a temporary base to hide their whereabouts.

The high priest Ricardo was not there, so everyone said nothing and everyone looked at their own affairs.

Brother Duomu stood in the corner and synchronized other Wanyi's perspectives.

Suddenly, he noticed someone approaching him.

He is an unknown member of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

After the other party came close to a certain distance, Brother Duomu stopped him from getting closer with his eyes and asked him what he was doing here.

The visitor lifted up his hood, revealing a fair face with soft lines.

She is a woman with a good appearance, but under the eyelids of her two eyes, black lines outline strange eye patterns, giving her originally gentle smile a strange temperament.

Does it turn out that there are such "eyes"?

Although it is not as curious as those eyes in flesh and blood, it still has a unique flavor.

"Hello, I remember you are a newcomer from Bronze Level Parish No. 006. You have been here just a few months after joining. The person in charge there seems to think highly of you." The other party said.

Duomu looked at her without saying a word, insisting on playing his own character.

"Your eyes are very special and beautiful, and they make me want to." I originally thought that this person would pretend, but in the end, he got straight to the point.

"But don't worry, you can't touch other people's eyes in the sect without permission, otherwise things would be in chaos internally." The woman chuckled.

"Are you here to talk nonsense?"

"No, I just want to say that your eyes are rare. Although everyone here has their own path, they don't mind being open to all rivers. It is impossible for a true believer not to be interested in other eyes." The woman said with confidence. .

No, I'm not interested in eyes other than my own either.

Duomu said in his heart.

"So as the youngest participant, you have to be careful, little brother." The woman smiled.

"What are you here for?" Duomu asked.

"Can't we get to know each other as believers? My name is Zilayah, what's yours?"

"Multiple eyes."

"It doesn't look like a normal name. Is it the code name you gave yourself? But it's really suitable for us to teach." Zilaiya said.

"Zlaya, mind your hands."

As he was talking, a voice suddenly sounded.

After focusing the pupils of his multi-eyed eyes many times, he discovered that at some point, Zleiya's hand had reached the edge of his eyes.

The person who gave the verbal reminder was naturally the multi-purpose leader.

"I'm just saying hello to your lovely newcomer, Meta." Zleiya said while still maintaining a gentle smile.

"Although I don't care, the priest over there likes him very much. In order to avoid being scolded in the future, I advise you to be careful during this period and get away from him now." Meta raised his left hand and opened his mouth on the back of it. Open a scarlet eye.

Zilaya backed away with her hands in a surrender gesture, looking naughty.

"Are you... very free?" At this moment, the feeling of being watched by countless pairs of eyes filled the three people present.

The door of the stronghold opened, and the high priest Ricardo stood at the door. His long black hair moved without any wind. Except for his normal facial features, his face was full of dark eyes and stared at the three of them.

This feeling came and went quickly, and Ricardo closed his eyes after being intimidated.

"I'm sorry, Lord Ricardo." Zilaya and Meta saluted and apologized one after another.

Duomu did not move. Although he had experienced the previous intimidation, the impact of the second intimidation on him was much less, but he still pretended to be shocked for the time being.

Because he didn't want to salute a second time.

Ricardo looked at Duoyan with his most normal pair of brown eyes, and his tone remained unhurried: "Protecting your own eyes is something that believers must learn."

Duomu nodded.

"Zlaya, I'm only going out to talk for a while, can't you control your hands?"

Zilaya, who dared to make fun of others, did not dare to say a word in front of Ricardo.

The next moment, the multiple overlapping pupils were shocked again.

Ricardo appeared in front of Zlaya without warning and hit her in the abdomen with an uppercut.

"Ha!" Zilaiya's saliva flew and her whole body was about to fly up due to the force, but was caught by Ricardo with his backhand and smashed back to the ground.


The room shook slightly, leaving behind holes on the ground and a struggling Zilaya.

"Send me here to show that the sect attaches great importance to this business. This will not happen again." Ricardo's slow and heavy tone was like a heavy hammer hitting everyone's heart.

The muscles on this man's body are indeed not in vain.

The movements just now were quite capable, and Wan Yi, who had been taught by Fukong, could smell the master's temperament in the opponent.

Unexpectedly, in the Hundred Eyes Sect, there would be a master who was known for his physical ability.

There is an essential difference from the Hundred Eyes cultists who have always met Duomu and relied on their eyes.

This made Domu become somewhat interested in the high priest named Ricardo.

"Next, let's explain our follow-up actions..." Ricardo continued to speak slowly.

At night, in a house in Fuso City, a man with broken indigo hair was wiping his bright silver firearm.

The stove nearby emits gentle light and heat, dispelling the coldness in this somewhat old room.


Suddenly, an inaudible sound appeared in this quiet room.

The man paused, then turned to look at the corner of the room.

A mouse crawled there.

"Is there prey?" the man said, his voice was clear and he was much younger than he looked.

"A group of people came in, and the ether test paper reacted greatly."

"A big reaction? You usually only use this description to describe troublemakers who are close to the third level or even the third level." The man raised his eyebrows slightly.

"But I made a little observation, and the reaction is a little different from the test paper." The mouse said.


"There are more people, but only one girl's ether reaches the standard level one. Although the others have ether energy, they are basically weak by level one or even the minimum level of level one is not enough."

Hearing this, the man was thoughtful.

"What do you think is going on?" the mouse asked.

"Since it's related to troublemakers, nothing is surprising. We have seen many troublemakers with incredible abilities, and more outrageous ones will naturally appear at any time." The man said leisurely.

"Then do we want to take action?"

"Don't worry, people. You said there is a standard first-order girl?"

"Yeah, but I roughly estimate that that girl has great potential."

"It's not easy to hear your comment. I didn't even have it at the beginning." The man looked sideways.

"I may have said it somewhere, but I certainly won't praise you to your face."

"I like to hear that." The man smiled.

The mouse continued: "Perhaps because ability is closely related to emotion, she has initially restrained her tendency to lose control. You can give her a try."

"Okay, do you need to show mercy?" the man responded.

"No need." Mouse said, "At least for now, she is still prey."

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