My doppelganger drama

Chapter 292 Behind the scenes at sea

After Luo Xi returned to the cabin, he breathed a sigh of relief: "I acted like there was no problem."

"That's great, Captain!" Wan Yi, a sailor next to him, gave a thumbs up.

"troupe leader, you really have too many tricks." Luo Xi couldn't help but say.

Although he has many clones, he has no inhibitions about others occupying one of his bodies in a half-taken form. This gives him a new understanding of the openness of the troupe leader.

However, the advantage of this gameplay is that giving the clone to a strong person can directly provide a powerful combat power.

After all, although the clones never restrain themselves from eating fragments, qualitative changes take time to digest no matter what.

Although there are often clones who like to undergo qualitative changes without restraint, turning themselves into grotesque shapes, but in this way, they may be able to complete a quite amazing qualitative transformation, but it is just the last appearance of a short-lived phenomenon.

Even Hyundai Brother has restrained himself a lot, and it was only recently that he launched his third qualitative change.

In the case where the progress of general strengthening of clones is stuck in three or four qualitative changes, the introduction of this kind of migrant workers can significantly solve some urgent needs.

"Actually, you don't need to be too tight. Just stay your normal self." A clone said with relief.

"After all, it's related to your plan, the troupe leader. I think you should be more rigorous." Luo Xi said.

Wan Yi smiled and patted his shoulder.

"By the way, when will you go up and meet the little mouse?"

Hearing this, Luo Xi said: "Let's wait until this route is completed. I hope we can really see land this time."

They have been wandering at sea for too long, and most of their supplies were collected from the islands along the way. However, when they inquired on most of the islands before, they were unable to obtain any information about the mainland.

Most of those islands are relatively backward. For them, the land is only an island under their feet, and the world belongs to the sea.

The residents of the island are all in awe of the sea.

As for people like Luo Xi who gallop on the sea, some islanders admire their courage and will treat them kindly. However, some islanders think this move is a stupid overstep and will not look down upon it.

Every time you go to an island, you can basically just try your luck.

Not long ago, Luo Xi and the others got an old sea chart.

Although I don’t know how old this ancient chart is, and what role it still plays today.

But for Luo Xi and his party, who mostly keep their eyes dark, there is no doubt that it is worth trying.

As for the new awakening actor after him, he has also heard the other person's story from the mouths of Wan Yi's clones.

Although he really wanted to meet the child and get to know each other, for him, reaching land was more important for now.

Their supplies were at risk, which was why they were fishing.

But every time they fish like this, they have to speed up and leave the nearby sea.

Because this fishing method causes the death of large-scale sea monsters, the owners of nearby sea areas will basically become irritable.

Because this is a blow to the ecology of a sea area.

Even if Luo Xi just wants to beg for something to eat, the sea monsters will launch ferocious attacks out of instinct, so every time he fishes, it will form a "battle" with heavy casualties. Luo Xi still does not have good restraint in this kind of thing method.

Using gunfire to force them back is only a temporary solution. If they are suppressed for a long time, the sea monster will fight back with more ferocity.

And the attack from the master of the sea area is not easy to deal with.

After sailing for a period of time, Luo Xi learned that there is often a powerful sea monster that is equivalent to a leader in every sea area.

They usually just blend into the environment and become part of the ecology, roaming the territory as apex predators.

Once an abnormality occurs, they will instantly become a symbol of sea monsters within a certain area, causing huge waves like gods coming to the world.

The super giant arthropod-like sea monster was the master of that sea area.

There are also high and low masters of the sea, and their personalities are also very different.

Some of them are very Buddhist. As long as they don't really want to completely destroy the ecology of the sea area, they may only look at it from afar no matter how big the movement is.

And some are quite irritable.

Not long after Luo Xi led the submarine volcano to a sea area, and just as he started fishing, he saw a huge wave of 100 meters high surging in. Among them, the huge plesiosaur-like creature mercilessly attacked the submarine volcano. Launch an attack.

Luo Xi started a fierce battle with him to buy time for the submarine volcano to evacuate.

And although Luo Xi was confident that he could kill the plesiosaur-shaped sea owner in a duel.

But you must know that the combat power of the master of the sea area is not all focused on himself.

If the ecology of that sea area is wild enough, there will also be a large number of powerful sea monsters that can be driven by it.

Luo Xi faced the sea master of the plesiosaur and its army of sea monsters alone, and was gradually forced into a desperate situation. Fortunately, the evacuation of the Undersea Volcano was completed, and other Wan Yi came to help, and Luo Xi escaped unscathed.

That battle was the most brutal battle since the voyage of the Undersea Volcano.

The death of a large number of crew members Wan Yi also served as a warning to Luo Xi. He should not underestimate the masters of all sea areas just because of that big crab.

Therefore, fishing activities have become what they are today. It is a pleasure to just catch a wave of fish in a sea area and then run away.

Most of the sea owners couldn't react.

Coupled with the recent continuous improvement of the submarine volcano's drive engine by Wanyi, the submarine volcano's driving speed has also reached a new high, and some owners of sea areas whose shapes are not suitable for high-speed swimming cannot catch up with them.

In Wan Yi's mouth, the submarine volcano got a new name without realizing it.

Haijie Street Slipper.

Jeffrey felt so tired.

Just after returning from the battle, he felt physically and mentally exhausted.

At first, he thought it was just because the style of painting here was a bit difficult for him to digest, but after a while he realized that this was not the case.

It’s not a psychological effect, it’s just really tiring!

He immediately reported the situation to the little princess.

"Well, Mr. Princess, I feel very tired now. Either I'm complaining, or I'm really tired." Jeffrey said sincerely.

But the little princess didn't respond for a while.

And Jeffrey heard the sound of "bah, bah, bah".

"Hello? Mr. Little Princess?"

"Ah? Oh! It's coming, it's coming!" Then I heard the little princess's voice as if she was eating some crispy snack in her mouth.

"You actually went on an errand to get snacks!" Jeffrey blurted out.

"Don't worry about the troupe's affairs."

"You make me panic a little bit."

"Why panic? You won't die if something happens anyway."

"I'm even more panicked!"


The little princess calmly ate another potato chip.

"Let me take a look, uh-huh, so that's it. It seems to be a problem with the body I gave you."

"What?" Jeffrey then began to look at his body here in detail.

It didn't feel like there was any big problem. Although it was slightly weaker than his original body, it was still above the standard in his mind. Moreover, the feeling of surging etheric energy was really great, even better than his own body. Cool.

After he said this, the little princess said: "That's right, such a useful body certainly comes with a price."

"The cost is kidney deficiency?" Jeffrey jokingly described it.

"It's not impossible if you want to describe it this way. In short, the endurance will be worse than before, and after the energy changes from intense operation to calmness, it will have side effects on the body, which is reflected in a high degree of fatigue. It is not a serious problem. Just take it slow. If not, just sleep." said the little princess.

"Sleeping in a dream?"

"What the script interpretation pays attention to is a truth."

"Okay." Jeffrey was speechless.

On the other side, the little princess is also discussing this matter with other Wanyis.

"What? Does it feel good to use the etheric energy in our bodies?"

"How come we don't know?"

"It's broken. I feel like I'm being ntr."

"To be honest, it should be because of the relationship between the body and the body. Our ether energy is much stronger than the normal disaster. However, because the upper limit is generally not high, when other people use this body, the part that exceeds our upper limit will not be directly The price of curbing the operation of ether is sequelae.”

"You're right, but we can't use it ourselves, but we are so happy to be used by others. I still feel like we are being cheated!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Are you guys done yet?"

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