At this moment, everyone present was awakened to mankind's oldest fear, the fear of thunder and lightning roaring in the sky, and even worshiped it as the power of gods.

A very powerful field, far beyond the maturity of modern gun panic.

Everyone has lost their will to fight and just want to crawl under the light of lightning.

After a while, all the gangsters present were chopped into charcoal, and then everything settled, leaving silence.

For everyone present, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape the most brutal and intuitive fear brought about by this field for a long time to come.

After Ikaria finished all this, she glanced at the dazed Houdini next to her and sighed: "That's it, I'm leaving."

"What?" Houdini responded.

"I just came back to see you, Houdini. It's good to see that you are still trying to survive." Ikaria said.

Hearing this, Houdini felt a little complicated.

"But you can't do it like this. Are you really not going to join Guiyi?"

"Although you all say that that organization is very powerful, I have never really heard of their reputation in the Sinking Sky Island Group. Let's forget it." Houdini thought for a moment and then refused.

Ikaria didn't defend herself, just nodded: "In this case, I wish you good luck in the future."

"I love you, Caria. Are you really not coming back?" Houdini tried to persuade him to stay.

"Come back? Why come back?" Ikaria asked.

"At least you're here too..."

"Do you want to say that I grew up here? No, I didn't grow up here. This is just a place where we suffered for no reason. It is far from the hometown I remember."

"It's been so long, do you still remember your real hometown?" Houdini was puzzled.

"I can't remember clearly, but I really wanted to go back, at least that's what I told myself."

With that said, Ikaria left slowly.

Houdini looked at her back, and the joy of witnessing the "miracle" was gone.

Ikaria walked on the path for a moment and stopped.

"You were the one who attacked that person just now, right?" She turned her head and saw Brother Duomu.

"After all, your friend is not a courageous character who can make prompt decisions, so I have to give you a little push. You are so powerful, but why do you come here to play house with your friends?" Brother Duomu said in a cold voice. said.

"Maybe it's just playing house, but at least they live seriously." Ikaria said.

"That's really offensive. I'm just curious. Miss, are you a member of the same family?" Brother Duomu said.

"Yeah." Ikaria didn't mean to hide anything.

"This city has been in a mess recently, and it suffered an unreasonable disaster not long ago. I feel that there is an inexplicable change happening, and it may have bad results. You are a member of Guiyi, can you provide some information? I can pay you."

Ikaria was silent for a while and then said: "You just need to continue to work hard to live your own life. Is there anything else the people in this sky island group can think about?"

"There are many things to consider. Otherwise, why do you think that group of people just resisted the gangs?"

"That's right." Ikaria said, "Then I want to say, what will happen if something goes wrong next and the sinking island group disappears?"

Brother Dome looked at Ikaria and said, "So, is it because of the three boundary zones around her?"

Ikaria also looked back at Brother Domoku: "You seem to have an extraordinary origin, but I don't want to dig too deep, so just say goodbye, stranger."

"Don't worry, I told you that you will be paid."

Domego went back to join Meta.

"Did you pick up the eyes?" Brother Domu asked. When he just went after Ikaria, Meta went to collect the eyes this time.

"Yes, the thunder and lightning was crackling so loudly that it made me terrified. It would be bad if my eyes were broken." Meta took out a magnificent redini eye in a container and handed it to Brother Dom.

"Is that feeling just now the realm?" Brother Dome asked as he took the eyeball.

"Well, there is no doubt about it. Do you know the origin of that young lady?"

"People who are united."

"That's right." Meta didn't look surprised.

"Brother Meta, do you know how to do that?"

"Fields are purely based on personal understanding. Some people can't even touch the threshold even after pondering for a long time. There are only a handful of people who have mastered the fields." Meta said seriously.

"So will you or not?"

Hearing this, Meta smiled slightly and waved the glass container with the eyeballs in his hand in front of Brother Duomu: "Well, of course it's a secret."

Brother Duomu turned his head and ignored him and walked forward.

"Hey, it turns out you're not very curious after all!"

"You said it was a secret. Why am I still curious?"

"You're such a boring kid."

Ikaria also met her companions on the way back.

"You're making quite a fuss, Ikaria."

"Fotus...I'm sorry, I just went back to see some acquaintances." Ikaria apologized.

"It's okay, as long as we don't alert others, it's not a bad thing to wander around. After all, our intelligence line here is too difficult, let alone after the earthquake." Futus said.

After the three of them arrived at Gui Yiyi's hidden stronghold here, although they were lucky enough to find that there was no problem with the stronghold, some of the few channels had been cut off due to the disaster caused by the earthquake.

Therefore, after the three people came over, their eyes almost turned dark.

"By the way, I just met someone on the way back."

"who is it?"

