My doppelganger drama

Chapter 277 Repertoire: Beast Master

Chen Si was taken away and never returned.

There are no miracles.

After that, the children were picked off one by one.

He was the only one in the cage where Shang Yang was, but he was still alive.

Some mice would bring him things and water. Grains of rough rice and drops of cold water were stuffed into his mouth one by one while he was unconscious.

The noises of rats around became more and more frequent.

There are fewer children, but more rats.

It would probably be much easier if I could become a mouse myself.

The picture was taken to another strange place.

There is a group of people here discussing a piece of information.

"Luoba, a former senior researcher of the International Beast Mastery Research Association, has published many valuable articles, and his personal scientific research ability is irrefutable. He and 'Dragon Master' Ye Xingya are good friends and have a close relationship. Ye Xingya was motivated by hatred in his later years His trust entrusted the task of treating injuries to the team led by him."

"But the Dragon Master's beastly nature was out of control. The Loba Research Institute was destroyed, all team members were wiped out, the Dragon Master died, and Loba suffered a huge blow. Then he frantically invested in the 'Herd Project', hoping to use his beastly nature to create Perfect humanity.”

"The research was ordered to stop not long after it started, but he did not give up. He spontaneously searched for experimental materials, resulting in many cases of missing children and kidnappings. He fled in fear of crime before the incident, but the research plan did not stop."

"During the few years when he was wanted and on the run, he changed many strongholds. Most likely for research purposes, the strongholds were chosen close to high-energy nodes in the herd world. Everywhere he went, similar cases of missing children would occur."

After the information was laid out, everyone here looked at each other.

"It seems our goal is clear."

"Ye Xingya doesn't trust a better treatment team. Instead, he goes to some research team. As expected, you have to be careful when making friends." One person said with his hands spread out.

"Let's retain the most basic respect for the Dragon Master who has made many contributions. What we want to discuss now is to solve the matter of this wanted criminal." The leader said calmly, stopping his bad words.

Another person next to him continued to report: "The next thing I want to talk about is the importance of dealing with Loba. Loba is suspected to be conducting a lot of crazy research, which has led to the deviation of high-energy nodes in the beast world. In the end, the birth point of the beast master and There will be a larger error in time compared to the original forecast.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone else who had just planned to deal with the Loba incident cheered up.

"In other words, the capture of Loba has changed from something that was done casually to something that we must deal with wholeheartedly. Everyone understands."



Everyone responded one after another.

"Loba hired a sweeper to help clean up. He is also a well-known wanted criminal in the world. Our members encountered him during the investigation a few days ago. In a hurry, he tried to arrest him but failed. Confirming his identity is ' Wu Sha'."

Seeing this information, everyone nodded.

"Everyone, be prepared, we will take action in the early morning tomorrow."

Everyone responded and left quickly after the meeting.


Shang Yang's days in the cage were spent constantly waking up, falling into coma, waking up again, and so on.

Originally, he would cheer up while chatting with other children, but now he spends more time in coma than awake.

His physical condition is still deteriorating, and if this continues, even the unexplained "miracle" will not be able to save him.

Recently I have started to have some strange dreams in my sleep.

There were a lot of vague sounds in my mind, but if I listened carefully, it seemed like they were just rattles.

Various images that I should have never seen flash before my eyes, fleeting and difficult to remember.

At this time, he heard the unfamiliar but somewhat clear sound of discussion. He steeled himself and opened his eyes, regaining consciousness and looking over.

I found two figures I had never seen before talking outside the cage.

"This place is so disgusting! These...are the bodies of children!"

"They're all infested with maggots. Don't come near them. It's disgusting."

"Too cruel."

"This is the boundary zone of the abyss. It's already very merciful for these disgusting things to come out at this time."

"Stop showing off to me your qualifications in exploring the abyss boundary zone. I just can't stand this place."

"Hurry over there, finish the task and leave as soon as possible."

The two of them were discussing and walking by.

Suddenly, one of them was stunned and said, "Hey! There's someone alive here!"


There was only a slight sound, the cage was opened, and the two men came over.

They are two men, but they are not ugly. They are both middle-aged faces that have been through vicissitudes of life. Among them, the muscular one approached first, picked up Shang Yang, and examined her carefully.

The other person frowned and looked around cautiously.

"Hey, how did he survive until now?" the man holding Shang Yang said in shock.


