My doppelganger drama

Chapter 260 The historic moment when the Fallen Brotherhood established diplomatic relations with th

The whereabouts took a long time.

It took so long that Jeffrey almost gave up thinking.

The whole person has turned into something like a vegetative state in the process of falling.

Then, without warning.


He hit the sudden ground heavily.

The severe pain awakened his numb mind again, and in a state where he could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion, he was the first to feel his limbs being torn apart.


ah--! !


Jeffrey stood up and shouted, holding his head in his hands and roaring.

After a long time, until his voice became hoarse, he stopped and looked at his whole body in a daze.

not dead?

What has he experienced before?

His thinking was still very chaotic, and Jeffrey almost forgot why he was here.

"Although it is easy to influence, it is difficult to completely destroy. Is it because you are a disaster, or is it because of your own tenacity? From a personal point of view, I hope it is the latter."

Light applause came, and King Wuyi stood beside him and applauded.

"You are..." Jeffrey held his forehead, a little confused, but after seeing King Wuyi, his memory was quickly recalled, and then he frowned, but immediately relaxed it, showing a wry smile: "That's it, I'm missing. how long?"

"I don't know exactly. How long you will be detained depends on how harshly you think you will be tortured."

"Is that so?" Jeffrey was a little surprised.

He actually thinks so?

Doesn't he hope to avoid being punished?

No, it should be a deeper personal expectation dug into the dream.

The functioning of Jeffrey's brain is returning, while thinking.

But after thinking about this relationship, I couldn't help but sigh.

How ironic, is it actually you who tortures yourself in the end? In a sense, you can think so.

The little princess was still looking through Jeffrey's information.

The information dug out from scraps is arranged irregularly, like various paragraphs taken from different parts of a novel and pieced together to form an inaccurate article.

But some content caught his attention, too.

"Red sea, baptism, ether crystallization, emptiness of spirit... Are these the secrets that allow the troublemaker of your brotherhood to maintain a relatively normal spirit?" the little princess read out a few of the key words and said.

Jeffrey looked at the little princess, cheered up and said: "Hello, beautiful lady, I am the most handsome brotherhood hunter in the Sinking Sky Island Group, are you also a troublemaker?"

"I'm a man." The little princess was discussing a problem with her other selves and answered casually.

"Ah?" Jeffrey thought for a moment that he had just escaped from the torture of his whereabouts, so he heard wrongly.

"That's right, he is our current signature here, Jie Jie." King Wu Yi said with a dark smile, happy to see other people's disparity because of the little princess.

Before Jeffrey had time to get excited, this organization got him first.

"So why do you want to hunt down the troublemaker? And also bully our newly raised mascot?" the little princess put down the file and asked Jeffrey.

"Isn't it normal to hunt people who cause trouble? Although I have never been outside, I heard that even breathing is against the law if you cause trouble outside."

"The question is why do you guys want to hunt down the troublemakers? Do you still play the trick of the same origin as the enemy and us?" The little princess elaborated on her problem in a little more detail.

"I asked a similar question when I first joined, and Rost answered me this way: 'You should be grateful for the favors you receive, and try to recycle as many things as possible.'"

"Things left outside? Recycle them?" the little princess frowned.

"I'm not sure about this. Maybe it has something to do with the place where we were baptized." Jeffrey shrugged.

"How do you perform baptism? And what kind of baptism can actually stabilize a person's condition?" the little princess continued to ask.

If the troublemaker can remain stable, then the world's attitude towards the troublemaker will probably reverse.

No, it’s not necessarily a polar reversal, it’s just that some of the original dark operating methods will be rectified.

There are too many meanings behind this, but this brotherhood doesn't know how to stabilize the condition of the troublemaker, and then temporarily unite the troublemaker.

"I don't know." Jeffrey said again, and at the same time raised his finger to touch his head, "I honestly don't know. The baptism process was directly blocked from our minds. It is a secret in the meeting."

"As for the noun you just reported, that

"Red Sea" is something I have no impression of at all. But put it together with a few other words, I think maybe that is the place where we were baptized. "Jeffrey said with a smile.

Red sea.

Wan Yi unconsciously recalled a short memory.

When the clone who calls himself Duo Mu Ge first entered the Hundred Eyes Sect to receive the gift, his senses were ignited by the influence of the Eye of All Things. With Quan Wan Yi's eyes, Duo Mu Wan Yi briefly saw the whole world.

At the end of that scene, a huge red wave drowned them.

Red waves, red sea.

This is probably no coincidence.

It's hard to ignore any "cutscenes" these days. Maybe the overlooked details hide something important.

The Fallen Brotherhood is not an organization with an empty name. There may be something crucial to this world behind it.

Wan Yi made a judgment.

"What is the lack of spirit?" King Wuyi asked.

"That is a mental state that can be mastered after baptism. The spirit of emptiness is a bit like meditation, but it feels a bit like a belief? It is difficult to describe. After mastering this state, it It can regularly help us consolidate our chaotic spirits due to the ether, so that we can maintain relatively normal thinking."

Jeffrey described.

"Relying on this, can we avoid madness?" King Wu Yi asked curiously.

"Actually, not really." Jeffrey looked weird. "According to my understanding and Rost's story, to sum up, being empty of spirit is more like... making you think that you are not crazy, so as to maintain your mental state."

King Wuyi and the little princess looked at each other.

Although this is not the first time, the transformation of the painting style to idealism is still a bit difficult for them to express.

However, it is indeed interesting.

Isn’t there a saying that is very good?

"Since I got mentally ill, I have become more energetic."

Seeing this, Jeffrey clapped his hands to attract the attention of the two and said, "So I have been so cooperative so far, can we talk about reconciliation now?"

"Well, do you think this can be reconciled?" King Wuyi was a little surprised at the other party's optimism.

"At this moment? Jeffrey, are you kidding?" the little princess asked.

"Well, I'm thick-skinned, and I don't think I'm worthy of death." Jeffrey said seriously, his eyes revealing pure light.

"It's not impossible." At this moment, a "red sheet" wearing a white mask and a top hat suddenly appeared and said.

There is obviously no difference between him and other "Red Sheets" except for dressing up, but to be able to appear on the stage, it is obvious that he is not an ordinary "Red Sheet"!

Jeffrey looked at him hopefully.

"I think we and your brotherhood can talk about many things."

"I can help deliver the message!" Jeffrey volunteered.

"However, bullying the mascot is of a bad nature. The whereabouts torture was originally just the first one. After that, there will be the punishment of the sea of ​​cockroaches, the punishment of living in the echo chamber with the noisy monster, etc."

Hearing the sea of ​​cockroaches, Jeffrey suddenly got goosebumps all over his body, and fear arose spontaneously.

As for the noisy monster at the back, although he didn't know what it was, it was probably not a bad thing to be placed with the sea of ​​cockroaches!

"Of course, this is arranged to make everyone happy. If you can create some substantial value, it is not impossible to offset some debts."

"Please tell me, as long as it does not trample on my personality or inhumane torture, I can accept it!"

"That's a very powerful answer. Then the position of technical tester for our troupe's Nightmare Carnival will trouble you."

"Hmm...what? Technical tester?" Jeffrey didn't want to agree at first, but when he heard it later, he felt that this job title was not quite right.

"Yes, high EQ is called technical testers, low EQ is... Jie Jie Jie." King Wuyi laughed happily.

"It's a little white mouse!" The little princess showed a beautiful smile, but it made Jeffrey shudder.

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