My doppelganger drama

Chapter 267 Unlucky Day

What should be an ordinary day for most people.

An unprecedented earthquake occurred on one of the main islands of the Sinking Sky Island Group.

For most people on the main island, this is a strange event, and they will be happy to see something different today, even if it is not a good thing.

They may pause briefly for this unusual "earthquake", but they will soon forget about it and continue with their usual routine.

On the lower-level islands closer to the main island, those who stared at the main island saw an even more amazing sight. For them, it was a rare spectacle that could only be seen in a hundred years.

The huge empty island is shaking!

Sky Island is a floating land and the carrier of all things today. There are many people who have great imagination and respect it as the new incarnation of Mother Earth.

Normally, the sky island will only move slightly at a speed that is difficult to observe with the naked eye at a macro level, and will have no impact on the lives of ordinary people.

This is the biggest change that will naturally happen to Sky Island.

But now, what do they see?

The island is shaking, shaking!

For some, this is like the sky is falling.

The large and small gravels and soil on the empty island fell in the vibration. The people on the lower islands were deeply attracted, and the same was true for the people on the adjacent main islands.

On the nearest lower-level island, the little princess stood on the watchtower built above the troupe's stronghold. She picked up the camera and pressed the shutter towards the scene in front of her.

"It's really lively, forget it, it's better to be more lively." Against the bright sunshine today, he showed a beautiful smile.

Fuso City.

As a city directly above the source of the earthquake, this desolate city experienced probably one of the few major earthquakes in this broken world for no reason.

The ground shook, houses collapsed, and people ran, but no one called for help.

Complete chaos beneath the chaos breaks out in the city.

The only good thing is that the shaking did not last too long, otherwise Fuso City might have been removed from the island.

The gangsters were alarmed. While rescuing their resources and property, they began to send people to explore the cause of the shock.

They can basically be sure that there must be a reason for worshiping Cang in this matter!

No matter where he is, all kinds of blame can be thrown at Baicang.

While the gang was struggling to mobilize manpower.

The people in Bai Cang, who were almost buried alive underground, didn't know that the gang was going to take this opportunity to hit them hard.

Now they are rescuing each other and digging each other out.

Brother Duomu watched with some distress as the red eyeball on his hand dimmed and shrank.

"My resurrection armor!" His face remained cold, but he was shouting in his heart.

This eyeball was a life-saving prop given to him by the guide priest on his 006 bronze-level island. It was actually quite popular within the Hundred Eyes Sect.

The red eyes and magatama pattern are the eyes of love and hate that everyone loves. It is said that the laughter of future generations will become cheerful and generous after wearing it.

Putting aside the inexplicable jokes above and getting down to business, the Hundred Eyes Sect has mastered the method of putting this thing together.

Although the created eyes can only use one function and do not have any of the original unique abilities, they are just simple, perfect props. But there is no doubt that that one function is enough.

The original name of that function should be "Izanagi".

It is a prop that some middle-level and high-level people in the Hundred Eyes Sect like to bring. It is commonly known as the "Resurrection Armor".

No wonder the Spider God Sect cannot defeat the Hundred Eyes Sect.

People really win too much.

Closer to home, Brother Duomu feels very distressed now.

The people walking with him were all big guys. Even if he got the reminder from the main body in advance and knew that Fukong was going to come with a big one, he couldn't just hide and survive under Fukong's large-scale "shock". Just fine.

If his preparations are too obvious, the big guys around him are not blind, and they will be held accountable afterwards.

Especially the high priest Ricardo is not far away.

To be on the safe side, Brother Duomu used this eye directly.

But when one of his big brothers knocked off the resurrection armor with a punch from afar, Brother Duomu felt like crying without tears.

"F*ck!" Brother Duomu was looking into his eyes and lamenting. Meta, who was lying dead next to him, sat up in shock from a dying illness.

Then Meta quickly took out his dim and shrunken eyes from his arms, and then made a voice that was most appropriate for the current situation:


Brother Dome can still feel miserable because he knows the whole story.

