My doppelganger drama

Chapter 280 Repertoire: Bottom Line

"With this ugly look, is this what you consider a 'perfect man'? Mr. Loba." Shang Yang asked softly.

Loba was still coughing and said with difficulty: "You have successfully controlled the beast master...cough cough...cough...this is something ordinary people...cough...cough...can't do! Cough cough..."

"It's not domination, it's just integration. If that's all you're after, it's not impossible for me to boast about it, but it's really pitiful that you've been reduced to such a level, and all you're pursuing is this specious thing."

Shang Yang wanted to continue speaking, but Lou Hua had already held his head and was forced to stop his subsequent words.

"You...ahem...this is's must have been's impossible for a person alone to defeat the's impossible...if you can do it, why...why Xingya can’t do it…why?”

Loba kept thinking and denying.

Countless questions arose in his mind, but now, he could no longer find answers.

He began to bleed all over his body, and the ends of his limbs gradually turned black and spread throughout his body.

Finally, he looked at Shang Yang with wide eyes, breathing weakly until he stopped.

Everyone around looked at this scene silently, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"I've caused trouble to you, uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters. I won't be naughty anymore." Shang Yang raised his head and looked at Lou Hua, who had a complicated look on his face, and said softly.

Afterwards, Shang Yang was put into the escort vehicle.

After seeing Shang Yang's power, he could no longer be treated as a simple suffering child.

The car is equipped with many devices to suppress the power of beasts.

Shang Yang didn't resist, but these things seemed to be of little use to him.

He sat quietly in the car, Lou Hua sat in front of him and took over the task of looking after him.

"Sister is the captain of the Seventh Organization. Actually, you don't need to look at me so warily. I told you that I will be very good next time." Shang Yang said to the woman in front of him.

Lou Hua crossed her legs and crossed her arms. The uniform on her body set off her mature figure, but her face looked not good when she looked at Shang Yang.

"From the perspective of authority, Loba holds many secrets, and I can't let him die so easily. From an ordinary person's emotional perspective, the number of lynchings carried out by the Seventh Agency is actually not that small. Let you kill a few criminals. I can accept venting my emotions," Lou Hua said directly.

Shang Yang looked at her in surprise and said, "But sister, you were very serious in trying to stop me just now."

"Because you are just a child." Lou Hua said, "If you were an adult, I would let it go, but you are just a child."

"Whether you are an adult or a child, it is not good to contaminate human lives. Sister, do you think this is formalism?" Shang Yang asked curiously.

"You can call it whatever you want, but rather than calling it formalism, I prefer to call it my bottom line." Lou Hua said.

Shang Yang smiled and nodded: "Sister, you are really a good person."

"You are the first person to say that to me. Children are children." Lou Hua said.

"It's not just me, we all feel the same way." A few mice came out from Shang Yang's side, squeaking and looking at them for a few times, and then they were pushed back by Shang Yang.

Lou Hua couldn't help but said: "They are all..."

"Well, everyone is here." Shang Yang said gently.

Lou Hua frowned and couldn't help but raise his head to suppress his emotions.

"What will happen to me next? Sister."

"Nothing will happen to you, I said so." Lou Hua said without thinking.

"Isn't this right? I'm no longer a simple innocent child. I killed someone and turned into something like a beast master. No matter what, I won't be fine."

"You know too little about the Seventh Agency. Children are children, just wait and see." Lou Hua said forcefully.

Looking at Lou Hua's appearance, Shang Yang smiled and slowly lowered his head.

The black liquid filling the missing limbs slowly faded away.

The left leg and right arm suddenly became empty, and the left eye that was hard to ignore also closed and stopped opening.

All the abnormalities faded away, and Shang Yang completely returned to the brittle and weak posture from the beginning.

Lowering his head, he felt an extra furry thing appear in his arms, and it turned out to be a little mouse.

The mouse sat in Shang Yang's arms and looked up at Shang Yang.

"Well, I was very angry. When I gained power, I even thought about destroying everything I could see. It would definitely be very satisfying."

"But, I finally endured it."


"Thank you for always talking to me."