"One of his eyes was smashed and blinded, and one of his legs seemed to have been bitten off by some kind of beast. All the flesh at the wound was rotten. These injuries on his body clearly indicate that he has suffered a lot of torture. I don't know if he has supplemented his diet... This They’re all still alive.”

"Don't count on it, hurry up and leave. The mission is to witness the birth of that beast master. Our clues are not clear. We only know that it is related to this simple underground laboratory. We don't have much time." The people behind urged impatiently.

"But this child." The man holding Shang Yang couldn't bear it.

"I think that although he is strong enough, he probably doesn't have long to live. It doesn't matter if your mother's heart is overflowing in the ordinary boundary. But in the abyss boundary, every move you make may cause problems." His teammate said.


"Tsk, Kent, you're doing one of your old habits. If you can't bear it, just take it with you. It doesn't matter the weight anyway, but you agreed that if he really has any problems, don't involve me."

"Well, thanks, Anthony."

The man hugged Shang Yang well.

Only then did Shang Yang understand something.

They seem to be here to save me?

But there seemed to be something wrong. He seemed to feel familiar with this situation, as if he had had a similar experience before, maybe in a dream that he couldn't remember.

"Uh..." he uttered, opening one eye.

"You're awake, are you okay? Does it hurt anywhere on your body?" the man said.

Shang Yang shook his head.

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you out right away."

Looking at the enthusiastic look of his teammates, Anthony was quite helpless.

They quickly left this terrible place and came to a corridor.

Suddenly, yellow sand flew in front of my eyes.

The two of them suddenly became tense.

A sea of ​​sand came directly from the end of the corridor, seemingly inevitable.

Anthony, who was next to him, took the lead to step forward and used his hands to form an energy barrier to block the impact of the yellow sand.

The momentum of the yellow sand slowed down slightly, and before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they saw a pair of sharp mouthparts protruding from the sand, directly piercing the energy barrier and grabbing at them.

Fortunately, the two of them kept their spirits tight and did not relax, quickly retreating to avoid the attack.

"How did you sneak in? It's hard for me to explain to the boss like this." The pair of sharp mouthparts pushed away the yellow sand and emerged from it, a tawny antlion the size of a horse.

The two outsiders looked at each other, and Kent asked: "Do you have any information?"

"I have the impression that he should be a very powerful wanted criminal here. It is roughly estimated that he has six transformation levels." Anthony rubbed the spell with his hands and concentrated.

Kent, who was holding Shang Yang, looked around and said, "We can't be held back by him, I feel bad."

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way."

Just as he was talking, the dim yellow crystal on the head of the opponent's ant lion emitted a corresponding light, and the surrounding wind and sand once again swallowed up the figures of the man and the ant lion in front of him, and then launched an encirclement and suppression of the two.

The two did not intend to fight, and evacuated while fighting against the erosion of the sand.

Wu Sha followed them closely, feeling confused in his heart.

He has been keeping an eye on Loba's situation. To be honest, he is not very confident that he can really block the seventh mechanism, so he is always ready to package Loba's results and sell them to make money after the thing fails. .

Unexpectedly, this little thought allowed him to see the two people who accidentally sneaked in.

He was in such a hurry, and there didn't seem to be any strong animalistic aura about him. Although he did possess some kind of power, it still made people feel strange.

Such quality is far from that of the Seventh Organization.

He was thinking, and suddenly the alarm on his body sounded.

While I was shocked, the communicator at my hand also started ringing.

He answered the phone while checking where the alarm he arranged had been triggered.

"What are you doing? The seventh agency has arrived! You didn't tell me in advance!" Loba's angry voice came.

"What?!" Wu Sha was confused.

He should have cleared up most of the other party's search clues. No matter how powerful the Seventh Agency is, if only a few people are sent to investigate Loba, Wu Sha can guarantee that he will fool the other party for a while.

The result now is this?

He quickly looked at the monitor in his hand.

I saw that all the defenses set up around the Loba Underground Research Institute were quickly dismantled, and the outside was already surrounded by the shadows of official forces. At the same time, several figures with obvious extraordinary skills drove their powerful beasts to advance from all directions.

Several other teams began to block all possible escape exits, and the efficiency was frightening.

"This scale doesn't mean 'easy' at all!"

Wu Sha quickly realized something: "You are seeking your own death! Luoba! Although I don't know what you have been messing with, but the seventh agency directly attacked you, you must have violated something?"

"Shut up! No matter what I violated, the contract..."

"Don't worry about the contract. I want to evacuate. If you are not prepared, I hope that when I hear news about you again, you will be in prison instead of dying in the seventh agency's execution!"