But for the worshipers who were rushing to support him, this punch was the greatest unforeseen disaster.

who I am? where am I? what happened?

Although all members of the Hundred Eyes Sect survived, all their resurrection armors were defeated.

As soon as he opened and closed his eyes, he realized that he was dead.

What a joke about a broken world!

The Worshiping Cang Sect gives people a hard time every day, so this is good, this trip is like experiencing the true ruthlessness of natural disasters.

While the Hundred Eyes Sect can still express emotions, some unlucky individuals from other sects can only keep their emotions underground forever.

In other words, these people are all capable people from various branch sects, otherwise the casualties would be even more ugly.

Even those who survived mostly ate a mouthful of dirt.


Brother Duomu was looking around, and the stone next to him was broken open.

The upper body clothes were torn into strips of cloth, and the lower body clothes could barely cover the body. Ricardo appeared, frowning and looking around.

He is the only person in the Hundred Eyes Sect who has not been hit by the resurrection armor, which is expected.

"Is this...a fist?" After looking at it for a long time, Ricardo whispered.

"Lord Ricardo, what are you talking about?" Duomu asked boldly.

Ricardo didn't look at him, but still replied: "The attacker is a martial arts master, and the attack just now was a punch from him... No, it would be too rude to use attack as an evaluation. The other party just punched, that's all. If we really want to target it, it’s probably the island itself.”

"An attack on the island?" Everyone who heard this was stunned.

Baicang's bombing of the island is not that outrageous. They are basically making trouble and borrowing external forces.

And that mysterious being took action directly on the island... This is probably a lunatic far superior to them!

"What's going on? What did the Witch Sect get into trouble? What have you been doing secretly in the Sinking Sky Islands? Although this operation has the will of the leader, the Witch Sect, as your host, is the worst. You should give us some explanation." A believer of the Emerald Sect said in a deep voice.

The Witch Cult believer who was in charge of leading the team remained calm. Even though his face was covered with dust and sweat, he still remained calm: "We can only consider informing you about this matter after we have recovered the priest."


Everyone was not very happy to encounter such danger for nothing.

The originally open road ahead was turned into a mess. Moving rocks at will may lead to more violent landslides, so everyone did not act rashly and detoured carefully.

Finally, the buried ruins were found.


After they arrived, strange noises rang in their ears.


It's like a clock is ticking.

The leader of the Witch Cult quickly walked in one direction.


A heavy voice fell, and patterns composed of the Witch Sect's logo flashed in front of the followers of the Witch Sect, and the last figure appeared.

Music score stood there with disheveled hair, looking blankly at the coming believers.

"Master Priest!"

There was no response. She closed her eyes and fell to the ground, completely falling into a coma.


"The life response is weak, rescue quickly!"

"Stop being stunned!"

"Is anyone bringing medicine?"


The Witch Cult suddenly fell into chaos.

People from other sects looked at this scene with ugly expressions.

This accident was a bit too big. I wanted to be held accountable, but the person who should be held accountable ended up looking like this.

Brother Duomu watched this scene and reached out his hand to gently touch the lip ring at the corner of his mouth.

"You were beaten to pieces and you didn't die? Do you also have resurrection armor?"

"It turns out that you can resurrect without returning to the spectrum. And is the resurrection time set? There is no need to cool down like the spectrum."

"But the price is that it will not be resurrected in a complete posture. It should take a long time to cultivate."

"Forget it, I've got the front score anyway. The score isn't important. Let's wait until we see the spectrum again."

Wan Yi said something to each other and discussed it in his mind.

At this time, somewhere in the distance.


"Chromatography, don't look at it, you won't get it back if you look at it again."

"Don't persuade me..."

"This thing was left by that guy for us."

“But it’s something I took the time to brush.”

“Don’t be held hostage by sunk costs.”

“I took the time to paint this!”


The color spectrum started to drop off not long ago, and finally returned to the negative bottom completely. The little body lay on the bed sideways, gradually becoming pale and losing color.

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