After saying that, Shang Yang relaxed completely, and exhaustion came over him.

It is no longer a coma caused by the influence of various relationships, but a deep sleep caused by fatigue.

He could finally get a good night's sleep.

With his head thrown back, he leaned back in his seat.

"Am I ever a gentleman?" he asked softly, then fell asleep.

He slept for a long time, and he was really tired. However, in his deep sleep, he could vaguely feel that he was being picked up and placed in a softer place, with his head resting on a warm and soft pillow.

This temperature made his sleep more comfortable.

And when he woke up and opened his eyes, he found that he was not in the escort car, but in a dimly lit theater.

Shang Yang occupied several adjacent auditorium seats as a bed, and rested his head on someone else's lap.

He turned his head and saw the person who lent him his thigh.

A handsome brother with a fair face, but the dark circles under his eyes are a pity, but he is still very handsome.

Just when Shang Yang was thinking this, the figure who closed his eyes to rest in front of him opened his eyes and looked at Shang Yang with his dark eyes: "You're awake."

Shang Yang quickly stood up and said: "Hello!"

Wan Yi rubbed his thighs that were numb from the pillow and said, "You can sleep a little longer."

"No need, I've had enough sleep." Shang Yang waved his hand.

At this time, he also saw that besides the big brother with dark circles, there was also a long-haired big brother in white clothes and a military uncle.

He quickly understood something: "Is this the place that has always attracted me?"

In fact, after he became the beast master, with the combination of dual cognitions, Shang Yang felt that there was a veil on his body. Behind this veil, there was something attracting him.

However, at that time, driven by the will of the rats, he did not pay much attention to this.

Even so, after he became aware of that layer of gauze, that layer of gauze also kept shrinking spontaneously.

Probably when he fell asleep in the car later, the gauze completely dissipated, and he was attracted to that thing.

So, is this theater the mysterious place behind the tulle?

"Let me just say that in his final state, it is impossible not to realize that he is special. Don't you think he woke up in his sleep?" Liang Rendao emphasized his guess and nodded to Shang Yang.

"This is the youngest person to awaken in the play so far. He even completed the awakening in one play. He is so talented." The Demon Lord smiled with a gentle expression.

"Hello everyone." Shang Yang was still a little dazed, but very polite.

Wan Yi still looked weak and said, "You two introduce him to me, and I'll take a rest."

"Yes." After Liang Rendao and Demon Lord responded, they began to tell Shang Yang about the people in the play and the theater.

"So, actually I am also the big brother with dark circles!?" Shang Yang's eyes were shining and he looked quite excited.

"Yes, but you are still yourself, and everything you have experienced is not fake." The Demon Lord said to Shang Yang kindly, and touched Shang Yang's hair.

"I just want to be able to live forever, and there is also the big brother with dark circles... No, is it the help of the troupe leader?"

"Yes." Liang Rendao said with certainty, and then he also came up to touch Shang Yang's head, and then looked at Wan Yi, who had never been more decadent than before, "You did not die from your injuries in the morning, you managed to survive despite all dangers. It is indeed the result of the troupe leader’s hard work.”

Shang Yang looked at Wan Yi with brighter eyes.

"I have exhausted all my efforts to keep you alive, but I can only keep you alive. I have no strength to interfere with other things." Wan Yi closed his eyes and said, "You are here because I only helped you a little. It’s more about you and your own efforts.”

Shang Yang realized something at this time and stretched out his hand.

A black liquid composed of rats appeared on his body again, and a small mouse crawled out alone and squeaked. He looked very curious about the surrounding environment, but quickly shrank back.

"Thank you, Mr. Troupe Leader." Shang Yang thanked him with a cheerful smile.

"...No need." Wan Yi raised his eyelids and looked at him.

"There are some things I don't want to see a second time, that's all."

Shang Yang looked at him. Although he was confused, he still said seriously:

"All gears are indispensable. Only by becoming the only survivor can I become us. I am very happy to be the special one, get to know them, and become their carrier. And the reason why I am special is because of you, Mr. Theater Director, therefore, I must thank you, this is what I and we mean.”

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