After saying that, Wu Sha hung up the communication directly.

However, even though he said he wanted to evacuate, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he headed towards Loba's data room.

In any case, the Seventh Agency has arrived too early. There is no hope of expecting Loba to pay the full price now, so he can only stop the loss and pay for something in time.

By the way, the two people who just slipped in seemed to be on his way.

Tsk, I’m really unhappy. If it wasn’t very powerful, just kill it.

Toward, Wu Sha continued to chase after the two who had already run away.

The two people who were fleeing saw a thick door and went straight in. The thin man among them recognized it and then pressed the button to close the door.

After waiting for a while, there was no sound outside.

"It seems that I stopped chasing him halfway." Kent said after checking.

The two of them patted the sand off their bodies and looked at the messy room in front of them with many paper documents on display.

"What is this place? Archives?"

After Kent settled Shang Yang down first, the two of them looked at the documents together.

"I can't understand it, but it seems to be some relatively advanced article knowledge in this world."

"This is indeed some kind of underground laboratory for dark human research."


The two of them spoke one after another, and then continued to look.

Shang Yang looked at the backs of the two people in front of him and could probably feel that these two people should be considered "good people".

He might really be saved.

However, there is something else pressing on me...

So heavy...heavy...


The sound of a mouse came to my ears.


He has been led away for so long, are there still rats following him?

At this time, the two outsiders saw the only note placed on a clean table.

The writing was scrawled on it, but fortunately I didn't count it at the end. I flipped through a few pages and found a part that was barely readable.

[The world of beasts is not a physical world. Although it is a 'beast', the beasts there are different from what we humans usually think of. They are actually a kind of disembodied spiritual being. Although for a long time, we have regarded the beast world as a real sub-dimension, but according to a large number of studies, perhaps our low-form entity world is the sub-dimension of the beast world. 】

[But the matter in the physical world seems to be better accepted and absorbed by the beast world, so the invisible beasts want to cross the high-energy nodes to come here to 'eat'. Of course, there are also more friendly beasts that choose to combine themselves with human beastliness to obtain a suitable semi-entity. Although that will cause some beasts to be driven by humans. 】

[The beast master is a very special beast. Most of the knowledge about the Beast Master is that it is a powerful beast. Of course, this cannot be wrong, it is a fact. But in terms of form, they often have a more mature self-form and will not be at the mercy of people's hearts. 】

[If they wish, they can actually easily dominate humans. Because they are actually far more advanced than humans. 】

[Every beast owner has different hobbies and likes to eat different substances and qualities. Therefore, the accumulation of a large number of homogeneous species in the real world can easily attract the attention of beast owners with similar preferences. 】

[Especially the newly born beast masters are most susceptible to attraction when their intelligence is at their vaguest. But after they come into contact with people, they will understand people's world in a more efficient way, so it is impossible to deceive them. 】

[However, beast masters are not affected by low-level humans just because they are too advanced. And this hierarchy should be broken down. 】

[This idea of ​​the author was ridiculed by a beast owner, but it did not deny this possibility. 】

[So where do you start to do this? For people who can only rely on beasts to awaken their animal nature, how can they achieve the level of reversing the levels of high and low? 】

【Outnumbered. 】

[Although for the truly strong, the number is ridiculous, but...]

[If you don’t even make quantitative changes, then how can you find the path to qualitative changes? 】

After reading these contents, the two people who already had a certain understanding of the world felt that they had gained more profound knowledge.

But after all, this is not what they came here to do.

The knowledge about beast masters has increased, but what they want to see is the real beast masters.


Suddenly, the door was violently hit by yellow sand, and the rusty iron door was easily torn open.

Wu Sha walked in and said, "Here are a lot of precious materials that Luo Ba brought from the seminar when he was dismissed. Although they are not understandable, they can definitely be sold for a good price. Don't be so lavish that you destroy them. My wealth."

The ant lion blocked the door, obviously not intending to let them escape.

The two cheered up and prepared for a last-ditch battle.


Suddenly, everyone present heard a sharp sound in their ears.

Wu Sha was just stunned for a moment, and then quickly felt something was wrong. What ordinary animal could make such a loud cry under the intimidation of his ant lion?

The two outsiders were even more stunned.

[Task: Witness the birth of Beast Master %4\u0026amp;amp;amp;...■■...Failure%¥ @...Success...can leave...]

What happened to their mission...? !

Behind him, Shang Yang opened his eyes.

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