"Stranger, he asked me what happened in the Sinking Sky Island Group. I told him a little bit, and then he gave me some reward."

"Reward? What is it?"

"Some of the movement trajectories of the Worshiping Cang Sect and the distribution of its strongholds."

Futus' brows suddenly became serious.

"Do you need confirmation?" Ikaria asked.

"It must be necessary. After all, we don't have much information now, and any clue is precious. But I am more curious about who this stranger is."

"It's useless to think about this. Go back and prepare for action." Ikaria said, taking off the clothes and hat that had been covering her head, revealing her short black hair, and her slanted bangs trembled slightly as she walked.

The dark eyes exuded a faint purple light.

As she was walking, she looked back.

"What's wrong?"

"No." She turned around

The two continued to leave.

In the shadow in the distance, King Wuyi walked out, tapped his mask lightly, and then disappeared.

Jeffrey was pulled over by that nightmare as soon as he fell asleep today.

Then he met that cute boy with thick long hair that made people involuntarily attracted to him.

"Hello, today I met a strange Cang worshiper. He should be one of yours." Jeffrey immediately asked.

"Is that so? You're so lucky to be able to come back alive."

"Hey, thank him for being so arrogant for me." Jeffrey rubbed his side chest. Although it had been treated, there was still a dull pain there.

"It's okay, I will convey it." The little princess was making various arrangements and replied casually.

Jeffrey stayed bored. He didn't dare to move around without the other party, so he found a topic and said, "By the way, you can even sneak in."

"Aren't you, a member of the Fallen Brotherhood, half of us?" the little princess said casually.

"This... um... indeed..." Jeffrey felt a pity for Brother Dom for no reason.

But thinking about the other person's face saying "I feel better" after kicking him, I suddenly turned into gloating.

"Are you taking action against the troublemaker Bai Cang and the Ether Furnace because of the high concentration of ether energy?" the little princess asked.

"Yes, after all, this is our goal most of the time. After new clues came out recently, Rost told me that our next goal is the ether furnace." Jeffrey replied.

"Do you know what they want to do with all that etheric energy?"

"I don't know about this, but since it's worshiping the Cang, it must be something more crazy. And the ether energy itself is a universal energy. As long as you master the method, there are so many things you can do. I can't explain it. .”

"I have no idea, are you really from the organization?" The little princess expressed her disdain without concealment.

"No!" Jeffrey defended himself, "Most Brotherhood hunters are just workers. There is a person in charge who issues tasks, and we just do it. Don't make it difficult for workers."

"You're working two jobs now."

"Oh, so what is today's test? I hope it will make me die a little quicker." Jeffrey pinched his nose and said.

"It seems it's almost done over there, come with me." The little princess's modulation seemed to be over, and she hooked her finger at Jeffrey to let him follow.

When Jeffrey saw this charming and seductive action, his whole body couldn't help but move.

He covered his forehead and said: "No, Jeffrey, he is a man! A man!"

Hypnotize yourself repeatedly to stabilize your mentality, and then follow calmly.

Jeffrey followed the little princess to the interpretation hall. This was not his first time here. Most of the previous tests were conducted here.

Today's bartender is the top hat red quilt, which looks not much different from all the red quilts around him, but Jeffrey knows that he is the boss of this carnival!

But today there was a black oval "cat ball" on the bar. It was very cute. Jeffrey wanted to touch it, but the little princess objected.

"Go in, the highest difficulty, choose the only script you can choose, and just start." The little princess said concisely and to the point.

After hearing this, Jeffrey unfolded the script and entered the highest difficulty page. There were no screening items here, and there was only one play for him to choose from.

"'Ocean Hunt'?" He read out the name of the play and then selected it.

I don’t know what it will be like.

Confirm to start performing.

The next moment, Jeffrey felt that his dream body was being decomposed on the spot.

After a period of time that felt a bit long, but actually didn't seem that long, he felt a sense of falling.

"Don't!" He was a little panicked. The endless whereabouts before had left him with a psychological shadow.

But fortunately, the fall ended quickly. A solid feeling of landing came, and a series of his senses were restored again.


He felt real.

This is not a dream!

What is this highest difficulty dungeon...?

Jeffrey opened his eyes and saw a vast ocean in front of him, but because of the gloomy sky, the ocean seemed pitch black.


The sound of waves came one after another, which seemed to be a very ancient memory for him.

That memory about the sea that he had long forgotten.

"here it is……"

"Hello, new sailor." A clear and powerful voice came from in front of me.

Jeffrey followed the sound and saw a young man wearing some kind of dark standard uniform, a hunter's pointed hat, and twisted white hair.

The pair of dark and blue eyes looked at him indifferently.

"Welcome to the Undersea Volcano."

More updates without warning!

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