My doppelganger drama

Chapter 269 The appearance of the belt

The church itself collapsed and is still being rebuilt, but the stronghold below the church is still well preserved.

Wan Yi and the three clones also came down temporarily.

The stronghold below is also relatively simple and has not undergone much construction. Basically, several suitable caves have been transformed into appropriate spaces for the troupe's daily activities.

Wan Yi saw some confused pictures and texts here after being stimulated by Jeffrey.

In order not to disturb her, and since he was not wearing a painted skin, Wan Yi skipped it without intending to say hello to her.

Went to another room, where several Wan Yis were studying some things that could barely be called records after Fu Kong destroyed the ruins. Wan Yis found time to rescue them.

Wan Yi, who played hide-and-seek with the mask and received a "transformation belt", almost forgot that that place was a ruins.

Masks are closely related to this ruins, and the genealogists are still quite mysterious so far, and I have never met anyone who is really weak.

Even if she is a little loser, don't forget that she has the abnormal ability to interfere with the arrangement of the operation of time and space.

The ability of personality avatar itself is not outrageous, but it is exaggerated that the incarnation after the personality avatar can still have a considerable degree of strength and ability.

He also had the idea of ​​investigating family members before.

The only place he knew to be connected to the Spectrum family before was the Third Research Institute. After all, the Spectrum said she was awakened by Wan Yi there.

Lucas inquired about the situation of the Third Research Institute and found that it was still under surveillance, and some people seemed to be evil-minded.

It may be difficult to start from that aspect for a while.

And now this ruins is a new channel in front of us.

I wonder if I can gain anything from these rescued records.

But another problem comes.

Wan Yi doesn't know how to do archeology.

So now a group of Wan Yi can only stare at these stone slabs, statues and the like, pretending that they are looking at these things seriously.

But when Wan Yi synchronized his attention and looked over, he found that his mind was empty, and there was a clone that was even fantasizing about some obscene scenes, which Wan Yi criticized on the spot.

"Are we going to find some fragments of archaeological skills to absorb?"

"Where is it?"

"That's right. This thing like history... most of the boundary time and space only operates in the current time, and it will cycle if it can't stand it. The history is all vague, and there is no history that is old enough to require archaeological excavation."

"What should I do?"

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. Even the history of the Broken World was gathered from those fragments and then put back together by the people of this world in ancient times. If you have the patience to discover it, there will definitely be traces to follow." A Wan He also put forward his own opinions well-founded.

"So you just have to rely on time?"



For Wan Yi, spending time working means spending time working.

So Wan Yi's archaeological operation officially began.

Brother Modern and Brother Grudge left after playing for a while. They were urged back by the little princess. After all, they still had work to do on Sky Island 014.

The little princess also returned to work during this time.

After Wan Yi finished arranging the sinking of the Sky Island Group, he also returned to 014 Sky Island.

One can imagine what will happen next in Fuso City.

Affected by a sudden earthquake, the Fuso Gang's anger, which is already on the verge of the limit of endurance, will completely explode. The actions of the Baicang Sect will also be seriously affected and there will be considerable casualties. They will use this situation to welcome the Fuso Gang. blow.

And Guiyi entered the scene quietly as well, with the mysterious Fallen Brotherhood watching eagerly beside them.

The chaos caused by the earthquake will be followed by chaos. For quite some time, Fuso City, not just Fuso City, but even the surrounding area will be unrest.

Once the troupe is done with this trip, it won't show up again during this period.

When I returned to my little home, it was fresh and clean.

Although the clones are working outside, Wan Yi has not been idle at home during this time, and is enjoying life desperately to appease the fatigue caused by the long-term work of the clones.

This is the combination of work and rest.

"Meow~." Mr. Mask walked over slowly.

Today's Mr. Mask is a little cheetah. Although the cry has not changed much, it is quite suitable for a cheetah.

Even though it is a cheetah with a graceful body, Wan Yi still weighed it when he picked up Mr. Mask and said, "Are you fat?"


"It's so shameless for you to admit it. Also, I haven't had the right time to take you out for activities recently. You are already a lazy and lazy cat."


Mr. Mask felt that it was following Wan Yi out for activities. Whether it gained or lost weight was still unknown.

It still casts a shadow on Wan Yi until now, pointing at his flesh.

Holding Mr. Mask in his arms, Wan Yi lay down on the sofa.

After thinking for a moment, he reached out and put a little bit on Mr. Mask's head.

Mr. Mask's fur immediately exploded because he felt that Wan Yi was cursing him.

But soon it suppressed its instincts and waited meekly.

It knew very well that if Wan Yi wanted to kill it, the first method he would choose would definitely be to let it eat Wan Yi's flesh until it dies, rather than this low-level and boring method.

"The Dreamland Carnival I told you about has been built for a while, but I forgot to invite you in."


"Let's go take a look together. There happens to be something to do."

With that said, Wan Yi turned into a nightmare and activated the nightmare curse on Maomao, and the two fell into the nightmare together.

And what this nightmare leads to is a carnival composed of all Wanyi's dreams.

Wan Yi turned into the familiar top hat mask with red sheets, and on the head of this image, Mr. Mask turned into a black cat dumpling.

There is only an oval-shaped round body with no limbs, two triangular cat ears, and eyes that reveal great confusion.


The cartoon-like Mr. Mask shouted, and then he felt his round body shaking.

After that, although it was a little confused at first, it quickly adapted to this body that could only bounce and walk without any complaints.

It looks at the lively world in front of it and feels familiar as soon as it smells it.

Sure enough, most of the people here are Wanyi.

Mr. Mask does not have the strong curiosity that cats have, but he is still a little instinctively happy when he sees the new and open world, jumping around and looking around.

In the middle of the journey, some Wan Yi, who had been out all year round and had never touched Mr. Mask with his own hands, also took this opportunity to give Mr. Mask a good rub.

After hanging out with Mr. Mask for a while, Wan Yi took it to the familiar main stage.

The Dream World Carnival and Wan Yi's consciousness cluster are closely connected.

Wan Yi did a little manipulation, and the masked figure appeared on the main stage.

Mian Pu looked around in confusion, not knowing where he was.

"These are all it a dream? Such a vast dream world..." Mian Mu said.

At first she was shocked by the vastness of this dream world.

But then the attention returned to Wan Yi.

"What's the matter?" She sounded more calm than expected.

She originally thought that she would be used as a useful prop by the other party.

Wan Yi looked at her for a moment, then waved her hand.

Mask felt the dreams surrounding her begin to have an effect on her.

She could easily have resisted, but she wisely didn't.

Then, she transformed into a high-end-looking transformation belt.

"You are too naughty!" A villain's face appeared on the monitor in the center of the belt and shouted.

"It's much more pleasing to the eye." Wan Yi said.

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