My doppelganger drama

Chapter 287 The value of stealing butt

Having said that, Brother Duomu is still a little minion here. The Worshiping Sect attaches great importance to the disaster fragment, and it was kept closely in the end. Brother Duomu did not see where it was taken.

I can only slowly look for opportunities later.

It was probably what Ricardo said when he put these things together later.

And before having such a sweet dream all at once, Brother Duomu has to be called out to patrol and kidnap a few troublemakers.

Although the Aether Furnace had collected a lot of troublemakers before, it seemed far from the predetermined amount. The current situation was more difficult to collect, so all the believers had to mobilize.

Brother Dome is still on duty with Meta, the best eldest brother in his family.

"Are you still going to drink?" Not long after leaving the stronghold, Meta was even looking at the expected training route when he heard Brother Domu's sudden voice next to him.

Meta almost couldn't hold back: "Pfft, you don't understand the situation. If you go fishing now, don't expect Mr. Ricardo to praise you kindly after knowing it!"

"Is that so?"

"What else can I do? Oops, I have to go shopping for four hours before I can change my shift. It's going to kill me. By the way, Duomu, let's go find the eyes?" Meta said, seeming to have other ideas. .

"I just said you can't go fishing..."

"Looking for eyes is to implement the teachings! It is different from fishing for fish!"

Compared with Brother Duomu, the most powerful thing about Meta is that he may not look very old, but this person is oilier than expected.

"Okay, you look for someone." Brother Duomu replied casually.

"Hehe, actually I have already looked for a lot of good-looking or special-eyed people in Fuso City. Here, let's take a look at this." Meta took out a crumpled photo and handed it over.

Brother Duomu took it and glanced at it.

A man with an average appearance, he seemed to be around thirty years old, with strange colors in his eyes. You could tell at a glance that these eyes were extraordinary.

"What kind of eyes are these?"

"In the Broken World, unless the characteristics are very obvious, it is difficult to identify the source of a specific power. Even the most commonly used resurrection armor in our sect is not simply pieced together from the fragments of that kind of eye. "Meta explained first.

After a short pause, he continued to look at the photo and said, "This person's eyes are said to temporarily disable his ability to look directly."

"The ability to silence." Brother Duomu summarized.

"But I mainly think his eyes are very beautiful. Whether I want to absorb them after I get them is another matter. I mainly want to add a little bit to my collection. What do you think, do you want to go together? We will have two eyes each." Meta laughed. road.

Dome looked at Meta.

Although I basically get along well with the people in the sect, especially Meta, I am completely familiar with him.

But when I see Meta naturally discussing eye-gouging at this time, I will still realize that he is not in an organization full of love and peace, but a cult that advocates eyes.

But Wan Yi himself is about the same.

Sometimes, for the sake of convenience, the matter of peeling off human skin is done casually.

He only cares about what he sees and wants to care about.

As for what he can't see, or doesn't want to care about, then he still has to stand aside no matter what the reason is.

"Do you want to accuse us of being a cult?" A clone complained after seeing this.

"Isn't it?" Another clone said.

"I don't think so."


"Because most cults are not as crazy as we usually are."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

So Duomu's answer was obvious: "Okay, let's walk."

He also felt that those eyes were quite beautiful.

The target is a small gang leader.

This is one of the reasons why Mehta feels that his "fishing" is not fishing.

As long as he is still making contributions while fishing, then this is not really fishing!

When Baicang and the gang were in tit-for-tat, sneaking up on a small boss was entirely a contribution to the organization.

But Brother Duomu felt a little regretful.

The difference between "a strong person" and "a strong person serving as a small cadre in an organization" is huge.

The metha is really too greasy, and the ginger is still too spicy.

"Don't be so gloomy. I'll treat you to another drink when the deal is done!" Meta patted Brother Dom on the shoulder and smiled heartily.

"If you talk too much, I'll send you to be used as bait right now." Duomu's overlapping pupils rotated in a counterclockwise and counterclockwise manner, with an imposing manner.

Mehta knows better and shuts up.

The two of them slightly deviated from the patrol route and came to the area under the jurisdiction of the little leader.

They did not appear directly on the street outside. After all, neither of them could bear to part with their uniforms for the time being.

After arriving here, they immediately began to detect the target's movements.

After making some inquiries, they got some pretty good news.

Due to the earthquake in the area under the jurisdiction of the target, a group of small gangs emerged who wanted to get rid of the gang rule. They held together to keep warm during the disaster and responded to the call. The scale was not weak.

The target of the two people is currently worrying about this matter.

In the past two days, we have been violently cracking down on these rebel groups.

"Oh, it seems we are not the only ones who are in trouble because of this damn earthquake." Meta couldn't stop smiling after knowing this.

What could be happier than hearing about your enemy's misfortune?

"It's worse than worse, but it is indeed a good opportunity. Today he... Redini is here. He personally led the team and a conflict broke out with the target group. We should be able to catch up now. It is best if we can save some effort. "Brother Duomu said.

The two headed towards the location where the conflict broke out between the two groups.

It's not difficult to find. You can easily find the place by searching where it is the noisiest and where there are relatively high power fluctuations.

After arriving at the scene, they saw the target man fighting with a poorly dressed young man.

Redini was holding a rusty machete, while the opponent was holding a long sword made of fine steel.

The young man's skills were also extraordinary. Although he was clearly at a disadvantage in terms of size and physical fitness, he was able to successfully withstand the enemy's attack.

At a glance, you can tell that there are many pieces of skill missing.

Redini quickly lost his patience: "You bunch of unscrupulous people, if you don't eat the toast, you will be fined with alcohol!"

The machete ignited with strange energy, and a few chops directly cut the opponent's sword into a gap.

The young man also roared: "Give us back our protection money!"

Then the long sword actually flickered with starlight, and it also received some kind of blessing to fight back.

After several fierce rounds of slashing and knife fighting, Redini's eyes suddenly flashed with magnificent colors.

The starlight that had just been on the other side for a short time was extinguished in an instant.

The young man's face froze when he saw this scene, and then he barely managed to hold on for a few times before being kicked in the chest, followed by a knife that cut open the armor on the chest, and blood spurted out.

The good news is that the rest of the gang did not give up their fight because of the young man's fall, and the fight continued.

With those eyes, Redini could always take advantage of others by surprise and then kill them. He was like a god of war on this small battlefield.

"It seems there is no way to pick it up." Meta looked at it and scratched his head.

He turned around and was about to ask Brother Duomu what he thought, when he saw Brother Duomu taking off the conspicuous robe of the Hundred Eyes Sect and handing it to Meta.

After taking off the robe, Domu's depressing look perfectly matched the atmosphere of the Sinking Sky Islands and even Fuso City.

"Then I'll sneak in and steal his ass." Brother Duomu naturally gave the best solution at the moment.

"Why do I feel like you are so skilled?"

"No, it's just the most convenient tactic at the moment."

I think back when Brother Duomu was still an unknown clone, what he was best at was attracting the opponent's attention from other clones during group fights, and he tried to find ways to steal his ass.

It’s hard to say whether it can cause effective damage.

But Brother Duomu has survived to this day and is even called "Brother". This is the value of this tactic.

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